Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays

I never do christmas posts. I'm in the middle of writing a anxtey ass post about the struggles blacks face. And it strikes me, why am I doing that on a day of joy and presents and forgetting your worries.

Yeah not even me going to go and spend today all morose and spiteful.

Everybody should get some damn joy today and be a little happy in this dismal horrible world we inhabit.

I do hope today's a good one even to those I don't like, wow that takes courage, wishing your enemies a decent happy day.

That's jesus. That's what he was trying to say. Go to your worst enemy and be kind to him or her.

Think about it, think about how hard that is. I'm thinking about it right now, the people I don't like, and how it would be ridiculously tough to wish them well. But if you follow the book, that's the way...

up to you. Good luck everybody.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

So lost right now

What's 7 dollars for a early morning showing eh, just go wack off to some lightsaber fest and be back in time for a good relaxing shower or something...

Yeah yunno the clickbaiter parade has begun but in my years of giving a crap about star wars videos and stuff, I just don't feel compelled to this time.

It kinda really is over for me. Oh should I spend 15 minutes watching this review which will likely end up parroting every one elses thoughts or don't waste my time.

Will or won't I go see the movie and be done with it. I've watched so many of these movies in theaters though, I've wasted so much on this kind of stuff I do not want to keep pumping my money away into some clumbsy sequel thing to a beloved franchise.

I think it's time to put a strong foot down and say no more, that's all.

I've been doing the go arounds looking at so many view points on the film its flaws, its good parts, the better approaches to the script, what's been cut. It's all kinda a big last attempt to scramble for something to find that's fine with it. I'll tell you this. Yeah I went to ALL of the spider man movies. And I've yet to see any of the homecoming and stuff movies and I just don't want to. I'm burned out on those films and just tired of them by this point. I don't give a sith about yet another in a damn assembly line of spidey movies, my apologies.

And make no mistake rise of skywalker's like spidey 3 or even better comparison is dark knight rises. I don't hate either of those films, but they undoubtedly dropped the ball. In rises case too it couldn't proceed with a joker storyline at all since the passing of the actor really and that might have impacted things. All things considered it did what it had to do and finished the story set up in batman begins even if it was a big confusing messy weird ass way that it decided to do it.

Spidey 3 same thing. Even more to the point it goes back and re-writes the origin of spiderman or something i can't remember the full details but we all hated the idea raimi had of having sandman be uncle ben's killer yeah I remember. That's just what the hell. So you can see more now why I'm not giving a damn, it's like I've seen how these big studios like to play by now, if they can prioritize toy sales, they will. If they can try to lure fanboys like me to the theater with palps, lando, lots of nerdy stuff, they will. Focus on doing a better made story is not their intention and it wasn't, it's so clear it wasn't. I'm mad about it. Nothing about Carrie fisher's passing prevented them from doing some things better and that's what's so weird to think about... just didn't give a hoot...

Well I'm going to stop giving a hoot, and wow, here I am going on about a bunch of movies that I'll soon put behind me on the massive pile next to the Holiday special and Ewok Adventures. Why the f am I doing this?

What's eating away at me is that, I don't mind bad star wars. I really don't... and this is definitely bad star wars, but I wish it was MORE bad star wars not half way attempt at making a decent entry then a bunch of wink wink wink referrences etc. If you're going to make a bad star wars MAKE a bad star wars, commit to that. It's still enjoyable to watch bad star wars, the muppet show stuff, the parodies, spaceballs, having that star wars feel is what's important, not that it's legit. They just don't understand that and just make it like a suped up quasi attempt at being on Lucas' old movie's level.

Oh get out of here with that. What's fun about JJ's trek movies which will stand at the end of it all as superior to his star wars was that he didn't try to make trek movies as weird as that sounds. He took trek and just decided to make something comic bookish and spunky and new. That's why he was hired for this trilogy yet he completely went the opposite direction and tried to copy and paste the OT because he's scared of going off the rails with it. This dude...

Oh well, what's done is done, and I don't know if I want anymore, but yeah we'll see what's next. I and everyone else is baffled by this film. How can you consider it a conclusion to the story if it's been made clear palps is unkillable. Just ugh with this stuff...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The hell

Well nobody's lying. I will say that much. Those that hate it outright are right, those that find it good are also right.

It's a square down the middle unashamed fan film with a huge budget.

As a fanboy who's watched fan films about star wars for many years growing up, star wars kid vid, the dorkman vs ryan fight, thumb wars, f'n all that crazy crap we used to do, especially a lost hope film, best example of the fun star wars was in the old days...yes, I'm an oldbie now as we used to call old forum users. I've been around for decades on star wars messageboards, I've seen it all.

I say sure give it a look as a fanboy. I was thinking yanno it'd be too much like TFA with Abrams trying to force feed his lame characters on us but he didn't or was aware we didn't like them and just kept them as respectable if cardboard cut out characters who had to conclude their story somehow.

As an actual movie it's a mess and the best description is muddled. I liken it to John Carter of Mars or whatever else big dumb blockbusters come and go all the time from disney or, yeah most apt comparison is pirates of the caribbean. It's like watching one of those, lots of mediocrity mixed with bits of genius.

The worst thing about it is palpatine, but yanno I get it. JJ said fuck it and the movie's gleefully well aware it's just playing the same note EVERY fan fiction has played and almost winks at us in its lack of originality just to give Ian full reign of palps one last time. I wish it didn't. I wish Ian told JJ no, I respect palpatine too much to turn him into a farce, that kinda thing...

He didn't. He came back, he went and got killed again. The end?

Will I be paying to see this? No. I'm not wrong for wanting to skip off this one. It's a catch it on tv one day and say oh this is nice movie...

It's not worth it to go pay and all that, not to me. It doesn't finish the story and we still have  a billion questions about it all in the end, it had ONE JOB, finish the story and I can't say it did.

It's good though if you are a fan and those fan moments are good, very good, otherwise it's like a big clunky semi deranged slog through everything return of the jedi did already.

I'm indifferent to it as a lot of people are. It's neither the best star wars or complete failure, it just is and that's what we've gotten used to with the prequels. I'd have hoped for more than aiming for what the prequels accomplished, that's all the ST as it's called now ended up doing, matching the awkward misfire of the prequel trilogy without anywhere near the creativity and balls Lucas had.

I'm tired too. Just kinda tired of these Indy 4 kinda films where they just do it out of a last chance attitude. Got to not do that, that's all. Leave that shit to fan fiction and comics or whatever.

Oh, I'm just tired now... RotS burned me out never thought I'd end up back on that same old friggin point ever again yet here I am.

As for where this leads or goes now with the franchise. This might have done it no matter how decent a movie it was in spots, this might have caused the pot to boil over and we will see mass rejection of further disney star wars except for their tv and streaming stuff since that's actually quality... All I'm thinking is that they'll need to kinda ignore the ST in the future, ironic too since they've been content ignoring the PT for a while now, there's nothing from the ST I personally care about or need anymore and it will be remembered as about as much as we all remember star trek's sequels and misfires. I'd have hoped star wars was above that. It wasn't.

Should I finish what I began?

I'm posting again due to this being it, the final film in the series EVER. I do need to think deeply on my life and how it's gone to lead to this moment. In merely one day the last star wars movie will be out.

I mean I was there when the "real" last star wars movie came along.

Let me tell you about it... it's what I lived for. I felt nothing towards anything in life but waiting for RotS.

In all honesty, RotS was truly more about finishing what I began as a 13 year old watching phantom Menace than wanting to see yet another George Lucas directed star wars. By that time I'd woken up to the reality that the man had his limits and wasn't all powerful and was better suited in producer/writer position.

So I feel a deep sense of deja vu here. All the people going crazy with hyperbole nowadays, it's different than when RotS came out. Back then we all didn't have this haterade mentality because we were sad. This was it, 6 films, no more. We're done. And in that sense RotS was a true celebratory film overall and it filled that purpose. It was bloated, a mess, full of fan service nonsense, yet it was lucas making star wars for the last time and it was fun decent film so it was celebrated and we relished in the moment a moment we honestly didn't believe we'd see. The prequels are a failure on many fronts but a goddamn fascinating journey and for that I'll always be greatful.

Can I look at TroS that way too? Should I? Lucas is not involved, this is essentially like making a big deal out of the latest EU thing or tv show with no Lucas input or anything.

I've been going over the film like a madman trying to gauge the thoughts on it and where they will sync with mine.

I'm getting PT feelings all over this film, too hollow not well planned, the irony is incredible. So it's basically a star wars prequel level film? Is it wrong for being that?

Can you legitimately argue a star wars film is wrong for being too close to something Lucas himself would have made? Oh man what a can of worms I've opened.

Nothing is drawing me to go see it. Read a little further on lando's role, apparently not that involved? not that important, just there to say hello since they neglected him? Oh get out of here with that shit.

I'm deeply unmoved by the cast and characters. They are props and toys in a video game level that is JJ's action scenes. Got no interest in their story yet they're constantly pimped in the films as if they matter and are vital, so nuts. And yeah that's why they were background wallpaper in TLJ which was made by a person who's kinda an actual film maker not a toy seller. Sorry for that movie, always reading some jerkass pretending it's a massive disaster or something. I'm not sure what's motivating those people, rival studio plants or something, oh yeah we're there these days, corporate politics is going on all the time now online, welcome to this backwards ass day and age.

It's like I'm at war with myself. Yet again, Ian is returning one last time as Emp, that's what was great about RotS and here we are again and apparently he's still alive or something or whatever, but he's half why the prequels were any good, his story his brilliant perfect portrayal of the emp. Hard not to want to see him again all things considered, essentially he's the only reason many will want to go see this thing. But that story of the emp is so done right?

Yeah I have to agree, would have been more ballsy to go a new direction with it, yunno. Don't do the emp story retread, make it about something which I thought it was gonna do from the trailers, Rey going dark side. Now that would have been a fascinating film. Not this safety net thing they hobbled together by committee Star Wars by commitee... Come the hell on, Padme said she doesn't like those in Phantom Menace, Jesus watch the movies...

What does disney care, they want money right? People are dumb right? Laser Swords, lots of cool cgi, billions in the bank, done.

Ok, yanno what, I'm not gonna do it. I'm not supporting it. I want them to finally reconsider the franchise they're fucking around with. This ain't matrix, spidey, xmen, transformers. This ain't men in black. This ain't even Star Trek. It's the Holy God of all Summer Blockbusters. You have to care.

Ok I'll compromise I guess, bootleg the damn thing watch a bit, if it's not the trainwreck it's being made to be by jackass trolls in many comment sections then I'll feel bad for bootlegging it (yeah shocker I'm not totally evil) and pay and go collect the stub. It's just let me say this and then you'll understand what's my reason. I paid for a JJ star wars already. It was ass. I paid for that. I feel my money for TLJ was more justified than, hell my money for Avatar was more justified than that goddamn flimsy film.

Oh I mean come on, I paid for dark fate and genysis, I'm gonna bootleg away, it's all going to balance out, come on...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Star Words

read up on the movie's premiere and initial thoughts or whatever... but first tho

Got to say boy do people have a lot of time on their hands or what. The mob hit job on The last Jedi that's going on is just weird shit to read and see continue for apparently years. I began thinking, oh that's just cute some bitch on youtube is acting hyperbolic and fake ranting about the movie like it hurt her personally, then I see this same fake rage bullshit repeated endlessly for months, now going years. What a sad bunch of lonely pathetic people in this world taking massive shits on all of us through their computers.... oh my... should have kept video uploading the snail's pace that it used to be... now it's become a shitstorm.

Yeah I mean, ok, you want to accomplish what exactly? Clickbait? Sad motherfuckers...

Oh you're going to see the clickbaiter army out in full force in regards to this movie give it a few weeks. OMG (takes time to photoshop arrow pointing at something because it's whut de udder vidz dew) new movie has a thing that explains a thing or something, proceeds to ramble about something that's blatantly obvious.

I'm sorry but it's just wow, I don't know what to say, there's a lot of just moronic crap going on in the internet today that's pointless and the people making these dumbass vids can all go screw off please. Nobody needs the clickbait scams, get a damn job.

I've kinda spoiled the movie for myself I guess, I mean the spoilers I read I more or less figured out already from what I've predicted. Fuck, I don't know, on the fence about seeing it, and considering nothing I expected to happen is going to go forward, why spend money on it...

Basically it's being viewed as a JJ abrams movie that's more in line with TFA and that's a huge turn off. But what did you expect... he's JJ Abrams, he's a competent workman director. What the f.

I mean I don't know Lando's fate, I did not spoil that. I do know kylo's fate but not the specifics of it.
I have yet to understand much about palpatine's story but his connectiong to Rey is indeed a major dissappointment to me. And it's like weird that that's only NOW becoming significant, very messy writing I guess.

overall I'm sorry. I'm sorry for myself for believing it was going to go anywhere great. I hyped myself up too much. It's all going to land on fan film territory in the end. Take it or leave it I guess.

And that's the question, go pay big money for a fan film made to make money off of the legit legendary star wars brand name? Oooooh dare I not.... dare I stay loyal to Lucas my God.

I love star wars. It is the franchise that holds the greatest meaning to me. Period.

I don't want to support this Space Balls thing. It's tough to say that but it's not star wars and it most likely never will be looked upon as such... I'll pack up and step out, so sorry to say that. ;/

You were unbalanced. Bested by a franchise that never held a Snoke. You FAILED.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

crazy huh

I really should ignore twitter, I tell myself a lot of things. We as a society today are far too innundated with information. I shouldn't even talk about it, I left that world behind and I try my best not to concern myself with whatever the blue farts is happening in today's kid-world but it's kinda interesting to look at it and think about it. I got put through fight club that was the school system growing up. I absolutely think it's a rancid waste of time and only helps turn normal people crazy and think school has got to be demolished and forgotten as the ancient obsolete useless thing that it truly is. It will, times have changed drastically, we can do school digitally if necessary, whatever. Just don't stuff young rowdy people in a box for hours and hope that works, it's as they say, prison-lite... I don't condone that, and I've had my problems with it, but living life making money, being around big boobed females at work who I could enjoy looking at instead of a bunch of dumbass dipshits, it's been a smarter way to live.

So what's got my interest today, some white boy on a bus getting into fights with some girls. I'll tell you this from my perspective as a kid going to school on the daily florida bus. Yes, it's happened to me. White kids down there are going to playfully push the black kid's buttons every chance they get and do the whole subtle racism crap. I mean, it's the reality. I knew kids of all colors going to school in florida, some white kids were indifferent to the racism they witnessed, didn't give a fuck about it and I glanced over to one kid who basically gave me a "sorry about them" look when two girls were picking on me on the bus.

You think it's a vid about some innocent boy being jumped by the gangster girl club or some shit (that's another point to make, how hard can a f'n girl even hit...) but the interweb storm that's being blown up over this does get to me.

Stuff like this happeneds on the daily in those buses at those schools. Back in my ancient ass times, we just didn't film it, and you know what? Yes I experienced stupidity from some white kids at school in florida. Guess what? I'm here, I'm going about my life. It didn't own my existence. Shit like this happens then people realize life is bigger than that one day at school...

I'm sad we've devolved into this media tribal society bullshit, sad... lost a lot of that 'tough it out' persona we used to believe in or at least I did.

I hope it doesn't go over the deep end and we do not become too tribal and lacking the ability to have common sense or maybe we're already there, I don't honestly know. Look at the blow up over the stuff it makes me think a lot of things. Ok this looks bad, the kkk just got their new recruitment video...

That too is something that bothers me, because it impacts me. Every time these damn things happen blacks behaving badly or whatever, it's going to get magnified and looked at as reflective of all blacks. No two black people are the same. get that shit through your skulls. There is no "black people" we're individuals and crap just like you.

Anyway I felt sorry for the kid who got whooped by some girls then I saw the other video the one they were'nt showing where apparently he's up to no good and harassing the girls months prior so I'm like, oh there it is. It's about something deeper. I mean when I got into fights, it's me fighting back against some idiot who's got his brain on backwards, I can't say what the truth is but if you just started recording with me going nuts on some jackass you'd think I was the bad guy, all I'm gonna say. I don't care that much anyway they'll all forget that dumbass school that dumbass bus and that dumbass day years from now... moving on...

As for what the hell I'm up to, got some plans for things I want to do, still trying to study more martial arts and improve. I'm not even doing it because of the action expo believe it or not, easy to think that but I've been into it since forever, just didn't have the knowledge about what to do which thankfully they have quite a lot of info on online.

It's tough. There will be pain. I'm wondering to myself how much I can take, but I'd like to be able to f'n do a really sweet sequel to static shock or a last dragon thing with actual great looking fighting so I'm training towards that.

That's the goal, get into beast mode type of shape, that's the end goal.

Piano is coming along thanks to my discovery that memorizing things comes through retrieval not repetition.

Look it up, it's true. Your mind simply put prioritizes what it "needs" so you have to trick your bain into thinking you need to remember something.

That's it, lastly will I be checking out rise of skywalker? I don't think I will. Unless it's chalked up to be the second coming, I know what JJ is capable of and I'm not into what he can do, no.

I don't care about the new cast, don't really want to continue supporting this limp meh series. Mandalorian is great tho. Should release that in theaters, call it a day.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Ghostbusters Trek Next Generation

shit just got real...

New actual sequel to the ghostbusters (Ghostbusters 2 was my first ever movie EVER if I haven't made that clear)

I'm actually down for this, though it has some issues.

The ecto 1 was augmented in GB2 so it wouldn't look like that in the trailer, they've obviously got some explaining to do on that front.

But their heart is in the right place and hopefully this isn't going to be a stupid cash grab based on the franchise name alone.

Would love to get more info about it who's doing what, etc. Why the flying bananas would Egon store nuclear powered proton packs and ghost equipment in a farm house. He's a genius, he'd build an underground storage or something, just awkward. I guess I can tear the trailer apart all day, I'll try to focus on the positives.

It's got a bit of that goonies essence, so I'm guess they wanted goonies meets stranger things, meets ghostbusters, could work but gb comes down to characters. You can't have gb without really good characters that are iconic, and I'm yet to view the new crew that way.

Let's all be honest with ourselves this is Extreme GB the movie they're making. It's the same plot, and the new girl gb is essentially a rework of the kylie character. Out of the wonky mess that was EGB, Kylie worked well for me. Her goth girl felt organic to the gb franchise and making her egon's grand daughter would have been perfectly in line. I mean it's interesting at least, yeah they're going with a female gb, she does seem a lot like kylie so if that's sthe inspiration, perfect. No opinion on the other kids have no clue who the f they are.

And they have to nail that. Often with these next gen movies they suck dragon ballz at making the characters worth shit, just being honest. If they don't stick the landing on that, it's gonna be a big fail.

Not very much humor, I'm trying to focus on the positive, but they do remember it's a comedy right? Gotta show us it's full of jokes too. I'm on the fence, but hopeful in the end. GB matters to me, I want them to do it right, and maybe make this into something bigger, get gb back on top of the world again.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

shenmue getting ripped all day

Kinda sad about it, I mean anyone who's somewhat knowledgeable about pc games knows hackers will rip prettymuch any game some point or emulate it, only a matter of time and persistence. So of course shenmue is on all the piracy sites leaving no one a true reason to purchase it. I will out of loyalty but that sucks, its sales are doing poor numbers since no one needs to buy it, and I do blame the way pirates do things, sure but also blame the company for not making an online fighter component built into shenmue that would force you to need a real copy for you to get to enjoy it, or just allow people to rent the game for a few days. I rented shenmue 1 from blockbuster played it beat it, gave it back afterwards, do the same with this one. I hope it is rentable or part of a rent service, let me take a look...

Only on ps4 which can't be ripped anyway, so there you have it, stepped on their own toes by not trying to prevent piracy hard enough. Oh that's crazy stuff. Shenmue 3 might be the last one we get forever since who's going to want to support non profit game making...

It shouldn't come down to backyard crowd funded indie game level nonsense for shenmue, that's just nonsense. It's the game that gave birth to a whole generation of open world games, we'd simply not have them all if shenmue didn't attempt the giant leap to the next level.

Just sayin, it's messed up stuff... I think down the line it'll turn a profit for sure, right now considering what has been said about it and it's non-advancement of the plot, then yeah maybe begging 60 bucks for it is outrageous. You can find better for that money. It's a dif world now, yanno. Used to be some collectors value to owning the actual physical copy of the game etc. Nice box art, inserts, sometimes a full poster or map. So the full 50 dollar price had some kind of meaning to it, but to pay that much for a download, absolute nonsense.

Biggest mistake I've personally made paying full price for both star wars games I got. I mean wow, had no clue BF2 would be a giant mess of a game with constant updates and tweaks and essentially they released a beta kept developing the game month after month trying to fix the messy garbage they put out. Disgraceful and that's without hyperbole, they've been nothing but complete clowns in charge of a massive star wars game, and I dread playing it, just waiting for the next glitch or unbalanced unfair thing.

So it's understandable why people would pirate it first, there's no demo out to get to try it. We have games that are relased full premium deluxe price that are only half finished, no one wants to waste their money on these failures anymore. Apparently shenmue is not fully cooked either with many finding it to be less than fun to slug through than typical... wow, goddamn, don't know how I'm going to wait until the price drops but that's when I'll buy it, I'm not pulling down the big bucks so forget it, no full price for me and it's just hilarious to watch the prices for these games drop to like nothing dollars after initially selling for some inflated amount...

So the trial and the stuff going on and the impeachment and the thousandth thing that will finally get rid of this dumbass in charge of nukes.... how's this all coming along? As usual I find myself feeling like there's a real chance to get rid of this big fart but then those who have the option slip and miss the target as I actually kinda thought would happen, it did. Won't go into details but they're tripping over themselves rather than just being careful enough not to give the bad guys a foot to stand on in this stuff. Oh well, press on, eh. I don't have much knowledge about things, but yeah I do think people with power need to be checked and balanced, if they step out of line, do something... simple.

Haven't we had enough of this by now, the incompetence, the lies, the fake pictures of themself on top of rocky? When's this simpsons episode going to be over... It's not funny. The douche bag's never had someone smack him in the face in his life and tell him to fucking behave. So it's time to do it now.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

could worrrk

got neck pain for some reason, gonna see about getting one of those damn my pillows, that shit might work...

watching kung fu movies now that I'm back into the habit these days and getting back into martial arts. I did work very hard as a kid at learning some stuff so to pin me as some complete scrub when it comes to it is just not gonna phase me one bit. I did the best I could with no formal training. Not my fault life went the way it did for me or i'd have done much more.

So it's apparently quite the skill takes years to master that stuff probably a waste to try to get good at this point as I'm getting all old and such.

Don't know the answer to that, maybe so. Maybe I'm over the hill... don't want to believe it...

Too old to become a jedi, yes, yes...

heh, well besides my lingering doubts, I've made some progress with my ambitions to get a functioning stream of star wars working on one of these bigger tvs. I was just stumped about what method to employ, buy a new tv box stream through that, find a damn way to wire a lan line to the tv some how and hook up a cheapy cheap tv box or something... It's not just battlefront I want to do, it's the optimum streaming. I mean if I want tv channels to watch I can just find a streaming site, but optimum ap is legit, we're paying for it, no reason not to just use that and I do like just leaving it running and casually browsing chans. works perfect on my phone, no wifi drops, great picture, watch lots of stuff, get the news, excellent.

So I was thinking well, if I can't hook up a wifi dongle to the tv box (native wifi is a mess), oh boy I know, just use the phone to act as a wifi dongle... turns out it's "possible" but no one, NO ONE, has made a simple tool to just hack it all together and just run... I mean, the only one out there is 10 dollars and I can't even test it to know if it's real, but yeah so far I've come across complicated elite level coding crap to do it, and a paid app that's supposedly going to do it, something so simple and useful as hooking up your phone through usb to a tablet or whatever and tether them is a giant big huge leap to get done and will take a whole course in android and linux coding to figure it out... but eh, don't worry we got ya covered if you want to change your stupid battery icon or whatever, that crap they spent time working on...

 sad to say the hacker scene is absolutely backwards full of nonsense. Like just the fact they don't put a simple on off button on these tv box things is clue number one they have their heads up their ass so firmly... wish I did some better research before purchasing one in such haste, it has a billion problems and just outright isn't made for much more than earning a cheap buck, but I do like that I can carry a gazillion movies and shows anywhere and it can emulate and run al ot of things so as much as it's a piece of garbage it's a useful piece of garbage that keeps me somewhat sane as I go along through a boring day...

Then I remembered i read a site say something about hooking the display up through usb and it just floored me that I didn't realize it already... so stupid. Just use the phone as a tv box, that's all these f'n tv boxes are, they're phones without the phone part.

So I feel like I'm done, right, i got the answer to my problems and yeah yanno it's over, no more bull shit.

well some more bull shit left for sure, but not too bad. I will be using my spare phone to act as a tv box, see how that works. I've already played a bit of steamlink on it and it ran very well at least for a game in the steam library, for battlefront, something got messed up. Don't know if it'll be any good at running non-steam games. Stupid world we live in where every game is bound to different crap.

Had no idea but should have expected that the simple act of using a phone's usb port to convert it to hdmi would be a confounding mess as well. with two different competing technologies trying to essentially do the same shit and different phones requiring one or the other, such asinine garbage. But that's electronics.

If this thing i bought works, which I doubt, we're in good shape anyway. Bought a usb ethernet adaptor too since in my mind, it's a good idea to own one in general and I can just get this darn thing to not be entirely a sad piece of malfunctioning junk and be able to use it to watch cable. The thought crosses to indeed see if there's some kind of plug and play functionality with a wifi dongle but for the love of GOD no one's made it clear in plain text which dongles work with it, it's a giant fucktrip to figure out what the hell you should get and sad sad sad to struggle reading through a bunch of dumbass threads about nothing and go around in circles with people saying essentially "maybe" "depends" fuuuuuuuuuuck me brother, just piss off if you have nothing concrete or substantial to add. Sucks to see so many people dedicated to being pointless and annoying on boards out there.