Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Inhuman humanity

I'm almost there, almost almost almost there. Such is life on the web, you lose your humanity to it, become more like a machine. I'm almost there though. Maybe I can regain my soul by doing this task for the man upstairs. I've had my faith tested but I can't let that stop me. I will not let that stop me. Never... I know he's giving me this power to go through it all. Much appreciated, bro.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Time for Sacrifice...

I'm about to embark on a difficult journey. My faith has lead me to this in a way... I don't know what to believe sometimes, if there's a God, if there's really fate and all that stuff, but somehow I feel this was my destiny. I've always drawn, enjoyed dreaming of crazy stuff. I've always written fantasy stories... I needed to escape and that's where I escaped to in the end. Now comes the real test. The eyes of the world are watching me, waiting to see if I can really do this or not. I know I can in some capacity... but the rest I leave to the man upstairs. Give me some strength Father... I beg you...

What next for superman?

What a weird decision Warner Bros made while deciding to bring superman back to the movie screen. It's clear they wanted it both ways, to continue the Reeve/Donner movies, keeping what worked so well about them, and gaining a newer audience with the modern fx budget that can create very cool visuals. Oh and suddenly superman has a son which is another way of letting people know this superman is a new one only disguised as the old one.

I know some 8 year old won't care about all that and love the movie to death anyway, so I'm not against it. It is a powerful drama after all. What people will think about its status alongside the old movies is where things get strange and funky....

That's why there's still such a battle happening between superman fans. There are 3 sides to this: Comic fans (who I would say are the most righteous and their discontent), Smallville fans (Who were battered and teased by Returns fans and want revenge) and Returns fans (Who are some of the most pretentious jerks on earth, but at least now are starting to relax and see that there are some legitimate criticisms towards it...)

Superman Returns came in 2006 and brought with it a storm which I've never witnessed before online. I was there when the infamous star wars prequels came out and although we got into some heated arguments over Jar Jar, or the acting, or the story line, we found common ground in our love for star wars, always able to keep in mind that this is all in fun. I was there for Batman's new movie. This I'd say was like a practice run for superman's return. Batman fans are some of the worst you'll ever find, they'll destroy anyone who isn't in their bubble etc... and I thought they were pretty awful, but even they found fault with their movie at least, even if it's just a superficial thing. I thought I'd seen the worst in people's behavior back in 2005, but no... no no no..... Returns gave us people who though are probably normal regular joes with no real mental issues, became monsters all in the name of earth's greatest hero. War does that. It blinds you to what's right in front of you and makes you crazy.

The Superman Movies War was a fiasco. Basically, what happened, no one saw coming. Sure there was a new superman and sure there were people who constantly criticized things and discussed how it could be done better etc... but I think the movie being such an event, the first superman movie in decades, really elevated people's desire to actually convince people that they're right, so much so that they'll fight for it, develop clans and gangs to hopefully gain power and dominate the forum. It's that level of losing touch with reality I never want to do again...

I don't know what'll be the real outcome of this thing. The prequel movies came and went and are now either viewed as 3 big wastes of film or simply kids movies that shouldn't be taken too seriously. Batman Begins still has its overly zealous fans, for sure, but even less so now that the new batman movie makes it look less great in hindsight. I guess Superman Returns will be looked back on as a weird experiment that seemed like a good idea at the time. What else could they do with superman but I guess push him into a new level, with smallville covering the origin already, what else is there to do but make a sequel. Of course the problem there was that people have actually moved on from the original movie. Perhaps it was too late to make a sequel to that in light of how much has changed for superman over the years. It's funny though, if Superman Returns were released directly after the decent superman 2, would there have been such a uproar? The kid thing probably would have caused some problems... Oh it's just so confusing.

What is this movie, is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a sequel? No, it's the end of superman on the movie screen for quite a while...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dragonball: Most hated movie of all time

Really it's as if people are branding this new dragonball adaptation as the anti-christ, AKA Batman & Robin. And that was before they ever shot a single frame! Why? Why are people so intent on seeing this movie fail? I can understand the basic level of simply hating anything juvenille now that you have grown up and such things are beneath you. If they were to adapt pokemon I'd shoot myself for instance...

Eh, what can I say... the internet used to belong to wild and crazy kids, but now those wild and crazy kids have kids and it would seem to me have developed some kind of pompous mentality they used to think was uncool. Yes, Dragonball's just a show about muscles, extreme brutality, fighting, etc. But HELLO, SO IS LIFE! Does no one realize how the world really is? It's not your school, your work place, your neighborhood. It's a grimy, ugly, brutal place full of all the things Dragonball's not afraid to show us...

I'm seriously thinking the people who hate dragonball with a passion are puny nerds. Yes, I'm not afraid to say so. I'm a nerd and I'm puny but I love to think of myself as tough, so maybe that's why I see the appeal of dragonball and the chessclub crowd doesn't. That's fine, different strokes for different folks, so why can't people accept that we all have different interests?

Even so, Dragonball's not so different from Star Wars, Spider-man, Superman, Batman, yet those seem to be more favorable these days... I guess there is some backlash towards Dragonball's extreme popularity. It seems that anything that becomes very popular eventually is hated later on exactly because of that popularity; people look back and wonder why this thing deserved so much fame and therefore decide to belittle it when they can't find a good reason.

I used to be that way myself. I was a cocky jackass who thought I knew it all and could automatically identify good and bad in everything. I was wrong, so very very wrong. I'm nothing. You know, I'm just like a kid again when it comes to movies. I like everything, I'll give them all a chance. The older you get, the more biased and psychologically corrupt you become... I wish people would look at this movie like they did when they were kids, but that's probably too much to ask.

Is the White House now the Black House?

Well it happened. It finally happened. After years of struggle African Americans have ascended to the highest throne in America, probably the world... And.... NOTHING HAPPENED. Well, I guess that's good. *let me explain* Everyone's waiting for things to change for better or worse under a black president. Racists wait to have their theories proven, Blacks wait to see roses and daises sprout out of the ground now that there's a man of color in the white house, but I believe they're forgetting that change really starts with you. Yes, like the old Michael Jackson song, man in the mirror. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." I don't think Obama's going to do anything special, besides being black. He seems like your ordinary politician who'll play the figure head of the corporate machine that is American politics.

But how will this affect joe plumbers out there, the real joe plumbers... I see young black males all the time out there living in fatherless homes or if they do have a father he's a terrible role model. Unfortunately I know they will probably find themselves behind bars later in life, such little kids, totally innocent. How can the world suddenly be this peaceful place that's moved on from the evils of the past, if the reality for these little guys is still so bleak? I don't have the answer to that. Maybe people will start to be a little more friendly now I suppose since it really is a different world now, but there's still a lot of work to do to fully impliment real change in my mind. We'll see...

Star Trek Strikes Back!

And it's got attitude!

I like what I'm seeing here for the new star trek movie franchise. To preface this, let me say I'm not a super fan of the Trek- I was a star wars guy. Star trek to me was this boring show with cheap fx that basically seemed like nothing more than a low budget star wars, poo poo to that. WRONG. It's great... I guess you have to really be older to understand it. The real heart of the show is the interesting interactions between Spock, the cold, logical, yet conflicted Vulcan, the emotional Dr. McCoy, and the only man who can get both to come to some form of agreement, the charismatic and cool Captain Kirk.

Many have expressed disapproval at the direction they're taking with this new Trek, though I think it's premature to do so since we have little information to go on at this point besides a trailer and some reviews of clips. Nevertheless, there will always be those who will not give this new flick a chance because they have such a closed mind to anything that doesn't fit their vision. I'm an open minded person and can live with changes, so bring it on Abrams!

As for their complaints. I've read some say Kirk wasn't a rebellious kid etc. I like that Abrams thinks making Kid Kirk this punk who doesn't play by the rules all the time will be the best way to show why he's such a good captain. I think good leaders throughout our history have been notorious for not exactly playing by the rules and instead challenging authority. Now that's not to say every criminal will be president, but blind obedience is often even worse than complete rebellion. Look at all the alpha males around you. Yep, don't give a damn about anything and they're having a great time, getting all the girls, able to be the life of the party and get people to relax and lower their defenses... that's who Kirk is to me. He's that guy who's got a fire in his belly and maybe he'll be a jerk sometimes, but he'll get things done too.

OMG too many Fx!1 So what? How does that exactly hinder the story from functioning and being dramatic as well as intelligent? Did people actually expect them to have laser beams wobble and a card board cut out ship hanging on wires as the actual level of fx quality? Get off it, guys.

"Boobs in Star Trek" in referrence to Uhura stripping. This I see no problem with at all...

So, though I can understand people's worries with any sequel/reboot to a beloved franchise, there's nothing so far that strikes me as overtly bad or wrong, and as a casual fan who does not scrutinize every detail, I doubt there will be anything. BEAM ME UP FOR THIS NEW MOVIE!

In the beginning

Here it is, the start of my blog that I finally have now. I'm going to just post whatever's on my mind. If you like it, that's great. If you don't, don't bother me about it, ok...