Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Women hate men

I realize something. I go out sometimes. Today I went looking for a job at a workforce 1. a bunch of douche bag fuckwads get paid to pretend they know what they're doing up in them places. They have quotas to meet, finding certain numbers of people x amounts of jobs, and they'll get rewarded, but it's a cushy sit on your ass job so I can see why the people there love what they do. Try any other actual hard labor job like construction or whatever and tell me working in an office isn't the shit. I'd love that if I could get it. Funnily enough I realize too that a lot of people online think the internet should be like work, where if you step a toe out of line, you can get fired or written up by your supervisor. I mean I'm no one to talk, but the internet has never been and never will be a hieracy like a work site where you have men and women who are overseeing the whole show and deciding who deserves to do what. But I already know some people online are fucking stupid as fuck.

Anyway my point, I grew up raised by pretty decent women, the only ones being unreasonably cruel being my own mother who tried her darndest to convince me that I'd end up a rapist. Great parenting, eh. Well I'm a man in a lot of women's eyes now, which means I'm supposed to be on my own and trying to get their panties off by now. Ya see, it's like this. Even though I can get a job right now and a big tittied fat assed female can be my boss and tell me how to do my job, it's still MY duty to be a man, ask them out when they flirt with you, bring her to my apartment, fuck her brains out, then forget it ever happened like they want. Sabrina frato was like this. She had this little mouth that still looked stained from the cum she just drank the night before, she's that much of a whore, but then she flips the switch immediately to being a big badass man who doesn't need any help with anything. I hate women like this. It's OK to be a female, you idiots. I'm tired of how when they want to get fucked, women act girly, then when they want boss you around at work, they pretend their dick's bigger than yours.

I know this though. They gotta get dick. Ain't no debating it. nothing a bitch loves more than a big muscular man's man who can fuck them hard core. Seems to me that they put on a show of hostility to weed out the weak men from the strong ones. No one told me this but it's true. my own niece is doing it, acting like a bitch just to see if any potential mates can take a hit and not flinch. Stupidness... they don't even realize that's precisely why they're not getting fucked. We don't want nothng to do with bitches. What kind of wife are you going to be if you act like that all the damn time?

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