Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Finishing DBE Edit

Made a Vlog about my journey with this thing, not going to post it. Too much talk and crap, who wants to watch that shit...

What is there to say about this. It's a passion project, more or less. I've been waiting for years for a live action dragonball. To get the assfest of a film we got after waiting that long, words can't begin to describe the shock and just general fail you feel after waiting for it for that long. And it's so simple. Just take Shaolin Soccer, ANYTHING Stephen Chow (huge dragonball fan) has ever made, and DO THAT.

Instead they sadly tried to give us a smallville clone.

I will say this. There's no saving the film. Nothing I did made it a worthy dragonball film. It still has nothing at all to do with dragonball really besides the casting and costumes.

What I did do was make the film work better as it already existed.

My cut is the only dragonball live action film you should ever show to your kids. It actually isn't going to completely offend you like the original film.

I've been working on this thing for 2 days straight. Fixing a million different fx and audio shit etc. I've added every deleted scene except for the mai stabbing which is the same scene just with a knife in her back... would have been more fun up her big juicy butt in that scene, but I guess they weren't inspired.

I started out just wanting to put in the sensu bean and the deleted scenes, then as I worked on it more, I figured out a bunch of little ways to improve the movie. All some of it took was getting rid of clunky dialogue and bad dubbing, suddenly the movie works like a normal film and not a weird shitty first draft thing. Imagine that, putting thought into this movie, how it would have been...

I put thought in it. I extended and refined some of the fight stuff. Added light to the fire balls to make them FIRE balls.

I enjoy watching the movie now with my cuts and additions... I wish they'd release all the deleted material cuz they shot tons of shit for the end fight that was cut out. I can't imagine how good the stuff is. That's a goddamn lost mystery, where is that end fight footage they shot for DBE that we see in the behind the scenes vids. Is it still around? Did they destroy it? Do they plan to ever release more deleted scenes in future releases? Why didn't DBE get a director's cut? It's been 7 years, still no unrated super cut of the film. The movie works a shit load better with all the deleted shit put back in. Wouldn't hurt to input what was taken out in a new release of the film on Blu Ray. But everything about DBE has been a loss for Fox. They want to bury the film and forget they made it, sadly...

I guess it would be as stupid as releasing an extended edition of street fighter os mario bros movie. Bombs. No profit earned at all, studio wants to wash their hands of them...

That's a shame. Fox. You had the ball in your court and you dropped the dragon ball, blame no one but yourself. There's a good db movie inside of DBE deep down, hidden beneath all the ass. If you released THAT version, I guarantee you you'd see fans flocking to get it and WOULD profit. But you're scared little pussies, as usual.


Monday, May 30, 2016

What would I do if I was white...

Got thinking about this. Never had the luxury of being white so I have no clue what it would be like, but yeah, just started thinking today about what life for me would be like if I was not a black guy.

Pretty darn great I can imagine.

It is confusing to me to see white people complain about being white, it's just like, you got to be kidding me with that shit.

Like I was at work and this gorgeous italian looking girl is whining to me about men trying to cat call her. I was just like, "oh really..."

Bree Olsen's another offender. Not that I have a problem with her, I identify with her situation, wish I could fuck that bitch, but overall her constantly bitching about having it tough as a former porn star is aggravating to me. You're gorgeous and white, you'll be fine. Shut up already...

It's like I gotta wonder if some white people are just that dumb to not know they're walking talking super humans with unlimited powers in this life we live...

You honestly should not be complaining, yeah, I know there's tons of white people who have hard/knock lives. I'm not ignorant to the wealth of diseases that strike all races.

But hearing some big gorgeous sexy white girl complain about how hard her life is for the thousandth time is driving me off the tracks it really is....

Saturday, May 28, 2016

applied for southwest airlines

What a joke, damn joke, work planes day and night, and all I ever get is subcontract work. Does that shit make sense to anyone?

Not gonna cut it, sadly. I'm going to get into an airline even if it kills me, that's all I got to say. I worked so hard at delta and never went to any other nation on this planet not once when I had the chance. Could have gone to japan and experienced japanese life like I always dreamed, but no, dumb fuck had to keep his passport clean to get the TSA job.

Wish I still worked at fucking delta, I tell ya, good shit, best job ever.

I hope southwest has their head on straight and hires someone who knows the job like I do.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

so AVGN won't see Ghostbusters

Probably a very wise decision. The movie looks like ass just from the trailers alone. The CGI is terrible as if it was made in the fucking 90s. Why? The movie looks dumb and completely misses the point of ghostbusters in the first place.

People starting all kinds of drama with him about it, but I think once the movie drops we'll all agree with his views anyway. It's not going to be a great ghostbuster movie. It's going to be as if they took shitty comedy X and slapped ghostbuster's name on it. That's what it's going to be.

Do I want kids to enjoy their little selves at it and not piss all over their childhood, YES. By all means don't let the internet virgin brigade deter you from taking the kids to ghostbusters and rolling around in the fanboy fun of it all. That's what being a fanboy is about, liking garbage...

But for us who know ghostbusters and what it's supposed to be. This protest of the film is warranted, I'd say.

Monday, May 23, 2016

white people, man...

Not many benefits to being black, your life is going to be very bad, very awkward, very down beat, but one thing I have to comment on that black people have is fucking common sense.

Why are white people climbing big ass mountains and dying on them? Why yall jumping out of planes and praying your parachute works? Why yall making mountains out of mole hills in the political world as if the world's going to end tomorrow if you don't get what you want. It won't, I can assure you the world's pretty tough, it'll persist.

Just got thinking about it, never cared much about the shit white people like to do, but it's a strange observation I've had as a black male. They go doing some dangerous as hell shit for no damn reason but to say they did and then when shit hits the fan, it's like Oh wow, how did this happen to me. You don't put your hand in a bee hive and say Well WHY DID I GET STUNG???

Gotta say, black people have the whole, not doing stupid nonsense like climbing mountains and flying down mountains on skis on lock, son. Cuz it's dumb and you'll die doing it.

Why I get my thrills from videogames all these years. Sure I can do physical stuff, but not that crazy is all......

Sunday, May 22, 2016

What next for GTA....

Been playing some old gta 5 recently. Still a lot of fun despite being practically abandoned by now by R. They've announced they're working on GTA 6. No new heists, pretty bland, nothing updates so far. I'm gonna guess they've moved on from this GTA and are fully focusing on the next one.

What do I want them to do?

Give us more freedom and control over the game. Let US create heists. R states that it would demand too much time and effort to make new heists, so how about CUSTOM HEISTS you idiots!!! Imagine that shit. a bunch of geeks working for months on badass heists and missions that get ranked by the community, would blow shit up. R can review it and certify it and make it their own to some extent.

Drivable yachts you idiots!!! wow, give us motherfuckers boats and we can't drive them in a game all about Driving EVERYTHING on the map!

Big money missions hell even an online lottery like in the real world. Everybody buys tickets, a big raffle goes on and one person gets paid a fuck ton of money. Would make people engaged in the game a lot more than just grinding away all day at heists over and over...

Sucks that like you can't have custom text on the tires. Why is that even a feature if you have no contorl over what's written on your tires?

Loads of additions need to be made to truly make a better GTA. Have a hell of a lot more customizablity over your player, maybe even facial mapping through web cam or cell phone. We all have cell phones and cams now, didn't have them in the past, so it's high time you can easily take your picture and map it over the player head model.

Damn, what else... Boxing, basketball. Make the new GTA have a lot of emphasis on phsyical fitness and improvement. Make missions depend on you having developed your skills kinda like shenmu did. If you didn't practice fighting and stuff you wouldn't progress in the game. It was mandatory. As it is, the old San Andreas fat and skinny mechanic still beats the shit they're pulling in the new game.

Gyms all over the new GTA map and not ONE can be used. Does that shit make sense??

Kinda miss listening to the radio and laughing my ass off at the jokes. The new radio stations don't have that same wit and humor I enjoyed so much. It' just nothing and rihanna music all day... not a deal breaker, would be nice if you could connect to a faved list of internet web radio stations. In fact the tv should broadcast your faviorte youtube playlist. Just an idea.

Definitely custom apartments needs  a revamp. I'm all for turning GTA Online into a quasi-sims experience. You have full control over how you build and design your apartment or house. In fact that should be the way they approach GTA 6 online. Give you the chance to build a house for yourself and invite buddies over and shit like that. WTf happened to owning a house like in the single player... Imagine you really have your house and have to protect it from invasion like in Metal Gear 5. Haven't gotten into that game yet, but when I get the chance to looking forward to doing the whole bit where you build your own online base and protect it from outsiders trying to steal your shit. GTA could learn from that. In fact people were saying MG was doing everything GTA wishes it was doing.... I can see that being true...

Maybe make underwater and water a more prominent feature in the game play as well. Just I don't know, no real purpose to having the submarine.

Need ways to transport multiple cars, would be nice if those car transport trucks actually worked. strange that you can see them going down the high way loaded full of cars and driving normally but when you load it up, it's a wreck waiting to happen of course...

Skateboarding would be phenomenal to include. Skate parks all over the map and you can't do some quick Tony Hawk shit at all. You can BMX a little but that's it and it's not as fun as skateboarding. Hell wouldn't mind every videogame sport get a little something in the next GTA, why not. Lordy lord, what a joke bikes are in GTA 5. Yeah they want you to do bike races on the map and shit, but it's damn awkward to control the bikes and a pain to pedal them, and you'll never use the bike beyond bike races, so having them be all over the game is a waste of memory... just saying. If there was a reason to use the bike like it had the ability to grind and trick out in ways no other vehicle could, ok, same with skateboard, but as it is, it's just a silly toy you ignore as you play.

If I think of anything else I'll post more. I want GTA 6 to be amazing, is all...

Saturday, May 21, 2016

How I think ghostbusters will do

Not stellar. That's not the film they made. It's a by the numbers scooby doo movie we're getting, not a solid entry in the ghostbusters series.

But it won't flop. It won't outright bomb. A lot of parents will flock to this movie bring their kids for birthday parties or some such thing.

To sit and say it'll go out like a puff of smoke in the wind, is truly blind. It's not some big depressing emo movie that's full of violence, it's a light hearted silly kids film and you have to look at that and say, when it's for kids, it will most likely make a buck no matter what the fuck it is. Parents need to take their kids to movies and they can't take them to half the shit out there, so I predict ghostbusters will fall right into that nice little spot where parents feel safe and comfortable bringing their kid to a movie.

I personally hope it flops. That's the only way to send a hard cold message to studios that you SHOULD leave a classic movie alone and not bastardize it and whore it out for a buck.

Will it? Sadly no. Angryvideogame dude is correct. We are getting another Michael Bay Transformers movie at this very moment in time.

I had nothing but high hopes for transformers in 2007. What a bunch of time I've wasted caring about this series of films. They've been NOTHING but horrible. Nothing saves those movies, NOTHING. They're everything Idiocracy was warning about. Makes me want to go back to school and get educated or some shit, cuz if society is indeed heading towards movies like "ass" we're in serious trouble...

Ghostbusters is ASS the movie we're getting. Why did it come to this? Just constatnly getting ASS the movie from studios these days.... so sad...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Had a starnge dream...

What the hell does it mean... just spaced out and drifting through the hours as usual and then this little girl flashed into my head...

It was weird. I never dreamed like this before. It was just, I saw her face,

I saw her face....

What does it mean...

Monday, May 16, 2016

batlefront 2 on the horizon

How do I personally feel about that. Happy but sadly makes playing the current battlefront seem like a waste of time if indeed a superior version is on the horizon.

That's lame. I payed upwards of a 100 dollars for a mere demo of a real battlefront game that's coming down the pipe.

I submit that in the future after battlefront 2's release, they make some changes to the original battlefront. Allow the ships to land, allow the ATST to be an on field vehicle that anyone can use. Shit like that. All it would take is changing a few bits of game code really.

Enjoyable as battlefront is, sucks to play it knowing a bigger better beast with space combat etc is around the corner, just sucks, sucks dick.

If they really want to save this current gen of battlefront, one of the DLC's and free updates will include a space battle, namely either one of the two death star battles. And maybe some force awakens content since it's kinda weird to only have the battle of jakku be all we get. We should have kylo ren as a villain, maybe rey as a hero if they want to continue to tie this series in with the new trilogy.

Don't get me wrong. I truly am having a blast playing it and am enjoying the challenge of getting the new weapons, but if they want to make us who payed 100 dollars not feel betrayed and maybe want to rebel and not buy battlefront 2 until it's cheap, they got to give us a reason to have spent so much money. Maybe even a discount on bf2 if you bought all the dlc for this game. It's really just poor taste that they'd say, alright AFTER you dumb asses bought battlefront 1 and the dlc, NOW we're gonna make a real battlefront, sorry guys!!! So sad....

Thursday, May 12, 2016

thawts on space jam 2 and my new co-star Alden whatever the hell his name is

Goddamn, get an american name, brother, can't pronounce that shit...

Well some say space jam 2 isn't a  good idea because Lebron isn't on Jordan's level. I agree. I was there when jordan was in his prime, motherfucker was like some kind of titan. Sold out entire games, got huge ratings, shit, Lebron ain't even close to Jordan's level.

But I don't have a problem with space jam 2. I think the first movie exists in its own little universe of weird stupid shit. If they want to bring that universe back and have lebron be the new savior of the universe through basketball, how's that any weirder than the first movie's retardedness. That movie was just hopelessly awkward. Can't believe I somehow enjoyed it.

I say go for it. I love the Looney Tunes, wouldn't mind more movies featuring them and this could be a lot of fun and bring that space jam spirit back that was so cool. It was never even meant to happen. They just made some silly commercials with looney tunes and basketball and then somebody got the bright idea to make it into a movie and it barely works as a movie. Hell, space jam really isn't a movie now that I think about it. It's just a big wacky longer version of those commercials. If they make space jam 2 make any kind of fucking sense, it'd easily surpass the first one...

As for the guy I'll be playing Lando with. I don't know anything about him but he seems like he's crazy enough to pull off Han. I like the hail Caesar clip I saw. He's going to need that edge of crazy he showed in that to make the role work.

It will be tough. He's trying to fill Harrison Ford's shoes. I KNOW I can fill Billy Dee William's shoes. Not an issue for me. Him, I'm not going to do more than tell ya good luck with that shit. Ford's GOD. Try beating that guy...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

progress and plan

Still making the official static shock live action trailer...

sadly spent 43 dollars on a delorean hover mode car that isn't as big as I hoped. But fortunately I might be able to use it in the film by shooting it in front of blue screen and inserting it into a part of a flying shot. 43 dollars worth of easter egg for anyone who spots the flying delorean, yeah that makes sense...

just going to lay out my plan for this thing and above all else, WHY I'm making it.

Cuz there isn't any... I mean nothing against current world of cinema and tv, but yeah, where ARE the black super heros at?

Goddamn. It's weird as fuck. I never contemplated I'd get older and kinda be wondering where the fuck black tv shows and black cartoons and superheros were, but I guess black people have no choice but to fight for involvement since the white people running everything will forget black people are knocking around in this world.

I mean it's not their fault. They grew up in the white world, it's all they fucking know, really. They make tv, movies, cartoons, games etc, that represent their upbringing. To make a black anything would be damn difficult for white people, it just would... so they keep it simple.

Anyway, looking forward to finishing this 2 or 3 year project. It's been a hell of a ride but I've taught myself so much about film making in the time I've been doing it that I truly have a greater respect for the process of film making. It is hard. It's like, everything has to be done all planned out and in perfect sync. I never thought about how they made movies all these years, just watched them and enjoyed the show, but having gotten my hands dirty making my own. I don't envy being a film maker. I just want to fucking toss my camera in the trash at times. It's hard to get the shots you want.

I mean, damn. I understand why George Lucas hated directing now. Imagine having to do tons of takes over and over again, that's a nightmare for the motherfucker I can imagine. No wonder the acting was like really bottom barrel in the prequels. Lucas wasn't interested in performances in those films, what a waste...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Got a new ride

bought another hoverboard thing...I personally love it. I wish it wasn't made illegal. I mean, people should fight the law. We're adults. We have a right to tell the government what we want. How can you tell adults what they can't ride under their own full knowledge of the safety hazard. It's like telling a grown man he can't ride a dangerous skateboard because he might fall off it and hurt himself. What they're worried about is having hundreds of people on these things and they go flying off into traffic with them. Fair enough, I understand that, but what about skateboards, roller blades, hell, even people in electric wheel chairs or something similar. You can't tell them to stop because well, they'll fight that law and win. Grown men and women, not kids. You can take toys away from little kids and that's the end of it. You can't tell a grown man or woman they can't do x,y,z because it's dangerous. Wow, so sad nobody's fighting the anti-hoverboard law.

So much can of worms opened by such a law. What else can the governement meddle with because it's potentially dangerous. At the end of the day I think more people die in car accidents than will ever die on these slow crawling hoverboard things. Really think about it. Every day there's a car accident because someone sucks at driving a big dangerous car. Yet this slow moving soft piece of nothing skateboard thing is illegal. I'm floored by that shit.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

thawtz on new han solo

don't know shit about this guy. `hope he's got what it counts to play Han. Why lord and miller haven't contacted me yet for lando, I can't tell you. But when they get wise and do I'll be ready...

all of my fan edits

heres links to all of them...

dbe  DBE

street fighter hadouken

tmnt 3 hensonized

super mario bros  Power glove  so bad

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Artists on facebook

Gotta say, that's truly inspirational. I use the facebook thing for mostly keeping abreast of whatever my favorite celebs are doing but seeing artist work on there is what's even better.

It's amazing to me. I have to say it makes me feel embarrassed for not having honed my skills to their peak. I do what I can and have been capable of above average art all my life, but the shit Jim lee, Sandy Collara, Todd Mcfarlane is pulling makes my shit look like stick figures.

Wow, gentlemen. I've grown up on your stuff and loved it. To see you make it, never thought I would, but it is humbling beyond measure to watch masters do their craft in front of my face.

Because of these guys and their efforts to spread their talents to the world through the web, I'm inspired to do the same.

I'll be doing some new art, new star wars art soon, stay tuned for that.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ben Ramsey `Apologizes for Dragonball Evolution


You took something that was so stupid easy to make, copy the comic and do everything stepehen chow has been doing for years and you did a watered down smallville for dummies. Thanks guy.

There's your argument for bootleging folks. Any time i hear complaints about bootlegs from this point forward, just point to dbe and say well, sometime's there's a purpose.

Sad sad sad. DBE killed, literally killed Any live action dragonball potential the franchise could have had. Why don't they just ghost rider it. Sure spirt of vengance isn't the best ghost rider movie either but it wipes the first movie with its ass cheeks. So it was a success in that regard.

Too bad. It's been fucking 7 years. Everybody from the movie has split up and wants to forget it happened.

no one wants to make a sequel to it because just look at the potential for it, none. What a joke and a tragic way to end the popularity of dragonball. if things had gone to plan, the movie would have been done practically exactly like the comic and of course have insane amounts of action and spectacle. oh jesus i feel horrible knowing that that movie is the dragonball kids will grow up on. just terrible.

apology not accepted...

Monday, May 2, 2016

Working on a couple projects at the moment...

Finishing the Super Mario Bros movie edit. This will be the only version of the film I will ever watch and I hope others decide to add it to their collection as an alternate version from the original. The movie's got heart, yunno, there's a good movie in there, but it's surrounded by so much garbage. As I've been editing the movie, I've gotten to understand it more than I ever did casually watching it as a kid. There's quality acting, writing, production values. They really did have quite a good budget. But there's so many weird decisions in the overal look and tone of the film. It is what the crew said it was, a conflict between what the studio wanted and what the directors wanted. In the end, it's pure 90s, which is to say, it's awesome and weird. That's what my childhood was about, embracing crap like super mario bros and so I've decided to take the movie and make it my own version.

I'll be doing Chun Li next. I feel so bad for Kristen Kreuk. She's my girl. I grew up watching her for years, brother. I would have never wanted her to tackle chun li and have it end up the way it did. I mean, what a woman. Got in the best shape of her life, then got fucked by a shitty production. Welcome to hollyweird, eh...

I'm going to do what I can to fix that movie. Mostly getting rid of those shitty fireballs that look like ass. Good grief. Why is a movie like mortal kombat from the 90s still the only one of these movies that got the fire balls right. Hell, mortal kombat got everything right. Why didn't robin shou save the production during filming. He already got it right with MK, makes no sense why he didn't help save chun li.

I've got a little plan to save Chun Li. Going to attempt to increase the speed of her kicks to make it seem like she's doing the flash kick at some point in the movie... Don't know what else I can do... I honestly fucking abhor the way the movie opens. Never open a movie so DEAD like that. It kills the films momentum. I was just out of interest in the flick from the start, bad move.

I think I can use smallville clips to add stuff. I know there's a whole Lana training scene I could use...

Sadly there's no way to put her in the chun li costume. The BIGGEST AND WORST failure of the chun li movie. Wow. You have Kristen Kreuk, the most damn accurate looking chun li girl EVER, and she's in her peak fighting shape, and you DON'T put her in the costume at all during the film. Wow. That's why it bombed. I mean if it was just whatever it was and then she got the costume and was showing those legs and kicking and all kinds of shit, movie would have been ok... but they shitted all over chun li, and didn't even have the costume. Why is this a street fighter movie? I MIGHT be able to somehow put kreuk's head on the chun li cosplayer in some kind of dream sequence so that there is a snippet of her in costume in the movie. If I can accomplish that, I'll consider my fan edit a success...

Anyway, see ya later...