Sunday, January 30, 2011


well holy super shit some pale nigga named Henry Cavill is superman, no more hope whatsover of Brandon Routh returning, which was rumored for a while...

Can't say i'm against it. He's been tossed around as a name for both batman and superman for years, and he was bloody good in one of my favorite movies count of monte cristo.

Alright, lets see how things work out this time.... what, it's only been 5 fucking years. They should have figured out what not to do by now.... hollywood, the land of 'this time it'll be good, we promise'


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

fondler on the boob

I just finished my second full drawing of my redo of the Eden story. It's not my best, but for as rusty as I am, it came out pretty good. I got the tits right anyway, they're big but they're not enormous, not until she becomes super mamarian, I changed it from saiyan... I want to seperate her from dbz, and just leave it vague whether she's saiyan or not, she's just an alien with extraordinary powers to transform and stuff given the right circumstances, and the joke is that her transformations are meaningless, and actually don't enhance her powers, If she is victorious, it's because she had a bit of luck, that's all. I've always made her win through some accident or whatever. The idea of a girl beating anything straight up, just doesn't make sense. it's stupid.

Like, when i have her fight the bog beast, which was my first ever battle, she won that because the bog beast was too fixated on fucking her, she was able to get a blast in at his head, but even then it wasn't enough as I months later added on to the story that the bb just gets back up like a zombie and eats her, and from there she blows him up from the inside, which is something I already did with her vesres galactica. If galactica didn't swallow ronda, she'd have won, but she was stupid. Same kinda happens when she fights verona, though this was more about two chics pointlessly trying to fight than anything, in the end verona has a chance to kill her but doesn't and eventually gets kicked into a bottomless pit or something, can't remember really, and bites ronda's titty to keep from falling, ronda offers to help but verona refuses and tries to blast her and ronda's titty slips free and then she falls down the pit.

so that's how i roll with her character, always being very fortunate in battle. i'm not at all excited about redoing all my old drawings, but what really interests me is finally scanning the story so it's forever captured digitally as well as getting a pen and inking the pages, then possibly coloring them in the computer. I estimate it'll take 3 full months if I haul ass and get it done.

then the real fun begins and I do the prequels, Ronda's story. Her story is the legendary precurser to her kid's story so it'll be a lot more personal and focused. I purposely constructed the EDEN story to be sorta this big reunion thing with ronda meeting past allies and foes, I know who these people are, but no one reading it would etc..., now we'll see how she knows all these people, and it'll be interesting to interweave that with her final battle vs ender throughout space, time and infinity which if all goes right will sync perfectly with the original stories as she goes to the past and impacts events throughout her life.

Then I do the Eden chronicles of her life after the epic events of EDEN, fun little stories. This is before she has her kid and becomes a teacher. She travels the world and battles fantastic magical creatures since she's part of an underground group of ghostbusters.

Ronda meanwhile is still working with the AD (Astro Division) police and goes to find Dana where she encounters powers that are far beyond hers as she battles some ancient tribe of warriors. she marries and becomes queen of the tribe and has another daughter, Angela who is sent to live and train with her sister at a young age.

Angela is really where the next story begins as she searches for her lost mother and tries to fill her shoes. Ronda has been traveling through time and space as her powers combined with the tribe's magical energies opens a portal to a new dimension. She returns reborn much younger as her original form before becoming super mammarian, not really the same person she used to be.

From here she sets off into the world again to explore as Angela settles down in the tribe as the new Queen. Eden is a teacher. Verona believe it or not gives up fighting and becomes a house wife. Lena is a bounty hunter for hire. Dana is prettymuch still Dana. Jade becomes a famous porn star. Eve and older Eve continue to develop their technologies and fight time crime through the ad police...

Now it's time to draw all this shit.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

spidey deja vu

Can't say exactly when, but yeah prettymuch ten years ago, I was sitting in my room down stairs visited aicn, which might have been called something else back in those days, and looked my eyes in awe at the first official spidey pic from the 2002 movie. good times.

no doubt some kid's dooing the same thing to the new image we have of the new spiderman. DISCLAIMER: fuck you if you like raimi's films. just get the hell out of our way, we got a new spidey, webshooters, hopefully more serious tone, and all that good shit.

Interesting, very interesting. Looks like he's got the mechanical web spinners going this time, finally a reason for the finger pressing...

This could be the spiderman begins of the spidey film series, wait and see...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the levels we descend to

thank God people like this are in charge of the world


Funny; our instincts and what they force us to do. There's something I notice psychologically when i watch fucking mountains of porn. The girls are like in a trance or something... Dazed, totally out of control. it's like watching someone on drugs, no mental process going on really. I think that's true of all females in heat throughout the animal kingdom. They're not in control of their repoductive cycle.

heh, all that posturing and feminism garbage and they end up whores nonetheless. and even after a girl helped save my life, I still feel this way because even she likes assholes. It doesn't matter that what anybody says, or does, women want the bad boy every time.

so here we have it, girls in porn doing what comes naturally, which is to put out a indirect body language that attracts male attention. It never fails. just go outside and look around. girls wear tight fitting and revealing clothes, because they want to get fucked.

And it's at all levels. Harvard, to Cuny, same shit.

Wonderfully absurd behavior, and advantageous for me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

spider man returns

So it begins, the great spiderman war that will more than likely shake the internet very soon if it hasn't already. I'm kinda interested in going back to spidey boards and getting into it with some of those fucks. would be fun but I'm too old honestly, not that i've got a life or anything, but yeah i'm not that stupid anymore to waste hours in deep thought on spidey.

Goddamn though I want this movie to be good. And by good I mean absolutely nothing like the raimi ones.

Make spidey the star of the movie. It's not the adventures of peter parker guest starring spiderman. Really give us alot of great stunts and dazzling visuals please, not just playstation 3 looking crap. Make New York look like New York, never liked how the raimi movies made new york look clean and nice. It's not. far from it. And I live here so I know.

That's the spirit of the city, it's old beaten down but still as alive and badass as ever, like spidey kinda after a battle. New York and spidey go together very well. Use that.

Webshooters. Someone argued once that we need webshooters to convey peter's high intelligence which is one of his greatest assets. fuck that shit. I just want him to not have bodily fluids spewing out of him thanks.

Still in that same vein give us a smart mother fucking spidey, quick witted, one of those people who doesn't need to lay a finger on you to beat you. That's him.

Do this and we're good.

ace in the hole

Recently my co worker threatened me, tells me to lift a shit load of bags or just fuck off. This is how it is at jfk, there's something upwards of ten thousand bags to move a day, and they have to get it done or there will be hell to pay. so a lot of these guys in this dead end job are insane. just like in the military, money can be a great motivator, convincing these guys to move mountains for their bosses so they don't starve to death.

modern day slavery.

i thought about it for a second actually, I could probably find a better job anyway, that'd be a good idea instead of risking life and limb in the bowls of an airline. sigh, i don't know, don't have a problem getting the job done and going home, but these fucks are out of their minds having no where else to turn for money, so they lash out at me. i'm amused really... more than frightened. I KNOW i have a bunch of aces in the hole.

first is that they need me, all this 'fuck off' stuff and yet i still get scheduled again and again for piers and arrivals. it's like being in school though and some of the students suck up to the teacher more, same shit, some of the guys whine to the supervisor if they don't get what they want. and teh super obliges them because it's his ass if the job goes undone.

too bad they really can't afford to just throw us baggage guys away so easily. so i have to laugh at it when they try to threaten us with a firing. it'd really be more of a favor.

then it hits me, they hope to stick you in a corner in college too. learn and study and shit or we'll kill you. interesting, albeit fruitless. why would you destroy the people who are going to be worth millions to you. come on, we're not idiots.

i know this now, didn't back in the day, but yeah, the rich need the poor, they won't lift a finger against them because it'll only hurt themselves.

if i get fired, so what. there are thousands of companies looking for a guy like me, go right ahead. i actually have tsa on the backburner. their hiring process just takes a billion years...

you want to kill me... good luck, who is going to take care of your daughter, marry her, all that traditional garbage.

i... rule... the... world... asshole.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Life in America

I'll be brief since I start my crappy ass job in 17 minutes.

I've had a recent encounter with the attitudes of most people in this country, the whole capitalism idea... unless you got money, fuck off.

I went to work, didn't have much to do since there was a blizzard and flights were cancelled, so that was all and I had to go back home right, wrong, whole airport shut down and I was stranded, no money, no way of getting to the subway. So maybe you heard about it, but I was trapped at howard beach A train for the entire night until they could get the thing running.

Sad really, if you don't have a dime on you, no one will help you out. During the hours I was stuck, I didn't fully panic because I knew that eventually I'd get back home at some point, I just didn't anticapate nearly starving for hours. I was terribly hungry with no way of getting even a bag of chips. And of course people were all around and stores were open, but it was like being thirsty and being in the middle of the ocean, couldn't hope to get a damn thing to sustain you for a while....

long story short, on the brink of passing out, some generous young woman, challenging my hatred of females all together, noticed I was dying and gave me some peanuts. My GOD I was alive again after that... And all it took was someone giving a damn about a stranger. I'll never look down on homeless people again. this world is THAT cruel. we have an over abundance of food yet people starve out there. UNACCEPTABLE.

After that, I got even more hungry and resorted to grabbing mayonase packets and eating them since they had protein and carbs.

It just sickens me that we're an obese nation, but god forbid we help each other out with some free meals... just sad.

I don't care about people who have everything and give nothing anymore. That's just wrong. It's not a lot of people's faults that they got fired or they have trouble with money, it shouldn't be the end for them... not here in this country... but talk is cheap, unless you're actually going to go out there and save lives, stfu i guess.