Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What ta doooo

Got to think about the future. I'm going to be around a while ya know. I finished doing what I planned to in life back in 05, see the last star wars film. Sounds stupid in hind sight since the movie sucked and it's just a movie and I should have been getting pussy instead, but yeah here I am, my mission accomplished, and star wars is behind me. I have no reason to exist.

Knowsbleed or someone who looked like him told me to go to college since one of the airforce officers went when he was 28. God ya know I keep talking about the airforce but my dad is right, I really should forget about the experience. It was an opportunity that if I'd taken it, I'd have been playing into someone elses schemes, someone who doesn't care if I go waltzing off a cliff. So college is highschool 2.0 really. It's how do I put it, a safe haven away from the real world. I've been in the real world for the last 5 years or so, and it's basically an anything goes free for all, man against man battle to the death. And women too though I don't know why women want to leave the kitchen to take on society, except for the fact that they can get away with anything since they make babies in their tummies.

Survival of the fittest. I don't like college though even though yes if you have a degree you get to sit on your ass all day telling people what to do. I just really don't like that it's not only ok, get edumacated lolz, but also a trap. They want to stick a bunch of young guys like me in a room with some young girls and see if I'll try to get with her, so that if or when we fall in love we both stupidly pursue degrees so we can build a life together. I'll be damned, that's how they play it. And then they'll cast you out if you don't conform and try to get fucked for the first time in your dorm room using a condom. I'll be damned again, really that's all it's about, a more legal I guess form of sex education. Oh and what's more, jokes on you because you're already smart enough to earn a decent wage, college doesn't actually provide you anything substantial beyond a very hefty debt and a feeling of accomplishing something although you'll end up in a cubicle, with a boss you hate. LOLS.

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