Friday, March 19, 2010

Joining the Army part whatever

Sucks man. I relapsed today. Got transfixed on anal porn and couldn't help myself. I feel like punishing myself, joining the army ya know. The only way to keep my mind off porn I think, but the airforce bmt was so offputting. They break you down to the level of a ignorant child listening to parents, particularly white parents ordering you to do whatever they fucking tell you to do, meanwhile they go home every night and make real porn, while your dumb ass is thinking you're serving your country and all that crap. Listen to me and listen well, the world is built by a bunch of sex crazed monkeys known as humans. All this shit about getting diplomas, and degrees, etc, nonsense... are you hot? can you suck a mean dick? That'll get you A LOT farther in life than any of that academic stuff.

Everything we do is for sex. Period. nuff said. We went to the moon to see if there were hot chicks there. We fight wars to keep some assholes away from our women so we can still have a nice hot fuck at the end of the night. We get jobs to pay for sex.

That's it. Fin. There's no great religious nothing at work in our lives. We're bound to very basic animal instincts. To succeed, build a nest, fuck, make kids, then train them to survive. And around and around it goes...

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