Saturday, April 10, 2010

Definitely not joining the military ever again

Their loss too. I don't mind killing people. And it's too bad they're killing the wrong people right now. Just read about the bullshit killing of innocent people. Let me assure anyone reading that that is the TIP of the iceberg as far as the military's bumbling. These people holding our atomic bombs are just fucking people. With bibles. So yeah, there ya have it...

My father is still in there to this day, proud american, happy to have served, but I'm not going to walk the same path. It's too stupid, praise jesus one minute, kill folks the next. I don't care how smart you are with math or whatever, don't hold religion up as a justification for your actions.

Makes me want to fight against the government's actions honestly. They think they can do no wrong, as all corporations do, and if you call them out for anything, they stomp you out and go home to fuck their wife.

I'll tell you what I will do outside of the military, get pussssssssssy. I always wanted to fuck a girl, slide my dick between her ass crack, squeeze her titties, suck on her lips, all that goood ass shit. couldn't understand why a dude would want to fuck a dude, girls are pretty, with little water balloons on their chests, why the hell would you want to get ass slammed instead I'll never know.

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