Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The captain america war has begun

I hope it's a good movie, that simple, that straight forward. This is it, showtime, either it'll be a great cap film or it'll be slightly better than the shitty first one.

I'm hoping it works out even if the torch fucker is in the lead spot, that's all. Having been in the actual military, sigh, I can say this about the military, they're not fucking around, they DO kill people and have guys in there who are nothing but walking muscle, but as far as their belief system, all that bible this and bible that, it's very confusing. Let's just say it's a job, more like a cop I guess, since cops kill too if they have to. supposed to be in self defense but lol who's going to give a shit when they kill a bunch of stupid ass black kids, right...

I love captain america though. I never much understood why people hated him, because yeah he was a little too political, representing the ultimate american boyscout, marvel's superman. Tough, manly, leader. I viewed him that way as a kid, nothing wrong with that. Not till I learned that some people think he's much like with superman himself, not supposed to only represent America, but heroism in general. Calling him captain america implies that America's this great heroic wonderful nation, which I know for certain now that it is not. It's just as bad as anywhere. Still a white man's country deep down. Growing up loving and appreciating white heros kind of makes the shocking truth about this supposed 'free' country that much more tough to swallow. They don't give a fuck about us. Not all, not going to blanket all white people, but I'm pretty sure the guys I met in the military wouldn't stick their neck out for me in the shit.

hmmm what else. This is going to be a huge film. I predicted long ago after superman returns kinda exploded in its own little, now in hybernation, war that a movie would have to come along that would give people a heroic symbol of american patriotism and all that good shit, much like returns did, but fuck, people went crazy over it. 4 years later, I'm 24 now, 20 when I went and lost my mind over that movie, goddamn it's been a college career since then hasn't it... still a virgin, never really thought about living this long, wasn't planning too, but hey if I get to see cap america, fuck yeah!

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