Friday, February 26, 2010

Indiana Jones

Fuck. I'm thinking about shit right now, just thinking... I'm downloading zelda twighlight princess for gamecube emulator and hd version of toy story. I love toy story, probably the last great classic films we'll see in a long time. I mean, it's a rare gem, when a perfect film comes along. Very few exist. Star Wars is perfect. Back to the future is perfect. What else... Can't remember... Oh and ET. but yeah those movie to me represent films that need nothing to improve them whatsoever. toy story is also one of them.

I love movies like that that just have no dead spots, nearly flawless internal logic, and clever story. Thinking about it today, I'm saddened that a lot of kids first introduction to star wars will be the prequels. But whatever. Just as I realize how dumb those movies were compared to the originals, they will too. I guess... I still have a special place in my heart for crappy ass tv shows that I used to watch growing up. I used my imagination to make power rangers seem better than it was, didn't I, though the movie elevated the whole concept to another level that truly blew my dick off. I remember watching that movie AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN because just being able to see my heros in a full fledged movie version that wasn't complete shit, was heaven. I watch it now and it's just retarded, sorry. I know too much about good movies I guess to still get excited because the suits were badass. The acting is crap. Billy is shafted. There's not much character moments or interesting drama. If it were up to me, I'd make some deep shakespearian power rangers movie, god damnit.

Ironically that's exactly what motivated lucas and spielberg with indiana jones. They watched shitty serial adventures featuring a dashing swashbuckling hero as kids and as grown ass men wanted to make a legitimately mature version of that shitty shit. Hence INDIANA JONES AND THE SAUCER MEN FROM MARS. I'd have no problem with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull if far superior indiana jones films didn't already exist. How could you have already made great films then decide, FUCK IT, I'll phone this bitch in. The movie is pretty standard 90s spielberg from beginning to end, which is just fucked up. He just made lost world all over again, though at least lost world attempts to be a great spielberg film. Skull is that sequel nobody asked for. I always thought Ford just played Indy in every action movie he ever did after last crusade, so how the hell is his actual interpretation of indy so un-indy in the new movie? He's more like him in air force one than in skull where he's just a grumpy old man talking about finishing college. I'd have preferred they played up his becoming a grumpy old college professor more too but he's like that for five minutes, then it becomes a "look, he's still kind of young enough to pull off being indy, see!" Yeesh. You know how many of these guys exist? Old super smart professors who travel the world on adventures? Why not play up that angle instead? I'd love to see Indy become like a super elite fbi agent who's seen and done it all after he's finished being a young swashbuckler, but no...

Lucas and Spielberg obviously don't care anymore about making great cinema. You got to wonder what happened to turn them from being these hungry artists struggling to create lasting works that would forever be remembered, to these fat money hungry businessmen. Only cameron seems to have avoided their bullshit sensibilities, probably because he's got a true passion for cinema that inspires you to become an artist in the first place. shame on them.

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