Sunday, December 31, 2017

so not motivated

Not going to lie, too many liars in this world. I'll not join them.

But yeah the hard editing is about to begin. That dreaded, ugh, of struggle to create something that works despite not know what the flying hell you're doing. The forest battle so far has been a mess, got lucky a track I liked a lot worked and made certain scenes beautiful to watch and artistic.

I want that same depth, same feel to the rest of this, but I don't know if I can achieve that.

My mind swirls with confusing, doubt, thoughts of past failures, thoughts of a girl I could have had, such stupid emo shit. Why now? Just bust out the edit and have a wrap party for f's sake.

Yeah, would be nice to just have infinite motivation, but it's not always the case isn't it.

I'll struggle with this all day, fighting the demons telling me to stop don't do what I promised myself I'd do.

Isn't that just awkward. You set upon a quest to do something cool and you get scared of completing the journey?

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of failure. What the hell...

so not me, but here I am. I'm stinking afraid.

I can't tell you if I'll be able to overcome this. I can't see the other side... let's see...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Rush to finish

I'm in rush mode basically, I've cobbled together something that's watchable, not good but watchable.

Sad to hear someone swatted a person to death. Not something I saw coming. I mean if I could call the cops on half the assholes I've met in my years online, would have been nice. Wow, there ya go, all these years of surfing the web for porn, and never knew it could have such serious consequences. Damn, hope all involved with this tragedy get fullest punishment possible.

Well continuing the fight to finish my project.
I mean no bones about it I've missed the target date and although I want it out by new years day, good luck with that.

I seriously underestimated how tough it would be to edit the forest battle. It may take several days more to complete it. It's my mistake. I didn't organize anything and every time I have to go search for a clip it takes forever to find it.

It should be much easier to find and edit the other scenes though they too are very complex and demanding stuff that will take days, so I can only guarantee I'll have the rough cut of the final battle out by new years which should be good enough.

Practically all the movie is encapsulated in these elements, such as the beginning, gassing, middle part where he fights and trains, then it all goes straight to the forest fight, that's all the movie is. It's not nor ever was meant to be long serious movie. It's a short film/fan film thing.

Got to take a little break then what I'm going to attempt to do is get started on the second part of the fight.

It's all scripted. but it's 3 pages of script. I've been working for 3 days straight on 1 PAGE. Of the fight, granted I did some stupid shit. I just basically story boarded a bunch of it, then put a box with the word "fightin" in it and that's what I've been struggling with. I didn't story board it so I had to make it up out my ass.

Rookie mistake and I learned never to do that again. Preparation is everything... Yeah, wish I was like actually good at this, would be helpful.


Here it is, prettymuch the rough cut. One shot needs to be fixed other than that this is basically how the thing will flow. I tried to fit everything in so it came out so long. Considering the length of this clip, the final film will likely be a good hour. Geeze, never wanted had no clue it was going to be this long... nut it's shaping into something cool and this isn't even half of the more epic visuals I have in my render folder . The second half which I'll be putting together today will be I hope smoother to assemble.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Where I'm at

Goddamn it's hell to edit this thing. I've been doing fx work all day. When you edit, yeah whatever cut this, cut that. It gets tedious. So I decided to do the fine tuning on the frieda static scene. Sadly I had the brightness on the monitor dialed waaaay down so when I finally remember to put it back up to take a look at my work, wow, turns out the footage is a lot brighter than I thought and all my renders are garbage. But whatever, I'll still work on it some more.

As for the final battle. The rough cut of it is all done. It flows, it makes sense, it progresses from point to point without anything too jarring, but needs fine tuning of course. And found a bunch of scenes I shot months ago that are perfect for points in it. But yeah I knew this would be hard, my biggest mistake being that I didn't organize anything much. Would have helped to stick things that are for whatever parts of the fight into folders. So dumb and now everything's delayed because sometimes it takes me hours to track down lost bits.

Some things excite you about doing this. I actually fully repaired footage I had of me landing for the battle with boom. The canon camera has a wonderful bit of dust in the lens that adds a nice big brown dark spot in the middle of some good footage. I decided I need the footage so I cut it into the scene and said to myself I have no choice, just going to have to live with the blotch. Turns out a little after effects saved my ass there. Little masking, little brightness and contrast adjustment, probably could have de-saturated it, but it's practically gone because all the grain did was darken the light the camera caught as the light didn't get around the dust well, but everything behind it was still there, just darker. Brightened it up and it looks clean and nice now, amazing....

Well that's all, kinda a slow day nothing major getting done really, though when I was going through it today decided to shift things add things so I did improve it. But what I really have to jump on is getting all of completely finished, half is done, so much left to go. Tomorrow has to count.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Still editing

It's that massive a final battle. spared no expense jurassic park style. I mean this was the most elaborate thing i've ever decided to pull off artistically speaking. My projects have been big massive tasks that I struggled with but nooo this is the worst. I look at the video time line and it's just impossibly long and full of complex tiny edits.

It's starting to shape into a coherent thing.. So painful to abandon good decent footage that was shot. It's always tough never something you want to do...

I should be more ruthless and cut it to be lean and mean and not take forever to get to the point but some stuff I shot was so good I have to squeeze it in. Like the whole gun thing with the boom character. Sadly it's my biggest blunder here. Nothing wrong with it conceptually and I did script him to use a gun he pulls out but it's such a pain to have to edit it in when it could have been edited together without him getting out the gun at all, just fight and lead to the rest of the script and storyboards, no pointless gun element, but I trapped myself and ultimately I spent money on the gun, shot the footage, I don't want it to just be a waste the whole thing. I mean yeah there's really nice action stuff I did using that damn gun, sad to say... so it's taken hours to organize and cut in the gun bits when they're not pivotal to the fight, just a bit of a fun extra, so stupid.

Gonna take a break can't edit like this for hours and not rest. I wonder though will anyone watch it. Well I occcasionally go watch a fan edit when those guys make em. Would releasing this on fan get it exposure enough to where people will take a peak at it and get a good laugh and I'd get positive feedback. Would be cool.

I mean, yeah, it'd be something. I've never truly made stuff for an audience though. So if they don't care it won't really bother me....

so here we go, be back tomorrow with more updates on progress I'm done for the night.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Back to the Edit...

Sour berries if I do say so myself...

I mean, I knew it would be hard but this is definitely above and beyond my expectations.

I'm like honestly not wanting to bother and take a vacation but I know it'll be cool if I get it done and finish it so yeah going to do it...

Sad that I missed my target date, really am... but it's over, no going back. Unless I bust out the movie within the hour, I ain't gonna make it.

But yeah it'll be a fun little fan film just like the ones from the good ol days of the early 2000s before the internet became a corporatized nightmare. I never saw that coming, but I'm guessing people smarter than me did and knew the net would become what it is today, a big exploited corporatized mcdonalds version of what it once was. It's like the difference between small indie cinema and the current big blockbuster trends that seek to create big meaningless cgi circuses for the money.

I miss the days when yeah I was just 14 at my computer talking out my ass about star wars on the internet and browsing the occasional porn site and looking up info on cartoons.

To have everything be politics this and that, to hell with that. I'm still that punk looking at a blurry nip slip from kazaa. And life was innocent back then, plus no one knew anybody. You just didn't have this territorialism that there is now. the net was like space, just infinite and open, no law, no rules. I miss that. And it's made random nobodies online feel like they're real deal celebrities, no offense, but you're not. You're just a random nobody. And that's what we all started as isn't it. It's not wrong to be that.

Like back in the day, it was amazing what we kinda did online. Lots of parody films and fan films came and went. There was no expectations of fame and glory it was just a fun thing to do at the time, then you went and found something else to think about. The lack today of the ability to let go of stuff is truly nuts. I mean I've watched hundreds of comedy sketches and stuff and videos made by online personalities that are gone now. I don't know those people and don't follow them and don't know what they had for dinner tonight. It's ok, that was what i had back then. And they didn't expect success, they made that stuff then shrugged and lived their life afterwards. It was a true indipendent comedy fan film bonanza and it was better than this instagratification bs era we're in today where in my opinion art has been replaced by ego building corporatized shock value humor or sexual exploitation for fame and money. It's sad. I mean I enjoy the good looking chicks posting endless hot pics of themselves on a daily basis, not going to complain, but I come from a time where that stuff wasn't considered meaningfull. Now a quick stupid silly pic or comedy sketch about boobs is supposed to be a big thing now? for reals?

Well I'm bringing it all back with static. I actually wrote a script, a clever one, lots of in jokes, humor, drama, lots of it. It oozes with my personality and quirks and I'm proud of it. And it doesn't simply resort to TLCD level stuff like most internet humor does sadly. And when the dust clears I'll have gone the distance like Rocky, no fame, no glory, but personally feel victorious.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Lucas tragedy

Kinda a diversion I want to go on as I abandon the project to clear my head. Recently watched Lucas sparring with autograph hounders on youtube. He's got no love for people seeking autographs though I can imagine a regular fan spots him he'd gladly give one. I've noticed Lucas doesn't truly walk the streets with body guards. People have caught him casually walking around town at times. He's nuts if he thinks he can do that but whatever, I guess.

Interesting to see this side of Lucas. He's very rarely shown emotion. This time he let his fury bubble to the surface as he became frustrated by the hounders and tried to explain to them why he's not giving them an autograph. They're obviously just after money and not true star wars fans.

It breaks my heart to watch Lucas himself sour to star wars because of jerks like them trying to exploit him.

I get it now why Michael Jai White ignored me. He's encountered complete assholes at cons and events trying to exploit him. He's developed a cruel cold callous attitude to deal with that. Most celebs probably do.

Tragedy of getting famous. You get shit from people just as much as you get praise.

I don't know, guess that's just the world we live in. You can't feel secure in this world. I've seen and experienced that myself.

How can I personally get across that I'm a true fanboy, not a guy trying to exploit these celebs if I ever meet them in the future.

Hard to say really. They're very open these days to being exploited because most of them have opened that door via twitter and facebook. They must be cautions, the internet truly is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

I don't know, been doing the star wars thing since I was 8 years old. I've gotten too deep in fandom to ever try to be like a jerk towards my heros. Would Hamill etc. understand that? Or if I did meet them they'd have no idea if I was a good dude and shun me like with Jai White. Whatever...

True enough, Lucas says, the autograph hounds are just like him when HE started, he didn't have a dime to his name worth crap and worked hard to get to where he is.

That's why celebs who crossed that bridge don't care about you, at least the ones who have a hard earned success.

It makes me think, yeah, if I want respect it should be earned.

Here I stand

sucks, it's not going to happen for me. I guess I have to learn to accept defeat some times which is tough because I am usually pretty lucky and get things I want done... this is just another case of screwing up when you don't want to and definitely don't mean to.

I will not be releasing the full movie tomorrow in any final capacity. I'll likely get the final battle majorly completed as I currently struggle to edit it, it's hundreds of video files, meaning I over shot it and now have to take time organizing every single file to find what I want.

Plus haven't even gotten to the music aspect of things.

Does anyone care? My videos I've release have gotten no views. Safe to say when this project is completed it'll sit on my youtube page stagnant and unwatched so why bother... for me. I want to actually see it completed and I enjoy parts of it tremendously. I want to watch it and enjoy it, sadly the reality is that most people won't see it even as some cat video on vine gets a billion views cuz dat shit is lit.

I'm going to bump full release up to New years  day. Consider it a Jan 1 release, the movie will be out next year.

That gives me a good decent couple of days to work on it and finally finish it.

Stay tuned if you are interested. It will be out, I do think I can finish this, and when it's over and out of my life, I do plan to continue working on other projects. This isn't the only thing I dream of doing. I've got loads of ideas and concepts for fan films and stuff, now that I've gone through this and done it actually shot and put together a movie, I think I can defintely more smartly approach the next one. Story boarding is everything, EVERYTHING... Green screen helps when you want to do a close up but don't want to go outside, stuff like that I've figured out. Action photography is something I've learned a lot about. It just is more fun to see things happening. When it's just a stagnant boring shot, eh, nothing fun about it. But when I have the action cam on my car and drive with it, now we have fun visuals.

We're getting there... I don't feel too ashamed of not meeting my dead line because it's been rough here. Freezing cold, the heater making the room too hot, the monitor being too bright and killing my eyes. General nonsense of this house. A lot of things have impeded this process yet I persisted through the night and struggled against my desire to sleep in order to cut and find missing footage. Sad to say but it's just a time thing. I'm currently looking for a clip I KNOW I have and have seen before, but screw me, I can't find it now. This will demand some time to hunt it back down and who knows how fast I'll be able to cut the remaining footage. And I'm only through HALF of the forest fight. If it's taken 2 days to do this much, I won't make it, I know that much. But you'll get this half tomorrow, then TO BE CONTINUED till I cut the other half.... my apologies.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Breaking the ice

I feel what I always feel before doing a tough edit to things, that sense of dread about not having the right footage not having enough time...

I've begun the toughest part of this editing process, getting started. I've crossed that bridge now and I feel better and more at peace yunno. I was like, fuck, what am I going to do. I have no clear plan for this part of the thing, just going to be a mess. As I've been watching what I shot, it's actually somewhat coherent. So there's hope of there being a meaningful realistic good flow to it when I get it cut together properly. It's in that stage where I usually just toss the footage in randomly to just see how it might flow if it was going to possibly be used. It's starting to shape up and develop a little narrative and I hope I can goddamn make sense of what I made.

But the hurdle is jumped. Despite having jumped it many times in the past as I hesitate and procrastinate for hours maybe days before doing this stuff, this time I said, you got to take the pain and just bulldose through it.

I did. It did suck, it was a pain, but having sat here and watched and watched my footage, I feel a bit more confident in putting it together than I was hours ago.

It most likely will be done tomorrow the full forest fight. If I can make some sense of this beginning battle, the actual full final battle will be a breeze since everything about that is story boarded. So it's just a matter of find the footage, plug it in. Like I said editing without a guide is tough and stupidly I did not story board the what I call space jam scene, I plan to have space jam running as the sound track as they fight so it's called space jam. We'll f'n see if it works in the end won't we...

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Hard times

For me I don't know bout you... currently kicking myself for having scheduled instacart for today when I could be working on the film. My mistake. I'll not get it all edited for a good while from now. I think we're not going to hit Christmas day here. It depends. If I finish the working cut by then thats what you'll get. If I can put in fx that are decent enough to pass I'll chuck em in there. Just put up the fight in the streets... that took forever to edit and nothing is final in that. Still have to tighten it up and put in good music. And that wasn't even the final battle which I stupidly made huge and epic so it's a nightmare to edit. Luckily I have my script so I'm going to stick close to it. Editing without a guide is very hard. If I can get back to the house soon I can get into finding and organizing the footage then plug it in according to the story boards. Sucks got 4 days to push this thing out when I could have had this whole day and tomorrow. Do sucks.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What next for Lando

Well, I'm of course thinking about star wars right now...

was The Last Jedi a good star wars film or just a good regular film that has star wars' name on it.

When I personally think of star wars, I don't think about the movies. I think about the stuff I grew up wondering about beyond the films. Why was the VHS box set having the faces of the characters on it in such an epic style with the troopers and minor characters in the background.

Of course the posters made the movie more epic than they eventually were although once I got to ESB on VHS Star Wars was cemented in my mind as Legendary. But even before popping in that movie, I looked at the box art and just was kinda blown away by the epic stuff going on.

Nothing in the movie matched the epic box art and posters for star wars. Say whatever you want but the true genius beyond the genius of the films themselves was in the marketing. Pouring their soul into great art for the boxes and stuff alone really made star wars look like something waaaaay more than it actually was.

So to my point, this movie feels like one big box art of star wars. It's not a real star wars movie then when you get down to it, but it sure is a damn good work of star wars art. You'd never claim Lucas was the man who painted the Drew Struzian posters but you hold those dear to you just as much as the movies. That's how I view Last Jedi, it's not authentic star wars, nor does it really want to be. I think the director may have been struggling with this concept. Should he make it a star wars tribute or an attempt to mimmick and own the Star Wars brand now divorced/untouched by Lucas himself.

In the end, he was defeated. I feel he could never hope to make it feel like Lucas himself made it, so he settled on making the best star wars tribute film of all time. Indeed it is. It's a tribute to star wars.

I believe it's over. There is no 3rd trilogy anymore. I never was fully in love with force awakens and I honestly don't give two spits about its characters and where their story will go. It means nothing to me. I'm invested in Luke, Leia, Han, Anakin's story, always have been. They tried, disney, wanted us to jump on the new cast's story and ride that one to wherever it goes but I must conclude I don't care. They're not strong enough to carry our attention for 2 hours and it's sad because I like the actors, they just have nothing to work with.

Sad too because if these movies basically function as a big star wars reunion special which is what they are, no one can deny that anymore. Billy Dee Williams is getting serious shade.

Sad sad sad. He's not going to be with us forever and he's just as iconic and meaningful to star wars fans as goddamn nien nub or whoever else they've brought back, goddamn Ackbar. He's still capable of doing the part, and it would have made sense for him to have been a part of this story if he didn't happen to re-appear at some point during Force Awakens.

It is what it is, he wasn't in ANH and that's the play. They're not truly concerned with his character who did indeed come later and wasn't a part of the story from the start, but neither were a lot of the characters they did decide to bring back, so this just looks so insane not to even kinda toss in a line about Lando or something.

That's kinda my personal gripe with the new movies. They have problems, you can list them all day, but the fact that they're ignoring Han's best friend, Rebel hero who destroyed the second death star, wow, huge oversight they HAVE TO fix once we get to Ep 9.

If Billy Dee was gone, yeah it'd make sense they didn't bring his character back, but for the love of God the man's still with us and still has that voice, still doing things, still showing up at conventions and celebrations, people still want him to show up. And he's sure as hell voicing Lando to much satisfaction in the games, so nothing makes sense about him not getting a last hoorah as Lando.

It'd even make sense ya know since Han is gone, he kinda stands in for him, helps out on the Falcon if it needs repairs. That's what Chewie's role is now, falcon repair boy, but it's not the same, chewie never made han's mods, only Lando would understand them. Would be fun if Lando got the Falcon back, Chewie and him argued about the modifications Han made, whatever, it'd be genius. Such a missed opportunity. But oh that Rose and Finn super star wars casino level that's important or something...

What's my thoughts on Ron Howard's movie and will it be better than TLJ. I think it'll be a shit ton better. Now my confidence is boosted. Rian Johnson is a fan of star wars given free reign by disney to make his fanboy film. Fine. Ron Howard is Lucas' fucking apprentice. Wait until you see what this son of a bitch will do...

He's not going to miss anything pivotal like Johnson did. He's going to know the tiniest fanboy shit to stick in the corners of the film to make us fanboys say oh shit this is star wars I love.

I mean yeah this new trilogy is a very big awkward thing now. TFA was a decent if unspectacular star to things. TLJ is a total trashing of TFA and reboot of things. I love the reviews that say TLJ kinda rebooted TFA. It does. It's not a debate. There's a contempt for TFA throughout TLJ. Johnson is no fan of JJ's movie and rightfully so. JJ pulled all his punches, took it too damn easy and wasted what could have been a serious return for star wars, made a prequel level soft film.

when I watch goddamn Lost in Space as a kid, I said to myself yeah this is good, Star wars is better.

When I watched Star trek and shit as a kid, I said yeah this is good but star wars is better.

On and on, every space movie. This is good, star wars is better.

And then TFA... this... it's good.... Star Wars is better. (( OH OH ))

TLJ? This... is... Star Wars!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

where am I going now...

I will be finishing this movie, hook or by crook but a few things first.

Need to rest. Been working very hard non stop on getting the rough cut out. Now the drive which I hoped would just work and not fail has proven that it is the drive I've been worried would start clicking the click of failure and I have been delayed severely by that. I must move the pivotal files off of it to a drive I got recently, small drive nothing good, but it'll be enough.

Once the files are moved, the hard core editing process will continue and we'll edit the ending. Once that's out of the way, I'll get to the middle just kinda make something of it, but I'm not at all concerned with the middle if the dreaded ending battle isn't fully worked out.

Sucks, but I don't really care. The release will be Christmas day and makes sense since a major theme in the static shock film is about christmas and some of my own christian upbringing coming into it. Unavoidable. I actually like religious themes. I believe in that stuff.

So kinda happy right now. I actually looked into my external drive looking for things to delete to make space and stumbled upon the original footage of my saucer grab from the static trailer I made years ago. I mean it means nothing to any of you, but it was devastating, huge spirtual loss to have felt like I deleted it and would never get the original footage back for that scene. I mean it's me, at that time, years ago, a good well shot scene that I never thought I'd delete since it kinda is an essential part of things, but then it was seemingly gone and all I had was the trailer stuff. I mean glad to find it, but yeah other stuff I shot I'm not having as easy a time finding but really it hurt most not to have that shot anymore in its full complete untouched quality. Like a true geeky idiot, I'm just my brain exploded from finding it and was just like wow when I finally hit on it and it had everything I shot back then... so dorky, but yeah I was that happy about it.

So I'm not going to edit tonight I think... might do a little something, but editing is a psychologically draining discipline. It's a discipline. I hate it. so much concentration, back breaking, hard meticulous precise cutting, then you hit one button and it all falls apart and sucks.

hate it... don't want to go through that shit right now.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Review of THE LAST JEDI (spoilers)


It won't be viewed that way now, but it will in maybe a few years time or more. It's very very far ahead of its time. It's like shawshank, rocketeer, hulk, loads of movies that nobody was ready for at the time... It's such an overwhelmingly great movie that no one can pinpoint what to feel about it.

It's a giant middle finger to JJ Abrams too.

I'm bold enough to say that. I mean, just look at how this thing takes a giant foul dump all over everything JJ was attempting to do with TFA.

I've been around a long time with star wars. It's been a bumpy ass ride. It's left me broken at times the intense passion we have for the franchise.

I'm exhausted by it and maybe star wars should have just died and stayed that way... But thank the maker this film came along out of all the bull shit we've been getting down the pipe.

This movie works. As what? As reviewers have stated a million times by now it doesn't answer the questions raised in TFA satisfactorily, kinda doesn't even care about TFA.

At its backbone this movie is a star wars fan making a star wars film with his teeth grit and full on boner for star wars on display. He doesn't give a rat's ass if you remember anything that happened in TFA the star wars rebels episode.

Back to making a hard tough balls star wars film... that's going to kick your ass.

Thank you for this Rian Johnson. He doesn't give a fuck, we're back to epic amazing star wars movies, fuck JJ Abrams and his pussy shit.

And the way he honors the Goddess Carrie Fisher is above and beyond brilliant. That alone would make the movie a masterpiece but it keeps bringing MORE genius to the table. More greatness, great lines, great acting, great moments that some how squeeze life into the limp nuts characters from TFA.

That's the flaw in the movie that it's being held back by TFA's shortcomings. If this son of a bitch made TFA, we would have something beyond amazing. No wonder they gave him his own trilogy. You bet your ass it's going to be something to behold if this is what he can do with JJ Abram's table scraps. All the reviewers wondering WHY Johnson is given a blank check to make his own movies has to realize Disney was probably blown away by how he managed to clean up JJ's mess so well.

Simply put, if you are a fan of the OT at all, this movie will kick your ass and make you believe a jedi can fly.

It's a massive love letter to star wars, TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. It doesn't care what you think it SHOULD be. It's a self aware star wars love letter, full stop. And it works. It's fully aware YOU know they could have shot or written it differently but it doesn't give a fuck. It's about honoring Lucas' genius and for that it wins.

It so wins.

Yeah, I agree with so many reviewers, it's like this really was the last film in the series, but apparently we're going to get another. Likely going to be garbage if JJ gets his grubby dumbass hands on it. And lacking Fisher means it'll make no sense. Sadly we're in Empire Strikes Back land with this film. This will stand for all time as the best of the new trilogy.

It's like poetry.

It rhymes...

Rough Cut will be delayed

I mean I've done the best I can and as fast as I can and I won't make it for midnight, I know that much.

So whatever I got I'm releasing.

Will write complete full review of Last Jedi, might do a video of it too. Definitely going to be probably... well I'll get to that...

Here's all clips so far:

Just saw the Last Jedi

Fuck YES. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Thawtz on musical choices

Running into complications of course as I predicted.

Congratz to Doug Jones for winning, was actally asking God to give the man a hand, and just I guess God gave a damn tonight, wow... some things make you believe...

Well, as I edit the opening scene, I mean, that's the trick. M. Night is editing Unbreakable 2 right now. Says he's starting at the end and working backwards or whatever.

I already have the end of my film edited in my head. So I'm kinda on the same page. I know how this thing ends. I know what music I want to use, it's just a matter of figuring out what comes before it. I just am stumped on how to open the damn thing and truth is I've never done this, opened a live action thing with a flash back. I mean if it was linear and I'm just starting on the scene on the train etc. Fine I can stick the landing on all that stuff, easy stuff, no music in those scenes, just need to edit it nicely. But here, it's all about setting a ominous tone from the start then some how leading to the past since this is one of those things you see where things start at a point in the present then you see the flash back to the beginning of the story...

It'll all be like a book really. Chapters. That's how I constructed the story when I wrote it. It has 3 main chapters. A bunch of sub sections, but it's supposed to run along a course of 3 main chunks.

I want to keep the music simple as possible but I find the intense action stuff works very well with hip hop music. I might experiment with putting the fight scene to a hip hop track since they blend so damn well. Was watching clips of stuff on martial arts on youtube like I generally do and had some hip hop beyonce music in the background on twitter and was surprised it was fitting the fighting like magic, so I'll be trying that.

It's something I grew up on truth be told. Movies where hip hop and rap actually were utilized in movies and not just something in some bad corny music video they used to promote the film, I mean actually part of the film's score for real. Gotta say, yeah fighting and rap and hip hop work together, why don't they use that combo more?

Excited but it will be a tight squeeze this dead line I've cursed myself with.

I have prepared my computer, got massive old hard drive hooked up so any clips I think would be best to have quick access to will be copied to that drive for easy retrieval.

What will I do about sound and fx. Gotta say this cut will be very very very rough.... Green screen shots unfinished, sound off, all that stuff. But consider it like a workprint.

Literally that's what this will be the workprint. I need to know what I have to figure out where I'm going with this thing so that's the reality. Enjoy TLJ if it's really what the reviews say it is, then check out my workprint when I'm done with it... And, then come christmas this sob should be done and I can finally relax...

Monday, December 11, 2017

Alright time to edit

Got the little shots I need to make the finished product. I mean there's still stuff to shoot but nothing I can't do right here in the house instead of trying to get it on location.

This will suck. Editing is a tougher thing to do than many think. It's about cutting things together precisely right, there's no guess work. It's timing, pacing, all that....

But compared to going out and shooting, I'd rather sit and edit this crap all day. I will not be doing fx work though I'm tempted. I can't. If I intend to release my rough cut by the 15...

Going through the footage I shot, it's pretty good. I like it. I was wise to do my best to get a clean visual since the cam I got was a less powerful one for the forest fight, I tried my best to make sure it caught as crisp an image as possible and that worked since hopefully it won't be too jarring going from the superior cam to the cheaper one.

Will the damn editing software be able to handle this stuff, I honestly don't know. I think it's much wiser to move all the essential stuff to one core hard drive and edit it off of there so it doesn't have to look on multiple drives to find everything.

I don't know man... if I hit render and the computer goes nuts, then that will prettymuch end my hopes of doing this, but who knows....

rough cut on the way, stay tuned.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Finishing principle photography

Almost there, need to do a few pieces left to the puzzle and all the  main guts of the story will have been completely shot.

Sitting only 5 days from release date that originally was set. Like I said, I'll do the best I can to release a rough cut on the date of TLJ's release here, then upload it to vimeo and then go see TLJ myself over at AMC at bay plaza.

You can go see the movie, come back and watch my fan film pretty much after the big main course of star wars.

I guess I'll shoot those little second unit bits today, then concentrate everything on getting that rough cut put together.

The fx work will demand weeks of work from me. It takes tons of gigs, time, and little precise stuff to do fx work, sad to say. And I can't begin the fx work until the rough cut is constructed, see what I'm saying and the rough cut may indeed take all of the 5 days up until TLJ's release. Sorry for squishing things up.

Rough cut 15th. Final cut Christmas day.

Overall, this project has been very tough to do, about 4 years of work. And it will if all works out be something to behold and a serious love letter to the franchise.

Trying to get this done by myself has yielded serious consequences and embarrassment and all kinds of personal angst, which hopefully will pay off if indeed this computer doesn't explode when I try to render the video. Sadly it's known to just buckle and glitch out when it doesn't like being pushed too hard.

Oh how I wish I could just do a steady job and buy a great top of the line PC instead of scrapping together what I can from a few app gigs now and then...

Well here goes baby!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Wtf today was worse

word to the wise, keep your clothes on in public.... I mean I probably should have reworked the scene to have me with my shirt on but I felt like I was going to drop the weight and bulk up enough to look fine. Sad day, I mean, I did drop the weight, my body was nice for a few days prior to today. I get out there, thinking I still look good, then I see myself in the footage and not so much. I gained at least a pound or two in the last few days due to eating so much carbs at night. I thought I read you could do that. No, just don't eat carbs at night before sleeping. I was on a roll, my body was dropping so much fat, but I ate cereal and a burger at night and have been snacking on my luna bars at night a lot, turns out to be a bad decision. I had to simply fight to hide my jelly rolls all day today and struggle to find decent angles.

Plus some weirdo woman showed up to eat donuts in the woods. I was just wtf with that mess... I purposefully go deep into the woods to avoid anyone. You can write a book about the kinds of psychos who go hanging around in the woods at odd times of the day especially f'n winter, I've come across so many lately, today being another fun one. She comes, sits down to rest for a bit, then I wait it out for what seems like ages and she finally leaves. then I start smelling goddamn donuts. She's having lunch or something up there as I notice she returns and the air fills with donut smell. Couldn't be more confused as hell.

Will I go back and reshoot the shots again to make up for my lack of foresight and poor diet strategy?

No. I've been through so much to get this stupid film made, I don't want to spend more time on it, want to finish what I began and move on from it at this point. Prettymuch all the hard tough stuff is now completed. I only have to work on the goddamn final scene where static jumps on the saucer or whatever I decide to do. Thinking about having the true final shot be on top of a sewer lid as the thing fades out...

I mean, I'm so done with dieting like a mad man. If I look pudgy and out of shape, so be it. I've really poured my soul into this project, yeah too bad I couldn't look super ripped up like I wanted, but you'll see, I've done far more to solidify my passion for this thing than that.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Long day

Too long. I've done some stupid hard shots, today though, just incredibly difficult due to the circumstances.

I mean the situation is this. My father's not allowing me to use the ladder to go to the roof to shoot. So me being a goddamn smart sob, I figured he scratched the lock code into the lock like he always does. He did, the code is in the back just in case he forgets it. I simply steal the ladder at my leisure, problem is that I can't be caught or he'll change the lock. He's that much of a psycho and will go down that road.

So I was trapped today, got the big body double prepared for the shot, then I lost track of him...had no idea where he'd gone and so if I go dropping the thing, he'll hear it and I'm found out. I've had moments doing this shit where he's showed up while I'm shooting and had to dodge his sight, it's that stupid...

well I got the shot, only because he called me and told me he wasn't even in the house and was out in the car, I convinced him to go leave and get some eggs or whatever. So yeah, I had all the time in the world to get the shot after that... TOOK 4 TRIES... this is just the nuttiest part and really killed me to have gone through it. I did it, I dragged the body double up on the roof, kicked it off the roof and well, totally didn't land on the freakin spot I wanted it to land on... I mean the footage is good, it's cartoony and wacky and awesome, but I set up a table with junk on it so the body would hit it. It didn't hit it and then I said ok second time will do, tossed it again, COMPLETELY MISSED. This time it didn't even look funny, just straight missed all the shit. This fall actually broke the legs of the thing so it was really going to be hard. I said, ok, damn that sucks. Tossed it a third time, this time giving it everything I had to hit the target. It hits, YAY, fuuuuckkkk head fell off. That's exactly what I feared happening and of course because I'm cursed it does... So I give up and figure, use the first take, it's close to what I want. Then I said, hell no. I got no time left, either it gets done today or it's over. I'm not putting this goddamn joker makeup on again and doing this, hell no. I went for it one  more time, rubber banded the shit out of the head to keep it attached to the body, set up a little something since well, the table shattered from the 3rd fall, so I had no table, just propped stuff up. Tossed the thing and it was perfect, it should look amazing. No limbs flying off, no head falling off and that killed me. If indeed that head stayed on during the 3rd take, it'd have been perfect. Such a shame.

This body double I constructed was truly  heavy as hell and I didn't expect it to be. Turns out though that due to the wind resistance and just the pillows I used to cushion it, it made barely any sound at all when dropped. If my father was here or whatever he'd have not heard it at all. It just makes a dull thump when dropped nothing dramatic at all....

I kinda over panicked about it.

So, that's all, after doing the heavy stuff regarding joker, I then decided to kinda just take pics of myself in full costume for the memories since most likely I'll never wear this make up again...

Yeah, anyone who sees people fully made up as joker or anyone with serious face paing on has no idea what that person goes through until they try it. It's arduous, it's crazy, it's just a pain. I did what I could. I am no pro at make up and most likely yes it will look pretty lame but I did the best I could and do look very good as joker, at least to me... I've always looked awkward so I think that works for joker, just looking awkward.

In other news, Al franken steps down cuz some money hungry sluts shamed him in public. Word is that a lot of the women who accused him were paid to do it after the first girl came forth. He should have fought, but I guess he figured it'd be a constant distraction his titty grab photo popping up. Bullshit. Sad to say but if Clump has the temerity to forge forward after literally just telling everyone what he's done to women and we have all kinds of bad behavior from him and his little gang coming forth now, why's anything he did a big deal. We honest to God have a president who's shamelessly taken aid from foreign enemies to help him get elected, has no conscience and will let people die because of his decisions. Sad day when indeed the nice guy finishes last. God's speed Franken, got into politics, had fun for a while, then REALLY got into politics and yeah, screw that crap right....

I'm never getting political EVER it's so dirty so horrible the lengths people will go to for some meaningless agenda or ideology. Just stick to the truth, the real deal, honesty. The lies, the distortion, not for me thanks...

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I am the Joker

Well I did it... kinda am exhausted from today's shoot. I actually finally decided to do it and go full joker, make up, filmed it, did the whole damn thing. Here I am:

Will be doing a few reshoots tomorrow and hopefully getting the actual full final scene finished and squared away with all the little bits and stuff I want to do. Sadly can't find the smiley face ball I had, so I can't include it, but the scene will have a bunch of little gags and jokes I think work and make joker joker.

He's just not creepy and scary, he's kinda a big goof you can't predict. That's all he is. He's freaky to some extent. Playing joker off as this by the numbers psycho murderer doesn't appeal to me. Romero was basically what I based my joker on. Pure clown but with a big ego.

Why not Hamill? Yunno now that I really really truly think about it, Hamill probably had my same philosophy and thought it would be funny as hell, base joker on Romero and roll with that. As iconic as hamill's joker is, he's kinda just a much more grandiose version of Romero's take. Really watch the 60s joker and see the same attitude as hamill's version just cheesier by miles.

My voice will be identical to Hamill's though. I will mostly have to dub my stuff since talking loudly wasn't easy to do, so I'll do some good ol' joker voice work that I've been doing forever since watching Batman TAS.

Kinda want to squeeze some thawtz on politics in on here as well... supposedly franken is contemplating resignation admist accusations and stuff. I think yeah if it's true, you're hiding something, then resign, if you know these women are overreacting and trying to take you down, fight it. We'll see if his conscience is clear on this or not. I do think though that he's not that strong of character to try to fight and stay in the senate, someone else maybe, not him. I watch him in videos, he's very level headed, cool, highly intelligent, and makes good points, but doesn't have the aggressiveness and possibly darkness enough to stand firm in the face of opposition and public hostility. The thing is that simply he's not good at being an asshole. He's sadly possibly another nice guy getting crushed out of this dog eat dog grinder of a world.

Nice guys finish last, isn't it...

I mean me personally stopped buying into the whole 'be nice and everything will be ok' ideology thing long ago. The jerks do get the good stuff in this world.

Will they die respected is the true question...

Well, here goes. I got a mountain to climb to finish this project and am too lazy to want to climb it. It's working out though which is surprising....

Monday, December 4, 2017

Not much going on

Kinda got a bunch of shots for the basketball themed poster. Actually was surprised to go out there and have no interference. That's like IMPOSSIBLE in black neighborhoods. Always some blackity black person hanging around on  neighborhood watch ready to bother you. I don't know why black people do that crap but it's a guarantee, you can be doing anything and the black brigade will show up and chuckle or try to give you a tv interview on your project or worse try to screw you over completely and just beat you up. So no, I'm not stupid to how the bronx/mt vernon works. Don't go near black communities and act funny, you'll never survive.

Which is why I'm shocked nobody was up my ass while I was working. Now of course I had a lot of people eyeing me, cuz lawdy lawd, a black person taking pictures of themself, that's awkward as hell, betta look and make sho nuttin going on... One guy tried to bother me about what I was doing but it was nothing. What I was afraid of was the local gangsta crew trying to hassle me, got lucky. That park is where they go to hang and talk. Today must have been too damn cold.

Guess black parks are only safe when it's cold!

Well, it's good what's going on with the world of battlefront. Although in my opinion we shouldn't even be here having EA fixing and patching the game after launch like this desperate crew aboard a sinking ship. The game isn't great. BF2 2005 is great, much bigger more amazing game play than anything in the current game and that's a huge shame. If I want amazing graphics shooting space game, there's tons. You really have no solid reason to choose BF17 over a billion other space shooter games. What's truly sad is that all they had to do was just make bf4 with star wars stuff, and it'd have been great. They just don't know what they're doing. Give the license to a proper team plz. I'm not waiting for patches to fix their problems.

As for me. I'm struggling as usual with my own demons. Want to eat and eat some more but know it'll just get stored as fat. I can see abs. The body is burnig off the fat and I can see myself actually shooting the scenes I want with the intended fitness level I want. Yeah I'm getting there and shit, ya know. I just want it to be over with so bad. Get the shots then just cut the f'n movie and move on to the fx work that's going to be hell to do...

As for the Joker scene, well, I was just waiting for my voice to go back to normal. That's the only thing holding that up, and of course I have to be sneaky with things so not to draw attention. A guy with green hair and make up walking on a roof top is going to be top story in this little fart of a neighborhood where not much happens.

I think what I'll do is all the make up testing to get the look right tomorrow, if I get it the way I want, then we'll shoot something as opportunity presents itself. It's all about the split shot I want to get. once I got that, it's just nothing but finishing my role as static and joker then whatever, moving on...

Yeah, then I can really kick the ass of the balloon shot, then take a day or so break, then go shoot the reshoots. I know I didn't shoot some stuff I was supposed to shoot and I really don't want to go through the mountains of footage to find out if I did anyway.... so yeah that's what's goin onnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah