Friday, March 12, 2010

Blatant sexism

No shit. That's what they want. I can tell you without hesitation that all women/girls want is a two things: money and attitude. Even if you're black as midnight you'll get a ho if you project those two qualities. Women are all hard wired to go after the wealthiest and toughest males since they supposedly have the best genes.

Like, fuck though, I relapsed this morning. Super cute latina girl got to me. 100% slut to the core, ready to get full of babies, wants to make a bit of quick cash before that point though... No big deal though, I'll recover. Been using some lotion on my dick that's specially designed to help skin repair itself. Got to say it's done a decent job... I've fucked my dick up stupidly. It's like all scarred and rough looking because when I get going I just don't give a fuck and rub it into my bed or my underwear. Supposed to stick into a girl, I know, but don't have one, so I got to improvise. And it hasn't helped it any. So I've been trying to limit the trauma to the penis as much as possible and using lotion I bought a long time ago with some kind of super moisturizing properties and it's been pretty good for it. I woke up after putting it on my dick last night and looked at it in the mirror and was just blown away by the smoothness of it. I'm going to use some more.

I think it's possible to quit masturbating and once I've accomplished that I can focus on finding a security guard job or some shit. Finding a job isn't hard, plenty of shitty low level shit to do out there. no need to try to be all elite. It's all about making some money.

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