Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wow cool

Last airbender trailer out.

That was exactly what the dragonball movie should have been, that one trailer alone completely out does everything in dragonball evolution, what a shame to all involved that some new modern anime-ish cartoon being adapted is being done better than a true classic of the genre.

I feel like this movie will do great and spawn many sequels. M. Night's not ust out to make a buck which he could; he knows why the show was good and wants to recapture that. Why's it good? The characters, period. They're fun to watch go through some serious shit, but beyond that it's just a well written and animated action cartoon, one of the last of its kind in this now creative drought as far as cartoons are concerned. As we speak, type, whatever, I'm working on my own comic series and struggling to come up with interesting stories, but I like the challenge. Seems that tv networks don't, since they'd rather have more crappy disney sitcoms with the same story repeated each week than actual works of art that someone had to dream up from scratch.

I was thinking about it yesterday as I watched the trailer, the only thing hurting this movie right now is that no one right now gives a shit about the cartoon since it concluded. When the tmnt movie came out the toon was on the air with new episodes every weekend. Same with the power rangers movie. That was dragon ball evolution's problem too. If that movie as bad as it was came out when dbz was still popular, it would have probably gotten to 100mil since that's all I and my buddies could think about at the time, how will the series end, what kind of movie could be made. now I enjoyed following the movie's production but the timing was still way off, not even the original dragonball was still airing when the movie was being made, so it kind of came off as a "now or never" sort of thing. It was hard watching the actors reminisce about a series even they knew was long done and over with and they were too old to enjoy it the same as kids anyway. Do kids even know what dragonball is all about? Or are they into naruto now, which rightfully I'd love to see adaptated with a female playing naruto, just one of my quirks I think would be cool.

So that's the question, how the blue fuck is this movie going to succeed when the show is done. The right thing to do would be to bring all the voice cast back for a 4th season called Air. We never see that book done. We get water, earth, and fire as aang goes and learns all 3 to accompany his own airbending, but never air since he already knows it. I say fuck it, and use the 4th season to explore aang's further development as the true avatar. I don't like the ending frankly, too clean. Since when can the nigga take people's powers away. Why'd he just figure that shit out at the end. Maybe I need to watch it all again but knowing the end kind of ruins the flow of the series for me.

Nevermind that. If the movie's good, it's good, that's all that matters.

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