Saturday, March 6, 2010

The difference between ice and snow

Good fresh start today. The challenge is to make it to tonight without shooting a drop. My father tells me "I'm going to go pay for your college loan." He's attempting to make me feel guilty for not paying it myself. A petty attempt at that. Silly rabbits want to fuck with me using aggressive political tactics. Similar to my college experience where I was just thinking I was playing by the rules, getting my edumacashun, right, but then the following year after I'd figured I'd succeeded and learning quite a bit about psychology, they decided to amp up the stakes and corner me with 30,000 dollars of debt. Mind you, I was still very naive about the world, not knowing that you can get a fine job regardless of a college degree, nevermind how sexuality is something we humans can't wrap our heads around, or religion for that matter, but anyway so they forced it on to me while i was still very vulnerable. That's teh "real world" kids. You're going to come up against people who WILL want nothing more than to see you suffer and they won't flinch, they won't back up, they won't feel pity, they will keep trying to destroy you no matter what.

The hope was to test me, see if I had the guts to finish college despite knowing I'd have no way of paying it off. I had a different plan than theirs, that's all. I wanted a girlfriend, all my days since I discovered them being so beautiful. How the blue hell was I supposed to focus on school when my dick was still going crazy. And on top of that, I had no idea that a lot of people insist that everyone somehow wait until marriage to have sex even if they don't know squat about what to do, ya gotta wait. This woke me up. the people at these colleges are just looking for a paycheck same as anyone.

Somebody somewhere wants to force feed knowledge of certain subjects into young people's brains for a good 4 years and they'll ruthlessly find ways to do it. and if you don't comply, they'll kick your ass.

Who is it? Women I think. The hope is that they get a good strong stock of husband material by putting them through some intense hoops, and a lot of pussywhipped men prettymuch agree that young men should be put to the test before they can even begin dreaming of pussy. It's what basic training was all about believe it or not. I supposedly got some shitty meaningless college credits for having done it. Thanks Gawd i gotz me sum correg creditz cuz lawd noes Ima gonna be reel smawt now and be all good at ma jerb. Yeah women are in charge of the educational system. Its function, to decide who deserves to pass on their genes or not. Sink or swim. Sucks but just as its young men mostly dying in war, so to is it mostly young men struggling to overcome a mountain of college debt to get a decent living before starting a family. Hmmmm

more thoughts on this later after I take a shit.

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