Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to shave for black guys

So I'm black, maybe 1/3 white but it didn't really make much of a difference, I'm still like easily identifiable as a black guy. Sometimes people think I'm spanish, probably because it's like from far away I kinda look hispanic or indian. I don't know, I'm just me, a weird fucker...

So as is like common knowledge, black people have a tough life in this world. ugh, it's just unless you have some kind of super genius mind, your black ass is going to go very very far beneath the big white dogs out there doing their things... there are some super fucking genius white men and women in this world and what the fuck yo black dumb ass going to bring to the table when you go toe to toe with them in this world. They'll eat you alive and say who's next...

Wonderful world we live in. i'm trying to just get a girlfriend or some shit at this point but little did I know back as a kid, but NOBODY wants to get with black people in this world. NOBODY.

Didn't see that coming honestly. It's like wow, there ya go. I was fucking lied to as a kid. I saw nothing but black people living quite normally even seeing a lot of interracial relationships on tv, and now as a guy in society surrounded by other people of different races, it's like BOOM cold hard truth, nobody wants to get with blacks, unless they're crazy...

Once you go black, you don't go back as they say. And it's true, you will be stuck being black with simply one drop of black semen. It's so like, fucked up that I've been unaware of how the world works in that I'm part of a group of people in this world who everybody is trying to stay the fuck away from...

We're together and we're apart unfortunately. It's like all black people are in the same boat and have to struggle to survive surrounded by people who hate them, But you will NEVER find two black people who like each other. If there's one thing I can tell you about black people is that they're goddamn at each other's throats it's horrible. The difference between whites and blacks is NIGHT AND DAY I have to say. White people are fucking like cool and relaxed with each other. Black people cannot go ONE DAY without starting a fight with each other over some bullshit...

Ok, well one thing about being black I'll educate you about is that shaving is proably the most complicated aspect of black life. Never really had a beard before but somewhere around my early 20s started growing a thicker beard and it was a bitch to deal with. Ugh, and it's still tough but now I've thorugh tons of research figured out how to shave, even a black dude. So I'll try to educate other young blacks out there about this method i've discovered that actually works like a charm, it's perfect.... I do it and I have no bumps, no mess, no cuts, it's a clean shave and it's just a no brainer.

I discovered this method by just chance. I decided to use the cream on my face to just see how it might work and it is a very powerful depilatory, Extremely highly potent mix of chemicals that completely destroyed the hair on my face. And I feel great now. It's a confidence boost to be able to get a clean shave as if I was a regular white guy.

I notice tons of videos on youtube by other young black guys who are struggling to figure out a method to shave without having to get all the hairs electrolosysed out or some shit. One dude put upt a vid of him shaving with magic shave.

I do the same thing, but it's not magic shave, my stuff is REAL HARD CORE fucking shit. That really fucking massacres the hair. I mean it's so strong, you leave it on for too long it's going to burn your skin.

So I went for it, and I did what I could. It's the Standard Nair hair remover cream you can find in the rite aid. Ya got to get the more powerful one though. It's the one that comes in the pump nozzle. It's called quick and easy.

On the back of the thing it says "not to be used on the face." And it makes sense, I wouldn't dare use it on the face, but I figured, hair's hair. And I put it on my face and fucking it worked.

So there ya go. I you're looking for a way to shave, and this goes for EVERYBODY white black, asian, just pick up Nair hair remover Quick and Easy (cuz this one is the more powerful one) I used both. The regular hair remover and the Quick and Easy and the only one that really going to murder the hair is the Quick and Easy. The pumped up the power of that version so it really fucking blazes the hair vs the normal formula.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Just hanging out. Striking I must say to like be walking around the neighborhood at night and kinda being followed by cops for some shit reason I can't figure out.... Never had much of a cop presence around this neighborhood and indeed this part of the bronx is really quiet and nothing major going on, so don't understand the serious need for some kind of cop patrol around here. I can only assume it's because a few white people live around here and the thing of course that they want to do is scare black guys from going into those people's houses and stealing their stuff or raping their daughter. I mean I can only guess that's who they're protecting ultimately. I mean shit, though if those white people were smarter they'd move to a white neighborhood not make things complicated for themselves by living in a black neighborhood then having cops roam the streets to protect them. Just my 2 cents.

So I'm going to be getting a new job now, hopefully my life long career. And I'm going to buy shit with my nice little pay check.

Looking into getting a new Goped since the one I have is beyond repair at this point. I might try to fix it, but ultimately I'll just abandon it and get going with a new one instead...

Going to invest in stocks of course since there's definitely a lot of benefit to that whole thing that most people don't know about...

What else. New phone. Can't find my G2 phone anymore, gonna have to buy a new one, a better one, a more powerful one. Going to get the Galaxy S4 and get a solar panel backing for it so that i'll always have power.

What else. Basically I just hope to save all the money I make from this job and maybe one day use it to go get my pilots license and get all that stuff fixed and situated nicely. That's all. I'm not concerend with college, don't really have much interest in playing harry potter and living in hogwarts, that's honestly now that I'm older, the whole harry potter stuff is white culture and white life, nothing to do with me or my life. I enjoy harry potter, not going to look down on it, but ultimately I have to say that yeah it's majorly a white life and experience movie. It's about white people and the life they live, in the whatever rigerous boarding schools white kids have to attend. I mean, I love the movie on a Boys taking on big bad evil things, level. Yunno on that visceral, basic, level, it's about a boy becoming a man and getting pussy and having kids. But unfortunately, there really has never been a movie made about the life of a black kid going through school and having to figure out how to survive life in that way.

I once postulated to myself, oh yeah harry potter's a great series and all, but it's about a white kid. How hard is that kid's fucking life? He can't even imagine what being a black kid entails. When I was a kid, school was a warzone, especially black schools. White kids don't even know what goes on in black schools and they don't even want to know, I'm sure...

Sure I identify enough with the complexities of being a young male struggling with puberty and going through school and all that, but CRY ME A RIVER harry potter, you are still fucking white. You will be ok in this world.

 Shut the fuck up and stop being an angsty douche bag. 

After living now for years as an adult out of high school, and seeing how basically white people run this bitch, it's tough for me to feel like I gotta give a shit about harry potter's problems.

 But apparently he has some? I mean now that I look back on the series. I gotta say the did what they could to make harry seem like his life was shitty. Yeah he was not treated as well as the dursely kid, he was like had a pretty tough life, but damn dude, you're still a cute white kid, you don't have problems and life is going to get even better once you become an adult, so what fuck are you crying about constantly. That's the thing that I have to look back on and say sucks about the series is that it's basically about a white kid bitching and moaning all day bout how hard his life is or something.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Super mario Bros Movie

Goddamn, let me tell yall a little story. I was 11 years old, just yunno living life... One day I go to the video store down the street to check out what's up in there. I was always looking for cool movies to watch as a kid. When you're a kid, movies and TV are your life, you're just completely all about all that shit they're putting on tv. You have no idea what the fuck is going on in the adult world or how many people are getting their heads blown off in wars out there. You're just a kid watching fucking tv.... and movies.

I loved loved loved going to the movie store and one day, one awesome fucking day, I discovered the fucking super marios bros movie. BEST day of my life. I'd been into mario for along time. All of us 90s kids were into mario, you weren't a 90s kid if you didn't play mario at some fucking point. Little did I know but just around the time I was born, they made a live action mario bros movie. Because mario was the shit. He was GIGANTIC in the world of videogames and they HAD TO make a movie based on him. I still hope to see them make a sequel to it, but Bob Hopskins is dead now, so not likely and of course he claims it was the worst film he's ever been a part of, breaking his hand in the door after Luigi guns in the van. I'm amazed that a little bit of trivia that I glanced at as a kid after watching the movie, was fully explained by John Leguizamo just a year ago. It's like, I never saw that coming that he'd actually lay out the truth about how he broke Bob's hand. I simply assumed like the Imdb post stated that he closed the door on his hand almost maliciously. But the truth is that he was driving the van and they didn't know the door was going to slam on his hand. And I feel his pain even now. I mean I can't imagine the sheer amount of pain he had when that door slammed or even like how John felt after realizing he fucked up Bob's hand.

That's what makes the movie to me a lasting work of art. The amount of pain and blood that was shed making that movie. I watch to day and can just see how much fucking, superficially it's a terrible film, but it's earnest to no end. Hook or by krook they were going to make a goddamn SOMETHING out of the mario bros movie property. And they did. It stands today as a cult classic. I love it, it completely transports me back to when I was playing gameboy and super nintendo and not living in this future age with ps4 and shit that we have now where every game has to be a clusterfuck of insane overly done graphics. Simple fucking actual normal vidoegames, that's what I used to play. Tetris, my friend.

But I love the movie, it's really the single defining moment of my childhood. Everything about me is connected to that film. I feel at one with that movie, its essence, the way it's just this very NEW YORK ballsy film. I'm a new yorker, so a movie about two new yorkers kicking ass in dino land, was right up my alley. It's like the He-man movie in that they prettymuch get EVERYTHING wrong except the main character. Dolph Lungren is and will go down in history as the perfect He=man.As will Bob Hopskins go down as the perfect Mario. He played Mario PERFECTLY. Too bad they descided to cast a hispanic as his brother (which is interesting artistically. It's like yeah, they wanted luigi to be different than mario, but they're suppose do be brothers and it makes no sense that a white guy has a spanish brother.) Now to an ignorant black kid, John Leguizamo is a meatball and spagghetti eating italian, but now that I watch the movie as a grown man, it's just so obvious that he's hispanic, it's like not happening, the idea the concept that those two are related. But John plays luigi damn good so I didn't think much of it.

The movie is bad. I can't really seriously defend it. It doesn't really resemble the game much except for the obvious nods to the game, fungus, bob-bomb, mario suits, yoshi. All those things were neat to see for me. But the fact that they were surrounded by this terrible film, made those things like meaningless.

 I mean lets get into exactly how bad this movie is. I will lay out today since I'm not putting my dick inside of a girl's pussy, ass, mouth or between her soft titties. I have ALL THE TIME in the world to talk about my childhood eccentricities and little discoveries. So sit back relax, and enjoy my thoughts on the cult classic Super mario bros movie.

First things first, the movie opens on this supposed nintendo video game cartoon. It's a very crude and cheaply done flash animation. It's supposed to be some kind of like intro that switches over to live action. But it doesn't make any sense. Why is the beginning a shitty cartoon graphic. At least use sprites from the game if you're going to try to trick the audience with a videogame transferring over into live action. Instead it's very pretty damn clear they sucked and fucked up and were trying to be clever about it but it just comes off as stupid. There's no reason under the blue sky why they had to have a cartoon intro of the dinosaur world. It just make no sense and it sucked, I didn't understand it. Bad way to start a movie for kids to watch who love mario. I play a lot of nintendo as a kid, never saw any graphics that look like that. If they actually started the movie with fucking super nintendo graphics and then it slowly switched to live action, cool.. instead it just didn't make sense... it was stupid.

So after that weird fumble we get into modern day stuff and we see princess daisy's mom taking her to the church and shit. nothing wrong with this. And indeed as a kid watching this shit, it was actually pretty deep. The kinda real gritty way the egg breaks open and just the dark tone of the movie was really fantastic. I was over the moon that I was watching a SERIOUS super mario bros movie, not just a fucking silly shitty movie. It then BECOMES shitty. I read interviews about the production of the film and there was contant back and forth issues over the tone of the film, was it goign to be cartoonish and comedic or going to simply be smart and dark. And you can tell how they ended up kinda settling for somewhere in the middle. The movie is very serious and shit at points then it tilts to the other side of the tracks and becomes this cartoon episode of super mario super show.

So how much is wrong with this movie. A LOT.

The whole fucking story line with the merging dimensions was shitty. 

The whole weird blade runner future city rip off shit, where was that in the game? Yunno You play mario bros game and it's like you see clearly that he goes into a place that looks like full of mideival castles and very actual Miyamoto artistic flourishes, he loves nature, mario jumping around int eh woods beating up fucking goombas. So use that. Put mario and luigi in the woods, in the castle, not on the streets of some suido future brooklyn and shit, that was horrible the fact that not once does the movie LOOK at all like the goddamn game. They got the costumes right, but that's just not good enough...

Iggy and spike having so much fucking screen time. What was that about. They were like to me as a kid the worst part of the movie. They had too much exposure they weren't good or interesting characters, so I was kinda like just fucking hating them. And yeah they're from the game, sure but not like they were big characters in the game. It's like Toad having too much screen time. Toad is actually more of a fixture of the series than iggy and spike yet he gets a mini cameo and then is gone. yet for the whole fucking movie the guy from short circut is having a fucking goddamn ball and just all in our faces for half the movie. It just takes us away from the good stuff, mario, luigi, daisy, and their quest the drama, that's the central point of the movie, yet the movie decides to fucus (probably from studio interferrence) on the comedic antics of iggy and spike.

The jump boots. I have a love hate relationship with the fucking hydrolic pump shoes they sport in the movie. It's like what the fuck is that? You don't see that in the game. Certainly one of marios main attributes is that he can jump really high. So of course the movie people thought ok, lets give hm badass nikes with built in spring loaded boosters. But they don't make sense. Mind you, it was awesome that for no reason whatsoever they had rocket pump boots in the movie. But what are those things for? Who the hell needs to be fucking bouncing all over the place with that shit? It's just weird but I love it. I love the idea that they put some WEIRD stupid shit like that in the movie, and it's fucking werid to me. The thing that I was like a kid thinking about was why didn't they make use of the rocket boots more. Only one who sports them is Luigi because he's a badass. And he puts them on and uses them to jump all over the place and kick King Koopa's ass. Mario had them on for a while too but then takes them off I guess cuz he's stupid.

The score. If you were a 90s kid, you basically saw everything that Rob Zemeckis made back then whether on tv or on vhs. So you were well aware of the music style of Alan Sylvestri. So the score for this movie being practically identical to the scrore for Who framed Roger rabbit did it no services. It was just obvious as hell who was brought in to score the movie and he didn't change anything he played the same fucking notes and shit that he played in EVERY movie he's ever made and so besides that, there's really nothing unique about the Super mario movie score. It's same shit alan sylvestri usually brings to movies. So that's sucks. At least it would have been ok if say the movie score was its own thing but not very good. But sadly it's just regurgitated Alan Sylvestri on weed.

 So the movie is like a great little guilty pleasure. It's magnificent in its weirdness. It's a true masterpiece in making a movie with passion despite having none of the quality and talent on board that it needs to be good. It's a true unique film. Forever. It's never going to die, in my opinion, the sheer genius of the mario bros film. It's just terribly brilliant. Yunno? I've seen A LOT of movies like it, but nothing tops what they did with that movie and the sacrifices the cast members made to make it. It's all there on screen and the blood sweat and tears that went into finish that film and say whatever you want about it but they put a mountain of effort into making this really shitty mario bros movie.

And I'll always have a place for it in my heart since it's all good, really. The passion for mario is what makes the movie good. Despite it being superficially shitty, underneath it all, is a true love for mario and his universe. So I'll always feel like that aspect of the film makes it a classic. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

WTF bringing back full house?

I don't know what to say about this. I literally coasted throughout my childhood watching full house, family matters, step by step, all those fucking 90s white people shows. Especially boy meets world.

I honestly feel attached to those shows because so much of my childhood was spent just living in those universes.

Now here I am, 28 and completely disconnected I should say from my childhood life. I'm working on getting a career and trying to adjust to adult life more or less.

But damnit they just keep bringing back my childhood right in front of my face. Which is cool. I dare say I'd love to just get older but still be seeing and experiencing all the shit that I liked as a kid.

Apprently they're working on bringing back Full House, which is interesting. It's like, I am the same age as the olsen twins, we grew up together and I would love to fuck both those girls in the ass. But not gonna happen I'm sure... Anyway, I saw everything those girls were making on tv back in the 90s mostly because I kinda had a crush on them and was like following their career. It'd be badass if they brought the twins back in a full house sequel. Although I don't think those girls are interested in going back to that show. Ben Savage going back to playing Corey I totally understand because he's like got nothing else to do all day. What the fuck did that guy do after boy meets world ended I wondered? His whole fucking career revoled around that shitty boy meets world show. No way was he going to get work after that, so him saddling up and going back to the well makes complete sense and of course, I suppose the new geration of kids will not even know that he was actually the kid from the first boy meets world show. They'll watch the new show and think, oh this is kinda interesting, oh so the father of the girl is actually the first kid from boy meets world, OH HOW CLEVER!!!

But I gotta say, all this stuff they're doing like bringing back practically all of the old TGIF line=up to entertain a new generation of kids, is super cool. LOVE a family matters reunion movie!!

I mean, just recently fucking Reginald Vel Johnson played his old die hard character one last time in some comedy sketch and he referenced family matters. I wish to GOD that he'd fucking come back to play Carl winslow one last time. Then my life will finally be complete. I mean bring all the motherfuckers from that show back. Although Jaleel is like, 30+ years old now, doubtful He'd ever want to go back to playing Urkel at all... but it'd be so cool to see ANY kind of family matters reunion. And Family matters deserves a reunion show more than fucking full house and boy meets world. Those shows had nothing on FM back in the old days. Nothing. FM was the king of prime time ABC. As much as I sat and viewed full house and tried to get into it. it was no where NEAR as hilarious as the family matters show. In fact, that's why full house eventually died. It just sucked.

I honestly don't see how they could bring it back. When that show ended, it ended rather straight forwardly. It basically ended precisely where it was expected to end. The girl got married, olsen twins were getting older and starting to not be the "cute" little kids they once were. So when they ended the show, it was truly like, no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the show was finished.

GOddamn remembering the good ol days, man. Full house, my little plastic wallet I had, the badass alanis morssette song I liked to listen to on my little radio. My childhood!!!!


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Decline in Music Videos

Just sitting here thinking about shit.

One thing that's interesting to ponder is the crazy world we live in now vs my childhood years. Look at Music Videos. If you were a 90s kid, your life revolved around MTV pretty much. It was at some point like a normal routine. You always come back from school and turn on TRL. Always. Everybody under the sun was watching TRL and being a part of the MTV phenomenon back then. Life was much more hopeful and fun back in the 90s. Too bad things today are not as good but that's what happens when people get older. Don't have that youthful vigor anymore. So we had something of an artistic renaissance due to the MTV emergence into the popular culture.

So like, the thing that's interesting for me personally is to look at how music videos have changed. I was a music video Nut as a kid. Loved all the really big bombastic over the top music videos that came out back then. Goddamn are those music videos a lost art these days. They make good shit still, but the 90s was a time when life was so fucking GOOD the music videos reflected that. Now we live in this terrible time period and music videos these days re sadly only selling ass and titties because I suppose we've fucking forgotten how to make a music video that wasn't purely porn.

Music videos used to be fucking actual ART. They had people create fucking artistic visuals to augment the music. Now of course there's the rap videos, but even back in the 90s rap videos were a lot more artistic than today's porn booty shaking videos we keep seeing.

It's just utterly disappointing as hell to suddenly wake up in this new world where basically a fucking porno is on the same level as a music video. I mean I love Rhianna but that pour it up video is just porn. It's not a music video.

I don't particularly have a fondness for adults, if indeed being an adult means acting like a retarded baboon. But no, I mean it's just that's what humans DO. Act like baboons in the jungle. Really, it's like how did I go through my childhood NOT seeing how grown men and women REALLY are.... how did I have such a blindness to the truth which is that being an adult basically means being fucking monkey constantly wanting to get fucked or to fuck...

But it's like, now I have to concede that that's exactly what adulthood entails. You just a fucking animal in the wild and want to fuck and that's all she wrote.

But yeah I mean let's be honest. As a teen back in the old days, I loved booty videos. I loved a pair of titties, some sliver of an ass cheek. I mean my favorite video to watch as a kid was the spice girls wannabe. Because at some point in that video the girl did a little fucking jive move and it made her titties bounce. And I loved that part. Now of course we live in a world where you can see a girl's titties bounce ALL DAY. Don't got to wait patiently for MTV to air Wannabe.

We live in a different world now don't we... goddamn. Times have changed. I mean just there's no lack of fucking porn these days. Back in my time, you had to hope that you'd catch some titty or ass in a music video or some fucking spanish tv show (spanish people LOVE ass and tittties.) but today? NO goddamn discipline son. I come from a tough age where you had to really like just accept the fact that you weren't going to see a girl's titties out in the open for maybe a long time but today? Nope, you got titties galor, my friend.

Not that I have a problem with that. I wish girls would just let the titties fucking out because honestly it's not going to last. If you got it, FLAUNT IT.

You're only going to get old. Make the goddamn most of that shit while it's still good.

But I gotta say I miss being a kid and "hoping" to see some titties. That anticipation of titties was something unique in itself. To suddenly live in today's TITTY-TOPIA is different and offputting. I miss the time when sadly as pathetically I'd like be constantly hoping to see some ass and titties on MTV or fucking FX or wherever. Hell even tech tv. Honestly as pathetic as it was. I watched that channel for titties too because the news anchors on there were kinda hot... And who didn't watch X-play for Morgan Webb's big ass titties. How many boners did that bitch give me back in the good ol days.

Anyway It's just utterly striking and like to me weird to suddenly see the shift in priorities by the oepople who at one time made classy music videos and then especially today now making basically porn. Uh, I mean I'm just trying to figure out honestly why the lack of discipline and class. Is it the influence of black culture in the music video world. I don't particularly know. I honestly don't want to make the point that black people are like the reason for the serious decline in classy up scale music videos. I like, there's still going to be sexualized stuff even from white people. Especially if they're not homo. The thing about it though is that white people make porn with fucking like themes and subtext. That's how they separate themselves from black people. Their porn is intelligent. Black porn is basically dumb as a bag of bricks.

Never thought abut race relations in this world. And indeed smarter people than me are the ones figuring out race relations so I really don't think anything I say will matter. They've been debating race relations for years and years.

But yeah, it's like there's an art to being a white person. I have to say being white is probably extremely tough to deal with. Yeah you're going to have an smooth easy life without the complications of having the world look down on you. But the thing that is like the most complicated and tough thing for them to come to grips with is one day turning brown. At some point in a whit person's life they start thinking "i'm going to die one day." And I "know" for a fact that if these brown people had it their way, they'd rape my daughter in every hole she's got. 

And it's true. I will not lie, black people will do whatever they got to do to get out of being black next generation.

Yassee what I mean. is that white people they GOOD. They're not concerned with turning brown. In fact, they don't mind turning asian. But turning black, HELL NAAAAAAAAWWW... Mind you it's not the end of the world. Mullatto girls are fucking the SHIT son... best looking girls EVER. But yeah generally it's just not a smart thing. Cuz, black president or not, this world is always going to be fucking basically controlled by the smartest white people in the world.
 And it's simply true. Sad to say but yeah black people want to fucking escape being black. And the is a method, there is a way to get out of being black. Fuck a white girl. Fuck a spanish girl. Fuck a asian girl.

Yunno. It's that's what being black MEANS in this life. You go through and one day end up hoping some white chick is DUMB enough to give you mulatto kids.

 Back to my basic point though. Like man.... I miss the good ol days of music videos. I watch the shit they have on youtube these days still. I'm an artist, yunno, love me some bruno mars, fucking Drake, any of the new joints they got going. Loving the rolling in the deep song. That's brilliant.

So yeah it's like something OFF these days in the music video world and it sucks to me as an artist as a fucking like admirer of good music videos and art. There's something so very off about today's stuff vs the old days. I mean like I don't even know what music videos are being made for kids. Pour it up is not for kids. But honestly as a kid I watched fucking thong song. But what I'm saying is that yeah there was thong song which was the like true sign of things to come a black guy doing flips and shit around a bunch of half naked girls, was indicative of the future of music videos. 

Sadly because of the THONG SONG music videos have descended into that level of classless sexual exploitation. It wasn't really until the thong song came out that we were finally getting tons of music videos which basically had girls shaking their ass in the camera. And little did I know as a kid back then but the world of porn would EXPLODE into the sheer and complete demoralizing level that we have today. I mean what have I been completely missing out on all my life is the question. Did this stuff always exist and yet very smart very crazy people have been at work hiding it from us 90s kids..... Truth be told that's I guess exactly what has been going on all my life. very smart fucking military people have been keeping all the real world stuff out of our lives here in the USA.

It's simply like truth be told. If white people had it their way, they'd get rid of black people. Yunno. I suppose the life I've lived here all my life was always like just a sort of side effect of the way the white man's world works in that they have ways of keeping blacks out of their fucking communities. And yet because tv is something that they allowed to be viewed by blacks, I witnessed all the time white culture and white life. Now of course if I go to a white school or any of that, they'll make a big deal and say get out of here black guy. I mean that's the real world. The real world is a place where white people are like trying to get rid of and dominate the blacks in this world, and this is a world wide thing. It's not simply relegated to here in thte sates. If old white men want to conquer some black or brown people's little village, they go in there and drop everyone dead and take it over and fuck every girl in there in the ass...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

new job

Here's where life gets good for me, at least I hope. Young black male unemployed automatically = fucked in life.

So I'm going to try and see if I can get a fucking real job and stick to it forever. I always thought to myself, just get a goddamn job at mcdonalds, be a good chap, stay out of the white man's way and life will go along without a hitch.

I was wrong wrong wrong, all damn day, wrong. All I've gotten since becoming an adult is DRAMA fucking DRAMA. I wonder to myself if it's a damn dream I'm in. Why I am so goddamn important that I got to dodge shit from people I've never fucking met in my life. WTF kind of world is this I've been fucked into...

Shit, I don't know. This world is bonkers, like the show. Just bonkers, hey totally nuts!!!

Anyway, going to just get a good high paying job now and stay nice and secure in it for a long fucking time. I goddamn hope anyway. Lord knows if it's ever going to happen, yunno, actually keeping a job longer than a couple of months... Wouldn't mind actually fucking just not having a complicated bullshit go on at work....

Friday, August 22, 2014

discovery and future and shit

I kinda hate still being around in the world. I really kinda do, especially with this newfound strange and weird world where everyone knows way too much about each other's fucking daily lives yunno. Some people say it's good that we are knowing prettymuch everything about each other's lives, and in my opinion, we should indeed go back to the stone age and be blissfully unaware of what is going on in some fucking person's life in the middle of kansas. I mean I used to watch leo laporte on call for help, and of course morgan webb, and even the guy what's his face, the nerdy guy um... fucking chris perillo, love this guy. He's ME but white. But it's funny...

Now I can know EXACTLY what these guys are doing EVERY DAY. vs back in high school where I only knew they were on tv and not really concerned with their lives after that point.

Hmmm, very interesting. Is it worth it to have this much exposure to each other, me personally. I can't fathom being that fucking obsessed with stalking someone online. But I suppose it's very possible these days. In fact it has happened. Someone somewhere in the world was constantly harassing and stalking some girl or celeb through the web. Can't remember the girl's name or whatever... but yeah that's exactly the problem with the internet age is that we have the ability to constantly monitor each other every second of the day. And me personally I'm thinking about getting some ass, not thinking about or hoping to be fucking watching someone all day.

Even more pointedly is the over exposure of each other's bodies. I look at porn and it's like I think to myself, there's nothing particulalry special about this. A girl bends over and puts her ass in the air, simple animal instinct at work. It's not even like a fucking choice, girls HAVE TO put their ass out for the dick.

It's striking and quite a shock. I mean back at Delta, me complete shit for a human was able to make a gorgeous perfect 10 white chick contemplate for even a second giving me a chance. That's how paper thin the female sex drive is...

I suppose dick is a powerful drug.

And damn I mean I'm starting to get like fucking paranoid when I go to the ball park. It's like, I can't believe how fucked up people are. Why is it so hard to just leave a guy you see sitting around not starting any trouble alone... Why does this assfucker have to start jumping around in front of me and acting stupid. Can't he just like, chill, not do stupid shit today.

But no. He doesn't. He has to get up and act retarded in front of me. Like I want actually sit there and see your black monkey fucking jungle ass acting like an idiot in front of me... I didn't go through my childhood dealing with dipshits like you only to continue to deal with it as I become an old fucking man....

Shit's crazy. I mean I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I just basically went with the flow of life for all these years and now I got like this fucking monkey on my back of people I've never met before pushing me to go get a girl pregnant.

I guess it's because I'm a light skinned black person. We're good for the corporation I guess? It's certainly not because I'm intelligent or anything. I'm average as it gets. If I was actually sort of fucking monster of a intellectual, yeah it'd make sense that they'd want more of me in the gene pool, and in fact that's the ONLY thing that will save you if you're black. There are VERY VERY smart white, asian, and hispanic men and women in this world. And your black ass don't mean shit to them and their goals honestly...

I can see the way things are. I mean I never knew it. They damn well kept the truth about this world from us kids from the 90s. But yeah, the truth is that blacks are like yunno automatically considered shit unless they've got a brain in their head worth a damn.

That's the only thing. Urkel was more or less in hindsight a like fucking picture perfect example of a black person that white people can tolerate. Crusty monkey dumbass never opened a book in his life black guy, hell no.... Urkel?

And this is the rub. What do you think or say or feel about a black person who actually is a super intellect and eidetic memory like Urkel.

I've always thought about what my future would entail as a black kid with something of an intellect. What would the world think about a black guy who actually sat and fucking studied for hours and taught himself how to use his brain? What would the world think? Would it care?

What the fuck would the world hope or expect from blacks who are smart blacks, Urkels, Gumbles. I don't even know. I guess it's still a game to the white folk. Oh now we got niggers flying planes. Now we got niggers reading the news. Now we got niggers fucking writing computer code for us. We win...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Just saw Justin Chatwin on the subway

I'll be damned. I mean I had this feeling it was him. Looked like some ordinary white guy with an expensive camera. But I was just like going to my job interview and I could tell it was him.

Wanted to say Yo wassup Goku! But honestly I wasn't sure if it was truly him. I don't interact with white people on a daily basis so some black dude jumping up in some white guy's face is never a smart idea...

That's exactly what white people are worried about in this world...

But we're in a very close-up society these days. Never would have thought me biggest dragon ball fan ever, would just be hanging out on the subway and fucking GOKU himself would be on the train but that's the way we live these days. Everybody is connected now. I mean if you want to you can get in contact with EVERYBODY in this world.

It's insane. I don't like it honestly, having that much level of ridiculous exposure to each other. I don't want to know about the tiniest shit going on in someone's life a million miles away personally, that's just me...

But yeah, I saw him. He's looking buff still like he could play goku in a sequel any day. Looking good like he'd still rock the goku character any time of the day. I so wanted to get his autograph. Poor bastard's career is in a damn tail spin considering he starred in a terrible shitty dragonball movie as his like last real big career move. No doubt he's regretting that decision these days...

Yeah, well not sure honestly. I mean he had chatwin's features but honestly a lot of white guys look like him so  I personally shouldn't run around trying to get in contact with any white guy who looks like chatwin a little. That's silly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

thoughts on kids and adulthood

Gotta say, life and the way it changes as you get older is very interesting. Yeah I still jack off all day prettymuch, that's what I've been doing since I started high school. So in that sense I still feel like I did back at the age of 15. Back then I jacked off like there was no tomorrow and here at 28 I still jack off.

I wonder to myself is that what being an adult is? An older version of a teenager? Well Shit, I guess that's all adulthood is being a fucking older teenager.

I guess that's why there's like mad 20something girls being pimped as Teens in porn because there's really no fucking difference.

Indeed quite striking is when I go to the store and see a good looking young woman and she could easily pass for a high school girl or some shit, because she's still young and fresh and not one of those girls who's had 3 fucking kids yet.

This world makes no sense. You telling me that I have to ask a girl to pull out her ID and show me her age before I go thinking about digging deep into her booty. Because girls these days look fucking like high school girls well into their late 20s. You betchya...

Indeed it's tough, it really is. Like I was at the ball park earlier today and there of course, damn, now that I think about it they have basketball games EVERY day for the kids over there. Which is great, I don't have a problem with that, but damn, never really thought they'd have so many and every day. But never the less, what that means is that all the girls come out to watch the game etc and play in it, but the thing I realize is that the girls are all teenagers in high school. They're hot, yes. I'd so fuck them, but they're off limits and that sucks for me personally. I guess I really missed out on the fun.

Heh, what can I do? Or should I do? I mean, yeah I'm not going to skirt around it. An Airforce guy told me that when the babies come wriggling out of my girl's vagina, they'll spew fires of hatred at me for the rest of my life.

Never thought as a kid watching Michael Jordan own the Jazz in the NBA finals that I'd be told this little prophecy or that I'd be important enough to be fucking cursed by big time military people. But alas, I was wrong with a vengence.

I don't know, maybe he's right. Let's give it a shot and see... by all means give me some ass to pound and let's put his theory to the test... Let's go!

*crickets chirp*

Yeah, a guy like me is going to get laid. I'm MORE giving thought to the potential for me to fucking die off without ever getting laid than I am to one day being a father.

I don't know how or when or a goddamn thing about girls, and sex, WHY? because this world never taught me about it. And of course white people generally don't give a damn if blacks learn about it anyway...

Anyway, not really knowing if I'll ever go down that road. Don't really like kids. I mean it's hard to know who I am in a kid's eyes honestly. I never liked kids as a kid. They sucked ass to me. Honestly think it's smarter to NOT be hanging around with them as I get older... Why would I want to go back to grade school for the rest of my life? Why?

Sigh, it's hard to know...

Being herded

Gotta say I didn't see this coming. It's ultimately quite a shock. Uh, but yeah when I notice now vs back as a kid is that there's a us vs them mentality going on out there in the world. Look at this way. Yeah, this world is like, fucked up shit. I'm pretty darn sure white people are like fucking terrified of one day having their blood line tainted by black semen. All this goddamn interracial porn is fantastic to watch and really my favorite kind. I love seeing white girls getting fucked by black guys. I love it. I just love the way they're so fucking like this perfect angel of a girl getting rammed by this freaking goddamn monster. I dream of one day being in that situation, fucking the crap out of a sweet innocent little white chick. Don't blame me. I mean one day I was up in my room and suddenly I start dreaming about blonde girl's ass under a little skirt and shit made my semen fly all across the fucking room son... shit was powerful. I still love blonde girls, gotta say. Something about them, is very fucking hot. I mean Italian girls are fucking hard to be attracted to in my mind. But blondes, are so goddamn hot, because they're as white as you can get in the female form. Period.

I don't know. This whole post I got started thinking about because I'm checking out that AJlee girl on  line and seeing how fucking she's putting her ass out and stuff, and I wonder if I have a chance with this chick. The more I get to be around girls in this world, the more you wake up to the reality that any girl who got lucky and wasn't born black, prettymuch is scared shitless of being impregnated by a black guy.

It's been this way forever. Truth be told, now that I'm older, I can see the way the world has been. Look at gremlins, look at Alien, probably a TON of movies out there about subtle racist themes. Alien is a prime example. I never noticed it but it's clear as daylight now. It's still going on today. Look at Avatar. That whole fucking movie is so blatantly racist, I can't believe it got released. A bunch of white guys going into some black peoples village and blowing them all to hell, hello???? and the whole movie basically is about white guilt. One white guy standing up for the ignorant savages.

 So anyway, never knew it, but this world is like a machine. And the way it works is very much like a big corporation does things. They don't care about the person, it's MATH. Everything is math and paper work. Period.

I should know. I've been in the airline industry since 2008. They DO NOT by any means necessary care about the personal interests of anyone at the corporation. They only give a damn about the NUMBERS. Are the flights making it to their destination. Are the bags getting moved, are all passengers on board. Is the right amount of fuel in the aircraft. That's how it works, pilots especially are truly about ONE FUCKING THING and that's the math being correct. And pussy. One thing I notice is how fucking like, half the pilots look like they just got laid before doing their flight. I so want to be a pilot.

So yeah I was in the military and a white guy in there basically said "no, we white guys don't want to turn black one day."

And what do I personally think about that? Me, a prime example of everything they fear happening to their bloodline? I mean I'm the result of some white bloodline being tainted, sad to say... Here I exist because some jungle monkey black guy wanted to escape being black.

I have to apologize. I'm sorry for fucking up your perfect white genetics. I didnt mean to exist and fuck up the beauty and immaculate white race the way I have, but I guess I did.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

How to improve upon the first Power RAngers movie

Here's a passion post. I like to write from my heart particularly because i'm not smart enough to be some kind of super genius and create logic loops like I notice some people like to do at forums. I'm a geeky totally 90s kid who never went to some elite super smart kid school that they have out there to train people for top level jobs.

Sue me... And sadly I suppose that's exactly why I loved watching the original power rangers movie all the time as a kid. I loved it more than it deserves. I'm watching it now and can't get into it. It's so blatantly just a bad movie. Can't believe they felt this was good enough to release in theaters. It's garbage.

I watch Power Rangers Megaforce now since apparently they can still sell power rangers to kids even though I don't see the appeal of the new generation of power rangers. But truly it's a kids show and I'm 28 and am really honestly way too old for that shit. I don't give a damn about the show as I watch it. I'm checking out the pink ranger's little booty shorts she's got on in that show and thinking about me and her in the bed fucking. I mean it's tough to adjust to adulthood I gotta say. I was blissfully unaware of the adult world as a child. I never thought about fucking anyone in the power rangers when I watched it as a kid. I just liked the badass fights and the morphin and the movie was a cool little movie overall. Nothing too bad about it. When it was power rangers time, the movie really goet good. Otherwise, it was pretty lame film, because the non-power ranger elements kinda sucked.

Yeah so they're going to do it all over again. It's really interesting. This time we're in, is a great time for kids. They're getting to see superman, batman, spiderman, ninja turtles, etc. All on the big screen and they're going to remember these experiences for the rest of their lives, it's fantastic. I mean I never saw the original Ninja turtles at the movies as a kid, just discovered it on TV. So to be a kid today and to have experienced this new Ninja Turtles while perhaps and I'm hoping the new gen of kids is looking backwards and looking for the old ninja turtles stuff 2k3 series, fucking original movies etc. I honestly don't know. I wish I could force the little shits to sit and watch all the cool shit I grew up on. that's my hope. But I'm too old and honestly I'm more interested in having some sex instead of forcing kids to watch my favorite cartoons and movies.

So yeah man. They're going for it. And this is what I hope for as a serious power rangers nut as a kid.

They have so much room for improvement. Basically make it something similar to pacific Rim, gundam, fucking any of these massive big expensive blockbusters these days. Just hopefully not anything like the transformers movies. Those movies are an utter insult to cinema. Wow. I never thought i'd see the day when movies that just don't even try to make sense and follow fucking simple straight forward rules of movie making can suddenly own the box office like that. They're just videogame cutscenes on the big screen. People don't see it. But that's exactly what those movies are. Fucking videogame cinematics for 2 hours. At least fucking Prometheus had a thought provoking story, nothing like that in transformers. Yet people bag on Prometheus. WTF.

I'm not a prude. I like any movie that really sparks my interest in weird zany over the top ridiculous stuff. I love comics, cartoons, particularly because they're a place where artists can get away with making shit up out of their ass, and love seeing those things. But when they make a movie like transformers and it's just stupid and retarded for the sake of it, we're going to have to make an issue of that.

Anyway I"m going down memory lane right now. I'm watching the power rangers movie to kinda see what the fuck they could potentially do with the new power rangers movie. I have to say the new show megaforce is kinda lame to me. I mean it's more serious than the original power rangers show which wasn't very good or serious, it was just kinda a silly show for kids, and somehow I liked it more than it deserved to be liked. I mean really trying to watch the show today as a grown man, its hard. I mean I just don't really know what I liked about it. I mean it was a cool show and some of it was actually really well done, like the whole green ranger evil arc, that was really the best and most interesting story in the whole thing. other than that, I can't say I took much from the show besides the badass movie that they eventually made.

I mean power rangers was really a massive phenomenon more than a quality show. It was just something simlar to pokemon. The show wasn't very good, but the idea, the concept was badass, and of course every kid on the playground was rocking their power rangers gear. You weren't cool if you didn't have a power rangers toy back then... ah man, life was fucking good in the 90s... omg.

I wish I could fucking delete maybe 15 years from my age and go right back to hanging out as a kid in this room watching power rangers...

 But there's no going back. There's nothing more to do now than get older and older and fucking die one day.  DAMN...

I mean shit, I remember being a kid and browsing the channels all day for shit to watch and one show in particular that I remember fondly despite its mediocre quality was Galidor. I loved that show. I loved this HUGE TITTIED indian girl on that show. The show was shit, but I fell in love with that indian girl. And don't know what she's doing these days. But her titties were like too big for her to move around with and one thing about the show was seeing her struggle with those massive fucking tits she had.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thoughts on Will Smith

Grew up on everything Will Smith. He was a huge part of my life, almost look at him as a brother even though we're not connected beside being both black.

Interesting person, Will Smith. Sadly I have to comment on his rather stagnant career. He seems to just kinda be stuck these days. Playing the same guy in every movie.

I must say it's kinda boresome to have Will always playing goofy will smith in every fucking movie he's in.

I mean honestly while Watching MIB 3, I felt weird. Why was I watching the same exact will smith I saw as an 11 year old when I went to see Wild Wild west in theaters up in Canada. I love that movie. I was the perfect audience for it. They made a big deal out of Will Smith being in Wild Wild West and I went to go see the movie and I got the burger king glasses for the movie and life was good man. I really love that movie. People online hate it, but they're from mars or something. You're telling me a badass cool over the top 90s movie gets no respect like that? fucking retarded...

But yeah, I"m getting to be damn near 30 now and Will Smith hasn't aged a day, still playing Big Willie like he was back in 2000, but it's not 2000. We're a nation at war. Shit's going DOWN in this world today vs back during the rather blissful 90s. hell of a world we're living in these days vs my childhood days, gotta say. Kids today are getting shafted horribly by not being blasted with all the awesome as fuck shit that I had back in my childhood. I mean sonic SATAM, Reboot, Beakman's world, Bill Nye, Wishbone, fucking all That, Rugrats, etc. Dexter's Lab (My favorite show EVER)

fuccccccKING SHIT. What happened? What are kids watching these days? Do they even care about quality or is the mediocre shit being spewed out on TV good enough for them?

LOL TV. What am I saying? Nobody watching TV anymore. If you're not basically watching everything online or playing online games all day you're not in the future. Me personally all I ever do is watch naked girls online 24/7. Goddamn Do I have an undeniable urge to get my dick in a girl's ass hole. I SOOOOOOOOOO want to try fucking the ass so fucking bad. I want to see my dick struggle to fit inside of that thing.

Get a girl pregnant, babies, kids, bla bla bla. Don't talk to me about that. All I want to do is FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I'm not concerned with the huffing and puffing and birth process. A guy like me VIRGIN isn't thinking about that shit.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Star Wars 7 continues production

Looks like Hamill's really going for the gold here in that he's getting in the best shape of his life to play Luke one last time before he fucking dies.

It's funny. Over the years he's simply been making fun of his fame as luke, now he's actually playing him again and it's not a joke, he's playing luke LEGIT. for real... this isn't just a mad tv sketch.

I know I'm emphatically looking forward to this movie as i did for the prequels. And of course I'm one of those 90s kids who discovered star wars back when the SE came out. I'm not like a lot of people on line you'll find who grew up on star wars from the theatrical release. I'm a "noob" as they say.

So they're forging forward with the film. I personally hope this movie will be the star wars to END ALL STAR WARS. I mean. I've seen and enjoyed many of the things associated with star wars. Clone wars cartoon by Gendy. All of it, holiday special. I found everything star wars through the web and enjoyed every minute of them with a passion. I can hang with star wars all day. Even though the series is racist as hell, it's GENIUS. Even for a white guy, Lucas is a genius. He REALLY IS. There's no denying it. He is "or was" a man who some how some way created a goddamn masterpiece with the star wars movies.

I love them. I love that Hamill is back. JJ is a true geek fucker. Even though goddamn Leanard nemoy is fucking knocking on death's door, he brought him back to play spock. So all things considered, hamill's only in his 60s, so he's got no excuse not to come back to play luke. Most liikely JJ's going to be doing this movie similar to star trek. Some young punk new jedi recruit is acting a fool and the Old wise Luke Skywalker is going to be his mentor for most of the film similar to thethe way they made star trek. No doubt...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014



My childhood heros are just dropping like goddamn fucking autumn leaves all day these days. I'm saddened deeply by this. I mean who am I to say anything about it, but if you were a 90s kid, robin williams was a pretty huge element in your life. His peak was during the 90s.

Ultimately I kept a tab on his career even after witnessing all his great movies as a kid. He seemed like he was having a good life, didn't think he'd off himself at all. This comes a complete shock and does indeed make the world seem less like a good place to live in. Why would someone like Williams kill himself?

Didn't he just finish making commercials with his daughter and stuff? Weird. I don't know what the fuck.

Maybe he doesn't like the way the world is and decided to piss off. I can understand. but I still have some kind of hope in humanity. I won't let go of the potential for people to better themselves. I can't let go.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Is this luke's hand?

Some people speculated in the AICN talkback that this was luke's flesh-less robot hand. Interesting. I don't like the whole "oh we found the hand of luke skywalker. Let's give it back to him." story line they think will be in the movie. I mean yeah it's kinda neat as far as fan fiction goes, but in reality, no way would that story work I think.

Too many questions would pop up. How the fuck did the hand not burn up in the atmosphere. How is it still in one piece after decades. Little thing called entropy which would make something like that hand staying in tact for decades impossible...

So here we go. I mean I think to myself I'm in a fucking dream right now. You got to realize what's going on here. I worship star wars since I was a kid. And here I sit 28 years old and they're actually making the last fucking star wars trilogy TODAY. Every single thing associated with this film will go down in history FOREVER. Imagine if you kept all the shit from when they were making the OT, imagine, all the papers, news clips, everything. You kept it and today you'd be a billionare. So I'm not going to be stupid about this, I'm going to really save everything that comes out regarding this film because years from now, people will be like, looking back and wondering where they can find shit like the pepsi soda cans from the phantom menace. You have to realize back when TPM came out, they released TONS of merchandise and shit, that today would probably be worth something. It's been fucking 15 years since TPM. 15 MOTHERFUCKING YEARS. If I was smart I would have kept all the stuff that I collected for that movie, but I'm an idiot!!!

Goddamn, is that luke's fucking hand? Yunno would be cool if it was. Truth be told Luke migh have actually gotten a better robot hand by then but maybe not, he's probably still rolling with the original.. Wonder why his hand has no flesh on it though.. wtf is up with that? Did it rot off or some shit? Possibly...

Sunday, August 10, 2014


It's utterly I should say, like just a trip back to 90s for me these days. Not only is IGN seemingly constantly having JDF on to talk power rangers, but also fucking I'm noticing they constantly have a boner for the new Extension of boy meets world. Gotta say Danielle Fishel is so beatiful. I always had a boner for her, but now whatever age she is, she's gorgeous goddamn...

And she's still the same. It's amazing. I watch her and she's exactly the same person she was as a kid. Nothing new going on. That's fantastic.

I'd fuck the hell out her.... It's awesome for me. I mean, we honestly grew up together, it's just truth is she probably never had any blacks in her fucking community, so and truth be told, now that I think about it, there were like NO black people on boy meets world. It was a white show for white kids, and yet me as a black kid, hung out watching it every friday. that's fucked up.

Funny world isn't it. A black show, written by white people, became the TOP show on the TGIF lineup. For real, nappy headed, black fucking people, were the most popular show on TGIF. And everyone involved with girl meets world has to know that yeah boy meets world was popular, but it was completely OWNED by a black show back then. Hands down. They can try and claim that boy meets world was the shit and deserves to have a sequel series, but in truth, since I was there and hanging out in my room chillin watching tgif, NO. Family Matters, was the most popular show back when TGIF was in its prime. You have to look at how well made and highly produced family matters was compared to boy meets world. The difference is night and day. Boy meets world was similar to I'd say Sabrina the teenage bitch, in that yeah those shows had their viewers but the prime time show that people really flocked to en-masse was family matters. And family matters was no joke, it was the top show for a reason and they spared no expense and put everything into that show because they knew week after week it was going be a ratings behemoth. Boy meets world despite their efforts to create a funny show and such, it was always just something to watch as you wait for family matters to come on or dinosaurs or muppets tonight, it was just gay. And corey was a faggot.

Really he repelled me from the show. I wanted to watch and indeed his best friend in the show was a true fucking regular normal male with a boner for girls, but corey was infinitely gay. Sorry, but yeah he was gay. Even I knew it back as a kid, I could tell he was flaming fag. Now he's back. And he's still gay. He still LOOKS gay. Yeah he may be actually fucking topanga but in truth he's thinking about fucking a guy. I believe that's what's the truth of the matter.

Anyway, it's just dissappoint as shit to have so many of my old 90s heros turn out fucking gay these days.

me, Never had an interest in sucking a guy's dick or any of that. I always basically just thought and hoped to one day be slamming a chick, that's all.

Suddenly I have to deal with more crap than I expected, being told x/y/z about my offspring. A thought on that for a minute. I never thought about it, and I honestly don't really want to have a kid or noen of that. And watching Girl meets world, I honestly don't think I could survive having to listen to a bunch of little teengage girls whining about their stupid problems all day. Really, I look at the show and it's definitely a trip back in time for me. It's like a mini-boy meets world clone to some extent, however we're not in that time anymore. You have to realize boy meets world came out in a time where michael jordan was dunking basketballs all day in front of our faces. TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. To make a similar show in today's fucking war-torn world and just dismal atmosphere and rampant anal porn, is funny business. 

It's hard for me to watch the show. Simply because I want to put my dick in those girl's mouths whenever they open them. Yunno, it's hard to watch. Topanga too. She's ripe young and ready to get pregnant by a big black cock.

She always looked like a black girl now that I look at her. She's got big black girl lips and shit. She's one of THOSE white girls. Got black features, but she's white. Probably not truly white, isn't she fucking hispanic or some shit?

Hard to say. We're in a fucked up world. There's white people who area actually part black and yet they run around acting like they're the whitest people in the world.

oh well, not much to do today. Kinda lost right now, honestly. I'm here, still alive, and just lost. I mean the things I want to do, dreams I've had all my life. What can I do to get to point of actually accomplishing them, or do nothing? Just not get involved and shut the fuck up and stay out of the world and the way it is. Just not get inovled. Problem is, I've got so fucking more shit going on in my life for reasons I can't make sense of. I remember just being here in this house hanging out watching movies and cartoons, not thinking about what's going on in the world, the constant race-wars, and of course all the real bad shit going on out there. I've never had anything to do with it. And truth be told, the elite class people out there, don't WANT regular normal people like me getting in the way of heir operations. I mean you got people who have genius level intellect out there working on things and here I am, watching porn. And hopefully being smart enough not to get in the way of the elite people doing their stuff. They're really trying to find a new planet to inhabit, because that's ALL we have left.

A few words on that. I look at the world around me at my age now and I feel sad. I feel like, yeah it's all cool that kids are having fun playing in the park, but this life we're living is going to just mean nothing. If we don't fucking figure out how to get off this planet. Everything all these wars we're having for oil, all the political debates, all of it is MEANINGLESS. Maybe you enjoy arguing all day with someone about things, but life is short, and me personally am not intersted in having lengthy debates about shit.

What interest me is fucking some bitch in the ass, in the mouth, in the pussy. And also possibly looking into the big question. How are human beings going to survive beyond the expiration of this planet.

HOW? Mind you, the guys at MIT, are working on that. They're going for it, they're conceptualizeing methods and ways for us to some how find a new planet.

It's sad though. It's really sad. And kinda really a fumble by the elite people to let the public know that our planet is doomed. How is that supposed to help people feel good and optimistic in life if yo just basically tell everyone we're on a ticking time bomb. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Noah Carver

OH YEAH hilarious!!! Thanks!!!

Wtf am I supposed to think? The new blue ranger looks exacly like me for some reason... Not trying to be all kinds of like, fucking, thinking it's a conspiracy, but the simple fact that he's the spitting fucking image of ME is kinda fucked up. I mean, I love power rangers. Wouldn't mind actually being in the power rangers. But to have one of them look exactly like me is just really fucking weird.

But kinda awesome I guess. Well played, if indeed saban is paying tribute to one of its biggest childhood fans by making a ranger in my image. Well played...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

oh god damn

What the hell?

I'm watching family matters episode right now and fucking for the second time there's a reference to Fried Chicken in the episode. First time was when fucking Eddie was having a date with some girl and of course she has fried chicken as their meal for the date. Second now is of course Eddie going to the fridge to get some grub and of course he pulls out a bowl of fried chicken to eat.

Well damn...

Never noticed that...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

can't be hawkin

Just thinking about what I've been doing recently. I tend to be going to the ball park to check out all the ass and titties over there. Surprisingly due to the good weather, they're always throwing down some basketball game for the kids to play. And I like to watch and see the kids having fun. Really I'm a huge basketball nut. And love to watch basketball. One of the girls there is really cute as hell and she's good at basketball. In a perfect world, I'd fuck the shit out of her with a basketball in my hand.

But no, I'm too old now. And one thing I notice is that I'm being followed by fucking cops and shit. Yeah so I went down to Texas and hung out at a military base surrounded by angry crazy white people for a while. Does that suddenly mean I deserve some kind of attention? I'm still trying to get my head around why I deserve all this fucking goddamn attention. I'm normal regular black kid who grew up in the bronx. That's all. I'm a nerdy one, as they say. Most people don't give a shit about the majority of black people, except when they possess urkel tendancies.

I'm an urkel through and through. I'm very much a nerdy fucking urkel black guy. Which is truly suicide if you're black and a nerdy black guy. You basically have cut off your own dick.

I mean, say what you want as a white guy. I can imagine a white guy looks at a fucking big muscular douche bag black guy and thinks "oh he's got it bad" probably never gets laid. WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG.  Every fucking girl out there dreams of that son of a bitch fucking them. EVERY ONE.

Yunno. That shit you see in porn. A gorgeous sexy white girl, perfect looks, getting hammered by a jungle monkey looking black guy. TRUTH.

 I mean damn, it's just silly and offputting overall. To be constantly watched like I'm going to go spread my blackness to a white guy's daughter or some shit. I wish I was not black, eh, I didn't ask for this shit. Don't blame me for being whatever the fuck I was born as.

Not that it bothers me. IT kinda bothers me now because I realize how screwed I am in terms of getting laid. But I've always been black, it's nothing new. I grew up watching blacks on tv and didn't think anything bad was going on in the world concerning being black. But now that I am actually tackling this racist world, I'm having to accept the truth which is that blacks are like these fucking low level human beings. Now, and forever... which is yunno, sucks. Life comes down to a roll of the dice. Being born fucking not black, that's all life comes down to.

Life ain't fair man. And I think to myself, what can i do to survive in this world. Dunno. Hope that some kind of angel is looking out for ya, that's all ya can do. I'm a man of GOD. And too bad we're descending into this fucking hell hole of a world where everything the bible warned us against is actually taking place. Yunno, the rampat wild sexual craziness going on these days. The lack of civility, discipline, fucking actual respect for your fellow man, this is exactly what we were taught woulc happen if we abandoned the teachings of jesus.

Yunno, I feel SICK. It hurts me. To look at the world and realize it's not the place I came from as a kid, not anymore. It's HELL.

This world is HELL. What can a mother fucker do to make this place like God wanted it to be is the question.

Lord know....

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ok seems like I was wrong

Despite the fact that Egon is dead now, they may very well move forward with GB3 anyway. I gotta say ya stick with life long enough you'll be rewarded. And god damn,  I never thought they'd really do a new gb movie. But apparently they're working on it. I LOVE Ghost busters. I am who I am today, my personality, because of ghost busters. It's a movie born from my I guess world. I come from a military family. I come from New York. I've been into science, gadgets, and have a sense of humor about life. So a movie like Ghostbusters, really any of bill murry and Ramis' films were really something that I loved to watch as a kid.

I have all the RGB and EGB episodes. And I have the videogame. I have some of the comics they made recently. It's still awesome to me, ghostbusters. And it SHOULD still have legs today imo.

If indeed they make a GB movie with Ernie hudson and Dan Akroyd recruiting some females to be GBs that would potentially actually work and we'd get a fantastic funny, amazing, big epic FINAL chapter in the ghostbusters saga. Hopefully.

Sadly, this just seems like more of the same. We've been getting countless rumors down the pipe since 1999 about GB3. Will they make it? They've got nothing but my support. I look forward to it, as a fan from fucking childhood. Look at what we're getting these days. New TMNT. New superman vs batman. It's time for the ghostbusters to come back and take over the media again. And I gurantee you that its only going to be for the benefit of all invovled.

I mean, you can say well GB2 kinda failed. But if you hang out with kids today, you'll find them playing the GB game, reading gb comics, watching RGB on youtube. So of course you release anything GB NOW today, kids will fucking jump all over it I'm quite sure...

 So by all means, make a GB movie and earn google billions of dollars, if you're smart. The question is what is it going to be about, who's going to be in it. Is it going to be the utter travesty and complete shame of a film that is Indy 4, the fucking worst possible Sequel idea ever conceptualized. Making white people look bad. Although it's life. Everybody has their vices in life. And truth be told we all fall. And Indy 4 is a prime example of that.

But maybe it's good that Spielberg fucked up so badly. Maybe because of Indy 4, we'll get good "last chance sequels" from now on... hopefully.

thoughts on things

Just thinking about the complexity of life. I don't know. i walk the streets these days and see the vast spectrum of humanity a lot more. I see how strange it is to get older in life. never really thought about it, or what it would be like to be near 30 and still hanging out in the world. Well I still have my interest in girls, still. I was on the train and there was this fucking sexy as fuck bitch just on the train and she looked so good. Wanted to say what's up, but lord knows what age these girls are. Whole damn world of bullshit will come crashing down on me if I get my dick into a teenage bitch.

Thinking about life, all the things i wish I did as a child, and now getting older can't fucking change it, can't do nothing to make myself into the inhuman GOD that I was training myself to be as a teen. I worked out so hard for NOTHING. tOO MUCH sugar in my diet.

Now I am indeed getting older. Fucking everything on my body starting to age and look less youthful.

Sad end to my life I have to say. One thing you start thinking about as you get older is that YEP you're going to fucking DIE one day.  Who knows how, or when, maybe in some nursing home, or like I saw in the hospital, just hooked up to a respirator... FUCK, that must be the pits, to go out o f this world completely fucking dependent on a machine, sucks....

So yeah nobody cares about me no more, I'm not a kid. It's the kids who matter. Was on the train and there were kids all over the place. I felt so OLD. Like fuck, never really felt old, but being around a little girl and a couple of teens, you feel it for REAL.

I fucking thought about what to do or say or whatever. Couldn't really make sense of what to do. Haven't really hung out with children for years, not sure how to behave or act. Shit, and that's the true failing of the education system I must say, the simple fact that they don't give you one lesson on one day being a parent. So YEAH I don't have a fucking clue about being a father or whatever to some little kid. Don't know a damn thing about it...

Yeah it's a damn shame this society seems to be fucking not concerned with blacks maturing sexually but I'll be damned, that's EXACTLY what is going on. I was brought into this world only to slowly fall into a pit of lava.

 I mean I just never knew what the fuck kind of world this was as a kid. Just never had a CLUE. They did a damn good job hiding the truth from us. I walk around the street and see how this world really works. Black guy hanging out homeless, being complete shit in this world, and everyone else happily going about their lives not giving a flying fuck about him. HOLY CRAP. Wow, you're so fucked if you're born black as HELL. So fucked... I mean there's homeless people of all colors, and crazy people, etc, there's all kinds out there, but yeah you'll always find homeless fucking black guys who no one gives a damn about. And I was just in awe of it, truly to see how truly screwed you are if you're born black.

And I wonder to myself, am I DONE? Am I done now 28 years old? Can't possibly improve myself or better myself? Learn a language, instrument? Get any kind of new skills? YEAH, some people would definitely say that I'm done, no forward advancement for me. It's what they want truth be told, who the hell gives a damn if blacks DO anything of merit or memorability at all?

I'll be damned, how did I not see how this world worked all these years? Just the sheer, sweeping, and ceaseless hatred towards the black race? But it's there, it's really fucking there and none of the black kids I hang with see it yet. But the day will come when they too are in their 20s and getting the full brunt of the racist white world crashing down on them. What the blue hell ya gonna do when that time comes? Literally there are girls who are trying to avoid getting pregnant by a black guy.... sure ya got all this fucking interracial porn but that's porn, it's always about going against convention. In reality, most girls are really dodging black dicks out there as much as possible... wow, what a damn shame and a curse it is to be born black. holy fuck.

What can I do or what should I do? Lord knows... Give it to God, that's all. But this world is very very cruel business. So ultimately your life comes down to getting LUCKY and being born white or asian or spanish? THAT's how it works? Mind you, that's immaterial these days. Very very smart people are looking for smart people of all colors to contribute to the corporate world.

But the truth about life is that we're only here to procreate and care for the children, and who the hell gives a damn about blacks. WHO? What benefit is there to be had from the continued inclusion of blacks in this world? Intelligence? Well maybe, but ask anyone in the academic world and they'll tell you they won't bet on blacks getting through the school system.

Why does it matter what I think? Much much much smarter people than me are at work struggling to keep this world in some kind of uniformity and civility.

It's just a strange thing to wake up to after all these years. I suppose efforts are being made to hide the truth about this world from everyone. Should I care? What can I do? Honestly I don't want to get involved. I want to be pounding some girl's ass hole and not giving a damn about race relations.

 Really that's all I care about right now. It's like, that's the way it is. Can't fucking just forget I have a dick.

And if someone wants to tell me "oh well, go to college and do homework all day instead of looking at a girl's titties and little sexy face." Yeah, you can go fuck yourself asshole.