Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Before seeing Terminator Genysis

This is my little pre-review of the movie. I read harry's review like a dumbass and now I know the fate of Pops terminator like a moron. Moving on, but still would have been infinitely better not to know what happens. But it is a smart idea. To keep sending The t-800 back through time makes no sense. It's like sending a mouse to fight a lion. Why don't they capture a t-1000 and send him instead to fight the new nano-tech terminator I wonder...

Anyway I'm excited to see what the new more powerful version of the T-800 that Arnold becomes will deal with the future threats.

I don't know what kind of movie this is but it's certainly interesting.

The thing that strikes me is that every review is saying it's Meh, not as good as the first two terminators. So basically it's T3 all over again.

I was there waiting for T3 to come out and was just kinda confused by the idea of having Arnold fight an evern more advanced terminator than the t-1000. Cameron would never have done that. He flipped it in T2 because there's no way a human could stand a chance against the T-1000. So T3 is such a hard pill to swallow. I love feeling like a kid watching stupid 80s movies all night, sure, but yeah it's a dumbass movie that doesn't really help make the Terminator Franchise any better off in the end. And runs completely counter to what Sarah Says at the end of T2.

So apparently This movie is the same shit different decade? I'm still in high school apparently?

It's "ok" not better than the first two movies but not totally horrible. We already got this movie in 2003!!! It's 12 years later and they did it again? Why should I spend money on this? I went to see T3 at the movies back then. I was all about seeing Arnold as the terminator again! I'm getting sick of this "get it done now before the actor is dead." movie. FUCK. It obviously doesn't work, guys...

Han Solo's relevance

Here I stand star wars is indeed continuing. I think they've finished filming force awakens. It's whatever it is and it'll hopefully work and bring star wars back to form.

The thing I was thinking about though was like, Han Solo's really a pointless character kinda in the grand scheme of the saga. I never would have thought, I mean I watched the originals as a kid and loved han solo, couldn't imagine star wars without him. But sadly, he's not in the prequels so there's nothing connecting him to that story. He only exists in episode 4, 5, and 6, and ultimately he's not super pivotal to those movie in the end. If they never met han, not the end of the universe, moving on... So yeah it's an interesting thought. We all love han solo, yeah, but when you look at the whole story including the prequels, his character doesn't matter that much. Which is potentially going to be fixed up in the new trilogy.

I don't know. Maybe they'll continue to not give a damn about Han's relevance to the story and just have him continue to be just Han Solo, hanging out in the movie, doing whatever he wants....

Supposedly Han's kids with Leia are going to become very important. That'd make Han Solo very important again... If he's the father of a new generation of great Jedi or something like that. Truth be told, yeah Han is going to get with Leia and his son or daughter will be an extremely powerful Jedi in the future. So yeah he will matter in the end.

Ultimately the only thing that truly matters about Han in the movies is his return to save Luke in ANH. That was the whole arc for his character. He's the rebel, he doesn't care, then he turns around and does care and helps save luke and they destroy the death star. That was the purpose of his character. After that, his continued inclusion in the series was actually not planned. In fact lucas was going to have him killed to add drama. Even back then they knew han didn't matter much beyond his story arc in ANH.

So what the hell is his purpose in TFA? I mean I don't give a damn, if I see Han Solo flying the millenium falcon all day, I'll take it. But still, it's about creating a good story here and Han truly has very little to do with the main plot of star wars.

I mean fucking like, the only real thing Han could provide is some sort of wisdom to the new guys. Truth be told, he's going to be teaching them about being a good space pilot and how the new republic works, and of course explain his adventures with Luke in the past to the new guys so they know Luke went though a lot as a young jedi... I don't know. When you see Han in the OT he's not one to be very instructive concerned with shit, he's just the smartass of the group who doesn't give a shit. Maybe he still is. I don't know. I've never really met smartass old men. They're usually in a position where they have no choice but to accept a lot of responsibility and actually do try to stand firm and be wise about things.

Onwards and upwards.

Damn I'll be honest I"m kicking myself for having read harry's terminator review. Son of a bitch damn near spoils the whole movie and I was trying to avoid reading the spoilers but I accidentally read way too much. Now I know how the movie ends and I have to say that's the worst, you can't watch a movie knowing how it ends. I'll see it anyway but shit, would have loved to see it a virgin.

Well I'm working on "something" that's all I'll say. I don't want any backlash from this. If this works out though let's just say one of these days I'll be hanging out in hawaii... we'll see... I know my buddy at work is always looking like he just fucked a bitch over in california or miami. Cuz he's got it like that...

Two criminals escaping prison

Biggest news of the week was these guys breaking out of jail. What's there to say about it. They certainly pissed off a whole lot of cops up there... They're cop killers, so I can imagine, the police force was determined to get those guys for sure. Cops don't play, their job is damn close to military level, so they're similarly closed-knit and loyal to each other nation wide. I mean it's something I've come to realize working alongside cops at TSA and at the airport, they're very much military-esque.

Well in my opinion, they probably would have gotten away if they were smarter but being dumb was their biggest flaw. How could you call attention to yourself if you just escaped from prison and see your face plastered all over the news every night? Does that make sense?

The thing I was thinking about was the fact that they caught one alive. Hopefully he survives long enough to detail the escape in full and finger everyone involved. They'll most likely give him some kind of reward for being honest about his accomplices.

Strange, but now they'll have to fix the flaw in the prison system that allowed these guys to get any kind of cutting tools to escape. I mean what can they do?  How can you possibly ensure nobody can get a hammer or grinder through the food slot or whatever? How can you fully trust the prison guards out there anymore. It was in this case a prison worker who helped and aided them. Now this calls into question others out there, can we trust prison officers?

I mean this is above my head. I'm not anywhere close to understanding the complexities and difficulties of the white race. These were not black men escaping prison. These were crafty white males who were smart enough to find a flaw and exploit it. And of course if there's one thing you don't do in this world, it's piss off powerful white people. Motherfuckers, had an entire goddamn army of pissed off white guys hunting them down and look how it ended up. DAMN.

Monday, June 29, 2015

I'm coming out of the closet

I LOVE the phantom Menace.

I'm right now today searching for old phantom menace pepsi cans on ebay to buy one to at least get back what I lost as a kid. I had the anakin pepsi can and stupidly tossed it out in the trash. It's been godamn 16 years since 1999. Now I thankfully still have a lot of old toys from the 90s because for some reason by God I put them in a suit case and my parents don't touch suit cases cuz whatever, but the other stuff i had as a kid (I'm a nerd so I collected everything...) they threw it all out. Luckily I still have some stuff. I mean I got buzz light year plush toy from burger king if that says anything. Got to find my other toy story toys...

But just thinking about it right now. I know now looking back that Lucas SHOULD have let peter jackson or someone make one of the prequels. Having someone else actually put their foot in would have made those movies actually stand up as real legit movies and not lucas' masturbation on film.

But nevertheless, I have to say just looking at the promo material for Phantom, I really love that movie. Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the sith are too much of a weird trippy attempt at connecting the prequels to the OT. But at least Phantom was its own thing. Yes it's blatantly racist, I know that. But my point is that the movie is such an event film. First star wars in 19 years. It was and encapsulates a magical moment in my life at that time. I fell in love with star wars in 97, then they fucking decided to bring it back. Can you imagine how awesome a kids life is to have that happen? And it was amazing to sit there and and watch them making that movie. The prequels unfortunately came about thanks in large part to internet bullshit. Mind you, Lucas made the OT when he could NOT literally sit at his computer every day and read what fans were saying, so he made those movie without their input on a daily basis. The prequels don't have that going on. Lucas was at all the star wars forums while making the prequels and he literally used some the fans ideas in the films. Which is a terrible idea. But no going back now.

At least with Phantom he didn't have that going on and it shows. Phantom feels so much more like a star wars movie and not some weird hodge podge of fanboy complaints and shit like the second two movies did.

which is the proper way to do star wars imo. I'm not saying I love phantom as a movie, as a movie it's garbage. I can't defend it. But it was so awesome a moment to have been there waiting for that shit. I mean everytihing we have today online was brought about through Phantom Menace. You have to give it credit for that. It opened up a whole new frontier of movie news and stuff online that we've never seen before.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

What to think about people...

Honestly I don't want to think about people. I don't personally give a damn about other people, but I have to say something about how like retarded people are half the time once you get out of childhood years...

It's like, to me, damn son. You gotta fucking have a screw loose to try to make sense of people in this world and the way they behave, I guarantee you that.

Like I said before... I get the feeling a lot of the people who act all tough really aren't. I've been through some shit and lived to tell the tale. To suddenly have people talking shit to me and acting like I'm a complete little ant who can't take a punch, is just, wow. I get it, "adult" meaning nobody has to respect you unless you're a white person, got it. But are you serious? I've been through a lot of shit that any weaker person would have crumpled under, but no, I'm not mr. weakness. I've gone through so much hell and decided to take the pain, but NOW all of a sudden because some random mr. tough ass says so, I'm a little girly man who can't handle this world.

Not that I care. That's the thing. I don't understand why it's so important for someone to step on another person so badly to make themselves feel bigger. That's kindergarten bullshit to me.

But no, this whole world is actually a GIANT Kindergarten. there is NO adulthood. Sad to say... really fucking sad to say. You may THINK in your head oh, people grow up, but no. Apparently not...

I mean I'm not surprised. Why should someone change because they get older, what's the point...

But yeah the thing that throws me off is that you'll get bullied like a kid by someone in their like 50s or some shit like that. And to me it's like, what the hell? you're too old to be acting like that. I mean there's no golden goose to continuing to act like a kid at that fucking age in my mind...

But no, to any kids who may be reading, get ready for this shit. People do whatever the fuck they want there's no "adulthood" that you think there is.

On that note, got started thinking about Catcher in the Rye. One huge issue I have with school is that not only is it a bunch of running around to learn things you won't ever use at all. Haven't done one quadratic equation since starting this job, but hey at least I learned it? Yay?

So Catcher in the Rye is about a wealthy white kid with problems. I'm black, I had to read that book in high school like most of us had to. Looking back, I should have thrown that book at my white teacher's face. You serious? You're giving a black kid a book about some rich white kid crying about how hard his life is?

You got to be kidding me... There are people with serious health problems out there. There are people born with dwarfism, a million different terrible conditions that they have no choice but to live with, but this rich white kid has it so tough or some bullshit. I mean I had to sit there and figure out this kid's life or whatever and honestly I didn't get good grades on that assignment because I couldn't for the life of me give a shit about what I was reading. It's a popular book to a culture and people I'm not a part of, that's all there is to it... I don't have anything to do with what rich white people's problems are. Don't give me a book about it. It means nothing to me.

Anyway yeah it's hard for me to make sense of my "adult" life now. It's like why do people like to start shit as adults? It's so petty isn't it? Unless you actually sock me in the face, calling me names doesn't bother me... I've taken actual physical abuse from people, how do you possibly think, being "mean" to me and insulting me makes a dent? The reason is because these people have never had a fist in their face, not once. They've gone along in life never knowing a beat down, not once. So they think talking shit to somebody will matter... But I can assure you it doesn't. I wonder how many people who have big mouths have actually gotten their hands dirty and fought someone in the streets. I've done it. Have you? Then you mean nothing to me.

And I'm talking to YOU white people... I'm not concerned with black assholes. Whatever. But when there's a white guy talking shit like he's actually gotten down and dirty and fought another man, it's absolutely annoying. I have all the respect in the world for another man who's had his ass kicked and realized if he wants to survive in this world he's going to have to hit the gym. Then we can talk, but a white guy who's had his life handed to him on a silver platter, then goes around shitting on everyone like he's the shit, forget it. Prove you live on earth with the rest of us first and then we're on the same page.

Friday, June 26, 2015


They should make it for real! I'm serious. Make a jaws 19. It'd be hilarious.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

So what will kids think of the new star wars saga?

Here's the real question, I mean one thing that strikes me is that we are getting a battlefront star wars game that has absolutely no prequel stuff in it at all and previews the new stuff from the new trilogy.

I'm down with that, don't have an issue with it. I hate the prequels. But sadly a whole gen of kids grew up on them and love them and view them as part of the whole star wars story.

So wtf are they going to think about the new game when they play it and it only acknowledges the OT alone.

They should retitle the game Star wars Battlefront Classic edition to kinda make it clear this star wars is about the OT films, and not about the whole star wars story as it is today.

Cuz yeah if I was a kid today imagine I love star wars, all the movies, and I go buy the game and I'm like wtf this is only about eps 4,5, 6 nothing from the first 3 episodes? I can't play as Jar Jar?

It will be massively confusing the way the new star wars movies will be percieved by children. I do believe JJ is intending to make these new movies have NOTHING to do with the prequels and stand as true sequels to the classic holy trilogy. I do indeed believe we'll hear nothing about midichlorians, quigon, or darth maul, or padme in the new films. They'll push forward with what we knew from the originals and ignore the prequels. So yeah a kid will be fucking really ass raping confused by the new status of star wars. How kinda self-hating it is. It does indeed start off with the over-the-top stupid prequel films, then gets back to basics with some funky 70s and 80s movies.

Then the new movies will be all big and epic and modern looking and for some reason be filled with anti-prequel attitude.

The prequels have become a cult film series sadly. I so wanted them to be legit beloved star wars movies, but they suck and now exist in a relm where you have to love them underground prettymuch. They're the outcast of the star wars movie series now.

I mean fucking straight up DICE and Co. decided NOT to acknowledge the fucking prequel era at all. That's how much those movies are getting shafted now. Not that I have a problem with that, but I did spend a hell of a lot of my childhood following every scrap of news about those movies. Kinda feels bad to just say well... nopes, never happened, not going to give a fuck about that trilogy. Fuck em...

Most likely they're not going to be that classless. They will probably offer a Prequel Era battle map pack down the line. This version they're making is honoring the classic films because they're simply that, classics. The prequels are not.

However, they can't possibly ignore the fact that kids grew up watching those movies and no matter how shitty they are, this game is for kids to play after a shitty day of school or something.

So yeah, little darth maul fanboy will get his chance to throw down as him in Battlefront. I mean it's a fucking videogame. It's about doing whatever you want to do whatever comes out your ass, it's not that serious a thing.

I mean, it's like the spiderman games have always done things. They allow you to play as all the other types of spidermans and even the villains after you beat the game. It's for fun that's all.

I do indeed wonder if maybe they're going to have a little prequel stuff in there just for the hell of it. Maybe it's unlockable. Or maybe they really seriously want to divorce star wars from those movies forever. What can I say. I just hope we get to play as sexy Aayala Secura as a unlockable thing or maybe slave leia.

Imagine that shit, playing as sexy ass bikin clad leia, oh hell yes....

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

wtf is going on with spiderman?

I mean I know who I am. I'm the legit live action static shock. And I will finish my trailer and basically be the only guy ever to play him properly in live action. Got tons of footage I need to edit and get up and going to finish this trailer and of course got to go on a serious diet to lose all my body fat. I'm going to lose every last ounce of it to portray static proplerly since he's supposed to be about 14 and I'm 29 so obviously way beyond his age range, but never the less I can if I lose weight look like my old self since I don't age as fast as other people do.

But what the FUCK is going on with my nigga spiderman in the movies? Serioiusly? This is some weird ass shit.

What's wrong with Andrew Garfield? He was doing well as spidey, why do they need to recast? Did he ask for too much money? Are they going to continue the film series they started or are they going to completely reboot it AGAIN hoping to get it right this time?

I'm kinda done with spiderman if this is the trend, keep rebooting it again and again. I've spent too much money on these movies only for them to say fuck you to everyone who invested time and money into them. I mean now both spidey franchises are being tossed in the trash and wiped clean for the new version now? All the games they made, toys, all of it is bullshit? Never happened?

I mean yeah certain things still need tweaking in the spidey movie verse to get it perfect. He finally got web shooters but the way they explain how he got to the web fluid was retarded as fuck.

He's a genius. He built them himself from scratch. If indeed someone at Oscorp just took a minute to look at the webs he makes and compare them to their own web stuff, boom they found out where he got that device from. And it's all waaay too convienient. Oh by the way the same place that you got your powers from, oh they also have web shooters right around the corner in aisle 5 right next to the gamma radiation and super soldier serum.

Fuck that shit.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Why make shenmue 4 and 5? And Goddamn James Horner is dead.

I mean I'm not like totally devastated by it since I'm not a ridiculous horner fan. If John Williams died, it'd be hell on earth I guarantee you that.

But yeah, He's responible for a lot of iconic, brilliant, movie music. Now we're no longer going to get more work from him. And especially Cameron's Avatar films will be lacking his magic. I mean I used to listen to his Peter pan Soundtrack all day in college if that tells you anything. I think he was a great composer. Sucks but at least he left behind a great legacy.

Well I have to question why the Shenmue creator wants to push the story forward to Shenmue 4 and 5 when we're in the future now. Aren't we? He can make the game as big and long as he wants now. No longer limited by the size of the dream cast or xbox disc. Hell just release the whole game on digital download, don't worry about dics space at all. Just saiyan. I don't get why they're making it seem like we even need 4 and 5. Just put everything in shenmue 3 and call it a day...

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Goddamn got to say didn't see this shit coming. New Rocky movie on the horizon. Goddamn. I was really surprised by Rocky 6. Fucking movie was actually really good. I loved it. My sister didn't want to go near it, the idea of seeing rocky at 60 offended her deeply apparently. That's the point of the film, going in to the fight at his age, the underdog spirit alive and well. Gotta love it.

But fuck me in the ass hole we're getting another rocky movie. I mean I honestly want stallone to shut down production ASAP and not make this shit. This is the same thought process that gave us Rocky 5 in the first place. Let's make a "passing the torch" rocky movie. Rocky as the trainer. Stallone's making the same mistake he made before. Like a damn fool.

But he's stallone and he's a real man so I'll give him the benefit of a doubt. And now that we're getting fucking Gaybusters now with an all bitches cast, we need Stallone injecting cinema with fucking testosterone again.

Listen to me, Women. YOU ARE NOT MEN. DEAL WITH IT.

That's all there is to it. You can't change it, nature's a bitch, you got what you got, nothing you can do about it.

I'm personally hoping Creed will establish for all of us young men in America here today what the fuck it even means to be a man in the modern era. That should be the focus of the film. Exploring how men can recapture the class and dignity of manhood in today's faggy ass backstreet boy culture we've beocme. You may be living your life thinking nothing is wrong with men today, but NO you're very wrong. Young ass good looking white guy goes into a church a fucking church and kills everyone in it. Why? Because he's most likely never had a goddamn role model in his life to teach him right from wrong. And most certainly doing what he did was wrong in every way wrong can be defined.

I'm hoping Creed will re-invigorate manhood. Not boy hood. Not metrosexual hood. MANHOOD. Being a fucking real MAN.

I take it for granted but yeah, Rocky taught me what it means to be a man. Going after what you want in life, fighting, being humble, and most of all taking care of your woman. Why the FUCK have we lost that today? What happened?

I know what I want to do with my life, son. Get a girlfriend, fucking pump her up with kids, and have a goddamn good ass life together, that's what I want to do.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Anyone else think this ghostbuster movie will be terrible?

I'm alll for ghostbusters ANYTHING being put back in theaters, sure. Wouldn't mind if a lot of great classic comedies were given a sequel or some shit these days. But an all female cast? WTF. That's just too obvious a PC thing. At least just have like 2 girls not a full on ass and titties fest on screen now. They won't even be hot ghost busters just fat loud bitches.

We already got this with Extreme ghostbusters. They wanted to break it up and have it be a diverse crew in the next gen of ghost busters. And nobody liked Extreme Ghostbusters so obviously it was stupid idea that was a wrong move.

Either the original cast is playing the GBs or forget it. That's all.

I don't even care if Akroyd cameos in the movie. That just will make it worse since he'll be hanging out at the firehouse while the new recruits go do the jobs.

So this is just going to be a bad idea on top of bad ideas in the end.

We have Arsenio Hall still alive and well, put him in the movie. Have Kenan Thompson in it. Have Ernie Hudson be in it as like a mentor character. Some shit. Not this all female stunt. Everybody sucking this idea's dick of flipping it to be all girl cast but you have to understand something. Boys need their heros too. You can't just fucking toss males under the bus here and say well it's girl time. It's not like that. It's about giving little boys a good fuckign role model to idolize. I am who I am because of ghostbusters. Now you're going to rob the next generation from that by having a whole room full of little boys watching girls fumble around with proton packs? Go FUCK YOURSELF with that bullshit.

Dragon Ball Super thoughts and shit

Just got to say I truly hate the goldbergs show. I'm like yeah it's fun to watch but it's such a 90s show it's retarded. Fucking come to the future with the rest of us, you fucks. Referrences to the goddamn 80s all over that show for no fucking reason I can figure out. There's tons of stuff going on today to make fun of, waste of time that show.

Oops my bad it is set in the 80s. Must be tough to retrograde tech to that era...

TV's gone to fucking hell these days, sad. I love a good series. What's wrong with making a good series again, that people will hold on to and remember years from now?

Well anyway fucking got thinking about Dragon Ball Super today. We're all excited about it, all of us toonami gen fuckers are waiting to see what the fuck it's going to be about and how exactly they'll continue the story now that Goku's got Super Saiyan fucking GOD bullshit on toast powers now. Got to be kidding me with this series. I never thought while following it that I'd be seeing this level of insane power from Goku and now Frieza has some new bullshit form they pulled out of their asses. I'll take GT any day over this pile of bullshit they're feeding us.

I mean goddamn it's nuts, I'd rather all this shit end and they start fresh with new shows. Not just continue to squeeze more out of a dead limp corpse that is these shows, simpsons, pokemon, and now dragonball is doing it. Fucking Naruto actually ended. Full Metal actually ended. They said what they had to say, had tons of filler material, but in the end they didn't just leave you wondering if the series will last longer than your fucking life span will...

The title of Dragon ball Super for instance I have to call bullshit on. DBZ is called DBZ why? You ever wondered why it had the Z at the end? That's for END. Z being the last letter of the alphabet. DBZ is about the conclusion of the dragonball story. Now of course GT contradicts that but as it was intended, DBZ was supposed to be the official ending of the series as the creator envisioned. Now the original creator is saying basically the Z means shit.

Well fuck me then. I mean at least call it Dragon Ball Z Super or something like that. Making the Z still hold weight. I'm just like pissed really, just not right to make Dragon Ball  Z look retarded and have a Z for no goddamn reason but that's what's going on.

You think us DB fanboys are stupid? Yeah we are, but not THAT stupid. We know what the goddamn Z stood for pal.

Anyway the big question is if the goddamn show will be good. The original creator is making it and what can I say. If I was still making my ronda comics I could make stories or her series forever, no matter what. I mean I have a whole outline or what happens after the original stories and the Eden story arc. It's just an outline, nothing really fleshed out but we will explore the next generation after Eden's story. In this, I basically rip off a lot from GT. The genius thing about GT before it turned back into DBZ clone was that they originally made it a return to the dragonball format. Goku was de-powered and returned to his kid form, and prettymuch the show was about the next gen kids and what they were going to do in life, guided by the newly de-powered goku. That was brilliant before they decided to toss that idea in the crapper because of course ratings weren't good for that style of story.

My story would actually not de-power Ronda but she'd be "reborn" from her ridiculously powered form to a kid form again and we'd go along following her life and the lives of Eden and Eve's kids, Angela, Barbara, and Eve.

I mean it's a big epic tale that spans time and space and has been int the making since I was in high school. So it's been like 15 years of thinking about this story but I do indeed intend to make it, scan it, color it, and then learn how to do 3d animation and make an actual little cartoon series out of it. It's a labor of love to me.

But yeah my point is that if Akira wants to make DB forever he very well could no matter how ridiculous the series gets. I mean I do not think anything that came after the frieza saga beat the frieza saga at all but you got to respect the creativity of the man to some how keep the story going. I mean he tied the next series all together so it all kinda fits and makes sense with regard to what came before. Nothing was truly pulled out of no where except for the buu story which I don't totally hate, but it really is completely out of Akira's ass and was never at all pre-concieved in any form in the series. Now after waiting well, forever, we're finally going to see what the FUCK happens after Goku takes Nigga-uub off to train.

This is the next chapter of that shit which I don't think ever got mentioned or anything in GT. I'll have to watch GT before watching Super to see where the series differ.

I mean I hope this sets a new presedent in the world of cartoons and videogames. Getting late projects restarted by the creators so they can be completed.

I personally would advocate for a actual conclusion to Sonic SATAM. Not that anyone but me cares who grew up on the show, but yeah to see how that show eneded would be nice.

My thoughts on tony hawk 5

Who am I to talk, well I'm the kid who fucking played every tony hawk ever, witnessed tony hawk kick ass at the xgames... Goddamn you don't know what you got till it's gone. But yeah being a kid watching this man do his thing, life was too good.

And they're making another one. Never played the Tony Hawk wannabe Skate, so I don't know what I missed. I mean yeah I went to the mall and did play some of it. Too much bullshit for my tastes. I mean all the little shit you got to figure out to make that game work, maybe it's awesome but it's too much work to figure that shit out. Like it's a real skateboarding simulator, not a game at all.

When I play a game, I just want to play a game, not experience the real thing, please.

So apparently that's the idea behind Tony Hawk 5, no more fancy new bullshit, it's a complete return to the classic format from the original games.

I think that'll work out beautifully. I can hang with tony hawk classic all day, son. I swear to GOD. That game was the most amazing game I've ever seen back then. Every game is about going from point a to point b, pretty much and avoiding obstacles. Never was there a game that was just like a mini-amusement park ride, which was what was new and different about Tony Hawk. It was about mastering the skateboard and learning tricks and yeah like a mini racing/fighting game. Or a beat em up game to some extent only with the racing game mechanics. Anyway Tony Hawk 1 and 2 were amazing games. I know they did all kinds of new shit but I'm too used to just playing the game normally, all this new shit where there were trying to some how rip off GTA or create a story for tony hawk, nah, not my cup of tea nigga.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Is james cameron full of shit?

Lots of people are saying the video showing James Cameron praising TG is actually bullshit, potentially nothing more than a "shill" from a personal friend of Arnold etc.

I don't think so... First of all, James Cameron is an actual artist. One of the last film makers in hollywood who can actually create real art. He would NEVER stoop to that level and offer blind praise of a turd film, absolutely not...

He even takes a sly shit on T3 in the video claiming he'd prefer this movie take its place.

I personally wouldn't mind if the asshole would get off his fucking ass and make HIS T3 and stop sitting back and laughing at everybody TRY to make a terminator film. But it amuses him to see all these amateurs flopping around like retarded baboons.

But back to my point, yeah I think he's being totally honest and actually liked the movie. It is a hell of an artistic leap for them to come up with a story to some how make sense of old arnold. Hell, T3 BARELY made sense. Salvation didn't make any sense at all. And this movie has no right to make sense in the least to be honest. But maybe they pulled it off. Maybe they found a way to bend movie logic enough to make some kind of sense of a terminator growing old.

I love an underdog movie. A movie that has to fight for its appreciation from the audience. Not just like star wars or something which will be loved no matter how shitty it is. I mean a movie that has to win you over and it does, then it's a good ass movie. Maybe this is what we're going to get...

Monday, June 15, 2015

Finally getting Shenmue 3.

Goddamn took ya long enough. I mean weird. I never thought I'd get to 29, but then again I never was having a blast as a teenager. Life sucked back then and it sucks now, but at least I was skeeting up the walls back in those days.

I mean yeah that's where I come from, watching morgan webb's big ass fucking milk bombs all day and wanting to rape all those hot tech tv girls prettymuch, but here I sit and all that stuff is gone now. All that life I lived is a thing of the past. Moving on...

Shenmue 3 is finally goddamn happening. Thank GOD. Apparently all it took was them realizing that the internet can prettymuch be a place to find investors for anything since it's like a giant big open world wide stock market, might as well capitalize on it. And they finally did.

I have no doubt they'll get the 2 mil they're asking for. Shenmue 3 is loooong overdue. I played and truly loved the first shenmue. I'm trying to play shenmue 2 to at least get it out of the way and say I did it. It's a struggle since I can't get the game burned and it's tough to figure out how to play it in the emulator.

Goddamn fucking finally getting Shenmue 3. I and everybody I'm sure gave up hope on that son of a bitch ever happening. This is great, life sucks a lot, but then there's moments where it actually turns around and this is one of those moments. I can't wait to play this shit.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

What I miss most about my childhood.

Not only is getting older in life a bitch of a thing, and complicated beyond measure, but boy do you start wishing you were a ignorant child again once you get to my age, boy oh boy. I had it good as a kid but I never truly respected it, and I don't think any of us 90s gen did. Nobody pissed on me for being black, I never got that kind of treatment as a kid that I'm getting now as an adult. Where yes, it's simple math, being black automatically puts you beneath EVERYBODY in society. It's set in stone more or less.

I don't really care honestly. I just want to fuck some ass, yunno get laid fucking enjoy my fucking life, that's all I care about. Race don't mean shit to me. Can't stand how EMO adults are. That shit is annoying to no end. EVERYTHING is a cry baby fest with grown men and women. I just want to punch half the people I meet in the face to give them a taste of my childhood. Cuz I don't think they've EVER had their ass kicked in life.

I mean shit it is so annoying how like yeah we are a nation at war, SOMEBODY right now today is getting tortured to death, yet fucking little tiny bullshit is so monumental in some dickwad's little life. I can't begin to make sense of that shit, boy...

But that's people. Oh woe is me, I got it bad today, or some bullshit.

But yeah I like to sit and remember the good ol days. Watching Batman Forever on VHS for instance. I was all over that film as a kid. I don't even have any ill feelings towards it honestly. It was so much fun and such a huge part of my childhood to get lost in that movie for hours. I was right there in the middle of its release so I was completely aware of its success and was very excited for the sequel batman and robin when I heard it got greenlit. Boy was I fucked in the ass by that movie.

I mean maybe it's pathetic but I bought the mcdonalds goblets back for the movie. I just had to. I mean I remember the time when we got them and I don't know why the hell my parents tossed them out. They're fucking cups, just keep them forever and that's all there is. But that's this house, a fucking circus of stupid.

Who AM I...

Who is Richard Simms?

I am everything awesome about the 90s. That's who. I'm kenan and kel. I'm All That. I'm the TGIF line-up.

I was THERE. I was living in that golden fucking period that was the 90s. It's all in me.

I mean I catch myself acting exactly like Seinfeld half the time because I worshiped the man as a kid. Honestly he was my real father growing up. I love the fact that he glided through life, never letting anything bother him or being a emo bitch about everything. He was always chillin and wanting to fuck a bitch, that's what being a man is all about to me.

That's ME. I mean it's hard to go to work and care about the job when half the time there's gorgeous titties and ass all over the place. Why the FUCK am I giving a damn about this shitty job. I want to fuck that hot bitch at work, that's what I want to do.

Just saying... always had nothing else on my mind but ripping a girl's fucking clothes off and shoving my dick in her body. Now I'm supposed to give a fuck about work. Serious? I gotta figure this life shit out, quick, man. When's a brotha supposed to get laid and just stop being all emo about it. When's that shit supposed to happen?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

DBE 2 possible?

Huge dragonball fan and that's putting it lightly. I lived and breathed the series in high school. I mean that's all I cared about. All I gave a shit about was getting through that series and seeing how it ended. I have to say it ended ok but yeah a lot of people do not like GT or even the android saga that succeeded the frieza saga. The editor of the DBZ tv show in japan says he wished the series ended at Frieza's arc and I agree. EVERYTHING that came after that point while fun to watch, felt bloated and nonsensical. Everything just became a race to create the next big over powered villain Goku or Gohan had to defeat. Nothing came close to the amazing story and conclusion that was the frieza arc. If I had known that DBZ would go on and on endlessly like pokemon, I'd have probably not felt so amazed by the frieza story but gladly I was blissfully ignorant to the real conclusion of the story in that Goku transforms beyond the super saiyan level and that the super saiyan level is like a free for all anybody can get it buffet. Back when becoming super saiyan meant that you had some kind of super hidden powers that only a unique individual could access, awesome. When fucking any saiyan can just scrape his knee and get angry and become super saiyan any day of the week, come the fuck on. One of the joys of watching Dragonball from the beginning is seeing Goku work his ass off to improve himself and then defeat the big villain. All that shit is thrown in the trash when the android saga comes along and that's pathetic.

So I was all about DBE. Chatwin was too. I watch the movie from time to time and the guy was shredded. He obviously hit the Gym with everything he had before shooting that awful piece of shit movie. Sadly his hard work meant nothing.

We are getting more from Dragonball though. The piss poor live action movie did not kill the franchise. In fact it appears it actually is going to turn around and come back to full steam popularity again. The movies so far that they've released have exceeded expectations and done very well.

That COULD potentially lead to them going forward with DBE 2. I mean I have no doubt that DB Super will kick all out asses and dominate tv once Funimation dubs it and puts it out there. They are making I think a few more animated movies. If all these new DB things do well and especially if Super (which will replace GT) succeeds and kicks ass and finish Dragon Ball properly, there very much will be some talk in Fox about moving forward with more Dragonball in live action. I believe so. It's all dependent on whether DB is resurrected and kids today fall in love with it. Problem is and I can't believe it really it's been 6 years since DBE came out. Chatwin's goddamn 32 now or some shit. I mean. It'd be awesome if they said fuck it and made DBZ bring Chatwin back, Rossum, Marsters, all of them bitches and kinda made this movie the apology for that shit stain Dragonball film they farted on all of us... But the actors have said they wish they never signed on for that movie, so most likely we're going to have some recasting going on.

Sucks cuz Chatwin is Goku, for fucks sake. I hate when they find the perfect guy for the role which is tough to do then they have to recast with some fucker who doesn't come close to the real deal they already had... It's like when Van Damme doesn't come back for the sequel we get van Damme lite all the time...

Well anyway super excited about this new DB movie potential. Dragonball is coming back, Thank God. I've missed it. Coming home every day watching two episodes of Dragonball back to back. I mean that was my life, watching toonami. Waiting to see some bulma fan service, going online and devouring tons of Dragonball news and ultimately drawing dragonball fan art all the time, goddamn to be back in those days, goddamn. Not that I want to hang out in fucking high school, but to bear witness to the dragonball story, bliss, my friends.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Power rangers movie news

I'm all about this new movie. I'm all about them making it great, making it awesome and a true revival of the power rangers in the new world we're in today.

I mean, the thing that really is great is that they're going to cast new rangers for this movie. That's perfect.

I don't want it having anything to do with the current show or its cast. Fuck those guys.

I'm hearing it's a total reboot, borrowing heavily from the original concept but not like the first film where the world is already established. This movie will actually detail how the rangers got their powers etc. Maybe even explain wtf the power rangers even is. We all watched and enjoyed the show but I never understood for the life of me what the fuck is it that created the power rangers in the first place. Maybe this movie will bring some light on that subject.

Man if I was directing this shit, you'd get it, boy. You'd get the real deal. A true fucking masterpiece. You have to do power rangers PROPERLY.

It's not something that can be taken lightly. It's fucking got to be done with goddamn badass awesome over the top style. In fact it has to be done precisely like Michael Bay did his transformers movies. THOSE were power rangers movies.

Each one of them. Sadly they're fucking got the transformers name slapped on them, but if you want to know what an episode of power rangers would be like blown up to 2 hours in length, Michael Bay's transformers...

But yeah, the heart of power rangers is its true link to the world of Martial Arts. I'm not a legit Martial Artist, don't claim to be, but I've trained my body all my life to be fit and ready to kick ass because of the power rangers show.

So the movie has to influence these new fucking kids to get out and fight and kick ass and be tough.

It has to. I'm like hoping the movie returns us to that sense of grit iron will power that the original power rangers had all over it.

I mean real martial arts, real heart, real love, real passion. That's what it needs.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Independence day 2 wtf bbq

Holy shit.

I don't know. Saw this shit when I was like, what fucking 12 or something. Goddamn I kinda miss those years.

So here it is the official poster for the sequel. The loooooooooooooooooooooong fucking butt raping eye bleeding fuck ass time between the old 90s blockbuster and now has been well, fucking hell of a bunch of years.

I don't know if this movie's truly going to be as relevant as the original movie was. That shit came out when life was awesome as hell. 90s was the shit, hell I don't understand how life turned from the 90s to today, I just don't, but it did and I sure as fuck miss being a 90s kid. Going to the movies every so often, watching TGIF and topanga and corey on boy meets world. Now literally everything is flipped upside down. It's girl meets world now. TV sucks compared to the shit I grew up on. The internet is full of insane shit. videogames are way more complex and massive than I ever thought possible.

Totally different universe I'm living in now got to say.,..

You don't get it man. I mean watch This movie, watch MIB 1, watch Apollo 13. Life was so joyous and hopefull in the 90s. I remember it so fondly that I can't believe today's what it is, I just don't get it...

But hell, whatever. I mean I always wondered why they never made a sequel to this movie. We got like fifty MIBs now but never got an ID2. And sadly Will smith has given this movie the finger but he's not above a comic book movie. Weird as hell. Got to say.

Like I said before. I get it. I grew up on everything Will Smith I saw everything he was doing as I grew up. He was a huge part of my life. I know what he's going through as he decides to divorce himself from his immature punk rapper roots. But he is NOT above ID2, hell to the no.

He owes it to his fans to make a kick ass sequel to his first hollywood blockbuster. This movie will feel a billion times less awesome without him in it to BLACK the movie up a little bit. Now it's going to feel like a limp dick, mary poppins white people movie for fucks sake. just saiyan.


got my gloves in the mail for my static shock movie.

shock gloves...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Battlefront is coming

Getting ready for it of course...

 so we're getting fucking battlefront 3. I call it BF3 it should be called BF3. It's going to BE BF3. I played all of them, bf1, bf2, bf for psp, all of them. Any star wars game I'm going to play it.

My life is all about Force awakens and Battlefront. Nothing else matters to me. Will it suck or be great. It better be great. It can't possibly be anything less, it really can't.

How can they improve the game, loads of ways you kidding me? If I get to play as a jedi and somehow not get killed just by falling on my ass and having to wait through a ten minute long fucking standing up animation sequence like in BF2, then the game already wins.

But yeah I can list every possible way they can make Star Wars battlefront better than any other battlefront, hell any other shooter game ever:

First of all balance. Playing as hero Leia or Hero Han was a joke. Really, you're going to put Leia up against fucking darth vader in a level? You gotta be kidding...

Under water maps. Played fucking syphon filter for PSP and it included amazing underwater combat for a little hand held game. How come Battlefront still has everything be land battles only. I had a lot of fun playing underwater combat for the first time ever. Never seen it done before but it was cool..

Monsters! Make this a huge part of the game. If you go into a cave full of Hoth snowmen or something they will kill you and eat you and rip you in half. Hell, I noticed they tried this with BF2 where if you fall in the trap door in front of jabba the monster will eat you, yes sweet, but he never walks around or runs after you. He has to chase you it would be sweet to have to deal with a rampaging monster in a level every so often and have to take it down.

What else. Better more interesting map design that includes more traps the player can set would be nice. Always cool to trick people into going onto the bridge and then shutting the bridge down so they all fall in the lava. Need to create much bigger maps with more high places that you can potentially stay in and defend yourself from the enemy in. There was never a like high in the air tower to go into that you could stay safe in in the game, nothing like that. Zip lines and maybe floating platforms would be sweet as well. I've played these new games where they have you go through a huge facility but you have to navigate it through a bunch of floating platforms. It'd be interesting to try to have a battle in like the middle of coruscant and there are floating platforms and cars to jump on or something like that.

Lots of referrences to the older star wars games. I wouldn't forget the classics. I mean yeah every star wars game these days that includes a health bar steals the idea from super star wars games. Maybe super star wars stole it from the older star wars games. It makes sense. So that tradition has to continue. I love seeing the old school light saber health bar idea being put in the star wars games they make now.

What else... Hell, I don't know if hammil is up for it but if he voices Luke legit in the game OMG. Fisher and Harrison voicing their characters would be heaven on earth, just saying. It'll be tough to pull it off and they're going to need to pitch the voices up a little but what the fuck ever. You're getting the real deal, not some bitch from no where doing it.

What i mean by referrences, Master of Tereskasi. I loved that game, I don't know if anyone else did, but hell it was my favorite game to play on ps1 as a kid and it had all the star wars movie music in it as a bonus when you put it in your cd player. They could have it be like something you can play as a side mission or include one on one fighting like masters of tereskasi I don't know...

What else.. omg im trying to think here... The thing is that I play shooters all the time. They have to make this game the next best thing to Halo or Call of duty. I don't know what framerate it'll run at but if they can get it to run at 60 hell yeah. But yeah, the weapons need to be more fun to play with in this one than in BF2.

Basically I always chose the rocket launcher guy because he had like 4 or so mines on him and of course a rocket launcher so if you had to face a jedi you could stand a chance. Making other guys actually have weapons on hand that can deal with a potential jedi would be interesting. I mean nobody else in the game could handle a jedi but him and that's kinda ridiculous.

Kinda would be cool to include a badass laser cannon kinda thing that can knock a jedi down. Smoke grenades to create a cloud of smoke in the area to confuse a jedi. Some shit... I'm not saying a regular trooper should be able to defeat a jedi straight up but you should have a magic bag full of little tricks to defend yourself from them on every soldier in the battlefield.

I'd like something like a goop gun to spray the ground with slime so the jedi has to struggle through it. That'd be cool .

Basically also make the map so much more fun to play than the previous ones. There's so much potential here. I mean I'd like the levels to be more than just bigger versions of the tatooine and hoth level and for the love of GOD the hoth level in BF2 was terrible. You're telling me that if someone shoots you down in the middle of the map you have to walk for miles to get back into the game, fucking stupid.

And the game modes need to change to something more interesting than the capture flags or bases game play. We need actual missions and objectives this time around I think.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

GTA Online is dead

I think a lot of people were saying that the PC version would never survive the hackers and sadly I think they were correct in their prophecy.

I lost 100,000 dollars from my bank account because someone hacked it out, and I can't possibly get it back.

Even if I go and make a couple million dollars in GTA Online doing the heists back to back all day, what does it matter, some douche will just hack away my money possibly leaving me with 0 dollars.

Most people are getting hacked money and rp from hackers all day now...

It's pure chaos, everything the book lord of the flies was warning against. Without fucking law, the online world is nothing but the jungle, it really is.

Goddamnit, such a shame and I don't have money to go buy a ps4 so I can play hack free. I mean I join a surver here and there and some hacker is using superman flying powers and spawning alien ships and doing all kinds of crazy super power shit that I can't do.

It's like I'm in the matrix for real. Loved the movie, loved the games, back in high school, but NEVER did I think I'd be participating in the real thing. It's REAL. There is a real matrix in the making right now and it's GTA Online. And there are little hackers with super powers in it ruining all the fun for everyone else.

I mean I was playing Pacific standard and it was all cool and shit and then boom, got hacked by somebody and the heist ended right when we finished robbing the bank and I got zipped off to the twilight zone or some shit. I got a picture of me in the twilight zone....:

Gaming has gone to shit these days on the PC I have to say. Hell even PS3. Was playing call of duty on that and apparently they can hack the shit out of call of duty on ps3 somehow. Is anything safe this day and age?

I mean it's very scary to try to play GTA and just do the heist and not stir shit up, but then hackers come in and fuck around and I mean I wouldn't mind getting free money because honestly heists is a bad way to make money, unless you're some how are playing with no noobs, you'll never make it through the heists without some retard disconnecting or dying. Which is I think why people are actually playing the regular missions a lot more now. I see a lot of those coming along because yeah, they're simpler and if somebody's cat disconnects their computer by accident, no harm no foul, finish the mission. It'll be tougher but you'll still have a chance to. Heists is just too retardly designed so that yeah there will be a group of heist sabotagers. I recently dealt with one. We come all the way through a setup work so hard to finish and then the guy jumps out of the truck and quits just when we're about to finish. So there ya go. If people can be like that in the game, then it's garbage.

Should never have seen the light of day and it's truly a huge disgrace to rockstar to release something so stupid and unplayable.
