Saturday, January 31, 2015

Phone gaming

Don't know who cares, but I'm a tech nut. I'm totally all about computers and tech and coding etc. So now I'm in the process of rebuilding my computer to get it back up and playing GTA IV with all the new mods they got out now. I will hopefully begin learning how to create 3d models and maybe create programs. I have intentions to create a Ronda mini-series in 3D. Just need to figure out how to model her and all that shit. I mean nothings out of bounds for me. I've been fucking around with computers all my life, I feel at home inside of them.

So now what I'm doing is actually pretty cool. I figured out how to run dream cast games on my Samnsung Galaxy S4 phone. Seriously if you have one of today's super powerful phones and you're not using it for gaming, you're missing out. I can't believe I got a lot of the old dream cast games I played as a teen to run on my little phone but they run nice and smooth and shit. It's awesome as hell. Going to get into all the old games I missed out on back in high school.

I mean might as well. Not going to go buy a game cube and play luigi's mansion because I never had the chance. I'll just run it on my phone and see what all the fuss was all about.

LOL man, this is awesome. I mean there are some really good games made for Dream Cast that I never bothered trying out. And now I can chuck my old psp in the garbage really. I only ever used it to run snes and psx roms to play at work. Now I can do all that shit on my S4 so I'm not going to waste money buying a new psp like I was intending to...

Fucking black people

Sitting around on the train coming home from work and woopity doo was this black dude having a field day screaming into everyone's ears as we all come home from work.

Nobody kicked his ass to shut him up, but I was feeling like it.

Like I said, there are some black guys who are out of their minds and will start shit and go down in a blaze of glory and here I was watching this dude get going with the retardedness.

Nobody put him down because if they did, the cops would have come and caused a scene.

Shit, makes me want to join stormfront, I tell ya.

Never in my life thought about how blacks were getting along in this world as a kid, never really saw how yeah, there's still to this day hatred for black people because of jackasses like him.

I don't know what to think about it. Indeed people like him are why there is a goddamn army of white guys ready to pop black guy's heads off out there.

What's going through that guy's head, I wondered? Was he thinking he's the shit and nobody can fuck with him? Where do black guys like that come from?

From what I've noticed about this world, you dare fuck with white people and their kids, you'll be history.

So what the fuck, seriously?

Not trying to say black people should feel lower than white people and shit, but GODDAMN, don't go thinking you're all that in this world. Goddamn. I know for damn sure I'm not on the level of badass super smart white guys and the life style they fucking live. And from my travels to work I've noticed more blacks hanging around being homeless and shitty than any other race of people. So yeah, I wouldn't go trying to start shit with everybody else, if I was him. But no, we got super negro on the train tonight...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Improve GTA V

I'm on a teeter totter right now in regards to what I think will happen with the future of GTA.

All I do know is that GTA V is a true masterpiece of gaming. There is nothing that can possibly top what they've done with GTA V. It's a jack of all trades and that's what is monumental about it. There's no limit to the type of game this GTA can transform into in the future. I mean once you get through the single player aspect, the Online portion has unlimited potential. Right now today, R could change the online game into whatever comes out their ass and that's awesome as fuck. I mean I always played GTA and wished I could change things or make things my way and maybe some day that will happen. Mabye in GTA 6 they'll give the game to the player and say do whatever YOU want with it. And I think that's going to really be the future for GTA. Removing the game from the hands of the maker and giving it to the users, so they can then transform it into their own GTA. I know that's what tony hawk was attempting to do as I played the second game and created my own skate parks. I knew they were attempting to give the game to the player to mold their own making.

What it is now is a preview of the future of gaming. No longer will we be limited to single player gaming. It's going to be a massive online multiplayer action fest with full scale warfare between teams and clans online.

What I'm envisioning right now is something even more in depth. I mean have us able to increase muscle and get hungry and buy food to build up our strength and muscle mass. Bring back the Gym from GTA SA. There's gyms on the beach but you can't use it to increase your strength and stamina. WTF. That would be a huge aspect of the game if they included real useable gyms, but they said, just run around all day and get stronger doing that...

Also bring in one of the GTA IV mods, the fuel mod. I'm serious. It's long overdue. I used to play games on PS1 that had cars that you had to refuel from time to time to keep them going. Why they haven't included this in GTA by now makes no sense. Apparently these cars are nuclear powered?

That'd be fucked up if you had to watch your fuel gage during game play, just saying. It'd add another element of challenge.

Lastly bring in MOTHERFUCKING BASKETBALL. Why the hell did they include basketball in GTA SA and never bring it back for the more black-oriented GTA V which is the second time R has catered to its majority black audience by making the game all hoodish etc.

Just saying. basically put in basketball mini-games and maybe full online basketball matches and you'd see some serious shit, son...

That's all I can think about them improving. I know they have Heists coming out soon which will be badass. I'm all about that. What I'm hoping for is that they give us a REASON to do the heists, like give us new stuff to buy which costs 5 mil or something and the only way to get it is to win heists. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Will Matrix 4 ever happen?

Huge matrix fan here. I mean the sheer brilliance of the matrix movie when I saw it as a kid. I went to the movies all the time as a kid because my parents never took me as often as I wanted them too so I went all by myself all the time. Little did I have a clue what the fuck this matrix shit was but when I saw it, FUCK MY ASS, best movie of all time. I mean I've seen a lot of movies all my life, but NEVER did I ever concieve for a minute that I'd see a truly great masterfully made film as the Matrix.

I mean looking back it's basically an off-shoot of dark city now that I think about it. That's the joke. Dark City came out, failed, they re-mixed it as the Matrix and added badass bullet time and then made history with the first matrix movie.

Anyway, as much as I like Dark City, Matrix kicks its ass. Sometimes a simpler movie is better.

Just saw the new fantastic Four trailer. Goddamn, looks like it could actually be good. Seems to me the gritty reality of the Chronicle movie is the basis for what they're going for with FF. And of course hopefully it's better than that shit stain of a film they originally made. I'm not interested anymore in comic book movies that don't take themselves seriously. We've gotten too many since I was a kid that took the original cartoony stories and amped them up with badass realism, to go back to the hokey days of Batman forever and batman and robin.

Certainly when one thinks about comic book movies, they're inherintly silly ideas. Born from the extreme over the top elements of the comics they came from. But that shouldn't mean that they're shackled by their origins and can't aspire to be taken seriously as legitimate sci-fi. That's what's great bout the first x-men movie. If you had no idea it was based on silly comics, you'd take it as a fantastic sci fi movie all by itself.

So back to the initial question, will Matrix 4 ever happen, ever? Rumors have been going around about them actually scripting it and Keanu signing on for it. Would love to see him back as Neo. The end of matrix 3 claims that neo will return. I'm guessing that that means that when the equation has to rebalance itself again, Neo will be reborn into the matrix and we'll have another cycle of the one returning. Don't ask me to explain all that shit the architect said to neo about how many times he's destoryed zion and how many Ones he's seen come and go. I don't understand that shit.

The only thing I do understand is that a fourth matirx or some kind of matrix spinoff would be great to see in the future. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thoughts on Blockbuster

One thing I was thinking about tonight was the old days. Man I miss my childhood even though it sucked, being an adult especially a black adult is worse. You just always feel like you don't belong to society and shit, it sucks man...

Back as a kid I always rocked blockbuster. Ask Chris Stuckman from youtube, he's the white version of me...

We did the same shit, always going to blockbuster as kids. I LOVED blockbuster, motherfucker. I mean just the feel of the fucking place, being surrounded by hundreds of awesome stories and badass games to play. I looked forward to nothing else as a kid but going to blockbuster at some point to grab up some popcorn buckets, candy, and a good ass movie or videogame.

Now all that shit's done, son. It's all gone, and that pisses me off. I miss browsing for movies in a store and all that jazz.

That's how I discovered the Super Mario Bros movie as an 11 year old. I just saw it on the shelf and was just like OMG this exists?

Rented it out of the store, budget blockbuster just so ya know. VHS rentals were a HUGE thing during the 90s. It was really big business because there was no internet, people HAD TO get movies from rental stores if they wanted to see movies. Now it's all internet downloads...

Everything was like that. I wonder now how the industry is going to change as everything is going to become digital. And it will, there's no going back to browsing for anything digital in stores anymore. They will indeed evolve to the point where physical media will be phased out completely, I have no doubt of that.

I mean I'll personally miss the phsyical media because that's all I had as a kid, going to the toy store and seeing and feeling the new yoshi island game that came out or whatever. I can't imagine actually just zippity downloading it real fast to my game boy in seconds.... Been buying games traditionally all my ass fucking life, son...

But all that shit's going down the tubes. as much as we want to hold to this ancient idea of getting off your ass to go buy somthing, the simple fact that today a game can be beamed to your console directly from the computer of the company making the games means that whole fucking BluRay etc disc will become obsolete.

Even when I was watching them come out with the blu Ray etc to replace DVDs, I was thinking, this won't matter. the internet is getting faster and faster and soon there won't be any need for physical media. Maybe for backup purposes but 5 years from now, there won't be physical game media, or even movies sold on discs anymore...

Kinda sad to me, I still remember the days of watching power rangers on VHS and all that shit, man. I don't want to let go, but when DVD came along I was like WOW sweet as fuck, don't have to rewind shit anymore!!! I gotta say as a kid rewinding a VHS was torture!!! DVD was like crack to me when that shit came along...
So now don't even have to put a disc into a disc drive anymore. Not bad... I mean what's the big deal if things change?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

thinking about future of gaming

I guess its destiny. Been a gamer all my fucking life, I used to play atari in the living room if that tells you anything. I know quite a substantial amount about videogames since I've been playing them forever. I mean I'm not even impressed by the current gen of videogames because honestly the shit I grew up on kicked my ass so hard, I feel like I'm playing shitty watered down crap these days. My games were so hard core difficult, I mean, you have to respect a game that makes you play it a 100 times over to beat one fucking level, and then when you beat it you feel like a GOD among men after that point. I swear to god. No kid can say that about today's games, where there's NO fault for failing.

Sorry but my gen of games, you sucked, you failed. No soup for you. Today's gen of games? Eh it's ok to suck, don't improve your skills or nothing, it's all good...

Sorry but I come from an age where you had to fight and claw your way through hell to win, and that's the point, not this shit they're serving.

Sadly games have evolved to the point where they're making the graphics the whole fucking selling point of the game.

I mean I come from a time where graphics were not going to save a game, the game maker had to create a really deep meaningful gaming experience in order to actually capture the players interest in beating the game.

I mean as much as I love the new GTA games, the best GTA will always be GTA III. Sorry, no amount of awesome planes to fly, and swimming, and bike riding, etc, will top that games perfect balance of gameplay and impressive visuals. I just remember those being the best times, sitting there in my room marveling at the gaming brilliance that was the GTA 3 game. Finally Gaming had jumped to the next level, finally gaming had become a real living world to inhabit. I mean as I played super mario as a kid, I wished I could just sit in the level and just explore the world and not have to try to beat anything. But there was never going to be a mario like that, wouldn't make sense. They always make it so you have to beat the game to progress...

So I'm playing GTA V now that I finally got my ps3 back up and running. It's just a truly maserful game, really desreves all the accolades and high ratings it gets. It's certainly not a game to ignore or look down upon. It's getting better too with heists on the horizon. But something irks me about it still, the game is great as far sa visuals go. That's where all the money went. They wanted to craft a fucking gorgeous fucking GTA game that would contend with even the best graphics on any system for years to come. Makes me wonder what's the big upgrade going to be from what I'm seeing on my ps3 to the next gen. I look at the comparison photos and shit and yeah the ps4 version does look slightly better but the ps3 version's nobody's bitch, they really crafted a goddamn great genius shit in this game. Why do I have to spend google billions to have more hairs visible on the dog or some shit like that? It'll never be photo real, why should the lack of extra detail be so much of a concern?

I'm good where I'm at, just going to continue rocking GTA on ps3 thanks...

Will we ever return to days of classic gaming is the question. I'm sure many old school gamers ask that question, not just me.

Will we ever see a game that balances game play with today's damn near photo realistic graphics? I'm sure hideo Kojima's going to be the only one to figure out that mystery.

And it is a mystery. We're there today. We're all sitting here in a world where gaming companies have abandoned the old school style of videogames in favor of bigger better more impressive graphics. And to me as a admirier of old games that made the most out of nothing but 2d graphics and just very clever smart game play, to suddenly play a game where the objective basically boils down to pick this up and put it over there all day, is truly dissappointing as ass.

I mean that's all I'm doing in GTA onine. Basically 90 percent of the missions are go here, pick up this shit, put it over here.

Lord knows figuring out the missions and game play aspects of GTA V was where R dropped the ball. It's just insultingly simplisitic. Some missions are challenging as fuck though, like the one where you have to open a safe while guys are trying to kill you. More missions like that would really be sweet. I mean anything's possible now. They can put in any kind of game play that they want. I mean we've yet to see a mission that demands you go from battling on the ground to actually going in the air and dog fighting for a little while, but we'll see. the future will be intersting as R figures out how to balance the whole mission creator thing with their own updates and heist missions. We'll see....

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Goddamn got my ps3 back

I know, stupid thing to blog about really but I'm happy to have gotten it back up and running after it basically lost its shit and died and burned out. It's an old ps3, been using it for years so of course it was destined to die on me at some fucking point. Got a ps3 some time around 2006 or 7. So yeah it's been that fucking long.

One of the last great gaming systems. I can't stand behind the Ps4 no matter how powerful it may be. To create a new playstation that can't even play old school games you may still have knocking around your house? Bullshit on toast.

It wouldn't be hard to impliment that shit. The ps3 the phat one with four usb ports can play all the old playstation games you may still have and of course rock the new shit.

Why'd they remove that in the pS4? What's the point of that? Serious. You mean all my fucking collection of badass ps3 games are going to go to waste now that the new shiny ps4 is out? Goddamn garbage on a plate.

Can't believe that bullshit, yall. Just can't.

But I'm back in business. Going to try and see if I can afford that buzzard chopper in GTA Online etc. Goddamn gotta say it's impressive how gaming has evolved. I used to sit and rock sessions in crazy taxi and spawn and sonic for hours on end. Never dreamed I'd see the day when I could run around in a big playground online with a bunch of random kids and shit. Never thought about that future, but it's here, it's really here, today. It's retarded. I don't particularly like playing GTA with a fucking 10 year old idiot kid, but hey, that's the world today. They have GTA online multiplayer to enjoy. I had fucking single player Super mario world.

Lucky brats...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What to say

Don't really know right now.

Can't remember what the hell I was going to post about. Don't really have much to impart at the moment.

Thinking about how I can get into an airline really. Not sure if things are going to go so smoothly as planned at my current job. I mean it's about to get good. The flights are going to be going back to normal capacity now that New Years is over. So I'll basically be doing no work, which is what I'm hoping for. We'll fucking see.

Just going to hopefully fix my Goped and get it back in good working condition. Decided to buy new engine parts instead of a new goped all together. If this works out I save 625 bucks and can then pursue my goal of buying a samsung galaxy s4 phone.

Then we finish the static trailer and that's all. I mean I think about sometimes what's the point of working on these art projects. They're really going to amount to nothing. Who the hell cares about static shock in live action being made by me. Nobody. Who cares about my porno comics I throw together every so often. Nobody. It's fucking porn, it's like not hard to find that stuff.

I mean that's life though. Truth is that most art isn't made for personal gratification. It's made for profit and profit alone. That's basically what most art is made for. And it's quite lucrative isn't it. Whether you're a videogame artist or whatever, you'll most likely do very well considering the sales figures on those things.

But me, my art, my little trailer I'm working on is really just for fun, not money. And it's more or less a sort of preview to the movie studios I guess, sort of saying this is what I personally would like to see them make some day, a static shock movie or TV show. He was a huge big time character back in the old days. Suddenly he's not around anymore. I'm the only guy hanging on to him and his stories because he's such a huge fucking part of my life. I can't just ignore static and his journey and I think it deserves the movie or tv treatment at some point.

Just saying. I mean it's a little bit of a rebound from the DBE era. What a horrible movie right? I can't condone that movie being sold in stores but it is, and will be bought by some moron. Anyway, if they can pull off that fucking shit stain of a film, a static shock movie shouldn't be too much to ask, it really shouldn't...


static shock reasons

going to lay out my reasons for finishing up this static shock movie I'm making. Not that white people give a damn if I even exist or not, but I think it's like supposed to be done.

I loved static shock when I saw the cartoon. Little did I think about it much but when you really look at the history of comics and cartoons, there's never been a black show.

I get it, black people are like not the most liked form of humanity, I fucking get it already... That said, the seriously is nothing in regards to black oriented cartoons and tv shows on tv these days. I grew up being BLASTED with blacks on tv around the clock only to wake up in today's black-less tv land which is just strange shit. I could have swore I grew up watching family matters, fresh prince, fucking kenan and kel.

I'm guessing all that stuff was born from white guilt. There was a HUGE push to make up for the racism of the past by giving black people shit loads of freedom on tv.

And it worked out great imo. Why stop. I'm honestly tired of seeing the goddamn thousand show on tv about a white kid who has to deal with how hard his fucking life is or something... I've seen those shows all my fucking life and now that I see the way the world is, OH shut the fuck up, white people...

You got it fucking good in this world and you know it...

I don't want to see anymore emo shows about how tough it is to be white anymore. I just don't...

But yeah back to my main point about my reasons for creating this static trailer. Like I said, it's striking to wake up in today's world here and just see how fucking backwards things have become. I literally grew up seeing such a fine progression for blacks and stuff and now it's like, things are winding backwards into the 1950s or some shit.

Really? That's how it's going to end. I mean, why did my childhood have so much awesome black shows and shit and will smith's movies etc. Only to be given the finger later in life wtf. And all the goddamn racism on family matters that I'm seeing now, never noticed all that shit before. I don't know how deep the goddamn KKK rabbit hole goes, I really don't. But the whole thing was all a joke, I'm guessing. The whole fucking thing was a game, even the Urkel mania etc.

No way. That urkel shit was a fluke wasn't. Not even the KKK people saw Jaleel's success and dominance on TV coming... Nobody did. Will we ever see the likes of urkel again is the big question. Most likely not... And we'll never see a family matters show ever again, although they'll damn well butt raping try. There's no doubt they'll try. But truth be told they've been trying to re-create family matters phenomenon for years and can never catch that lightning in a bottle again...


WHY THE FUCKKKING SHIT am I making a static shock trailer right now?

Because no one else can or will. It's one of those scenarios. Really I'm the ONLY black dude with the youth, freedom, and just general insanity to dedicate time to making a live action static shock. And I don't believe anybody in hollywood gives a SHIT about making anything with blacks in lead roles.

Unless it's Will Smith and he's fucking getting old sad to say. Never once thought as a kid I'd see will smith getting up there in age but he fucking is, sad to say. His time has passed, mother fucker can't even play goddamn J anymore, it'd just look stupid. And ultimately I'm sorry to have wasted my time on BOTH MIB 2 and 3 like a retard. Both those movies are shit on a plate.

I'll watch the goddamn cartoon all day vs sitting through those piles of garbage. I mean really, it took you fucking 10 years to come up with MIB 3? Oh FUCK YOU hollywood.

 What a pile of shit that movie is. From here forward, hollywood just don't make the movie because the actors are getting old. It's ultimately the worst kind of film making, and of course suffocates any artistic merit a film has when capturing an actor before he dies over powers the movie itself.

Well damn just saying I'm making this trailer out of respect for a character who does indeed seem very popular back in my day. Static was EVERYWHERE beyond his show. He was in all kinds of cameos in pretty much every DC show on tv back in those days.

And now here we are beyond that little blissful period of tv superheros and we're still seeing shows about white kids with problems. Supposedly WB is indeed contmplating making a live action static shock series. That would be way past cool if they did that. I mean it'd probably be the most popular show on tv. Lord knows I have no interest in the flash series. I just want to punch that fucker in the face while watching. I don't care about him.

Can't get into Gotham even though I love batman. A batman show without batman in it. We already got that with Birds of prey and we all know how that ended. Looks like they didn't learn their lesson last time....

But whatever. Just want to do this trailer and make it and get it out of my system. Like Stallone with Rocky Balboa. I'd personally love it if Stallone cancels Creed. The whole theme in Rocky Balboa is about Stallone coming to terms with his rocky character and letting go of him. Now he's basically saying Fuck that shit and bringing Rocky back, which I would love to see, not going to lie. Seeing Rocky return is all good. But this is pushing it.

Making Creed will nullify all the good will that Rocky Balboa did for the character. Now it's like all that stuff about getting that beast out of his system will mean nothing in the end since, no apparently thre's more left to get out. And talking about bringing burt young back etc. Might as well cut out all that dialogue about there being stuff in the basement. The stuff is still there even after the movie ends dammit..

Sunday, January 11, 2015

plans I got

I mean my job now is bottom fucking dollar. It's a means to an ends though. I've thought this thing through thoroughly and I want to make decent enough cash and play the stock market to truly profit from whatever companies will be doing big business in the coming months.

Yah may think to yourself oh you better go get a degree to get the big bucks, but not really. Even a guy like me working shitty bottom barrel jobs, can strike gold if he invests wisely. You'll see. I'm going to set up a stock account on etrade and get knowledgable about the stock market and how that whole thing works. I'm not out of the game yet. My job right now is good shit. I go to work, nothing dramatic goes on. It's LGA. The JFK job is retarded as fuck, nobody should work there if they have a choice, work fucking LGA. LGA is like a little slice of heaven, it really is. Sadly there's some fucking sick retarded black people hanging around the airport for whatever reason but besides that it's the most relaxed laid back airport there is. It's such a little nice quiet airport, I really count my blessings that I got the job working there. I really do. I'm like, they could have stuck me in JFK doing the rounds over there which I suffered through already, but no they gave me the good fucking airport to work.

I LOVE LGA, yall. Soon enough get my black ass into Southwest airlines or Delta or fucking Jet Blue. Going to put in my resumes for those bitches asap since there's going to be a chance. Or not, maybe stay where I am and don't open a can of worms by jumping into the airline and dealing with the attitude those guys have. Once they land a job at an airline those guys start thinking they're the fucking pilot because they get to have flight privilege. It's really sad. You ended up tossing bags in life, don't be proud of yourself for that shit.

Me, I don't know... I have intentions to become a pilot, sure, but I'm not sure how I'll personally be able to handle dealing with ramp personnel if they want to start shit and act like they're flying planes all day. I can imagine pilots get annoyed as fuck by ramp people acting all big for being bag chuckers...

I mean I'm at work and this guy sits there talking shit to me about how I'm nothing and all that. I'm thinking in my head, who THE BLUE HELL are YOU? You're a super 200% nigga ass black man in his 30s tossing luggage for 11 bucks an hour. Why the hell are you taking a shit on ME right now?

I've got 2 years of collge under my belt, I could EASILY go back to school and finish my 4 year degree if I wanted to. Then what are you going to say to me?

That shit is the most annoying thing about "adults" oh they're no end to the amount of childhish bullshit in the "adult" world I can gurantee you that...

I'm thinking about, dude, why are you trying to belittle me like we're both teens in high school or some shit like that? I'm a grown ass man, don't want to sit here dealing with some retard acting childish...

I basically ignored him and yet he kept running after me looking for attention like a 5 year old... I can't believe that guy is in his 30s. I just can't...

Me a 28 year old guy acting stupid makes sense. Even so, 28 is too old to be acting like some punk kid but techincally yeah, I'm still in that realm of being a punk kid. But in my mind, once you reach 30+ put that shit away and grow up already...

I mean the saddest thing about my life is how I go from being a teenager masturbating all day to morgan Webb's titties to having a bunch of people attempting to cock-block me. I did NOT see that coming I must say. I thought I'd generally be able to just get a girlfirend and have some fucking sex and move on. Instead I got this BULLSHIT group of guys out there trying to REALLY cockblock me for whatever reason...

I laugh at the whole thing. I really do. That's the saddest most pathetic behavior I have EVER seen from grown men and women. But I'm not surprised. There IS NO adulthood. It's just childhood +....

Go ahead and try I suppose. I will STILL be plowing my penis into a girl's asshole at some fucking point. GO AHEAD AND TRY. All day. Indeed, do nothing else with your day but sit around wondering If I got laid yet. That just makes YOU look RETARDED.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Stallone's infinite midlife crisis

Goddamn is adult life a trip or what. I go through my childhood looking up to and worshiping stallone and his career. Let me tell you, while hanging out in college, went and bought the DVD for Rambo First blood for the first time in my life, sat and watched that movie. Wonderful time I got to say, to sit and watch an old school stallone movie as a huge fan of the Actor.

I mean I can't hate stallone, at least not who he used to be... Who am I to talk, I know... But I literally watched this man's career all my life and never ONCE thought I'd see him going NUTS as he loses his youth.

I think he's sick in the head. Sorry to say, but from what I'm seeing to bring back the Rocky character AGAIN? Even in a spinoff sort of thing, is ridiculous. Rocky Balboa was perfectly fine little way to end the entire franchise. It works as a real standard film. You don't even need to see the other movies to enjoy it, that's why it works. Stallone very smartly made it have its own soul divorced from the previous films. I watch the movie and feel like I'm watching a totally different new rocky franchise to some extent. Sure the old characters are still in it and all, but the movie feels like its own living breathing movie completely disconnected from the earlier rocky movies. In fact that's its biggest flaw, it feels so different that it's hard to view it as a legit sequel. But it is and a far better ending to the franchise than Rocky 5, that gay fucking film.

So now Basically Rocky Balboa wasn't good enough, we're going to get another rocky movie. I hope and pray that this movie's a near damn masterpiece. Or else what we'll see is a fucking karate kid 4. Piss poor attempt at rebooting Karate kid without the actual karate kid and some new bitch in the main role. I loved karate kid as a kid. Loved the sequels, watched all them shits, life was awesome back then man. Fuck though does life repeat itself or what. I was like oh cool karate kid 4, sweet, then I watch this shitty movie that doesn't work at all... raped my kid ass....

I beg stallone don't make this fucking movie unless the script is gold, I beg the man. It's like getting retarded. We got new Rambos, we got new Rocky's like the guy's going crazy with age. I don't mind Rambo sequels, there's no going back after the insanity of Rambo 2 and 3, so make as many crazy sequels to Rambo as you want, who cares, but Rocky is Sacred. Can't fuck with my Rocky franchise... just can't. 

Thoughts on Ghostbusters 3

Major big time ghostbusters nut here. saw the movie at my aunt's house way back in the day. Actually saw GB2 as a kid in theaters. Boy man, was that movie crazy, felt a lot more cool watching it as a kid than now. Now I see how shitty GB2 is compared to the original. but to me as a kid watching it, it was fucking sweet, the way the ecto 1a looked and all the ghosts and the creepy weird quality to the movie. I thought it was awesome as fuck as a kid. Now I see why Bill Murray hates it. It just basically rehashes the first movie and obviously focuses way too much on the side characters and doesn't really tell much of a story. The point being that they were catering to the kids who loved RGB so they fashioned the movie to be more like the RGB show. Egon's hair is bigger, Winston is clean shaven, the whole movie comes off like a pretty decent episode of RGB.

Now they are indeed thinking about making GB3.

I'm all for it though this concept of a female team reeks of Extreme ghostbusters where they were for whatever reason trying to play PC and put a girl on the squad, a black guy, a latino, and a paralyzed dude, wtf kind of shit is that? A gb in a wheel chair? Serious?

I mean I love the fact that when hollywood makes shitty movies these days they actually try to erase those movies and make better ones. I never thought they'd reboot spiderman. I figured, ok, going to have to live with the tobey spidey for a good long ass time. Thank GOD they decided to fix that lump of shit franchise.

Now we're getting a proper final star wars trilogy to replace the prequels which will either work or be a serious misstep like Indy 4. Lord knows if spielberg wishes he didn't make that movie now or not. I suppose he doesn't give a damn if that movie exists, It's not like he didn't already jump that hurdle with JP2. As much as the man is a genius, he's still human too.

Also superman returns. We got that movie, fans were a little miffed about it and now they rebooted superman completely. Very weird world we're in now. Back in my childhood, they made a movie and if it sucked ass, TOUGH, not rebooting it. Live with it. I mean they made a fucking sequel to that assfest of a first fantastic four movie right? Now they're saying let's do it right this time and not cast a hispanic as a blonde white woman!!

How many other franchise would have been rebooted instead of getting sequels constantly I wonder... I can imagine if Hollywood was as weak in the knees as they are today x-men would have immediately been rebooted after the first mediocre movie. But no they stuck to their guns and made a far superior sequel that I loved watching all day as a teen. Loved that movie was just disappointed as fuck by x3 after witnessing genius with x2. Now Bryan Singer's back on xmen and I couldn't be happier.

I hope they reboot batman. If you know anything about me, I'm not a fan of the Nolan batman and after that pile of shit that was dark knight rises, I think a lot of the nolanites agree with me these days. I mean there's no defending that horrible film. I went to see it just as I went to see fucking Batman Begins as a teen back when life was awesome, and fuck me, was that movie dire. Just a big clump of half baked ideas and the worst turn as batman that bale's ever done.

Nobody deserved to get shot over that fucking movie, should have bootlegged it... there's an argument for bootlegging, save your fucking life...

What's GB3 going to be about. I think it should be about the technological aspect of ghostbusting. We've never really sat down and explained all the actual real world phsycis that goes into paranormal elimination. All the tech in ghost busters is actually based on real phsycis, which is what I loved about it, none of it was pulled out of thin air, it was potentially real, just would take billion dollar funding to create that stuff, but there was no falsity to the GB world, it was legitimately an exploration of what mankind would do if there were ghosts running around acting a fool. We'd build technology to defend ourselves. I love that whole man is in control of his fate idea to the franchise. If you got the tools you got the talent of course and it's true, by utilizing our minds to create new tech, we are masters of our destiny prettymuch.

Anyway I'd like GB3 to be an extremely complex masterpiece of a film that delves into the entire inner workings of the GB business and how exactly Ray and Peter and maybe even Winston kept it alive and running as they become old men. See that's what's great about ghostbusters. It's not dependent on youth. They can conceivably make GB for years to come because it's a sci fi franchise. It's not about youth, that's immaterial in fact the joke of GB was that they were fat and out of shape in the first movie and too old to be running around after ghosts, but they had badass tech to make up for that inadequacy.

It's like when you see a professor at big time university. They're old as fuck yes, but they're super smart. And that's all that matters. That big brain far outlast the body's youth. And I hope that aspect of GB is prominent in GB3.

I don't want it to be about the GB's coming out of retirement like with GB2, that shit just sucked. They should have been in full swing as a business from the start of that movie, not lounging around not knowing what to do until shit started happening in the city.

So none of that, GB's hanging out waiting for shit to start, business. We're on fire from the start and things get worse and then the GBs have to figure out how to defeat the new threat to the city in a massive very smart way that utilizes all their hard earned knowledge throughout life. That'd be cool.

Thinking about my job

Not that I really want to, shouldn't think about work on your day off, fuck that noise.

But yeah, I'm a "luggage monkey" as they say. Quite the last resort for a lot of black guys I'm sure if in deed they want to survive in this world, get ready to lift bags all fucking day.

Wouldn't mind going and becoming a mechanic or a pilot, fuck this bag lifting shit.

What can I say about the job. It's easy as cake, but the guys there make it more complicated than it needs to be. Some of them got attitude and shit like they want to put me in my place and make me feel like their prison bitch or some shit. It's annoying as hell but that's life working with black people. They can't go up to a white guy and shit on him, so they go after other black people to make themselves feel big and strong.

So annoying. I just KNOW deep down this guy's belittling me because he's scared shitless of white people. Mad fucking faggot white guys working as pilots and you're scared of white people still? Does that shit make sense?

Whatever I don't think about the drama these douche bags at the bottom of the world want to create, I think about getting that pay check and ultimately getting my ass into an airline or better yet back into TSA.

Lots of the guys at LGA recognize me and say I was a cool guy to work with. No shit. I'm not in these jobs to start shit like other people. If we can all get away with murder and make tons of money doing NOTHING all day, that's wonderful.

Why the HELL are some people dedicating themselves to these jobs as if they have any stock in the company. TSA could care less about each and every one of its employees, it's just business. Don't fuck up the job, the upper management won't know you exist, simple.

Like my job now, I've gotten to work on time every day, I've knocked out tons of flights without one issue, I go to the bathroom to pee and miss a few seconds of a flight, and the supervisor goes ballistic on me like I'm trying to dodge flights. Wow, there ya go... Your good work doesn't mean shit until you bone up the job.

It's business. Get those bags moving of fuck off prettymuch doesn't matter how good a worker you are at all....

Sad sad sad.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

to correct or not to correct

Here I am, I'm doing good in life I think. Lordy Lord, does life suck after high school or what. Gotta say, going toe to toe with the psychos in this world is tougher than expected. Going on the train to work and seeing piss stained fucked up people all the time is never fun. Something's got to be done with those guys, either fucking kill them or put them in a hospital or some shit.

I'm not interested in seeing that when I get off work, goddamit.

Well, in case anyone's wondering, been applying to tons of jobs as is always my MO these days. I have a job, a good job. I really like working as a baggage handler at LGA airport. I'm good at it, I'm working on aircraft, and I'm in good standing with the company, there's potential to stick with this place for a good long while. Maybe it's wiser NOT to go biting off more than I can chew, but this new job offer is TEMPTING AS FUCK.

42,000 dollars a year bitch... But it's a serious real hardcore job. But damn imagine getting in there and having ass loads of cash in my pocket and not worrying about how I'm going to survive and live. Imagine it...

Problem is that the responsibility is through the roof. I've already worked in a hospital mental ward for a few weeks and saw shit that I didn't want to see ever in my life. I've handled a dead body. I've seen crazy fucks in that place. Now this job is similar and will indeed put me in a position to get fucking killed by a psychopath son of a bitch guy or some shit.

I want to at least get laid before getting killed off, that's all. I mean at LGA I saw a girl I used to work with at TSA all pumped up and pregnant, I'm like DAMN SON... WTF... shit happens fast as fuck. That could be my kid in that ass of hers.

She's all shy and shit, how's she going to squeeze out a kid, Yunno, I don't even want to know... But she's got a fat muscular ass, so I'm sure she'll push that mother out no problem...

Nah, not going to go after this new job and that's final. I have the opportunity but I've already quit Swissport once to go after Delta job. To just constantly quit like this won't look good and most likely they'll blacklist me from employment in the future, or not. They really are bottom barrel place, massive turn over rate, so really I can probably always get back into that fucking job...