Tuesday, August 12, 2014



My childhood heros are just dropping like goddamn fucking autumn leaves all day these days. I'm saddened deeply by this. I mean who am I to say anything about it, but if you were a 90s kid, robin williams was a pretty huge element in your life. His peak was during the 90s.

Ultimately I kept a tab on his career even after witnessing all his great movies as a kid. He seemed like he was having a good life, didn't think he'd off himself at all. This comes a complete shock and does indeed make the world seem less like a good place to live in. Why would someone like Williams kill himself?

Didn't he just finish making commercials with his daughter and stuff? Weird. I don't know what the fuck.

Maybe he doesn't like the way the world is and decided to piss off. I can understand. but I still have some kind of hope in humanity. I won't let go of the potential for people to better themselves. I can't let go.

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