Thursday, January 24, 2019

New chapter

I'm bored honestly, first time I've been able to kinda take a break from the job... so much I want to do for myself, get things cleaned up, do another render of the movie, but I'm not into it right now...

Sick of the subway. Seeing homeless down in the gutter people on the daily, not a way to live one's life, just not. Avoid it, avoid them, you're better off. I don't even think of myself as better than anybody but hell, no way do I deserve to be blasted in the face by a bunch of crazy psycho homeless people every single day I go to work. I don't want to think, just go jump into a fire and leave this earth, but yeah the thought crosses...

tired as shit, damn, need to heal...

sorry not going go further and work on the film anymore till maybe a week from now. I pushed myself to my limit to get out the thing that exists, not into doing even a few sound fixes for it. It's done, like, the way it's edited is all done, not gonna change that anyway for now...

What I will do is kinda take a long vacation. I need to step back and re-evaluate what I'm doing and stuff, I mean I'm just not sure what the goal I have is or what I'm wanting to do with a steady job at the time being. I don't really know... lost..

And about Glass... boy did that movie bowl us unbreakable fans over and just really stirred up a of talk and leave people's heads spinning about it... I'm going to say I liked most of it. Some parts are still confusing and leave me uneasy about whether it actually works as the final film. Even M Night himself probably has mixed emotions about where he ulimately took it. My static film was conceived probably 90% different than what I ended up making. Nothing I really wanted to do with it worked out really. Editing the forest battle was too much of a mess etc.... changed that whole sequence from what it was story boarded as since it was too much to do... I don't know if glass might have been too big for M. Night to grasp fully and he stumbled with his attempt to squeeze all these things into one film... I guess it feels like it's disjointed. It's bloated for sure... things happen too fast. And we get more questions shoved at us about it all in the end that are never going to be answered... yeah that part of it I can't stand behind... pulling a Lost and just leaving stuff unanswered and unresolved. it's cheap... The biggest thing people were waiting for when the movie finished was a big twist that it was all a dream or something, even minority report leaves you wondering if it's just a dream at the end of the film.... I don't know if I like the way glass ended, but it was a well done continuation of unbreakable and split for the most part. Do I want to see it again? I could and do indeed want to, but thats a bitter ass ending, man. hard to want to see that again... just this blank question mark of an ending, and every review is saying Glasses plan wasn't that great, we don't live in a world where it's hard to capture people with super powers doing things. Everything is on camera 24/7 now and online in seconds, so relying on cams at the hospital was just unneeded. Would have been a more fun film if it was actually about hunting down glass and the beast instead of one flew over the damn coo coo's nest type of crap.... don't know man. Frustrating film... but that's how it ended,  there it is...

Friday, January 18, 2019

Link now up

Here ya go....!e6AHBCAI!xbTapqD6sK179JnxTmi7W4FoABqIhE3yqFboLNZ4ggE

quality is ass, I'm no master of encoding long stuff, will need to redo it but it's watchable.

will now focus on glass... may review it etc... its time to get back to my unbreakable world i love...

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mostly done

Nothing but the polish and nitpicking part now...

yep, did the unthinkable and decided to skip out on work for the day to hammer away at this fart of a fan film. dumbass thing to do... money > personal passions or whatever. But I made a promise and felt it was right to keep it and I'm sick of making boxes all day... sick...

I'm going to render it now. I'm spent, nothing left in the tank. Is it finished, no. Needs sound work... boom's gun will lack all sound and stuff, but I'm just maxed out. Other things need fixiing etc but it's minor stuff. I'm not going to go crazy for this flick that no one will watch, sorry and I did bust my ass on all of it, broke my body did so much for most likely nothing...

so I'll give a link and you can laugh at me, don't care... I made it... I did what I wanted to do...

There will be additional even better releases that I plan but yet again I feel like who's gonna care????

But yeah this is the locked down final cut like a theatrical cut before the DC. You know how they release the rushed out theatrical then fix it later on in the dc, same thing. This is my theatrical cut. DC on the way but no time soon thats for sure... I'm tired of this project.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

proud of myself

It's been a long day... essentially the film is still far from complete but I soldiered through a ton of it and pushed it very very close to where I want it to be for it to be done. Just really all that's left is plugging in fx and doing voice over work. Really fun to watch it with the intended fx. I did some good pre-visualization on all that stuff so it has my style to it if that means anything...

the tough questioin, will I make it to my deadline? Craaaaaaaaaaap hard to say. No train is fast enough to get me back here in time to finish it so probably still going to be off but I have to give myself credit, I did what I said I would do and spent all day working away at shots, just pushing myself to do it even when I was tired of it....

So I've made significant progress... I will have merely 2 or so hours to rush together a final cut tomorrow night after the job. Then that's that... it'll be out.

If you've seen it, you get what I'm trying to do... I've watched it with added fx and it's much more fun when its got some life to it and such.... goddamn I wish I had a massive budget and could have made this more than what it is, but yeah quite fun to watch for me. Going to be a bit different from the rough release as it just has to be chopped and changed to fit things..

gotta sleep and shit so I'll be back with whatever it ends up being on the magical day of glasses release which apparently they're releasing in pieces on youtube... ok, thanks for that. good grief wish I could have mo tiiiiiiiime

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jumping into the fire

Bout to just do it.. just get er dun... will I finish today, hell no. But i want today to matter, just make it count and have it bite a big chunk out of the work load as possible...

Most of it will be plug in fx from my downloads I got or green screen stuff. Not gonna go all insane and do it all intricately or whatever....

Wish things were different, if the damn job didn't eat away at my time so severely would be looking backwards and saying oh it's all done, ha ha ha, now I can be free....


Alright, time to suffer.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

progress report

ugh, that's it that's all I have to report...

I can't believe it but right before getting into the long battle of finishing my project, I get into it with the coppers. I'm sick of their nonsense. I do indeed realize it's a black thing. They love picking on black people more than anyone else on this planet.

I think about it. Yeah I'd like to be something the hell else so they'd leave me the hell alone and I can feel free to live my damn life, but I've never been anything else. I'm kinda used to being a black guy. It's what it is, I don't feel like I should hate myself for being me... it's what I am...

I don't need their nonsense disrupting my mojo, ya dig. I hope to resolve their quota meeting ticket fest they love to go on by email or something and not have to think about it...

As for my project, yeah, tougher than I thought but I knew it'd be damn near impossible to meet the glass deadline with all the job taking up all my time... I simply will not have sufficient time.

I will try my best to get it all done but be warned if I get lazy and just toss pre-rendered crap in there and it looks crappy, it's because there's no choice.

Back to it...

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

working on the final polish

Not easy that's for sure... had to tug at my self to get motivated to do it... I don't want to sit here looking at my very awkward attempt at a static movie all day... It's practically done, I'm getting around to organizing each and every scene that needs some kind of after fx work applied to it...

bought a laptop on ebay. My intention kinda is to use it to do some fx work and editing as well as the billions of things you can do with a computer... It's one of those convertable laptops... I'm so out of the loop on new tech that I had no idea those existed at all and became fascinated by the potential of the technology... indeed as much as people are kinda looking at it as overkill, it's something I always wanted myself, the ability to not mess around with a touch pad if I just want to click a darn icon.... plus as a craptastic artist that I am, yeah I'd love to do a few pieces on there see if creating art on a tablet actually is easier than doing it for real with all the costs involved.... plus I've got tons of comics saved to my computer that I can't hope to read on this thing, but that, built for it...

limitless potential with this thing, yes it is a good idea to marry tablets and laptops...

Gonna find out what the whoo haaawww is about this new fangled usb-c and lighted keyboards and all the crazy stuff they're doing with tech now. I mean I just bought the thing kinda blindly without trying to figure out what the hell everything does because I don't know... don't know if I need the fancier stuff.... simple truth... I know it's like a year old or something and of course all it takes is a year for tech to suddenly become ancient these days, which is awful, but what ya gonna doooooo....

back to this hellish thing and then I don't know, be back to kinda give some kinda update on where it's at once I begin the fx stuff.... It's fun, it'll be worth it. Watch it after ya go see Glass....