Saturday, February 6, 2010

gay gay gay

slashfilm banned me. Like damn, didn't expect that. And I didn't even post much, it's just that these internet cops and now the military want me dead. I think sometimes it's racism, like I listen to the podcasts and they love to mock ebonics as if speaking urban style makes you stupid. And of course some of the goofball white kids online are taking aim at me for being a 'cancer' to their perfect utopian internet, which it isn't, but that's not my concern. If I wasn't already in a pickle, now I'm banned from talking shit about movies and such after my porn binges. It's all politics. I realize long ago you can't please everybody on the internet, so I just say what I honestly think without trying to manipulate people and it doesn't fit what people expect or want to hear, so there ya go, banned. No big concern to me.

What's killing me right now is my continued battle with my porn addiction. I'm in the withdrawal stage now.

I love how we can figure out that the sun will explode in 5 billion years but GOD FORBBID we solve our own issues with sex and sex education for young people. How is that you can bring a child screaming into this terrible world, then prettymuch ignore their basic bodily functions then when they're an adult reeeeeeeeeeeally not give a damn if they are in good health or not. Like if I was an airman right now, they'd care if I felt free of my sexual tension only if it helped me work harder, sad but true.

Anyway the new last airbender trailer's out. Movie looking like a live action version of avatar the last airbender, what else could it be. I don't even care about that show anymore though. It's good but it's really not THAT good, and there are much more impressive actual anime toons that deserve to be turned into live action, like cowboy beebop, gundam, naruto. It's a shame those haven't been picked up. Dragonball sadly didn't win anyone over to more anime-to-film transfers. I'll see the movie in theaters because I personally love the characters and all that stuff, but the tv series had its ups and downs and ends predictably on a happy side. it'd have been more interesting if they had zuko not turn good etc. it's like oh he's struggling with whether to be a good guy or a bad guy seeking revenge, I wonder which he'll become in the end... oh he's NOT being a asshole anymore. ....meh. I hope the movie version does something new with it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good show but it's like an anime series in a lot of ways. Some episodes are genius, others you can tell they weren't trying as hard.

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