Thursday, July 7, 2016

What do I think about white cops killing black dudes?

Toldya. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are as a black person, you were born into this world with a target on your forehead. It's a damning situation to end up in.

I don't think anything about it. It's the way it is. Just like all this terrorism will persist, so will this garbage.

I'd personally hope the cops get heavily punished for use of excessive force, but who knows. It's not a situation that will end well or even change anything.

What needs to be done is hire more black fucking cops in my opinion. If you have a black neighborhood, hire black cops in it to do the rounds, to take down thugs, to shaft it up.

Having a white cop tackle a black dude, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN after that? Of course he's going to struggle and try to survive the inevitable shot to the gut.

Just my idea. Put out a big ass call for black police officers. If you can avoid a racial situation, do so. That's all.

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