Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thoughts on high school

Been out of high school for the last 6 years. What can I say about the experience except that i still have the scars. I read news stories on kids or whatever, teens, still in high school. I define my experience in 3 words "you're a fag." Little did I know while going that those homophobic slurs would continue to be tossed about immaturely by grown men and women well beyond high school level. Indeed I realize now that prettymuch life beyond puberty revolves around one's sexuality, and more specifically their orientation. Those who are hetero are considered normal, gays are prettymuch black people to the majority. The lepers of society, outcasts. because they don't contribute to the progression of our species.

I don't believe in high school. And if I do end up having kids, they won't be going there, nothing more than a place to be routinely abused on a daily basis. What does that teach them about getting a job, being a decent employee, because that's what life's all about no matter where you go on earth. I look back and realize now that it's a kind of baby sitting service as well as like an identification system, trying to find elite kids. They're aiming lower now I hear, testing kids from when they're not fucked up by sex. Smart move. My education was scattershot, they didn't know what to teach us, so they tossed a bit of everything in the mix. supposedly now the education system is more career oriented. Fools, kids don't give a fuck about school. If they want to do something, they'll do it, whether it be art, music, science, whatever. There's no stopping them. There was no stopping me except for one little snag, but I'm figuring out how this new body works bit by bit and soon enough I'll be ready to tackle my life long dreams, maybe. Becoming a pilot's no easy task and you have be all kinds of mature to do that job.

What else, so yeah I'm kind of confused about why I bothered wasting my time reading and studying when I should have been grabbing all the girl's asses and titties that I was swimming in on a daily basis. Off limits now, though I can hardly tell the difference between a 16 yrld and a 20-ish college girl or whatever. Both ready to breed, so whatever. I guess that's what the older generation wants, to keep us young people with functioning sex organs in kid mode until way later in life or something. sucks. that's all. Like when I was in the airforce, some fat old white bitch, loves talking about her son for some reason, kept talking down to me as if I was a kid. I was ready to give her the finger and say goodbye but I kept my cool. It's strange being my age, old people keep fucking with me. Adult one minute, kid the next. It's confusing as fuck. And on top of that, they go home every night and get fucked. While you are still thinking you have to give a damn what these old assholes think about you like back in high school.

I wish someone told me this back when i was going to high school. If you can't take it anymore... leave. You're practically an adult, you could have your own kids by 16 17, what the hell is one more year. Get a job, and make money, become a supervisor by 20, don't even bother with college. More of the same, old people telling you how to live and the money is ridiculous.

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