Sunday, January 31, 2016

The shit it takes

got to talk about this for a second. I buy things from ebay off and on of course. New shoes, whatever, stuff for the static shock project and of course a gold chain necklace to look sexy.

So yeah I never cared and I don't think anyone does about what kind of shit the mail man has to go through to speedily deliver your new toys to you.

He goes through a lot.

You think those packages are delivered all by the truck guy? No. The regular mail handler has to deliver any small items. Doesn't make it easy to do. The hard part is when you have to goddamn carry a bunch of little boxes and shit in your bag and keep aware of which address it goes to as you go door to door and hopefully don't miss that person's house.

If you do, you have to make a choice, save it for tomorrow or go walk a mile to deliver the fucking thing. If I had to choose I always took the bitter pill and delivered it. I can't stand not getting my shit and having to wait so I do what I can. Only one time did I say fuck it, and didn't bother delivering the thing that day... Other than that, every time I missed a house, I walked all the long ass way back and brought the package to their door. Probably nonsense in that box tho... sucks for me.

Well, shit. Don't take it for granted is all I'm saying. It's no simple task to deliver little packages as well as tons of junk mail to people's door steps and if your package isn't there when expected it's because he missed you and decided to deliver it the next day in the next pile of shit coming to your door.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Significance of the 90s

Here we stand in 2016. You can if you choose stalk all your favorite celebs through the internet. I'm not inclined to do so simply because I actually liked being ignorant to what they did all day myself. If you prefer knowing what shit they eat every waking day, so be it. I'm not that nuts about it.

If you care, probably don't, but if you care about what I liked about my childhood. Thing is, yeah, childhood was hell, but that one summer where I had all the time in the world to watch the power rangers movie all day, THAT was pure heaven.

Just me 11 years old, popping in the power rangers movie to watch all day. If I had it my way, that would be IT for me. I'd never get older just live in that perfect moment.

Makes me sad that the world is so shitty. When life is good, it's fucking good man. Why does everyone want to turn life shitty? Why? Politics, want to prove your smarter than me or something. Good for you. Don't matter to me, not my problem boss. Go figure out that nasa level shit over there in a corner and get out of my face.

What's up with how hard it is to get a job too. I just got laid off from this shitty bottom of the world mail handler position. Why? He wants me to go back to college, write essays, get a degree in something super pooper cool.



College can go fuck itself. I want to grab some titties, not run around playing harry potter. So shut up.

I don't like to get aggravated, but I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the nonsense way this world keeps trying to cram college down our asses like its the end of the universe if you don't get that accolade. I can assure you it's not. It's just that, even if they made it a requirement to have a degree to work at mcdonalds, you fuckwits would go after it and smile all the way to the minumum wage pay check ya get. You're being played like a violin and you don't want to protest, or don't have the balls to stand up to the upper crust who's playing these games I guess.

I don't know why they want to make life so complicated. It really isn't. Get pussy, shut your mouth, and enjoy it. That's prettymuch the whole deal. Why is it that we got retards running around telling everyone ya gotta go full buck crazy and struggle and claw your way through school all the live long day for some vague promise of riches.

It's just pathetic the way the system exists. It's just been a horrible experience for me, the school system. I don't trust it and would never recommend it to any parent these days.

It's like this giant jack of all trades master of none. I honestly have no clue what kids today are being taught or how but my education was backwards and really didn't work at all. It was a joke and high school is the worst joke. College I don't even understand. What are you supposed to do in there? Who you supposed to fuck in there? Or do somehow grown men and women keep their biological urges completely under wraps.


Whatever right. I don't give a shit. The thing that I want to accomplish with my life have nothing to do with playing with an antiquated shitty school system.

I've always taught myself everything, why stop? And the shit of it is, like ya go to school and they give you a book and say go do the lessons on the computer back in your dorm, have a great day, you'll be tested some time next week. SAy what? Why did I pay money for this class if I have to do it online? WHAT?

Oh I get it, I'm just a fucking walking bag of money, nice...

Anyway, beyond my emo rantings. I just wanted to remind myself that at some fucking point life for me was freakin great....

Friday, January 29, 2016

Mark Hamill will voice the joker again

Thank God. The other jokers were terrible that we've been getting. Sure hamill's joker is gruffier and older sounding but even the raspy joker is better than any of the new guys they keep throwing at us.

Good, very good. Congrats to hamill, Conroy etc. Looking forward to this new shit they got in store.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

real black people vs caramel colored blacks

Don't ya love this world. So basically I've been made aware of the world as it is today to a large degree. It's all about race, never gonna change. So yeah, I mean. I live now with a mind full of thoughts on what to do these days in regards of the angst within black people. It's like, damn, what am I supposed to do about the reality that the blacker you are the shittier your life will be no matter what you do about it.

I'm ME, the guy who grew up watching movies and playing videogames. Never once concerned with racism or the really complex politics within that subject. The thing that strikes me is that you're gonna get shit from super duper black people for not having lived the life they've lived, for having just never truly faced the difficulty of being super black beyond blackness. Forgive me? I just lived my life going with the flow of it since kindergarten, not wanting to or caring about the giant racial divide in this world? I was well aware of how hard blacker kids had it, not stupid, but that wasn't what childhood was about. No fucking kid sits and thinks about this shit for more than 5 mintues. Too busy being a kid!!!

It's stupid simple, yet massively complex issue.

The thing that bothers me is that yeah just as I predicted (and I'm often too fucking right) I'm gonna live my life getting hate from both sides. Blacks and Whites because I'm stolen whiteness, and 2 I don't belong to the ultra dark blacks and will never understand the horrors of their life.

Oh shit, I guess. Boo hoo.

Yeah, I'll never understand what it's like to be Black as space. But ya know what, get over it. It's 2016. We are in the fucking future already. EVERBODY knows science and all that shit is more important than petty racism nonsense and if you have a brain that's capable of doing backflips and shit, it doesn't matter how black you are, you'll get a damn good job cuz we prioritize those people always.

So SHUT THE FUCK UP and don't cry to me about your problems...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Just hanging out

I just took a shit and then took a shower. I thank myself I must say for staying in shape throughout my childhood. I'm lean now because I worked so hard at staying thin and agile as a kid. I have been cursed by the mil and told my kids this and kids that, but I still look forward to optimizing my body and creating the physique I've always wanted but could never figure out how to do.

Facebook what an amazing and addicting thing. I've been using the internet for a lot of years. Never have I thought in my mind that I'd have instant access to everyone I watched in movies and tv shows like over night, it's surreal and throws me off. At this point in my life I should be completely just not involved with those people anymore and not a part of their careers since well, after you finish those shows, you assume those people are doing more important things, not hanging out on the internet, but not really. Everybody from the 90s is still noodling about doing something all day. Whatever, who gives a shit right. It's either you get the chance to talk to these people or you never do, so take the chance and see if they give a shit. That's the joke about facebook. Yeah the actual celebs run the pages, but in reality they don't read or give a shit about the comments. One wonders why they run the page if they're not going to care. It's not the end of the world, just a weird observation. You can say you love their work all day or make suggestions on things and they'll ignore it even though it's probably right there in front of their face. Like I asked Vin Diesel if he could finance my Static Shock project. The guy runs a production company. He probably knows I exist a little bit or not whatever, but nah too busy being filthy fucking rich and working on his muscles again to get back in shape for XXX 3, Shoulda made dis shit 10 years ago.

It's all good though. I always wanted to have a website as a kid. But to get one would be a huge undertaking and you'd have to learn code.

What would it be about? It'd be dedicated to star wars and real ghostbusters.

That's basically all I've been ever doing on the internet. Going to websites about Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Ghostbusters and I don't think I'll ever stop.

Do I want the new GB movie to fail? No. I love Ghostbusters. If that movie does well, it WILL re-invigorate the franchise and lead to a possible RGB and OG GB revival that would include a new toon, toys, games, you name it. Unfortunately it looks like pure ass like Home Alone 3. That's what Paul Fieg does not understand. He's a nice guy and all but I've seen what happens when they try to farm a franchise for its popularity without the original stars, it's a joke.

Poor Culkin. The guy must have watched Home Alone 3 and felt betrayed or like just disgusted by the thing.

Same with big doll eyed sexy as hell do, Christina Ricci. When she watched casper sequels, she was like, Really? Wow, this is trash.

So now we're going down the same toilet with ghostbusters, and it's a bad move and they're going to shove this movie down our throats whether we like it or not. When it bombs, don't look at me. I told ya...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Goddamn space jam 2?

Looks like hollywood's thinking about it. I'm down for it. Space Jam was a weird ass fucking movie, but you had to be there like I was playing super nintendo and shit to truly appreciate it. I don't think a kid today could tolerate that mess of a movie that makes no fucking sense at all but I could. Is it a good movie, hell no. Is it awesome as fuck like a hot fudge sundae with extra chocolate sauce? HELL YES.

By all means I don't know why we aren't on space jam 6 by now. I love that aspect of my childhood more than anything else... Star Wars is where my heart is, but being there watching jordan play and seeing his career progress was something else. I wish I taped his games so I could legitimately have my own copy of his games. I just casually watched him play not thinking anything of it. In fact, I look back and curse myself for not appreciating watching a Jordan game because it's fucking over, son. Nobody on the court today equals him and basketball sucks fucking dick now, sorry.

Now Jordan's like never gonna be that person again either, what a fucking world this is. Ya live, and then do awesome shit then get old, terrible...

Who's gonna star in space jam 2? People say Lebron but it should be Kobe. I don't know if Kobe wants to kinda lampoon himself. He's about to retire apparently. I guess he's tired of b-ball now or his body isn't up to it anymore, what do I know.

Getting into Lando's head.

Sad to say since Billy Dee hasn't responded to my tweets to him I think I have no choice but to go find him and get his advice on how to play lando for him. I don't know what to do exactly. Only he knows, ya see. I know lando, I"ve lived and breathed ESB and RotJ for so many years. I know how to play him, but I don't know exactly what went through Billy Dee's head when he was tasked with creating the character.

We'll figure it out. When, yes I said WHEN Lucasfilm contacts me about the part, we will brainstorm about it and figure out how to approach it. I stupidly pretend I'm playing Lando when I'm waiting for the train to get home from work. I imagine a young lando is really like, kinda a brash, arrogant, hot shot, not the mature, level headed lando we see later. In his youth he was a firey sorta-dickish guy. We'll figure it out.

If I get the part I'll open the door to suggestions as well from the fans. These new movies they're making, the wonderful thing about them is that there's no limit to what can be put in them. They're basically very massive star wars fan films. And that's ok. Star Wars fans deserve control over their franchise now in my mind.

If they want it from me, I'll do tons of story boards for the Han Solo film. Phil and Chris don't know what kind of guy I am. I've been drawing comics since I was 5. They'll not only get a Lando look alike out of me, but I can design and draw tons of shit for them if needed.

Let's do it. I dare them right now to go out and find someone who looks closer to Billy Dee than me. Go right ahead. Not saying I deserve the part, no, but my life is Star Wars. I live for it, so there's no reason under the sun not to offer me the part.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Booty Booty Booty

Of course all I'm thinking about. I'm all kinda lost in life now. I see the world for the first time with more of a fuller clearer perspective far beyond the childhood one and it's not a good sight to behold. I'm fucked I have to say... If you're a black kid and you think you can just go and be yourself and not develop a skill or a language or something while you're young and think this world will give two shits about you, you're very very horribly wrong. I guess there's some truth to the shit you see in those black college movies about black youth having to be pushed harder and develop a tougher skin and be better at everything just so they can get the leftovers from white folk, it's all true.

I mean it's not right to me. I didn't do anything wrong. I stayed away from girls, I studied and worked hard in school, aspired to be scientist or astronomer. All I get for my efforts is a big heaping pile of shit on my plate. And the thing that hurts me is that, yeah, I did all that home work, all that studying and I've never gotten close to a girl, just to have it all kinda fall flat and go no where.

It feels so wrong. Am I right? YOU SHOULD BE REWARDED for doing the RIGHT thing.... I did the right thing. Whatever you want to say, it's damn good to stay in school and finish and not get a girl pregnant. I did the right thing. Why am I the bad guy all of a sudden?

It's just the way the world is. Truth be told. EVEN IF you go to university and work hard and get a billion degrees, someone will jump out of the bushes and for no reason under the blue sky label you a complete idiot piece of garbage.

I mean it's like trying to get a girlfriend. Sadly if you're a sweet, good natured farm boy type never hurt a fly, you won't get the girl. It's just the way this shit works apparently.

Well yeah, it's wrong. I mean I'll be honest. There should be moral standards we adhere to, not some devil may care attitude. When I was a kid, a little shit kid kicked one of my teachers down a flight of stairs. I would hope he isn't living it up right now in life and is getting his reward for that action. I don't and was never taught to believe bad behavior would be rewarded. But it is. This shit world doesn't care about good people and the things they do all day. Maybe there's no reward for a kind hand and smile. I mean I just can't stand being treated like I'm this complete shit of a person. I guess it's racism, but no I'm the guy who did all that shit you were told to do as a kid. I did it all. How does it suddenly lead to being treated like I just raped and murdered a 5 year old or something? Wow. Is that just how society treats black men and no one ever told me?

Probably. I never cared to look into it. But I don't think ANY black males are looked favorably upon in this world. Not one. It's not because I'm a bad person, it's because nobody gives a damn about black men.


There's your answer, should have realized that a long time ago... What can you do to somehow fix or repair the image of black males. I honestly don't have a clue. I never stood a chance now that I see the world the way it is. There really isn't and hasn't been much interest in putting a spotlight on black males who are nerdy and not the bad apples hanging out in prison all day. Even Cosby is being tossed under the bus these days.

You'd think otherwise considering all the really great black shows that aired for years. I went to school and went to chess club and there were very freakishly smart black kids in there playing chess. Yet yeah you don't see those blacks on tv anymore.

Worst thing in the world is how black people tear each other apart in this world. That's why blacks aren't getting what they want politically. There's no sense of unity in black people. It's like I go to work and the first thing I get is shit from blacks at the job, why? Sadly there ya go. Don't know how King did it, fighting for black rights. He probably had half of them wanting him to shut his mouth and not stir the pot...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No blacks at the oscars

Wow, that's kinda weird.

I don't know. I don't and have never really givin a shit about race politics. I was a white kid for like 1/4 of my life. I don't really have much of a full blast knee jerk, black power reaction to things. I literally belong to the white race. I can't and don't look down on them or black people either. What the hell am I supposed to think about this... don't really know but it is very strange to not have at least one black actor tossed in there to say, yeah no racism here. I guess the PC police messed up this time...

There's no going back either, it's literally ONLY going to be white people getting awards at the oscars this season. How bland and boring to me.

Not like white people have the most fascinating movies I have to say. I've gotten older and ultimately as I watch movies more, I'm kinda tired of watching movies about white people's problems. It's like. I don't see 100s of homeless white people. I don't see a majority white pressence at most low manual labor jobs. Why do we get so many movies about their lives being the pits. It's simply not true.

What you'll get most time with white cinema is movies about them wanting power and achievement often taking on other whites in a quest for power and dominance, not struggling against a majority who looks down on them, that's never the movie, never... Not gonna be the movie and they know it. It's been tried I think. They made a movie about a parallel universe where white people were the lower race, not blacks. But it's never going to be the reality, so they won't make that kind of movie. Classism is where they'll play that note, but other than that, no. They simply can't make a serious movie about how being white won't work out for ya. I realize that now. That's a real struggle for white people, how the hell to make their lives look harder than black people's lives in a movie. I don't think they've ever truly succeeded with that.

Annnnnd they won't...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I wish anakin's story was totally remade

Now that we're seeing star wars get a fresh start to some extent. I'm thinking about like what if they actually kinda remade the prequels or offered an alternative story line you could choose instead of them.

The PT is nonsense. I will never look upon them as legitimate star wars films myself.
They don't play in the same sandbox as the OT and they definitely don't work as a good story. I don't get why any parent would show the whole star wars saga to their kids from the PT to the last movies. The kids will be totally confounded by the major disjointed and awkward shift in quality from PT to OT. It's unfair to them.

If disney was wise they'd make an alternative big 3 hour movie about the journey of Anakin skywalker to becoming Darth vader that you could show them instead of the PT.

I'm all for that myself. Bring back Ian Mcdirmad if you must. You know you have the majority of the OT cast still ready to do it. And offer a well done version of the PT to sort of step away from being beholden solely to those movies if you're a parent and must show the films in order. Unfortunately yes, we won't be seeing episode 1 and 2, but whatever. I'd prefer we get at least something quality out of the pt era that actually isn't an insult to our intelligences.

The main instigator of this whole interest in retelling the story of Anakin is that the one we got blows. It's stupid and delutes every aspect of Darth Vader's original mystique. I mean. From Obiwan's words one would think Anakin deliberately chose to become vader over years and years of dark side seduction, not a quick blink and you'll miss it thing. I'd have liked it and did expect from all the foreshadowing in he TPM marketing that we were going to watch anakin's soul slowly chip away until he fully embraces the dark side. One thing that a lot of people discussed when we were waiting for RotS was that anakin's turn to the dark side was way too quick and like not even his choice. There's no quality of greek tragedy of a good man making poor choices in life and paying the price. It's just punk guy trying to save his woman.

Darth Vader and what he represents is supposed to be MORE than any other Sith that we ever see. He's supposed to be the worst of them all because he's different, he's actually enjoying it. He's full on evil to the core and an arrogant very powerful unstoppable sith lord who only answers to the emperor. We never see vader poke through in anakin's personality at all and we barely get to know vader once he is born in rots. It's way too fast and shows vader to basically be the same shit as maul which is truly wrong. Vader will eat maul alive he's way more complex than that shit stain of a character.

So I'd kill for a full on reboot of the PT that does Anakin and Vader justice moreso than what we got. I keep imagining if I saw like Brad Pitt from Troy over the course of the movie and the political webs being woven choose to side with the wrong crowd and grant them his immense skills. Imagine if that was the case and we didn't see Achilles be mr. hero the whole movie. Imagine if that was anakin's journey, we see him as this great jedi warrior who slowly through his arrogance and incredible power, decides because of circumstances he needs to go dark to get things done better and quicker. Wow, would have been more interesting than what we got.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

El Chapo thoughts

Gotta talk about this shit. I'm just flabbergasted really. The dude deserved to be caught in the end.Why? His dumb ass hung out getting interviewed by shawn penn, genius. Still the gov didn't find him. It's only when his dumb shit ass started posting blackberry messages that they probably just looked at the IP address and found out his location in a few seconds flat. Wow.

He's a fat old man, that's all there is to that. He's just not with the times. If you want to find anybody, all it takes is a few google searches. The Gov prettymuch knows where everybody is these days. We all have GPS units in our pockets. If you think the gov can't activate your phone without you knowing, you're living on mars.

Enjoy jail. He's got no one else to blame but himself. Don't try to make excuses. If you escape prison, you get OFF THE GRID, that's the term for it. You DO NOT even for a second contemplate using the web or a cell phone. Every movie makes that clear yet apparently he never saw any of them...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

360 days

going to start work at the post office tomorrow... 9am. Looks like a win for me. I know everybody is up college's ass and loves it like they love a wet titty with a cherry on top, but no, not going back to that. Pushing mail is no fun, I will admit it, but it's not that hard, and it pays out the ass. You'd be dumb not to exploit the opportunity.

Ultimately I look at life this way. Sadly, ya gotta get that paper. Don't matter what you do, ya gotta get that paper. And that's the reality we live in. If I'm getting paper, enough to pay bills, get food, transportation and of course new computer equipment, so be it. I don't give a fuck about doing a corporate job or a job like postal work. It's all essentially the damn same thing. My ass getting up to work somewhere I don't want to be for money that I need to buy new toys. Simple truth...

It's a long term job too. Yeah I've read the horror stories about CCA position, sure, sounds bad. But I'm at a small office. Most likely not going to be doing hard core routes like people online talk about...

It's a good bet. I mean even if I don't get a lot of hours, I'll still have a guranteed job for like 360 days until the 5 day off thing. That's pretty sweet.

I want to build a huge Gaming computer, most powerful stuff you can buy if I can find it. Water cooled GPU. GIANT flat screen TV, Surround sound, baby. That's what I want. Playing battlefront on this little bitch tv is just not cutting it. I need a mammoth one...

I mean hopefully I'm pulling a regular schedule and earning 40hrs even at CCA level, and we're all set. I'll feel good about the job. I don't know.

Gonna get some cool stuff though If I get paid really well.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Helping Phil and Chris

I have my doubts about landing the Lando role, of course I do. I just feel now's the time, with TFA obviously showcasing that the world is ready for star wars to make its triumphant and GODLY return to cinemas and spread the love we all have for the franchise to the masses. MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GOOOD about LIFE! That's an amazing gift, I have to say.

I catch myself ME the kid who laughs and keeps himself infinitely upbeat no matter what, feeling like down for reasons I can't quite make sense of. I got titties all around me, decent high paying job that's not hard, new star wars being made right the fuck now. I got a good thing going dare I say. But yeah it saddens me, people suffering, old dying people I saw in the hospital when I visited it. I mean, pull the plug on those people. They're not living anymore. That's not a life, that's just NOT. Let them rest in peace...

In some cases death is a release from the shackles of life in the end, it just is...

I read Phil Lord's twitter every so often. Smart as fuck guy, really nice and funny too. Of course he is, wrote and directed the lego movie. They have no fucking shit of an idea how lucky they are to have been blessed with the han solo spinoff. It could have gone to any nigga, those two niggas got it. WHY? They're messing with a movie that WILL do A LOT of money. They'll never need to make another movie again after this bitch. IT's that monumental. I don't know... we'll see, baby. I'm standing here, today, Billy Dee at the age of 29. You either roll with me, or you get some spanish guy and attempt to morph him into a lando look, it's up to you guys.

I got money, I'm not worried about money. My job now can MORE than afford a really SWEET high scale apartment. It was a hassle and I fought and clawed my way into it, but I got it. I got money. I'm relatively wealthy all things said and done. I'm able to truly be master of my own destiny financially thanks to my grit iron will power to survive that I've developed since childhood. It's ultimately payed the fuck off...

Thing is, that money don't buy happiness and that's the damn truth. I don't give a fuck about having all the money in the world if I dare go see the han solo movie and it's some douche bag playing Lando and not me. I'll walk out of the theater and curse the movie, that's how emotional this is making me. I didn't dedicate my life to star wars for it to end this way. No... The only reason under GOD that I was sucked into the star wars universe was so that one day I would claim my place as Lando Calrissian. There is no other reason. I feel it deep in my goddamn soul.

I beg Phil and Chris, HEAR ME. We will make a movie that will live on for eternity, give hope, joy, and unforgettable memories that will last a life time. It's what I was born for....

Monday, January 4, 2016

Improving my games

I'm a gamer, that's more or less who I've been since I was 5. Little did I think of it as a real hobby but it is. The things we gamers do and lengths we go to to beat these games, it's amazing. Not only that but I fell in love with Tech TV primarily because it was the pioneer in gaming-news. Which astonishingly was relegated only to magazines for years. I've NEVER ONCE scene a gaming tv show. Made no sense considering my whole childhood revolved around SNES and later the playstation 1. Now gaming is no longer this little weird quirk of childhood it's a real long term, life long, hobby much like computers themselves are for some, a profession for others. In fact I think yeah, there are and will be more pro gamers down the line. Some day maybe even people will take it serious like a real sport, who knows...

Never been a serious PC gamer but after tweaking my computer to FINALLY get all my games running smoothly and overclocked, it's a wrap. I'm never going back to consoles and unfortunately I think even Sony and Microsoft realize their console days are fast approaching their end. They'll live on, but only as like  a way for common folk to play games. Anyone with half a brain enough to set up a game on a PC will never buy a console again I bet on that...

You get 60fps out the box. No discs to load up, all downloadable. All your games are a mere click away, no searching through a book shelf. Instant access to all your friends online though facebook... Console days are done, and that's all ya gonna know about that. It's like porn to a degree. The internet truly put the final nail in the coffin for porn on any other format and even pay sites. We can see a chick eating dick any time anywhere with no issue. It's free, easy, convenient. Used to be a playboy mag nut as a kid, but now it's like looking at a regular glamour mag to me.... I mean should I feel bad about that, the lowering of standards and ease at which I can get porn now? Or just watch a chick getting hammered and not give a damn...  I think to myself, it's not like I'm the one getting laid. So wack away!!! She's having a fucking blast, not me!

Anyway, got some thoughts on battlefront and improving it as well as GTA.

They did good with the new update and giving us a boat and stuff, but it's garbage to me. You can't drive the yatch? How awesome would that shit be if we could just fucking drive the yatch or for even more money a massive pirate ship!!! Ya gotta be kidding. I want to get the boat but since I can't drive the shit, I don't think it's worth it... that's no good.

Need the flame thrower back if possible. Why not. Just how awesome would it be to flame people up and watch them fry.

Got thinking about giving us a remote driving feature for the cars. It'll cost a pretty penny but it'd be nice to be able to call your car to you like you call your horse in red dead.

As for battlefront. The hero thing really desperately needs to get back that whole "kill health reward" feature. I mean it just not fair. In the hero battles you might get beat down to 3 health, and escape, but then good luck. Your health won't regenerate and it doesn't even regen when you make a couple kills so you don't stand a fucking chance at defeating your enemy. Would so make the hero much more fun to play as and make you want to master the heros so you can use them longer. What a missed opportunity. I know what they're thinking, they don't want the hero to be too powerful, but as it is, they're not powerful enough. A couple of well placed shots and the hero's done. Needs to be much much much stronger than that.