Friday, December 30, 2016

What's it like to be black

I guess it's prudent to talk about it since it's typically a hot political topic. You see blacks sprinkled around in the world every so often. For me it's not particularly great but also not the end of the known universe. I just accepted being black decades ago. If I had a choice about that shit is be fucking Hispanic or Asian. Being white opens up too much shit IMO. Power over the entire world way too much shit to mess with. That's the good part of being black you have no power no authority. People don't look at you as a serious threat. U just some dumb black dude which cares. And it's been good shit. Nobody tries to pick your brain. Ya don't got one. Mind you your the first to be blamed for the cops are called but not like the world feels threatened by blacks. Sad to say we are too dumb to do most of the shit smarter races are doing. And to some extent you fly under the radar in life... Not that I would trade my life for abwhitebguys any given day but just enlightening anyone who's wondering about there being any kind of upside to blackness. Basically that's the only upside. The world isn't worried about you doing big time shit.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Tired and beaten

Yeah. It's I guess a result of being thrust into this unknown territory. My body aches. Head throbs. Just feel like shit cuz I'm way out of my comfort zone. Forced to figure out how to survive on barely 400 dollars. It sucks but it's the real world.. get rich or die trying. Feel like death would be a fine vacation from all this crap to be honest. Been running around doing work of some sort my whole life. It's those moments when you got nothing but your free time that seem so fucking weird and unreal. Never really had to decide for myself what to do today. It's hard to get used to that since I've never done it. Never done nothing. Shit no one prepares you for the utter mundanity of every day existence do they. I think it'd be helpful to get used to boredom. Probably have less people flipping out if they didn't think the world revolves around their butt. Oh well just trying to find a way to get by which at the moment does seem slim. Ya get older and all you get is more drama more weirdness to life when it honestly should be pretty uneventful. But that's not how we are raised. Every fart yo ass spouts is a hurricane.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


It's gotten so bad these days. I feel bad about it. So far so good. As usual I've come across mister super tso that one guy who wants to be the asshole you meet at work. I ask myself if I should care about his attitude or just not. Ultimately no I don't work at this airport. To waste my time giving a fuck about him makes no sense I'll never see anyone here ever again. The only idiot here is me if I let this boner get me down.... so just survive this and get out... shits hitting the fan out there. Take care of each other.

Monday, December 12, 2016

First day

Busted a nut last night... not gonna lie. I see titties and ass it's on... my goals are as follows... work this shit make money of course but more importantly get wiser get stronger as an individual. Sad world this is we all know that. I'm not any kind of saint either but it depresses me when people demean me for taking this job. What should I do go lift bags at the airlines. The objective in life is to maximize income and minimize work or am I wrong... by all means join the club TSA is in hiring mode right now. The people they hire I can tell you are mostly college graduates looking for quick pocket money. None of them need this job at all. It's something to do more or less. Capitalize. No you won't get shot. Definitely not up here in boring Niagara and buffalo. If you scared of that work at a small slow airport. I plan to transfer to a new airport once a year. Get to broaden my experiences around the country. It's not gonna die either. Hell I damn hate trump but the dude being pres means TSA ain't gonna be removed any time soon. So alright cool no problem. Yeah man I don't think I personally should be doing this gig but I'm not a rich white kid. Im just a poor punk guy from the Bronx. Forgive me for seeing a fat paycheck and jumping on it. It's like a whit girl putting her ass in the air in front of your black ass and you say no... yup it's like that guys... anyway just bored and posting out my ass to whatever fool reads my blog... do yo thang guys...

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

I'm rich..

Sorta.... got paid... soon enough going to make a lot of money. I hope to get stuff live well. It's all good right now can't complain... just want to get my life on track. There has to be a glimmer of hope here for dunno a decent life. Training even for this short time tho has been a pain to do. I just want it to be over. Such a cock tease TSA is. They hire good looking girls stick you with them in a training place and basically force you to ignore your rock solid dick for weeks. Ggggod ddddammnnit...

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Little words of wisdom

Lost my debit card recently... heh no biggie right... huge biggie. Lost everything. Couldn't do shit y'all... had to starve until I got it back. Now that we have phone cams take pics of your important cards for backups all I'm gonna say. Wish I did. So I'm gonna tell ya hoping I save someone from my fate... lotta you leave cards in the bin at the airport. Take a picture of it so if you lose it you won't be fucked guys...

Friday, November 18, 2016

Back in the mix

Kinda feel like a fish out of water, here at my new airport... Only saving grace about it is there's tons of pretty good looking girls up here showing off the milk balls if you know what I mean...

It's going to hopefully go forward without issue. I'm just your average every day nobody tsa officer dude. I don't have any problems getting gov money poured on me. Sadly that's the reality we live in. Nothing in this country is free. Either I get a job or go on welfare or something to get by basically. I'd prefer to get a job and be a part of the work force honestly, who wouldn't... I know...

Lucky me, I got this job. It's like being in heaven honestly. You get paid a lot to do very very little all day. Shrugs, come at me bro, give it to me.

I do want to get my pilot license and become a pilot, hell pilots will give you their full support in joining the club, they want to see that, young males interested in the gig... I just wish the requirements weren't so out of this universe.... 4 years of college, then flight training etc... it's not THAT bone crushing a job, guys. They probably will dial it back down in the future, I don't know.

I hate how the public looks down on TSA. I don't, and can't. We've found things, that part works. A tso got shot for no reason, etc... There is a threat to air travel and somebody's got to be there standing there to prevent it, that's the bottom line. And it's an organization that's giving young black males opportunities to be productive, get paid through the teeth, and seek higher levels of gov employment down the line.... It's fun, it's just a blast to come to work and know you're not going to be in pain at the end of it, pays well, you get to feel like someone who's on the right side of life and doing the right thing... Hate it all day, it's been nothing but a positive to me and I hope to make it last maybe forever...

Yeah I said it... I do indeed like the TSA shiznit. It's awesome as hell. I mean I have a choice, go work at target making pizza, go lift luggage at delta, or sit back and look at an xray screen for a while and get a hell of a bigger pay check at the end of it. It's not even a choice, get the gig, keep the gig. Now the downsides?

You don't matter.

It's gov job. Everything's paperwork. YOU are paper work... You're a stapler to them. They honest to God don't care about you worth a spec of dust. In and out, they'll find another guy on the street and give him your job. I guess that's because it's a non-skilled kinda job. You don't really have skills that anyone else couldn't provide... Fair enough. But I wouldn't run this ship like that honestly. We're not mcdonalds. Everyone should feel like they count and are important, not just a throw away employee... It's a double edged sword, because TSA doesn't give a crap about you, you won't get the spotlight on you much if at all. But you also won't get a "thanks" or recognition from anyone either. You'll just be a little screw in a big machine.

Whatever right... just make the money and run, bro... Agreed. I want to make money, they pay. I don't know how I got here earning a ridiculous pay check. I honestly don't, but I'm not going to complain... Just need to get into a groove sort of thing, feel confident going to work every day, not feel so excluded. Definitely not feel so lost and out of place. And gotta say, I just need to get and understand how to manage money finally. It's going to be a long learning curve for me. I mean, that's natural, always have gotten places slower than others due to my living conditions... but yeah, overall I can tell you this is about learning about money and how it can be utilized right now.... Cuz I don't know anything about it, but the thing that I did learn recently is that money talks, it just does. It's more powerful than your skin, your gender, a lot of things. It's probably the most powerful sob in this society at the end of the day. Hell, I mean if I'm pushed I can FIND food, but I'll be damned, there's not a bite to eat within a fart's distance if you don't have a dime on you. Good grief. Can't even live without a penny, no shelter, nothing... so yeah, I do indeed need to learn to save up and manage money...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Met Taimak

Who's Taimak?

Probably nobody of huge interest to the wide world of hollywood, but I've been following him since high school. Decided to jump at the chance to meet him at today's Urban Action Festival in Times Square.

It was a great experience for me. Not only to get out the house and socialize which was kinda overwhelming, I'm simply not used to being out in the world much. Especially Manhattan etc. Felt like I was just awkwardly flopping around out there today not belonging to the environment. I'm so used to being in this bed, at this computer, the world's too big, too crazy to manage for me. I'm not that kind of person to embrace crowds of people that's for sure...

But man, did seeing the last Dragon on the big screen for the first time in my life feel great. It was a totally different film on the big screen. The sound was nuts, guys. I never knew what the flying hell I was missing. And it's truly a lost relic that film, it's really never going to ever get made again a movie like that. A dark, serious, playful, black centric martial arts silly movie. You will never get that shit again.

So the whole deal with the Urban Action Festival is to showcase and highlight blacks in action films.

Holy SHIT was it educational shit. Just saying.

I mean I never cared about black culture since I grew up bathed in white culture all my life, but it's real, it's a thing. It just has an art to it, black culture, black life, black struggle. It's something that I didn't know my soul felt disconnected from until I went to this place and was surrounded by black culture and people again. You can't deny it once you feel connected to it and watch movies about black life and black complexity in white America.

It's a subject that I think would be interesting to explore, that we simply don't get many movies exploring these days. In fact, that's why this festival exist. There are no black centric films and stuff at comic con etc.

This basically makes up for that absence and it's very welcome. I met the actual stars of the movies. Goddamnit, huge millionare stars of old black films. I was like, holy crap today... You don't know these people are out there, but they are, but like you don't see them get exposure at comic cons much...

Hell, that's really sad. Blacks not getting much going in film, comics, or tv. So sad. The movies I watched today were BETTER and more interesting than the thousand film about a white person with problems. It's just the way I feel about it. I think if Hollywood dared to step a toe outside the white safety zone in film making, they'd see huge profits, just saying. I like seeing people like me on screen from time to time, just saying...

Anyway, Yeah felt like I was back at my old elementary school today surrounded by bunch of black people. But that's a good thing. I never knew I missed it honestly. Don't do that to your kids, make them be the only black person in the room, not good for them. And it's history, it's culture, you can't abandon that stuff. I sure feel more complete after what I did today.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Now the donald glover casting makes sense

I know I said I wouldn't talk about it anymore, but recent events forced my hand.

There's no lack of idiocy in this world, we all know it, we all deal with it on a daily basis, but Trump's weird out of no where victory is a sure as hell sign that dumb is winning in this nation.

I am Lando Calrissian. It was what I was born for. Why I exist.

Glover, is a good man. I will never hate him, but he's not born to play Lando like me. He's not going to work in the role. He'll try, he'll do his best, and he will flop and fail in front of everyone. It may very well kill his poor career and he'll never get work again. He has no idea at all what he's signed up for. Playing an iconic character is serious business.

Look at the star trek movies. I mean they're ok, but no star trek fan likes them. That's what you want for star wars glover? It's just  another paycheck to you right... Got a kid now, got to put him through college, I understand.

I BEG Philip Lord and Chris Miller, I BEG them. Do. The. RIGHT. Thing.

So much wrong is going on today. You guys have the chance to do one thing right to help stave off the inundation of wrong.

One thing... that's recasting Lando. Just to show you care and are not a mindless soulless corporate machine going through the motions.

One thing...

Bob Zemeckis will tell you, if he had to do it again, he would NOT have forged forward with casting Eric Stoltz for Bttf and shoot most of the film only to tell him he's being replaced by the proper choice. To this day Stoltz claims to not have watched Back to the future, it'd be too painful. I don't want Glover to have the same pain. Shoot the movie, they figure out that his casting is off, then they find a better guy and tell him get on your way son...

Make the decision NOW before you film a thing.

I mean it's not about me. It's bigger than that. It's about the legacy of the star wars brand. I want it to be great. Not mediocre garbage like what you guys are planning. I don't want it to just be about the money but that's all it is to you guys. YOU DON'T CARE. We care. Fans will get the word out on the movie in five seconds and yo won't get the box office you want.... Just a warning, do.THE.RIGHT.THING.

What I'm gonna buy

Get started working tsa on monday. Looking forward to this. They won't regret hiring me. All I want is money. All they want is a body to toss in the terminal to search bullshit hand lotions all day. I'm your guy.

Bad year. Trump, retarded, douche bag, idiot trump is president. Donald Duck, That's his name, is in star wars. Wow, didn't see any of this coming.. just didn't. Wow.

Well at least I have thousands of dollars about to rain on me.

What am I gonna buy?

Always wanted a delorean, gonna take a few fucking years but I'll save up for it at some point.

Start buying new cameras, those big time elite 4k joints.

Totally going to build an ELITE gaming rig once the money drops for that.

Of course going to get an apartment up in Canada.

And I'm going to live my life smart honestly.

Sadly you can't be a black dude and think to yourself I'm gonna go walk the streets and go where I want to go. I used to, back when I was younger. I went all over the place, but now that I'm identifiably over 18, I get shit from everybody when I go out in this world. I just get shit, it's horrible.

So I've decided to live my life this way, just never leave the house except for work.

Yep. I mean, I don't LIKE dealing with racism, people in general, cops looking at me as if I'm gonna go start shit. Yeah, mr. virgin that I am gonna go cause a ruckus better run.

I've worked jobs in the last decade, done my job well, gotten hundereds if not thousands of people through the airport without a hitch, safe, happy, smiling, women, children, little babies, EVERYBODY under my help gotten through a very complicated process that is air travel, safely without issue. Do I get a thank you for that? No of course not.

It's truly offensive to do the right thing, be a good person, and get punched in the mouth because of it.

It sucks.

Yeah, I hope I get my dick deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in a beautiful female as a way of giving everyone who wants me dead a hell of a middle finger.

Just gonna play it cool, not get on any radar if possible. Just make a buttload of money and dunno just get laid or something here's hoping...

Trump is president

Wow, never thought I'd see the day. A simpsons parody becomes reality.

That's it for the USA, this shit's going down hill fast as fuck.

I mean, will it truly be gloom and doom. People say if we can survive Bush's incompetence, Trump shouldn't be that big a deal. And well, America's a giant corporation when you get down to it, trump knows how to run those backwards and forwards. Maybe he'll be good on the financial side of things, able to spend money wisely, who knows.

What he's not good for, the minority populations Whites want trump because obviously he's a top ranking KKK member and their interests will be thoroughly taken care of in the end.

It is what it is, the KKK running things all day. Nothing new to see here.

I'll be in canada in the coming months, not going to be having anything to do with USA anyway. Always wanted to live in Canada. Nothing happens up there, might as well.

No, I don't think shit's going to hit the fan for USA. Bush was a complete retard and yet, well, only massive war and death took place during his term...

Yep, what the fuck am I saying. Get out while you can people...

Monday, November 7, 2016

Just saw Dr. Strange

Should YOU see it?

Absolutely. It's a smart, fun, well made, no excess, straight to the point Comic book movie.

B- I'd give it. The ending is rushed like they were just ready to get it over with and get to the sequel already, but I was thoroughly engaged with the story nonetheless and left wanting more of it.

Can't wait for part 2, the ending scene was awesome. Should be a huge success since it's actually quite a good film that I haven't really seen in a while, just a light fun movie.

Sadly no sweeping Dr. Strange Theme music which would have elevated it to greatness. Can't understand why they're scared of giving super heros their own magestic operatic theme these days. It's been a tradition for eons, yet they've suddenly decided against them...

Anyway, Perfect casting is a tough thing to do in Comic Book movies, but they got it with this one. There will be no one after Cumberbatch who can ever play this character. He's too good. I forgot I was watching him. It was just Dr. Strange I was seeing just like I used to see him as a kid.

That's how it's done. Sell the illusion. Make it so the audience believes it. Bravo guys.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dragonball Super will be dubbed

They're gonna do it..

What do I think? More power to them. I mean it's been a long relationship. I am 30 years old right now. I don't want to be, but that's where I'm at, son of a b...

I don't honesty want to watch Super. Hopefully it's good, hopefully the new generation likes it, hopefully they become as much of a db nut as I was back in the good ol days of toonami.

I mean I love dragonball, but I'm not going to be 50 and watching it with candy and popcorn. Me watching it now is going to look stupid enough.

Sadly that's how this world operates. You're influenced to be a kid and not take part in adult affairs for a very long time, then you end up knee deep in adulthood and not really having graduated beyond your childhood.

Having more stuff being produced from your childhood doesn't help in that growing pains process at all.

I mean, I gotta say DB pulling a Simpsons and forcing more bad seasons down our throats is not very good.

Yep even Simpsons refuses to die. Literally refuses to die.

It's been dead to me and even its fanbase for years now, but they keep making them. I remember losing my shit to see the new simpsons episode. It was an event week after week. You couldn't make me watch the new shit even if you offered me ass as a reward, I'm that off the simpsons. I do want it to end. It's stale, bitter, rotten garbage today.... I know the creator says he'll run the show into the ground. That's exactly what he's doing. I can only assume it's a white people thing. Abusing tons of power without regret!

I guess so... sad to see Dragonball following suit although in its defense, the original creator never did finish it and for whatever the fuck reason is doing it now. I don't honestly know why. Not like DBE was on fire and re-ignited db in all our hearts.

I mean, who's going to watch DB super? They gonna air it little by little on CN? They going to run DB from the beginning for today's kids to watch then end it with whatever the hell happens in Super Nintendo!

I mean, let me just admit this, after the frieza saga was done, watching DB struggle to make things interesting was embarrassing for me as a fan. The show was so trying to be frieza saga 2.0 but it couldn't manage it. It just was never gonna top that epic shit obviously.

Here we go again with the same lame attempt to top the frieza stuff. Although apparently frieza actually wasn't at full power during their last battle and if he truly trained frieza could be a true challenge to Goku. Don't know shit about Goku Black, looks like the most retarded concept for a villain ever. He's what, the evil clone cliche thing we get all the time. Come on...

Wow, Dragonball is back and Chris Sabat and Sean Schimmel and Co. Are going to do more new fresh episodes of Dragonball for the Love of God...

I'd rather a sequel to DBE than that shit. No offense, but I think even they are sick of doing DB dubs. This dub is coming down to merely them having bills to pay I'm more than sure. It's a quick ass paycheck.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

thawtz on current state of the Matrix

Let's be honest, the GTA Online game is basically the matrix online under a different title.

It's amazing the gaming world today. None of us forsaw this, we all hoped for it, but honestly never began to think it would eventually occur within any forseeable future. I didn't. I played all the GTA games and had an awesome time, never did I think about the potential to do it all online with real people on a daily basis.

It's daunting and exhilarating at the same time. You got tons of people of all types running amok in a digital world. There's people on there who want to start trouble all day and make everyone miserable. There's your casual regular people just playing for fun. There's the hackers who are like neo in the matrix, rebuilding the game any way they see fit. It's amazing shit.

And Some how I have access to it and am a part of this universe. It's the future of gaming, a very mixed up messy future at that. I dread playing honestly since it is filled with assholes on the daily, but those few good people you meet in gtaonline who are just on the same page, want to make money, buy nice things, that's where the good stuff is. Too bad you have to deal with a thousand assholes before you come across a friendly person. That's life...

I just discovered the pacific standard glitch too which makes this game a lot more interesting.

Gta online is coming to its end and we all sense it. Rockstar is working on GTA 6. Most likely Red Dead 2 will be the next step for massive online multiplayer games and be where R focuses the majority of their resources so kiss GTA Online goodbye as in a few years it will become a barren wasteland nobody cares about.

I would hope R decides to just triple the payout on everything to give us a ball before it's all over, but who knows. They didn't think people would actually buy digital fake ass money, turns out they were overestimating people's lack of intelligence. People have spent real money by the millions for fake money that's not REAL. so R has been trying to release overly expensive shit online that you have to either grind away at heists and stuff to get or just quickly get it with a shark card bullshit.

It's like spending real money for monopoly cash, so insane, but they've earned millions off of people's idiocy so why stop.

People have noted R nerfing the massive payouts on races etc since shark card sales have been a run away success.

Luckily we've discovered a nice little glitch in the matrix. I've been doing the Pac Standard Glitch for the last few hours. Unbelievable that I can grind this thing and in a few hours make more money than if I struggled like a dumbass with the ceo and mc missions. It's a nice fall back anyway. If you have some douche blow up your shipment and you lose money on that shit, you can join a glitched pacific a buddy has and he'll throw you a few thousand. I've made so many friends who want to help return the favor and make ME wealthy through the glitch.

How's the glitch work? Really dumbass simple.

All it takes is unplugging the ethernet a second or two after the map dissapears. Because R put in a fancy dancy cut scene of the boat driving off into the sunset, that gives the host of the game ample time to ditch before the heist is over. He doesn't get paid, but the crew does. Then he can redo the heist FOREVER, helping anyone make unlimited amounts of money.

I was scared to try the glitch at first, but then I said, go for it. I'm sick of this MC crap. I ripped the network out after the map was gone, and boom, still had the heist to play again, all my crew got paid. We did a khaled, then another Khaled, then a final Khaled, shit is so nice. Gonna make MILLIONS then never worry about money again, then never have to do these bullshit ceo shits again, then never have to feel poor, all good son, all good, feel good, wanna grab titties, wanna have a partay muffuk!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

stuff on ma brainz

Well what to say today. Man am I emo as hell lately. I got a good job with the TSA, fucking like there are people out there who would do anything to be in my position. I should take the time to bone up on my language skills. I want to become fluent in atleast one other language before I kick the bucket. That's all. Too bad everybody wants to discourage and prevent you from improving yourself once yo hit a certain age, whatever. Go cry about it to yourself in a corner, I'm still going to live my life my way, especially now that I have a good solid long term career ahead of me. Puts a smile on my face. Yeah, I've been there, dealing with racist airport passengers talking shit to me because I'm a black guy working TSA. Do they even know how much TSA pays is all I'm wondering. They fucking pay bro. Don't know why but TSA makes as much as cops. I have cop salary coming down the pipe, don't you understand that? What about me do you think is unintelligent and fail?

I don't know, guess when I'm having a big ass apartment with big ass 4k tv, nice giant amazing computer, a girlfriend with massive tits, I should just cry about how terrible my TSA job is? Only college can help you get to that level baby!!!!

Don't give a damn. I'm wealthy, got money, not looking back. Going to enjoy it. Enjoy my 30s, travel, see the world. Lord knows I deserve it after all the bullshit I've been through. Goddamn tons of it.

Do I want to get a girl pregnant? Hell... shit not a day goes by that I don't want to fuck a woman. Not one...

I play videogames, I read books, I watch cartoons just like I always do, but none of that shit means anything to me. I gotta get a girl.

Thinking about which bitch. I mean, it's all good. I don't really have any hangups about which girl I get anymore. The saying is true. Women come and go. They're so many. You truly have your pick of the fruit off a tree kinda thing.

Now I'm not like, disrespecting females. I think they're Goddesses even the retarded ones. That's how much I respect women, but yeah I'm not going to lose my balls over not getting a girl I want anymore...

I'm whatever about it. Just that, people are assholes man, try to restrict you from getting yo dick in a girl's mouth. Why?

Don't know. But they exist. You will be a dude wanting to just bone a girl one minute, no big deal. Then some guy will be standing there trying to cock block you. You think in your head, what the fuck... it's ass, let me do my thing. But no, he's got nothing better to do today but control where your dick is going. I honestly don't know what to make of someone that out of touch with reality... if you think it's your business what a nother dude does with his dick, that's beyond anything I can comprehend and I certainly don't want to. Shut yo mouth and get out of my way, I'm going to fuck a bitch. Too bad, boo hoo, deal with it.

Just saying. I mean, yeah, good luck with that. Convincing a dude not to get pussy or butthole, it's up to you. Good luck with that.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Job world discussion

Just want to talk about this shit tonight or this morning, actually morning.

Hate jobs, glad I'm working for the government, only job out there that pays normal money you can live off of at high school diploma level.

It's kinda unexpected but then again I did expect the job world to not be very mature or sensible.

Basically, if some how you get lucky and land a job that gives you reasonable money, you got lucky. 99 percent of jobs are going to pay you minimum wage.

Who the fuck can live any kind of normal life off that? Who da fuck knows... I don't think it makes sense and it doesn't.

Rent is through the roof, you do the right thing, go get a job at some fucktard place, and they pay you shit so you can't possibly afford rent.

Crime rates are going up because these jobs just don't care. they keep tossing pennies at their workers and calling it a job.

It's not a job. Pay people who are doing the right thing and working, real money.

Interesting way this world is run. You know, when people are payed well, the workmanship goes up, people want to stay at the job longer, you just have a better work environment, everything's better because of it.

That's what TSA wants, they want their workforce to care about doing security properly, enjoy coming to work. I have to personally respect that about them. I went to work there back in the day and every day despite the childish retardedness of some of them, it was just like going to a party. Not work. Everybody there was upbeat, looking forward to another day. Not like Delta. Everybody there was pissing about the job, the bags, the management who wants to get away with murdering the workforce with work etc. And it's true. Delta does NOT care about the baggage handlers one tiny bit. That stuff is pack mule work. They care about the mechanics, flight ops, etc. They could care less about the bag people, poor philosophy because in the end, everyone down to the motherfucker who cleans out the plane matters in flight stablity and safety, but from my experience, one thing mattrers to delta, MUUNNAAAYYY.

I don't want to feel like, oh I'm a scrub, couldn't hack it at college, got a gov job because it's the easy road.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, nothing about my life has been easy. Honestly I don't think even if I scratched and clawed my way through college I'd get an ounce of respect. People would just amp it up and say, well not like you got your masters or phd like those guys over there did you? You're just a shitty dime a dozen college guy, who cares... etc and on and on. OH I'm not playing that game.

I'm going to run TSA into the ground. I don't honestly give a shit about them and they don't give a shit about me, but whatever. They're going to hand me money for standing around in a uniform all day, don't give a fuck, let's go.

What do I WANT to have done with my life, be a pilot, always wanted to be, nothing else I ever intended to do. First goal, astronaut, second goal pilot. Looked like a sweet gig. I've flown in tons of planes over the last few years. Honestly being a pilot isn't all that.

The part that looks like a shitty aspect of being a pilot is the gate entry part. Having to take orders from the ground dude and if HE decides he's on crack that day, your whole flight is ruined. Honestly having second thoughts about going to flight school and getting all that shit together for a job where your whole career can be determined by some douche bag on the ground making 10 bucks an hour... doesn't look fun. Gotta be crazy to put that much stake on one dude and having hung out with these people, they LITERALLY don't care. It's just another fucking plane, another fucking day...

Yep, every flight you go on, some guy who's half retarded is marshalling you into the gate... and pushing the plane out. Have fun flying.

Why do I want to work for TSA? Cuz they hired me back... Cuz the job isn't really a job, and honestly I hate working so if I can get away with not working and having enough money for a nice apartment where I can get some ass, that's not a problem for me.

OH NOES, you SO WEEEEAK, NUT STronG ENUFF to mek it THROOO cuuullloooooGGGEEE...

yEP, ya beat me, people of the world. I'm not going to go do some studying and essays and exams so I can get a job. ALREADY GOT ONE!!!

I mean, why?

It makes no sense to me to go running around in some school somewhere right now...  Hell, I'd probably still apply to TSA after finishing college, if what I hear about how valuable a degree is these days is true.

Anyway, I don't know why, I don't know how, I don't even care. I'm a black guy, that's the thing you're missing.

Just telling a black guy, DUDE go to college, life gonna be so awesome if ya get that degree shit.

Maybe... Maybe not!

Degree doesn't make you automatically white, bro. Still have to deal with being a nigger at the end of the day yunno...

I'm hoping maybe I'll survive not just on my paycheck but because I'm a federal gov employee... I dunno? Let's hope that shit means something next time I'm in the line of fire from the KKK... maybe it won't mean shit. Nobody respects the TSA at all and most people know it's a black man's last resort for money in the end just like half the jobs at the bottom of the world.

Don't give a damn, best job I ever had. I'd be going there to do my thing this very day if I wasn't a dumbass and quit out because the dumbass management wanted to put on a show of superiority.

I hate that about jobs. You just want that paper, that's all I care about. All the company cares about. But you won't get that attitude. They WILL try to fuck you. Mess with your head, bully you, good ol' high school years that never die. That's what you'll be dealing with at work, get ready for that down the line.

We'll see. I'm just another blackish motherfucker trying to get some paper at the end of the day. If they want to start shit, can't imagine why. It's business, just get the work done as lazily as possible and bounce.

I worked long and hard enough in school. I can't work hard now, ya got me, society. You burned me out so that I'm not interested in becoming anything great later in life. Is that what they wanted? Hell, guess they succeeded. I sure as fuck don't want to look at another book, math equation, whatever for the rest of my life thanks to the most fucked up school system ever conceived.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Isis executes hundreds

Well damn, not a fun thing to read I must say. I can only imagine the horrors taking place in those nations. It's just man, I've lived and seen too much war and death. Got my fill of it.

We all get executed, do the isis guys think they can out run death? What a strange world this is.

Glad I don't have to be in it forever, never keep your sanity...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hints for GTA Online

Been gaming in GTA since the ps2 days. Probably played the first GTA at some point back in the 90s but who knows. I played a billion weird pc/atari/nintendo/playstation games if I could find them back then. Never really thought about it, but yeah, my life is games.

Makes me sad that people want to pin me as one of those gangsta black guys all day, never had any of that as part of my life. I'm the black guy who kicked ass as super mario all night, not prowled the streets looking to bust a cap in your ass. Here I stand today having ignorant ass people labeling me Mr. Thug Dog.

weird way this world works, but I get it. I mean black people are assholes, yunno. Nobody likes any blacks honestly... you just go about your day a black dude will try to take a shit on you. I apologize for those guys, they're the reason black people will never be socially accepted, EVER.

Anyway, what about GTA online. It's a hell of a fun game, problem is some punk kid logs on and suddenly it's an unplayable mess. How the hell can ya hope to get through the game when there's douche bags flying jets everywhere and rocketing you all day with their auto aim system.

Join a free aim session. Night and day difference in game play. I actually had someone try to shoot me with missles and miss. For fuck's sake, amazing. just amazing.

You'll have a chance in helll of surviving longer because some asshoule has to take the time to actually target you before killing you. Best decision I ever made switching to free aim sessions....

What else can I tell ya about it? Do survivals!!! You get free ammo for all your guns, hell of a savings on that shit and you get paid for passing it. Of course do the easiest one processed. Don't do that hard shit.

People have Pac Standard down to an exact science this day and age. There's tons of methods to beat it quick and easy. I mean I like the MC missions and of course now in free aim I have a fighting chance of surviving my deliveries. But can't top a smooth clean run through Pac Standard. I think after the dust settles and we know the statistics of which method generates money fastes, pac standard willl be the king. All things taken into account, you grind it, in far less time you make a lot more money. Already seeing less people working MC clubs since it's just alot of work over a long day for measly pennies. Why bother...

Utilize the new auto shotgun. That thing is OP. They put it in the game with good intentions, but much like the armored karuma it's like almost a hack and breaks things. Breeze through survival and certain missions and take out entire groups of guys by spraying away at everyone with it.

If I think of anything else I'll edit this, but just some wise words on how to play GTA for today.


My fuckup. Turns out there's no such thing as turnig off auto aim for jets and helis. You're boned if you ever try to deliver stuff although you'll find more mature players in free aim sessions for the most part since those are the ones smart enough to have figured out that trick of the trade. But if some dickwad wants to start sht in his jet, nothing you can do, fuck....

So lame.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Fuck it movies

Just something I got started thinking about. I'm done with that unmentionable movie that I will add to the list of star wars that isn't worth watching... Moving fucking oning...

Well got thinking about these kinds of movies. Those movies where they obviously didn't care about quality while making them and were concerned only with the the money.

Scooby Doo was one I was thinking of. I mean I was there when that thing was going into production. Waited eagerly for it, HUGE scooby doo nut as a kid. I mean. I didn't really OMG love scooby doo, but they showed it ALL THE FUCKING TIME on CN and even on other channels. I could never figure out why, it was a shitty show. But due to having nothing else on, I actually got brainwashed into watching it and enjoying some of it. I felt dirty watching scooby doo back then. It's awful, yet I kept watching more of it. What a waste of life... Oh the 90s...

Ghostbusters also fits this, not the classic of course. The new one that people have already AND THANKFULLY brushed under the rug despite Sony continuing to hype it online to get blu ray sales up. Fuck that movie up it's fucking ass. You failed. And you know what, the movie is a fuck it movie. It's a movie where the cast, crew, all got on set, realized the movie was going to be shit, and decided to just wing it for the whole film.

Don't you hate those movies? I do...

Other Fuck It movies:

Batman and Robin of course.... Clooney even admits it, he knew the movie was bad, but couldn't get out of his contract. O donnel was obligated to do a sequel I think... So there ya go.

Most sequels end up being Fuck It movies now that I think about it... Dragon Ball Evolution is the ultimate FUCK IT movie... Poor Chatwin, Rossum, Marsters all signed on with the highest hopes. Got to the set and read the script and then said FUCK IT easy pay check, and are to this day trying to shake the movie off and forget they did it. WE WILL NEVER FORGET.

Mario Bros, Street Fighter. Fuck it movies.

Home alone 3 is a sure as hell Fuck It movie.

What else, Robocop 2,3 and the reboot all Fuck it movies. Why do I say the reboot? I can just feel it. They knew they were climbing everest to try to remake Robocop. It's like remaking Back to the Future. Good luck chuck. They gave up on it half way through and just made a decent action movie to try to save face in the end, but it was over, they failed.

Terminator Genysis kinda is one. I say "kinda" because it honestly almost was a good terminator movie. Then they realized this shit was just fanfiction and decided to make it into nonsense, such a waste of potential. It needed a re-write or two, or a director who cared, something. You CAN make something out of the concept of an "old" terminator. This was not that film. It doesn't even make sense or fit in the franchise at all. Thank you hollywood, ya did it again.

I don't know. I'm not going to sit here for hours coming up with a list of "fuck it" films but you probably know or have seen many of them. I don't know why those movies consitently get made. They're a waste of time and money but they get busted out every so and so. Yunno what, I think I do. They sell, simple truth. Reason why Bay is making transformers again. All logic points to making them because they sell... who cares if it's good. Welcome to Hollywood!!!

I'll never accept or condone that. I'm excited about my start back in TSA because now I'm going to get money enough to buy film equipment, more music, editing, better electronics so I can get starting producing and creating films.

If some day down the line I ever become a film maker on a serious level, I'd never EVER make a "fuck it" movie. Just a waste of film, meaningless crap. It's the worst movie. One that has no investment from anyone in it, yunno. I abhor seeing those movies. Those cash in movies. Just a joke.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

I just hope they wise up

This is standard hollywood. They're a machine... They goddamn made batman and robin full throttle full steam ahead if that's any bright gleaming indication of their complete fail at understanding what they're doing with these big budget movies...

I hope, Lord and Miller wake up and realize Glove looks like Finn, not Lando or do they think all blacks look the same and don't give a shit...

I hope they start shooting the movie and the chemistry is off and nothing works.

I hope they cancel production or delay it while they go back to basics and recast Lando with say, ME.

I hope for something that's close to impossible. Afterall we're talking hollywood here... They'll make anything for the cash.

But when I think of Glover as Lando all I can think is Cage as superman. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay wrong decision, dodge that fucking bullet didn't we...

But it was happening. They actually spent millions on pre-production for the Burton superman film staring cage. That's how insane hollywood is. They did that. Millions spent to figure out that film before somebody with a brain said "stop it" and they came to their senses.

This Han Solo movie has one saving grace ME. If they bulldose through production, make the movie like retards, it's on them. I won't save you.

That's the last I'll talk about it.

I feel angry

I wake up and just walk around wanting to punch the walls every day now...

I'm going to see tv spots, posters everywhere, adverts with Donald Glover as Lando all over the fucking place now...

Makes me sick deep in my soul.

I hope to GOD the movie bombs straight to hell. Send lucasfilm a fucking message. That's the only way they'll understand their error. They don't see it but they will when the money isn't coming in in buckets.

They will.

Tragic life to live for me. Tragic way for star wars to end up...

I thought jar jar was the nail in the coffin, fuck was I wrong or what...

Postal worker dumps mail in the forest

New CNN vid about it.

If I didn't actually work for the post office and see how full of shit they are, I'd feel so sorry for the people who lost their mail.

Why did the guy dump it IF it's a real story and not some made up shit to create content, IF it's real and he did dump the mail, I know why he did it...

The postal service treats their workforce like dogs. It's that simple.

Even if it's raining and it's impossible to deliver mail, they ask you why you took so long to get it done.

This happened to me. If I didn't think straight that day, I would have pulled knife and killed that guy who was trying to be a douche bag about how long I took to deliver mail.

but then I realized, I'm very very very intelligent. Despite the fact that I'm doing this garbage job, I don't have to. I can find better at some point. So I moved on, but that's the reality.

If you don't get your mail. Ask the postal workers if their supervisors are assholes. Ask if their workload is too much.

That's the reality, the postal force is trying to get away with giving the workers A LOT more work than is necessary or even possible.

He dumped that mail because he showed up for work, and probably got swamped with more mail than he could possibly deliver and got told by his supervisor get it done or you're fired.

So he got it done....

News of the day...

J Scott Campbell's cover showing the new iron girl with tits and curves is pulled from shelves.

Didn't think it looked like he was trying to create sexual shit to me. The uproar over a 15 year old BLACK girl having a meaty delicious hot body from a bunch of white people was interesting. I'm just thinking, come to my schools full of black kids and try to not gander at all the ass and titties abound. Black girls develop far earlier and more fully than white and asians etc. I thought this was common knowledge...

I like one of the comments on the article on gizmodo. Leave the sexualizing to the actual teens!

Teens have sex, all day, upside down, sideways, backwards, forwards, just like you and me.

I hate politics... You say you think a teenage girl's looking hot, a bunch of assholes pounce on you and and brand your ass with "Pedo"

I often ask myself when some dickfuck is blasting me with pedo accusations, how many teenage girls did he bone back in high school?

Why is there this uproar over a 15 year old girl being sexualized when it's legal in some place to get with a girl that age?

The real question... do I want to still fuck a 15 year old girl now that I'm 30? Uh oh, I can already hear the guns being drawn on me... All I can say is if I can't possibly tell what age a chick is and she's rocking giant tits and a hot body, I like what I fucking see, people.

Sad world this is. Everybody ready to slit your throat over everything, EVERYTHING... Everything...

Poor bastard, J scott Campbell. Got bit by the black mob. His racism meter just went up a few notches now. Sure he doesn't want to touch drawing black people ever again...

Shame too. I like when blacks get action in comics. It's a step forward vs the norm of seeing another pasty hero doing pasty hero white people stuff all day. Now I have a comic from my hood about my life about my problems and it gets pulled off shelves. This wasn't a step forward for blacks in comics It was a step back...

Yes black girls DO look like that at that age. I'm sure you noticed titties bobbling around in a few 15 year old girl's shirts back in high school or were you not human...

Just outrageous. I'm one black voice who will defend campbell. I hope others step up to the plate and try to speak the truth and help calm the retardation down some...

Friday, October 21, 2016

well I'm still rich I guess...

I don't know. Being famous and an actor and all that isn't the best thing. Can't ever be free to live your life afterall.

All in all, I am pretty rich aren't I. I work for TSA, gonna be having a nice apartment... living it up, living the dream...

Good Luck Glover. Either you're going to make or break your career by taking Lando. Either it's going to be laughed out of the theater or you're going to become an even bigger star after this.

Me, I'll be fine. I have a 40,000 a year job. Nothing to complain about honestly. Good Luck...

Donald Glover is Lando...

Wow sign number 1 that they have no idea what the hell they're doing with that movie... Avoid at all costs. It's going to be nonsense.

Such a waste. Such a flying hard cold, shitty waste.

Wow. Shocked beyond words.

Further thoughts:

This new age Lando:

Jesus Christ. Poor internet can't even find pics of him that look like Billy Dee. This is going to be an epic fail if I ever saw one. I don't feel sorry for Glover, for Lord, or Miller. They asked for it and now they're going to get it. I suspect the film will do faaar below expectations and not be what it would have been from my input and involvement. I will not bother seeing it. It's over. The dream is dead. 

Found the album photos

Just went to the bathroom to piss and my mom knocks on the door, I think it's another day of nonsense from her, not this time. She hands me my photos I've been searching for for a long time...

Just nearly collapsed with relief. I just gave up on them. I mean who the hell am I that I should worry about photos being saved. I don't know, it's just something I want to keep a grasp of. That good ol 90s childhood years. It was a fucking blast, brother. Warts and all, I wouldn't wish for a more interesting childhood if I had a chance. I mean, the tv was awesome, the atmosphere of those times, the fun stuff to do with toys and bikes and generally just going and getting new videogames etc.

I don't want to forget that life. But to lose the photo evidence of it... fucking tragic. It hurt so bad to lose that shit.

Can't believe it's back. I told myself nobody would dare toss away a photo album in this family. We're not THAT stupid. But I simply accepted that maybe it's true. Age has taken its tole on my parents and they're not thinking straight these days...

But fortunately in this case apparently my mom decided to save the photos from destruction. I don't even know why or how, but by the graces of God himself, my childhood years are forever able to live on. I don't want that to die, NEVER...

Thursday, October 20, 2016

thawtz on Dicaprio's Captain Planet movie

well well... Go for it Leo. Hope it gets green lit. I'd watch that shit so hard, it'd explode.

If it's done like Avatar, which was basically a giant captain planet movie itself, it'd really be great.

hope a it starts a trend of making movies based on all of those weird fucktard 90s cartoons that came on every day but you tried to avoid them.

How's that jonny quest movie coming along I wonder. Now that should be good.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Just discovered Bentonite Clay

Not bad... not bad. What it does is give your body back what it would get naturally... meaning we typically would get bits of dirt on our food in the old cave man days but now in modern times we've developed so many ways to clean our food that we've eliminated dirt and clay from our daily diets. What this has done is make it so our bodies are accumulating bacteria and toxins that would naturally be absorbed in the bits of dirt we'd eat, essential vitamins and minerals are being lost as well without every so often consuming dirt.

I've decided to take clay tablets, calcium bentonite clay to be precise, and the benefits have been like night and day. Energy levels are higher, bowl movements smoother, brain functionality and sense of well being increased.

still a horny fucker, but such a shame this stuff isn't a part of standard health curriculum in school. It's like, probably in elite schools, but I had to figure it out the hard way, youtube...

It works. It's cleaning me out from the inside. I may have a shitty life. But I've discovered a way to make it a little less so....

Monday, October 17, 2016

what I do all day and thinking about getting older

What I do all day? Attempt to quiet my sexual frustration... I don't know, it's just tough. Tough as HELL to NOT want to get some pussy. STRAIGHT UP... just tough...

It's not easy and I can't understand why life is so weird that you go along, have a shitty childhood, then end up wanting to fuck all day and can't... it's not fun not easy and I don't particularly think it makes any sense...

What do I like about life today? I mean, I never thought I'd get to have any real connection to the people I watched on tv. But we live in that world now. You can interact with them, get to know them, they don't give a SHIT. It's just, either they're going to sit around reading a book or have a chat session live with their fanbase inside their million dollar mansion.

Good God is facebook a huge monumental just insanly brilliant thing... Wish I had it back in childhood. Not teens. Fuck my teens. They were awful. I don't even want to remember that shit. But childhood. Oh the fun I could have had with the ability to take and capture all of it digitally.

I'm trying to make up for lost time, but there's no denying I'm 30. I do look younger than my years, but it's like you're starting to feel age, and death, closing in on you at this point in life. It's like, I've never felt young, always was 30 in my head because of my advanced intellect. But to be there, not what I thought it would be.

I just want to get pussy all fucking day. How do people do anything at all. Must be people who don't have a sex drive and can do whatever they want, be free, that are doing stuff....

Not me. I'm trapped in this rut all day. Wake up, look at my collection of porn, try to find a good one, struggle to not bust a nut, then watch news or something. That's it. Nothing special about it.

I can't function outside of sex. I just can't and I liked to think I could but girls look faarrrrr too appealing to me. I mean what kind of woman do I want...

I'm crushing on tough girls constantly. I like that. I like when a female is strong... That gets my dick hard. I like when she's got a big muscular ass. Looking at it, just amazing like fucking sculpture bro... I like big ass breasts as well. I mean, that's always been a deal breaker. The bigger the titties it's like power level in dragonball to me.

It's not even about race to me, yunno. I'll bone any bitch if she's not a fucking fat bitch and actually looks like she gives a shit about staying in shape. That's all...

Goddamn, is getting laid too much to ask? Shit...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

New business idea

What I do from time to time, come up with ideas for business projects etc.

Got a game in mind called the spiral zone or something. You race to escape a vortex, but have to avoid obstacles at the same time.

Also had an interesting idea of creating an interactive form of tv entertainment where people at home can control race cars in nascar. That's essentially the idea. Instead of watching the race, you race a car in it from your house. I think too that in this modern world it'd be fun to have home participants in game shows, talk shows, etc.

Imagine controlling the jeopardy board yourself and picking things yourself from your house, then they answer it in real time.

I'm thinking real time interaction with tv is going to be huge in the future...

Friday, October 14, 2016

Devin Faraci isn't a homo

I don't even know if I spelled his last name properly.

Well this is fucked up. Some sort of past action came back to bite the guy.

Whole can of worms just got opened on his ass, apparently lost his job over it...

Probably should have stone faced denied it happened instead of adding fuel to the fire.

Why am I talking about this? What's some black guy care about white people's problems?

Honestly not much. White people and their politics have nothing at all to do with me and the giant shit that's on my plate as a black person trying to live his life in America or any country. NOTHING.

I don't watch the debates. I don't give a damn about who becomes president. Not concerned with who's warring with who in what country. It doesn't have shit to do with the complexity and downright damning amount of shit to shovel in life as being black grants you, simply doesn't.

Don't give a shit about trump or clinton or 9/11 or well anything. Used to care, then I woke up and realized, I don't matter to white people. Why am I caring about what they're saying today?

I do care about Devin. I've kinda gotten to know him and occasionally he's poked fun at things I've said on actual tv. Yep, that time he was saying "i'm an old man now" during his transformers segment on Attack of the Show, he's quoting ME.

He's been up my ass for years. I don't like him, but I don't condone the vitriol he's recieving as if he's some sort of psycho. He's not.

Get your heads out of your asses. He's a dorky fat white guy with a whiny voice. He's extremely brilliant and I can't look down on him for having enjoyed many of his long lengthy and in depth analysis of film. It'd be a huge waste to deny him future employment over this and it's a giant loss to have him no longer contributing over something so insignificant next to his talents and tenure as a professional film critic.

Is him grabbing a bitch so bad? I did it. I didn't go and squeeze her titties or grab some pussy meat. But I decided to do it, grab a bitch by the waste and bring her close to me and make her feel good. She liked it. We had a semi-sexual relationship without the sex after that as if at times she was contemplating gobbling my cock and letting me fuck her big ass. It was enlightening to find out that that females respond positively to aggressive men who take what they want and kinda go for the attack and not be like a little wimp.

It's the reality of life, women like that shit.

Of course devin's made a lot of enemies online and now they have a huge giant gun to point at him in their arsenal from here forward. Will he get over this, hell probably already has... I don't know. He's a brilliant guy, he'll do things beyond this, maybe not as much in the public eye since he now knows how dangerous it is to work in it.

Sucks man. I wish the internet didn't function like a giant magnifying glass at times where you say something, some douche blows it up to be the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. No Devin's not some sort of sicko for probably being sexually aggressive with a chick. It's sadly and I'm serious here, it's sadly what a lot of girls actually want... Fuck us men though, eh. If we give it too them, they call the cops.

Thinking about life

Faith, peace, is the answer says Corey Feldman. He says that the world's problems can only be solved through faith, peace, and love... Indeed old friend....

Need more attitudes like that this day and age. Dark times we're in...

This world is terrible. One wonders why people would want to continue to live in it, have children in it. continue going on and about in it... like, really, chances are slim life's going to be good for you especially if you're on the black side of the fence. Then chances are like 0.00% that you're going to have it made in the shade with a glass of lemonade.

I mean the racism I've encountered in recent years has been extremely shocking. I never got treated outright like an insect by white people until recent years. It's just, what a lie I've been taught in my childhood. Oh don't worry, things have changed, blacks are equal and nobody's going to shit on you as a black guy when you get older... FUCK NO. That's hardly the case at all... Like, I just get treated like I'm hankering to go steal everything in people's houses and start a whole mess with the world... All I can wonder is where the hell this came from...

I went to the toy store, the book store, library, school, no racism there. I go generally anywhere now at 30 years old and I got some weak kneed little scared pissless white people trying to pin me as a criminal and all that shit.

It's like, fuck the hell? I never got treated like this. Never.... Doesn't make shit sense how it's changed for me.

I go to the store and the managers treat me like I'm straight out of the Hood, gangsta black guy, following me through the store, asking me if I need anything... It's just offensive as shit.

Here's an idea, grow a dick and stop being a little girl about black people in your area going about their day, how's that?

But yeah, that lack of understanding between blacks and whites going on this day and age is so fucked up, it's beyond retarded.

No, I don't want to be in your predominantly white neighborhood at all. It's like asking for a bullet.

No, I don't want to stir shit up with you at all.

No, I don't give a damn about you in the least.

That's what's going on in my head if you are wondering what those evil little blacks are thinking who come waltzing into your neighborhood every so often.

Sadly, I'm a nerd.

I watched a lot of tech tv. I watched my star wars movies all day non stop when I was little. I actually studied and worked hard in school and have the capacity to get a college degree, I just have no interest in it.

So yeah hell yeah it's really off putting and weird to be pinned as some kind of hood rat black guy when I actually grew up like a white kid for the most part. It's just aggravating to have that label placed on you when I have had nothing do do with that culture my whole life. In fact the hood rat black kids that eventually ended up in our school were despised and not welcomed and generally made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Sucks that you have to get stuck in their little world no matter what you want to do about it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Plan moving forward...

Wow, Brandon Routh liked a comment I made on his facebook page. I mean, that just shocked my ass. I got his attention for some reason. Damn, he's a cool guy. Followed him after his turn as superman, he's really such a geek of my own heart. I'll always love Superman Returns. It's a true work of comicbook art. You have to understand this about comic books, they're full of divergent stories that twist the original storyline into a new way or whatever. That's what returns was, an offshoot parallel dimension film. It's not hard to understand that... But apparently no one actually took the time to understand how comics have been doing things forever. I know I read tons of comics that were all over the place with their story lines. Spinning and twisting the orignial premise into new off shoot versions... ultimates, crisis etc. It's something that comes with the package. That's why I didn't feel off watching Returns. If you were like me as a kid, you watched Superman 3 and 4 and despite them being so weird and bizarre you rolled with it. In fact I still have a huge love for super friends. I think that's the heart of superman, no matter where he's taken as a character, he'll always embody the spirit of that weird hell of a show. Just saying, if you can some how enjoy those old super friends shows, even the Adam West Batman, why is Superman Returns the straw that broke the camel's back?

Well, I'm just glad to have gotten in at TSA, gotta say... I know I've been going on and on about it, shuddup already, just enjoy being a TSO and shuddap. Yeah, damn straight I'm gonna enjoy it. It's like, a relief. To know I've got a good job. I can get any job I'm qualified for, but they all suck and pay very tiny pennies. But this TSA shit, it's just I don't believe someone came up with that job, I just don't believe it. Everybody else working the shit jobs was asking me how the hell I got in. I don't know. I just applied, they called me while I was at work, and then boom I was off to the races. First pay check was something like 2000 dollars. I couldn't believe that shit.

Now I'm in it again. I'm a guy who's got a good job. I'm not even going to bother trying to become a CBP or anything higher than TSA. I'll make that shit my career. Why the hell not? It pays the same as a cop yet you don't do what they do at all... Can afford a sweet apartment, furniture, tv, live a long comfortable life off your salary. Makes no sense at all to try to become anything bigger and more complicated. Makes no sense to quit the job either, but I did. I did.

God is good, he's giving me a second chance and I'm not going to lose it...

If I get cast as Lando tho... OH MAN. Decisions decisions... Either I get the Lando gig and I become famous, put in the spot light like a real deal celeb, have every shit I take scrutinized, or I stick with my TSA job and not have to feel burdened by the pressures of fame. Cuz it's terrible. You can't be yourself. All these celebs are constantly watching everything they say cuz it'll be on the news the next day, so if I get cast as Lando, I'm gonna be put in that position. Well, dunno...nigga, see I can't say that, the'll be pissed... but just making it clear... I mean I'll do it for Disney since it'll make me Rich... My parents are getting old, and if I can be wealthy and help them, help my family, makes sense to take the burden of being a celebrity. I don't think celebrities are too put off by the microscope that's on their lives when they have millions of dollars in their bank accounts. It's a hell of a trade off. Become a millionare, live in a luxary life style, and never be a free person to walk the streets... kinda a double edge sword. But I'm black, ain't many of us have millions... Like Eddie murphy. Everybody knows how Eddie operates. He grew up in the projects. He said it himself I think, he has no shame in taking the money and being the tolken black guy in the movie if necessary. He grew up with nothing...

Same here. I grew up as a black kid in America. Not much food to eat, bad weirdo parents, the whole damn thing. I mean growing up we didn't have more than 5 solid minutes of warm water out the bathtub. YEP... turns out my father turned the furnace down to low to save on the bills all my childhood, deliberately. So we had no choice but to deal with it. That's just the tip of the ice berg in this circus of a house I grew up in. I can't believe I survived it, or did I. I'm a fucked up person today, don't think I did survive... To end up with any kind of real money would be a miracle...

But yeah like I've been going on about forever now. Disney sees gold in me and I see gold in them. Let's break fucking bread, brother. I'll do it let's go.

Imagine me, being able to walk the streets with tons of money in my account and feeling rich and free, imagine that shit people, the concept, the idea, it's utterly alien to me but it could happen, why not? Goddamit, just not have to worry about money... it'd be so great...

Plan plans plans...

Going to work out and stay fit. I hope to lose weight and look good for Zoe Kravitz, my little crush I have going. She's me but female prettymuch don't ya think. We'd be good together... I'm waaaay too attracted to mulatto girls. I got to stop that shit. I mean it gets my dick hard looking at a girl who's like black and white together nes quick type hoooooo. I just like, wow, shit's awesome to look at. Too bad Raven Symone's gay.

A word on that. I don't buy it. I think she's just never had a man love her or she has issues with men, but I see too many fake lesbos today, just too many. They're women, they love dick, but they're ashamed of it so they act all lesbo... Like, I think if Raven and I went to school together as kids, we'd be married today. Lord knows she's got plenty of milk in her titties. Why the hell would you waste that, I don't fucking know people.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Lotta cool stuff today..

New power rangers teaser. My thawtz on it, not totally sold on it. Looks like they just took chronicle and turned it into power rangers. Power Rangers is all about over the top comic book action and spectacle. So the way they've made the movie look doesn't really lend itself to that whole idea.

I hope it's not a case where you don't buy the spectacle and action because the world is too dull and realistic. We'll see yo...

Damn, hurricane fucked up haiti like crazy. I mean, damn, one minute you're alive, next minute you're dead... sucks.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Proxima B mostly if not totally Water

Damn, was thinking it might be mostly water, full on water world, eh. That could work considering water is the most essential ingredient in the genesis and propagation of life. No doubt that planet we're looking into has life now. If indeed it's mostly water, with water must come some kind of life even if it's not as advanced as us. Wouldn't it be fun if that planet did have intelligent life forms, like sea men or something. Would be actually kinda neat.

What's our true intention with going there, you may wonder?

I think it's to get resources. If we can survive on that planet and transport human life to it beyond the demise of this one, certainly that's a bonus.

But the real solid reason we are looking towards proxima B is to get its resources. Any and all that we can find. That's the true goal. Now that I think about it. We're looking to explore all the planets in our solar system not to take pretty pictures at all. The ultimate goal is to mine them. I forsee we will be digging up resources on Mars, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, Hell even pluto etc. I mean there's gas, there's metals, there's rare elements. Imagine owning a martian diamod?

But yeah, we want that planet's resources, all Dune like etc. the spice must flow. But if we can actually live and inhabit it, that's the only real option we have left isn't it...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

What's it like to be Rich...

I mean I'm not RICH like that, but some how some way I landed my job back with the TSA... it's tantamount to working for a corporation worth millions in some capacity. What's it feel like to not have to worry about money anymore... very nice. I'm a rich guy now again, I guess. It's a good feeling.

If I get cast as Lando, then I'll be super rich. Never dreamed of that potential. But I gotta feeling they'll be in touch about the part and then, yeah I'll be very very stupid wealthy after that point.

Gonna do the right thing and donate to charity and special needs cases for kids in dire need though.

I hope they cast me, so that in the end, when I get paid, I can toss a few thousand at some very sick children.

It's gut wrenching to know that this stuff is going on. Children, with terrible diseases.

I want to do something.

I guess my heroic inclinations are being rewarded by God. I've always been that guy who tried to do the right thing and be a hero. It's not easy. You will get shit on a lot by society for being some kind of nice guy. But look at where it got me. I can't argue with the results. I'm getting a 40,000 a year job. Gonna be working with very fine women all day just like last time. It was incredible. I just went to work and suddenly there's a super model standing there next to me and I for some reason am just hanging out with her. Made no sense, but ok...

The adult world is very awkward. People as adults are still very much immature teenagers, just older. I guess I am too. Not like I've gotten pussy or graduated beyond my teenage life.

I wish I could just wake up and know what I was doing as a 30 year old, but never got taught what to do about it. I just kinda went with the way of life and here I stand, everything is a confusing mess and tons of people want to see me dead. Fun fun fun!

But if I have to take shit from people, might as well do it with a giant load of money!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What to say today...

Nuttin much.

I'm gonna be working TSA again quite soon is all. Looking forward to it. I liked that job more than anything in the world let me tell ya. I mean people always ask me if I got in, why did I quit. I can only say that I was young and foolish. Damn straight.

I'm 30 now. The honest truth is that I have to support myself. Can't rely on being home forever. And that means get a job.

I don't like working though. It's just such a downer to have to go do it. I'll never be one of those TSO guys you see who's pretending he's a cop. I'm the TSO who's there for the paycheck. You see it in half their faces, I'm here to get paid, fuck this place. Can't believe I used to work with guys there who treated the job like they were professional cops, acting like they're the fucking FBI. I could understand former military people taking it serious, that's how they were trained. But anyone with a brain in their head working there knew they were getting away with murder. Huge ass paycheck, not doing shit all day. Don't look down on that fact.

Only issue is distance. It's in Canada. I'm in New York. I'll have to either buy a car to get up there and continue to live at home. Or rent an apartment out after I save enough money. Looks like that's the only option. Gonna save up a few pay checks then rent out an apartment and hopefully make full time so I have enough money to pay rent and go about my business.

The real question one should ask is what's their plan in life. Get some Ass prettymuch... Not gonna sugar coat it. All this job stuff is essentially about getting enough money together, and an apartment, so I can finally get laid. That's all there really is to it....

Beyond my sexual urges. I do want to get going making films and learning animation programs etc. I need a better more powerful computer. I have all these visions of films and things I want to get done but don't have the stuff to make it, so I'll have to go down that road of buying all these things. People are so ignorant about the power of the computer, it's appalling. Not only can we play massive multiplayer games online these days like we could never do in the 90s. You can create your visions, arts, etc, movies, and display them in no time in your personal gallery. I'm excited about that side of the online life and in fact that's what comic artists and lots of artists are basically using the net for, displaying their talents. All this crap we're taught about going to university to get taught by and consulted by professionals and develop connections to top industry people, it's BULLSHIT today. The internet has opened the door wide open to getting info and top level knowledge than ever before. University's been kinda undercut don't ya think?

I don't know what's the world going to turn into now that you can prettymuch study everything online now. It's a hell of a lot more convenient in the end though. Job interviews, the works, meetings, all done online through chat. It's just a huge time saver and in business, time is everything...

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

How they should approach the Han Solo movie...

I got some thoughts about how it should be made. I don't know how this whole star wars re-vitalization is going to work out. Force Awakens did NOT seal the deal on people's interest in new star wars. In fact, it kinda blew it. Instead of making a big epic amazing fuck ass star wars movie, JJ and company opted for a weird little awkward family friendly simplistic film that has divided everyone about whether it was successful in what it set out to do.

Either Episode 8 kicks all our asses so hard, we forgive TFA's shortcomings or sad to say this whole disney star wars series might have been far too rushed to have been great. Which is what I'm hoping is not the case.

Rogue One may be the saving grace we're looking for here, but with talks of reshoots, it appears they might have rushed that one too. You can't rush these movies, take your time and do it right.

Anyway, like I said before I want the Han Solo film to be the star wars movie TFA was not. Star Wars should not feel like you're on planet earth 90% of the time. That's kinda the point of star wars, to explore the stars and war all up in them.

So to have TFA take place on yet another sand planet, really stupid, the whole part with them going to the nice clean earth-like planet, yet another misstep, then the final stuff is basically a giant send up to ANH and ESB with the death star and snowy areas. Why nobody said to JJ, let's try different planets and shit, I'll never know.

So this han solo movie HAS TO take place on new exciting locations with tons of weird star warsy shit in it. Has to. Not once should you feel like you're not in an alien environment.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Holy shit Kim Kardashian got ownt.

Saddest news of the day for sure. I hope she's ok. Could have been worse and she knows that.

Damn, apparently the thieves planned the attack meticulously, stalked her, knew where she went every day, then got in dressed as cops and made out with 10mil in goods.

Wow, I'd kinda feel sorry for Kanye and Kim if they weren't worth much more than 10mil. They'll be fine. Lucky the thieves just wanted the jewels and didn't go down the murder road for sure.

Goddamn, you live long enough and shit gets interesting that's for sure.

I must say, that's the natural consequence of this new voyeuristic society we're in. Posting your whereabouts on the internet all day, not wise.

I can do it. No one under the clear blue sky give a shit about me. I'm goddamn nobody. But yeah, literally putting your life on the internet for all to see will come back to bite you and in this case it bit Kim hard.

I mean, I browse facebook and it's not wise, just not wise how some celebs are putting their daily lives up for a bunch of weirdo virgins online to see all day. Not wise.

Just be careful with what you post to the web. There's potential these days more than ever for someone to find you when you might not want to be found.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

New Death Star DLC is a load of dog shit

Unplayable horse shit.

And I'm being nice about it.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Random thawtz on shit

I find myself watching clips from old movies I liked as a teen. Never knew I had it THAT good back then. I generally just jumped on the bus and went to see tons of movies without thinking much of it. It was just life for me back then. Go see this movie, go see that movie...

Sad to say I can't do that anymore. I mean I can still go see a movie, but last time I went to the theater, the manager there was harassing me. I couldn't figure out why. I literally have been going to that theater all of my life since I was like 13 or something. I can remember going there and having such a blast at tons of films. To have the manager there harassing me and bothering me while I was there threw me off big time.

I know why, I'm not a kid. He's going to shit on me because I'm a grown man now and that's the world we live in. Still don't understand why he was doing it.

I can only guess he thought I was there to bootleg a movie, that or he's one of those top secret military guys the military has hounding me to this day because I hung out at Lackland for 5 minutes.

I can't be sure... And I honestly don't give a rat's ass. Next dude who starts fucking around with me about my brush with the military I'm knocking his dumb ass out.

You don't go years of your life not dealing with undercover agents stalking you to waking up one day and being followed and shit. It's very awkward and no, I'm not your prison bitch. I'll kill you if you harass me. I. Will. Kill. You.

What am I now. I'm a federal employee with the TSA. I am going to be working for the government in ensuing months. Whatever. I have no loyalty to anyone but myself. Just want to make money. If TSA starts shit with me and tries to get me fired by harassing me like they did last time. I'm going to film it and post it on facebook. Then they'll shut their fucking mouths I'm sure.

I'm tired of the games people play but sad to say. This world is indeed a much larger more complex version of Kindergarten.

Don't expect people to do what's right, honest, and true. Just don't expect that.

I'm hoping that getting back in at TSA will merely mean I'm a part of a classier organization that is at least trying to be civilized and peaceful. It certainly was for the majority of the time I worked there. I just hung out making too much money. Nobody trying to start shit except for a few people who seem to have nothing better to do. That's something I learned. When you work with people who've been doing a job for decades and it's all they have. They tend to start shit to make things interesting. So horribly sad that that's what goes on at work. It's not really work, it's high school Extended Edition.

That's all I have to say. Can't stand jobs and working and all that. I do want my job back at TSA because it's like walking into a bank and just scooping up money and walking out every single fucking day... couldn't ask for a better job, dammit. I mean I'm smiling right now thinking about all that money, what the hell am I gonna do with that much money, I dunno. I don't have a clue, but I got it. I actually have tons of money to burn. No debt to pay, nothing. It's just going to rain into my account and pile up to the sky.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Why Lando wears blue...

Got thinking about this. Lando typically wears blue.

I was thinking that maybe there can be a reason for that. He wears blue because of a girl he loved once who was blue. Twilek maybe I dunno. Be intersting to explain his blue favor.

Yeah, i'm trying to slim down. Gonna shoot the movie next year. We're coming to that point so I need to be having lost a ton of weight of course, but Dammit if I don't enjoy a good meal. My bad. I got to get aggressive with this diet if I truly want to ace the part. Shit, gotta find out when the audtions are taking place and where. Gotta figure this shit out quick or I'll miss the boat.

Really am feeling like I have to audition for this shit people.. Like, I've been waiting all my life for it. I just want to auditon. Honestly, getting the part is immaterial. To say I had to balls to try, is all I want...

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Life today vs the 90s

Been watching family matters recently...

I can't believe that show even got to exist in any way shape or form. Truth be told, it was a fluke, the whole show. They never intended for it to be more than a mild cosby clone. Suddenly Urkel just exploded and it made history for all time. And made me who I am today. I literally am a living breathing steve urkel.

Which is why I'm confused by the hatred towards black people going on. I mean psychologically if you study it and look into it, people generally have antagonism towards blacks no matter what. They've tested it and found that people change their behavior when a black person enters a room.

So fucking sad.

I grew up watching and loving family matters. Despite the weird racist shit in the scripts at times, it's still a beacon of hope for humanity that show.

To propose to a mass white audience that a black person can be super intelligent, was and still to this day is just so unbelievable a thing.

It's the truth though. I'll never understand why cops are killing black guys left and right. I've met genius level black people. They're assholes because they're so fucking smart, they feel like they're surrounded by insects. You telling me  you'll gladly shoot that kind of person? I don't know what planet you fucking live on...

How the hell did things get so bad these days.

We need Urkel Back I dare say.

Jaleel's like the last beacon of hope for black people and I don't think he ever intended to be. But the image of black people should NOT be some black dude on the floor with a pool of blood under neath him. We're not going to make that the modern 2016 image of black people that you're going to see all day now are we???

I mean I'll be honest with you. I don't have this overwhelming super defensive attitude towards black people. I've had too many black fists pummeling me to ever feel that way tragically... but I do not believe ZOMG run away from the crazy terrible blacks is all she wrote regarding black people. Not after my childhood. Not after michael Jackson, urkel, jordan. All that good shit I enjoyed coming from blacks. How does all that culminate into RUN it's a negro, gonna beat us up!

Like I don't care about race. I don't give a damn about racism and hatred and protesting and all this shit going on... It's weird. Yeah, a black man getting shot for no reason is bad, but it's like clock work how as soon as that shit goes down there's a riot afterwards. Everybody seems to be all prepared to riot after these things happen. Like they scheduled it on the calendar, ok everybody get your rioting stuff together, how's monday sound for you guys... monday it is...

Jeeze. I don't get it. Why could Urkel be all over our TVs back in teh 90s and yet now, we got blacks getting filled with bullets instead...

Something don't make sense about that weird shift in the social acceptance of black people. I still kinda can't believe you got to feel like a lesser being as a black person and fear being blown to pieces by a cop.

I grew up watching urkel. Not once did I think anyone would shoot him. What would Urkel be like in today's atmosphere of fear and dread of the KKKops on the street this day and age.

Did none of these cops grow up watching cosby and family matters? Most likely they were the white kids that got shitted on by black gangsta kids and now that they're cops, it's revenge time.

Nobody innocent in this mess we're in. If black kids would stop being retards, sure enough white people wouldn't kill half of them off.

I gotta say despite the messy weird fucktrip that my life as a kid was, I enjoyed most of it.

Disney movies, Cartoons, Toys, TGIF, my childhood crushes. That stuff was fine. Having to deal with the daily grind of blacks in a black school, not fun at all. Gets worse when you get older. Now YOU are that black asshole bully in school no matter what. You don't have to do SHIT to anyone, it's just how society views you because EVERYBODY's had a fist in their face from some jackass black kid. Now that they wake up and see that they own the world, you're gonna get it.

Tragic, weird, awkward, life I've been landed with I have to say.

But it worked out didn't it. Despite the messy weird awkard stupid shit I've dealt with, I'm going to make a lot of money. Going to have a nice apartment. Most likely going to be fucking some girl in every hole she has.

Yep, I'm gonna fuck some ass.

I mean I damn deserve to get some. I've waited forever after all...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Gotta get in  shape. Gotta get ready, gotta be great. Gotta be steady. It's LANDO TIME!!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Black dude mugs a guy on twitch, whole KKK explodes with rage

"See this is why you're getting shot in the street..."

Yeah this explains why some cops shoot a black guy after he's been pinned to the ground and cuffed.

Let's ignore that part.

Wow, never thought I'd live this long, to come from my childhood of urkel dances, hanging with cooper, all the simple trappings of 90s life, to sitting here wondering if being black is truly a dead end street.

Yes it undeniably is. I have no misconceptions about that. You can be like me, a black person who went out of his way to make certain flights leave on time and white people in aircraft are safe and happy and still get shot. You can be like that one black devil I saw one day on the metro north who saved a white man's life by helping him get out of a bathroom who's door got jammed. You can fight for this country and serve in the military like my father did and still get shot. I'm well aware that being black puts a target on your head from birth....

Interesting to read the comments on the article... Interesting to think about the social implications of the whole thing.

The hard cold truth though? The guy was playing pokemon in a dark park at night. People with any sense in their head are commenting that he was lucky he didn't get killed by that asshole and he just wanted a phone to sell for a couple hundred bucks on ebay.

Why did this guy mug him is the question people should be asking.


Because he's hungry. Because you do the right thing as a black male, go try to get a job, and all you'll get is some hispanic supervisor harassing you all day at a job worth chicken feed. It's the reality I've come to see with my own damn eyes, modern slavery... It's nobody's fault. I mean yeah, you just won't win. You a black person will be answering to and working for whites and hispanics at every turn you go in the work world. It's amazing and just fucked up how slavery's been done these days.

He robbed him because the job world would merely rob him. Nobody's saying this, but the sad truth is that it's tough as shit to get a job anywhere as a black guy... never thought about it, but it just is. Yes there are complete dipshit black guys who just mug and start trouble, but there's no denying the sad reality of the majority jobs blacks have access to being bottom barrel shit. And even if you do the right thing and get a job, start a family, you'll get shot anyway.. it's tough to say to black males, get a job and clean yourself up. You'll still get shot.

Shit to do...

Hell, I'm kinda beat up in the brain yunno. What can a guy say. It's stupid to have to make sense of life at this age at this point. All the shit you want to do, you can't because you don't have money. All everyone these days is feeling is FEAR of everyone else. That's the thing about today's world vs my childhood. There was a lot less FEAR abounds back then.

Everyone's to me feeling like they're scared of being stabbed, shot, shit like that.



what the FUCK is wrong with you that you'd rather start drama than rip her fucking clothes off and have a fuck party? WHAT? Explain that shit to me.... 

I mean, it's utterly the MOST retarded thing I've witnessed in this life I've lived. People generally forgoing a good fuck to have a political debate. Fuck policis. Fuck Bill O reilly, fuck CNN, fuck hilary, Obama, Trump, FUCK ALL OF THEM. 

All I want to do is grab a bitch and go for the gold medal, people. 

Honest to GOD. Nothing means more to me than getting a girlfriend, big titties, big ass, sexy face... I know I can do it too. That's the funny thing. I'm ME, a clown. I can make a girl laugh and hit all her sexual buttons. I've actually done it to this one girl who was stone cold you'd think it was impossible. Got her pussy fucking drenched with my charisma... It was enlightening... 

Anwyay, just a horny guy going on and on and pissed and tired about life the way it is. Carry on with your daily duties everyone. Rant over....

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Let's talk about something

why not, I got the time.

Something I was thinking about, sequels that just exist with no purpose.

By all means, take my idea and play with it.

I was thinking about Robocop 2. A movie I've had to struggle with liking or not liking for years now. How do I feel about it today. I don't like it. I really don't. I know what happened. They had the budget, the manpower, the demand for a sequel, but no story worth shit. So we got what we got, a cobbled together fucked up mess of a film that abandons the story if there was one half way through and then just rides off the action for the last hour to give you something to watch.

Die Hard 2 is also just as bad.

I truly despise that film. Don't you hate it when they make a sequel and they don't have a good idea for what it's supposed to be so what we get is a messy mixed bag movie with no central theme or driving force to it.

Say what you want about movies like superman returns, hulk, even force awakens. At least they're not wandering all over the map with their ideas, they're centrally focused. That's what I have to say I like about a solid film. Simplicity. Maybe I'm simple minded. But that's what I like, when it's not trying to be a thousand movies all at once. It's just itself.

That's the key to a good film. They're not trying to be a buffet of film making. No unnecessary deviations and diversions abound. Just stick to your story and say what you want to say with it.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Choices and future potential...

Going to slave away and figure out how to finish my Static Shock Project... Gotta do it while I still look youthful. Got to lose weight so I can definitely look much younger.

And life feels good right now. Can't complain... I have a high paying job. I'm still young, all my shit's working sexually, if I get lucky and land a girlfriend somehow under the blue sky I'll be in too good a shape. Can't understand why there's tons of women everywhere and people are wanting to start drama. I'll never make sense of that garbage. I know what I've been told about my offspring, but doesn't make me NOT want to get laid, not want to experience sex... Just doesn't. Am I supposed to just say nah, don't want a girlfriend ever...

good luck with that... I don't understand people and perhaps I never will. To try to convince another person to deny himself sex, what kind of idiot are you. Don't want to know... Keep on living in that special universe YOU personally inhabit.

Got things to do. I mean, getting back in at TSA what does that ultimately mean in the end. Means I have a lot of money to burn. Means I can potentially go back to school. Means I don't have to feel like I don't have options in life vs just having no cash. Also means I got a job that really isn't a job. You can look down on TSA personnel all day and all night, they're the smartest people on the planet. Either you get a bone crushing job that's for suckers working long and hard, putting your life at risk, for a bunch of asshole managers who are pinching pennies or you be smart and get away with murder and get a job that's paying you to sit down and relax. Yep, that's what shocked me about working there. They don't work... All the job is is monitoring xrays and searching luggage every so often. It's not work... And they have a lot of staff. That means you'll never be over worked or having to work harder than anybody else. And the guys there are decent people too. That's what happens when your workforce is paid well, they act like human beings. It was a night and day difference. You go work those ramp ops jobs, all the guys there are cussing and pissing about working there and have a huge stick up their ass. You work at TSA, everybody's just chillin. Nobody wanna be there doing that shit, we all have the same mentality, shit pays...

So yeah, FUCK YEAH, I'm just knocked out cold to have gotten back in... It's like achieving super saiyan level when you've been fighting as regular goku for years.

Made a mistake, bought a quadcopter that doesn't have altitude hold. Need to get the one with Hold if I want to get those cinematic crane shots for the static shock project. I just had the idea one day, shit just popped in my head. If I want this thing to look cinematic, and get really movie quality shots. Buy a drone and film some of it with the drone. Literally have limitless filming possibilities with those things.

So once I get paid, I'll get a really good drone that can stay hovering in the air on its own, get a really powerful camera for it and going to spare no expense make some amazing photography with it. I suggest yall get into the drone scene. It's so awesome. It's all about taking exciting pictures and vids with them really. That's a hobby worth doing. Building and flying drones cuz, it's going to be the future of film making down the line and it's just cool.