Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bought a new laptop

which is what I'm using now. Needed to get something new because the other one though it works ok, the charging plug was overheating or something and unfortunately for me, the speaker broke, causing me to have to use headphones to listen to my language learning software. On that subject, I bought this machine specificially because it was perfectly suited for the language learning software, right, but I can't get teh damn thing to install properly on it. Not a bad purchase though, for only 299, though the asshole sales clerk in the store kept bombarding me with offer after offer to buy other shit. I stood my ground and didn't budge though because I've seen his attitude before, Oh I'll play nice with you until you show that you don't want to buy more stuff, then I'll treat you like shit. I simply resorted to killing him with kindness so that when he did pull out the asshole bit he looked like a dipshit to someone who didn't do anything to him. Works to me anyway...

Not a bad little machine. Already got a big tittied girl as my wallpaper, about that though... strange thing happened when I first using it. There was no option to set a new wallpaper in the picture viewer, which I thought was weird as hell. This option's been there since I started using computers, how the fuck ins windows 7, newest os, gonna not have it. Through some admittedly exaustive research on the subject, I discovered that my os was windows starter and for some retarded reason microsoft disabled the feature for performance reasons. This pissed me off greatly right away since having spent all the money on this thing and not being able to do a simple as fuck thing as put up a wallpaper, is ridiculous. Truth is the manufacturer thinks these kidns of computers are for kids, so I guess they don't think kids do this kind of shit. Ya got to be kidding me... Nothing kids are doing more than learning how to build computers from the inside out these days. Well anyway, I got so pissed I spent all freakin day figuring out how to overcome the problem... turns out there's a way to upgrade windows 7 through the web, you just need a serial number thing from a purchase. Using my uh google discount method, tee hee, I found a key, and upgraded to windows 7 ultimate, now I can change this fucking wallpaper all day if I want to. THAT's how I ROLL. you can't stop me from having a badass new laptop, bitch.

Now all i got to do is figure out how to install this language program and I'm good. Going to the workforce 1 center tomorrow to apply for a job at swissport. They're going to interview candidates there, then tell us poor smucks where to go. No doubt i'll get this job now I think. After working at asig, you can be dumb as a brick and still make some money. Gonna get a job at laguardia this time though, none of that jfk shit. Not only did I have to endure a 2 hour train ride to and from work every single day, but harrassment from my coworker. Even if the people I meet there are assholes, at least it's lga, jfk is a bitch to get to, never doing that again.

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