Wednesday, May 30, 2018


You all knew I was gonna talk about this.

I can see both sides of the argument and indeed it's kinda egregious that a lot of people lost their job over a tweet...

Roseanne has been to me as I've gotten to get into her twitter feed for months now either crazy or legitimately putting on some kind of act.

But I always thought to myself, yeah she's posting stupid stuff that makes no sense, who cares?

But yeah it does trouble a guy like me, someone who glanced an episode of roseanne back in the 90s. I liked the show at times... but ultimately it was just never that well written and I couldn't be bothered struggling through the soft ball episodes to get to the good ones back in the old days... All I knew was that the show was basically about the complex relationship between Dan and Roseanne and it was pretty good show and I liked its style, it was like a warm blanket...

She's currently going buck wild on twitter because of the firing... I'm struggling to care right now...

You spent all this time harassing belittling anyone who didn't see things your way, promoting false information, hell just making crap up and supporting a person who's on record claiming to have assaulted women, then when the tables turn on you you cry woe is me?

Why are people feeling sorry for her? She's been doing this and getting away with it for a very long time now...

Is she a flaming serious racist? Probably in private, but not to the level where she's like super duper serious about it. It's just more of the oh I'll be more cautious if there's a blickity black person around kind of racist than the hard core racists in the world who shoot up innocent church goers.

I do indeed believe she was just trying to make a smart ass sly stupid comment. I mean, it's like calling someone a name on the playground kinda crap. They're making it into she's so super hateful of the blacks. Maybe she is, but this instance it's kinda getting blown way beyond reason.

Oh well. Kinda would jump to her defense more if she wasn't so ridiculous with her tweets and blatantly just so full of nonsense... I don't really care if she goes down... I really don't and it's not like I never tried to just get into her act and enjoy her work and get to know who she is, but time and again she kept making ignorant pompous tweets that fuel the maniac in the white house's ego...

It's fitting that she be humbled like this.... sit down Roseanne. Be humble.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jamie Foxx is the new Spawn

That's that, the torch is passed. I wonder what Jai White feels about it. Truth be told, he himself looks at spawn as something he did 20 years ago and isn't feeling close to it these days so maybe he's not going to even comment on it.

Me personally, don't think of it as an upgrade at all. Foxx doesn't have the vocal skills or physicality to embody Spawn on the same level as Jai...

Wow, this casting is just, I can't see Spawn in Jamie. He was just fail as Electro... This is just obvious stunt casting to me. They want Foxx's fan base to come see the movie more than casting towards accuracy or even giving Jai another shot at it...

If Todd doesn't call Jai up and ask him to cameo, I'll be pissed...

Don't know what to think. I like Jamie, but he's NOT the Al Simmons I envision. Someone like...what's his face Shamarr Moore might have been a better choice, just anyone with muscles and blackness to embody a badass soldier.

He just doesn't give off that feel of being the leader of an army which is what spawn is all about, he's chosen because of his leadership prowess and combat intelligence. Do you get that vibe from Jamie Foxx? Yes I know about Jar Head, but that role wasn't about real deal soldiering, like it was about the opposite *but points to Foxx for having experience playing a soldier...

 Hell, Edris Elba might have been the better choice, that's all he ever plays, Leaders....

damn son... just make the movie good please, Todd....

No jfk for me

Thank God, getting to JFK is a journey, sure would have liked to have gotten started building my van life stuff...

Of course the reality for me is that nothing I do will come easy, always going to be obstacles, complications to doing stuff people other than me can achieve with little to no effort due to their much more favorable social standing.

Looks like I'll just have to run post mates and caviar in manhattan for a while until I can afford to upgrade my bike to a fully gas powered one... That was the backup plan all along if I didn't just get a regular job and appears I have no choice in the matter, just run the app job stuff until I can start getting places...

I didn't really want to get in back at goddamn luggage chucking and I suppose fate had different plans than that mess anyway...

I don't understand why they're so inefficient and archaic down at JFK. They don't email you with dates so that you have it in writing just in case you hear the dates wrong... Then the finger printing place expects you to have a f'n money order to pay for the finger prints. Why?

I don't want to waste my life on that stupid shit.

Yunno, I'm not a pretentious person. I'm humble as hell, but even me, dorky nobody me, is above being some bag boy down under a plane.

I would hope to never again work that job if I can some how avoid it anyway... It's the most degrading thing. Having some jack ass act like bag lifting is all you're good for in life... Holy fuck.

But suffice it to say they got me in terms of the fact that I'm not able to bargain in life, I have to get employment. I can't just go live free off the land, this world's run like a goddamn prison. You're a slave to the all mighty dollar...

If some how I can figure out how to just go along in life without worrying about stupid money, that would be the damn ticket wouldn't it...

New project

Hopefully get the money together to accomplish this. With my knowledge and skill with editing and after fx it should be feasable.

Needless to say SOLO is a safe by the numbers action space adventure. Played to meet that middle zone where it doesn't offend with terrible editing writing or acting but leaves little to no impact or stand out as anything special.

I'm going to try to fix it...

I may start a thread on Fan might not...

But I sit here thinking about it and yunno what, I think I can fix that movie. Provided there are deleted scenes worth a damn to help flesh out something here and there...

The worst offense in the film is its kinda negligence towards the Lando/Han relationship. There SHOULD have been key scenes showing them developing a deep bond. Instead it's the most overlooked thing in the movie. It struggles to sell the chewie/han bond and never really truly does, then it completely glosses over Lando and Han's bond... So as it stands, there's not a single reason why Han trusts Lando in ESB when originally whatever it was they went through built a solid foundation of trust between them.

I will be removing Glover from the movie... I'm going to attempt, probably to my own begrudgment to green screen myself into the film... Thankfully Ron Howard doesn't really do heavy tracking shots much so it shouldn't be too damn impossible to get rid of glover and put me in there...

You think I'm BSing, I know, but I believe I can do it... I have a very powerful fx program ready to go, a green sheet, and if I plan it right, it could look decent... why the F not... Like, I did it with Static, I can do it here...

At least it'll allow me to make Lando more interesting a character instead of a means to an ends plus a complete jerk as he's made to seem in the final film....

As much as the joke is cool that Lando leaves Han behind, the movie's basically saying he's a selfish douche bag who'd even leave a girl he knows personally to fend for herself... I don't like that at all. And would be cool to find a way to fix that.

Anyway I'm  just tossing ideas around. I may or may not go forward with this. We'll see. Once the Blu Ray drops I'll have decided.

Monday, May 28, 2018

New Link

Here she be:!KZZ3lKRK!aebPMdhoraS2iYjVU6JucSZgH_D5i7ZsjZMVIfakXcQ

And with that I'll be taking a much needed break. I feel good about it, it's as I envisioned it in my head, kinda. I mean damn I want two scenes I think could be put back in, but they're extraneous and that's the point of the faster cut, to cut the bits that are to me poignant introspective moments that build the character, or cool comedic bits, but ultimately just eat up time and don't amount to progressing the story.

I need to get my head off this project right now that's all. It's not helping me personally to be fixated on tweaking it like a mad man...

If I get to square away my job tomorrow, would be nice, though I'm thinking I misheard the woman and missed the date... which sucks simply cuz it's just sad that things have to be this complicated... they're more or less inefficient and just dumb about informing us about things. Why the hell is there a "last chance" shouldn't you just have as much opportunities as possible to get it done if you are still interested in the job? Why is it a videogame with lives?

Don't know why they don't do this stuff through email. They have it on file but they prefer to dick around with you and only do it over telephone. There is some foul play going on here...

Make no mistake, this world functions as a giant version of kindergarten. It's the ultimate joke. Even if you think people should be mature and civil, it's not the way this thing goes...

Not unexpected but still unfortunate that grown men and women WILL find ways to screw around with you for childish tee hees...

Makes one not give a damn when they hear about people murdering each other. The thing I think, was the person acting a damn fool and asking for it?

Oh boy, I mean I've learned to just ignore it, but the childish antagonism of people does aggravate one...

Alright, got to take my mind off this damn thing, heal up then once I kinda get a grasp of reality again, get back on it...

Daily Words

Stealing from Allison Mack's facebook... Yunno, I hope the best for her and I don't want to believe the hype surrounding her case. Am I fully believing she could never be that horrible and do those things?

No. I've met a woman who changed my perception of females completely over night.... Women are not all angels, don't ever be fooled. This chick was pure garbage and enjoyed causing trouble and igniting conflict... The term is sociopath.

You might think I'm exaggerating, but it's WHO she is. She ENJOYS making people suffer and proving she's mentally superior to everyone in her vicinity and refuses to see her own flaws and potential for making errors.

I'm sad she ended up that way in life...

But sociopaths are the goddamn worst kind of psychos to roam the streets... Normal looking people, then the fangs come out and they revel in fucking with you. Hate having to deal with them... Like, it's just a waste of time trying to reason with those people. That's the point of their psychosis they don't understand what they're doing is bad...

Is my own father a sociopath? I don't know what he is, but he does enjoy causing problems and seeing me/people suffer. He loves it, it's all he has left as he waits to die... But yunno, I don't think he was always that way. It's just that he's always been bullied his whole life, so he wants to feel powerful especially now that he's having to accept the inevitability of losing power, growing old, and dying.

I told you my life has been fucked up... it's just never been making sense and of course now I'm having to figure out what to do to survive... maybe I won't. Maybe I'll never make it in this world... I don't know for shit... It strikes me to go out in the streets and have people kinda judging me and talking to me as if I'm not even human. That's interesting... Could have swore I was...

Welcome to Black World? Yeah, this whole everybody's gonna treat you like garbage thing really should have been a subject in school...

I have no training or ability to maneuver around society's gripes with blacks. I just wait for it to happen as I go through my day, that moment of a certain look or whatever from a cop with nothing better to do today, or general jackassery or smartass language to get to me... just sit and wait for it... just sit and wait...

How annoying...

Ah well, what can I do?? Not much... hell, probably nothing....

What am I doing right now? Rendering the true final cut. I adjusted a segment that seemed to not flow right... put in some taylor swift music that I wanted to sneak in there at some point, some how. It's the theme I want for static shock. It's the perfect kinda heroic sounding thing, so I intended to have it be his little anthem when he's gearing up to fight etc... wish it were longer, it's such a badass superhero sounding theme...

I originally wanted to go at length bout my thoughts on the future of the gaming world, now that it seems we've reached the peak of 3D console/pc gaming. I used to play hokey crappy slappy windows games all the time, old school stuff. To see the rapid evolution come to this level has been a hell of a ride. Games are now practically photo real and could be with more time in development indistinguishable from reality... so what's next? I have some thoughts on that.... maybe I'll get to blogging about it if I feel up to it. But yeah, I'm thinking gaming can truly still yet more evolve, not in graphics, but in immersion. It's gonna be all about creating the realistic experience in the future...... like, physical feedback kinda stuff, actual like cinematic games too which they are making, where the game is more or less photo real and you are essentially interacting with a movie as you watch it... the thing I hope they goddamn do some day is stop with the fully rendered cut scenes, and do the cut scenes with actors...  The uncanny valley just sucks in games... If they just have those segments which never change and are always the same cut scene as live action sequences which is what the ps1 was all about really, it'd ad so much more realism to the games... I mean, you hired the voice actor, and like look at Steven Ogg, literally could have played Trevor in GTA 5 in the cut scenes. If that's the case, let them actually do the cut scenes then seamlessly switch between the live actor and video game. I swear that would actually be better than the fake looking renders. It's just not happening even with mocap, I never buy the rendered stuff as real and it looks like walking talking zombies.

Flesh and blood is the only way to go... And we need more interactivity in gaming. Like they're going about online gaming all backwards... It should go towards more of a customizable style that makes it feel more unique. And maybe even give us the ability to use our own face in the game. Been dreaming of that for years. It's possible and everyone carries cameras in their pockets these days, so why haven't we implemented custom face mapping in games? Yes, I know a soccer game has the feature, but it should be in all of them... Always wanted to play as ME in a game... god damnit.

Alright enough farting out my fingers today...

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Static Shock the Movie

Here I'll put the Link to it: It's 2 pass so it should be nice for he file size... took probably 6 hours to render...


Don't know if I still am getting the job right now. Might have misheard the lady on the dates. Man, that sucks... not that I want to have to get to JFK on the daily again, but would be nice to have a mother f'n job and not be a damn  hobo slumming along....

Oh well, enjoy the cut as it currently exists. Got to finalize it and I promise to once I gather the energy.

Edit. I'm aware that one is really blocky an low quality, better encode for ya right here:!qFQkTa7R!bhRAPg2mXhqs_FVAPkaocTzIu7Ea1S-5keH9JEBYPhM

Getting going again

How many times have I posted this about getting going at a job again... Don't hope for much. I've grown weary and ill-content with the whole Job thing... not worth it to struggle with so much tough school work for a job requiring lifting a bag. Yeah I get it, you played us for fools. Good job...

I just want to buy a damn van, live free maybe do the app gig thing now and then to afford insurance,  but I don't see the point of joining the merry go round of apartment dwelling rent slavery.

It's not the only option and honestly shouldn't be. What a country, freedom freedom freedom, btw become a rent slave or die.

Holy goddamn crap...

I got seriously blind sided by the reality we live in.... I don't know what kind of world this is and its honestly sad, sad world all around... Like being born in a goddamn dumpster and having to just deal with it...

At least it is from the black perspective. Hell no, white people don't be living life under anyone's boots or struggling worth a damn... hell naw....

I got screwed by being born black, I got so screwed... never really thought otherwise though. Nothing about my life ever indicated that it'd be good. So I'm not surprised...

Gonna get this movie up today...

It's as good as I could manage. Wanted to put in at least some kind of lightning stuff, but that's beyond me in my current state.

Right now, what's up... got to go get finger printed for the security check, then it's off to hell on earth, JFK baggage chucking crap.

But I don't mind getting paid, it's useful for what I want to get, new computer equipment, programs, learning software. All that jazz...

Friday, May 25, 2018

inevitable change of plan

So I'm looking at things from this vantage point. I just spent hours struggling to get a flying shot to work. I have a few things left to do for the movie...

Fix the green screen stuff in the frieda static scene...

Input the lightning fx and such that are missing....

Sad to say time is not going to allow this...

Today is deadline, so I will release a bare bones, pre-final cut today... I'll try to basically get the green screen stuff done add some lightning and release that...

Then tomorrow after getting my finger prints, well gonna have to motor and finish the movie full on....

Didn't want to miss my deadline but stuff of course made it complicated to meet it... It's not my fault the power went out... all kinds of unforseen issues have prevented meeting the deadline... what can I do about it...

But when you think about what i have left to do, it's not edit the movie. I'm only adding to it to finish the fx... Other than that, the movie's edit is locked and done... Today...

I'm not adding scenes or removing or shifting anything around... it's done and done... Believe me when I tell you I shot tons of stuff I feel terrible about having to not include. This is the diet version of the movie I originally intended....

Ok, so I consider it a Win. I did finish the edit of the movie on time. Adding fx, sure, that's all that's truly left....

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Don't know what I just witnessed...

I want to just strangle the people involved with it to be honest...

Everything about it is derivative and trite. I could spend all day tearing it apart and destroying it, but I won't. It's not worth it... It's like tearing apart Steel or dungeons and dragons... movies that are what they are....

I'll try to focus on what it did very well... Alden saves the film. He's the backbone of the movie and does infuse Solo with some sense of humanity and soul in a film that has very little to say and means nothing.

It says nothing... that's the biggest crime imo.

It could have and should have added depth to Han, made him interesting and different than the BILLIONTH white dude in space with a laser gun. It doesn't.

If you've watched battlestar galactica, space balls, He-man, Tron, John Carter of mars, Valerian, Lost in Space, on and on...

Same exact stuff...

It does have its moments, but they only make you wish the whole movie was nothing but those moments instead of being a quick slap dash to get to the end and set up the Han we know...

So frustrating to watch this movie because there's an interesting world to explore and nope not gonna go into it much, bye, I'm dead cuz I don't show up in the originals.

Who the F is Qi'ra and what happens next between her and Han. This question will nag you if you take this film as cannon... Ultimately I doubt we'll find out and she'll remain a character lost in the same limbo as Yaddle.

Easy 6 out of 10 from me...

As for my thoughts on whether I'd have wanted to be Lando in this. Absolutely NOT... I'm glad I was skipped over for Glover. LITERALLY there's a whole scene of Glover lounging around waiting for his check to clear and the movie to be over. He couldn't care less about being in this movie and he's painfully uninvolved... So that's it, that's what it's all about. Making a buck... Tossing in a pointless really dumb cameo that makes no sense, and hoping nobody calls them out on it.

What a shame...

Alden is good though which is just sad that he got kinda screwed by a bad script and everything.... oh well....

What could have been, eh...

Still chugging along

I honestly welcome goddamn solo. Don't have plans to make the movie my goddamn life, hell no one should if the reviews are accurate. Don't know why I'm going to go see it.... I should learn my lesson by now that hollywood is a joke and cares only about money, I honestly should... But eh, I'm me....

Got a few flying shots done. One shot came out freakin excellent and I never intended it to. I just thought the pose I made was too cool not to try to squeeze into the shot, then it all just clicked and came out brilliant... It'll be one of my favorite parts of the movie when all is said and done...

So tired of working on this. It's a tough thing to do green screen and proper animation. It's hard...

I need to chill and just stop fussing over the details of things but I can't let shit go. If it's not close to perfect I freak out about it...

Just ever so much fx work left to do. I'm going to simplify adding the lightning by green screening proabaly all of it using the green screen stuff from youtube. It'll save me time...

Yeah, it's starting to finally come together and feel more polished, the project... It's a good f'n movie. I worked on it for 5 years. So it's kinda actually not bad...

Want to put in the scene where static sends the delorean to 1885 like I planned but I can't really figure out where it should go right now... and it's a pointless fan service scene so it's not top prio... I'm going to figure that out after everything else of importance is finished.

Yeah man, I'm getting there. I'm getting there...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Let the games begin....

Gonna go see Solo tomorrow... I think if I didn't hate what happened and all the missed opportunity to play Lando that I have to live with, I'd love it to death.... I mean, I'm a star wars nut and if they truly just made a fan service movie, that's cool... it's just the reviews have made it look like it's truly a flawed film that's lazy, and... we'll see....

I'm ok with bad movies, it's kinda my thing. I've always been a sort of bad movie expert. I grew up basking in bad films that you had to give a lot of slack to when you watched them. So I'm no movie prude in any capacity...

I'll give you an example. I mean, batman forever I've already discussed at length. I know it's flawed but the movie has to be the most fun batman film of them all. Saw that movie back when it came out and it was just perfect 90s batman. Respectful enough of burton's version but so comic-bookish and reverent of Adam West's version at the same time, I loved it... failed at two face, but whatever....

He-man, Super mario bros. Heck even Street Fighter the movie I found ways to enjoy.... I'm seriously not kidding when I say I'm able to enjoy crappy films.

I think there's an honesty to crap movies... They have to rely more on stuff like humor or drama when they can't wow you with big budget spectacle...

But yeah I'm not all or nothing with them. I loathe the transformers films with a passion. They had no reason at all to be that shitty.

Same with Dragonball Evolution... no reason they couldn't have tried harder with that movie. Goku's origin story is the least complex part of his story to adapt. considering how goddamn awfuly they adapted that, I think we did dodge a bullet in the fact that they never got to the rest of his journey...

Also if you're a hong kong cinema kinda guy like me, you know all about bad movies... they're bad, but they're great at the same time most of that stuff... it's hard to explain.

So yeah I'm just like, I'm down with crappy movies, I can find ways to enjoy them and I'm sure if circumstances were different, I'd be alright with SOLO, but they aren't. I do have personal gripes with the movie. I do not understand how a director can be changed yet keep the original director's sets, costumes, casting choices, and we're expected to just not feel like something has been lost now that someone outside of the production has taken control of it... it's just weird....

This has even happened before. Super Mario Bros always felt like a movie at war with itself and indeed it was the first SOLO ever done... The original script was far darker and more mature. Disney didn't want them to not appeal to little toddlers so they forced constant changes and at some point even kicked the directors off the set and had the second unit guy finish the movie...

So what we got was the cult classic but obviously flawed and disjointed attempt at a mario movie....

Similar issue with superman 2. Richard Donner was fired, brought in Richard Lester and we got a movie that was half good, half wtf.

I don't know the whole story, but yeah the mess that is Alien 3 is the perfect example... David Fincher disowned the film, I don't think he even finished it.... don't know. But yeah I do enjoy it. It is something unique about it and interesting despite it not working and being seriously flawed. It's just it's an interesting train wreck of a movie.

So yeah the film might be good to me. We'll see.... I don't know how I'm going to feel. I'll kinda have to frame my thoughts of Solo within the thoughts I have on the prequels...

The prequels are an interesting disaster... that's what I think of them after having digested them after 13 years away from RotS...

Flawed, awkward performances, obviously needing further thought, more drafts, but they're just sooooo fascinating and full of ideas that are great despite the movies being sub par.

You got to appreciate ILM's fx work and John Williams brilliance, but in the end of the day, the superior movies to come out during that time period were LotR and Harry Potter... the prequels sadly I do not remember them as fondly and if I had a choice I'd rather watch LotR and Potter or the Matrix over the Star Wars prequels and isn't that sad?

So if Solo is just about on par with the prequels, eh... that's not good.... And it does indeed look so unneeded and pointless. Glover does not at all look like Billy dee. He may copy him or whatever he did, but anybody can mimmick him, that's nothing special. It would have been on the nose if they cast me and people were tricked into believing a young billy dee had built a time machine and shot his part in solo. At least that would have blown people off their seats and given you something authentic to feel like this was more than a fan film on steroids.

I guess I'll feel ambivalent after seeing the movie. Neither too overjoyed or too dissapointed. I feel the same way towards the prequels. The only ones I have a little actual nostalgic passion for are TPM and the emperor's moments in RotS. AotC is a total failure, an interesting one, but a failure. Basically a remix of TPM and Empire Strikes Back. I knew it back when I saw it and it remains as derivative and uninspired today. At least RotS TRIED. RotS failed, but it was trying so hard to be good...

Yep, ambivalent. I'm gonna get going on the flying stuff right the f now. Try to knock that all out, get it done, then do the sound and whatever else tomorrow.... See SOLO review it,

release the final finished Static Film on the deadline on the 25'th and hopefully maybe 1 person watches it, that's fine...

Rough cut done and finalized

This is it, the rough cut of how it'll all go.!2FARDAzJ!BzjtS1Q_83VcWftTwodvKEJkKFOYlmB7YF6GSWnozds

Now it's time to work on the fx, make tweaks, all kinds of ass until release on the 25th, yay...

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hope I get to keep dis jerb

I have to say, not a fan of going out into the world... Not really.... I don't like dealing with asshats acting a fool on the subway first of all. Second, not a fan of kids and their yip yapping all the time. Third, just yeah you don't feel safe when you're out in the world as the black guy in the room... not easy to manage that... guess I'm lucky I'm not super duper black, you'd really be f'd in the butt. Good luck to ya if you got screwed at birth, all I got to say...

Had to go re-submit a request for finger printing. Turned out they called me to go do it on the goddamn 15th... so I'd have been good to go for my SIDA training already if I didn't miss it... wow, yunno just such run around bullshit... If they goddamn run my name in the computer they'll kinda notice I've been an airport employee for over a decade... but hey, watch out gonna bring down a plane, watch out for this veteran airport worker, he's gonna be trouble. Stupid idiots.

But I'm happy that I didn't just have my application cancelled. I need SOMETHING to goddamn call a job and go to work and make money, I need that right now... I don't mind if they screw around again and fire me, as long as I have a nice bit of money saved up, play all the games you want...

I personally know ways to take a few hundred dollars and transform it into thousands... come at me bro, not going to be easy knocking me down....

As for my project. I'm looking at 3 days left to really get it done before deadline...

And I'm mostly finished. I'm gonna attempt crude shoddy fx work on the parts that need lightning stuff... Fix some sound elements that need fixing, then call it mission accomplished.

Some point when I feel like it I guess I'll get around to doing a full director's cut but no rush  on that... as they say I have to get my shit together. I agree with that concept... I have no shit together do I...

Monday, May 21, 2018

What I hope for the future

Rendering another piece to the puzzle that is this movie...

I guess if I rush it I might make the deadline... 4 days isn't much time but if I schedule it and stick to schedule It's possible to create a nice enough final version with hokey fx but I mean, I'm gonna have to say screw it and just use tons of pre-rendered green screen stuff instead of doing the fx meticulously but it'll be ok...

I'm kinda sick of SOLO already and I haven't even seen it. I'm eager to get it over with, just go down f'n manhattan on the metro north see the crap, get my collectible stuff and go home. That's all I want out of it.

Ugh, I'll VLOG the whole damn thing then review the movie and you'll know whether it's worth it to get off your ass to see it.

Will it do gangbusters? Maybe.... maybe... rogue one was shit. still made tons. I'm gonna guess disney's not expecting huge numbers though if the reviews are true and it's just a flat uninspired film could not even break even....

F'n don't want to go to JFK tomorrow. In fact if you're intelligent, don't EVER go to JFK airport, it's a madhouse. I love LGA... I mean it's scary at first seeing how it's kinda overrun by homeless piss smelling people, but then you do have a comfy nice little airport that's a small tiny operation no big deal stuff going on there. JFK I'd compare to a war base. It really is an anything goes situation over there. I can only pray the bag room isn't full of psychopaths and is just a small few flights deal nothing major. I don't know what dnata or DGS does at JFK.. just I'm not a rich guy. I want to just stash a few thousand dollars, get started working on my van so I can live out a van for the rest of my life until I'm old then I'll go out in a blaze of glory ha ha ha like go join the marines and just kamakazi and end it that way why not, nah I don't know how my story ends, can't really say right now...

So sad though even if I had to toss 30 bucks at SOLO at least it'd be worth it if the movie was the shit. F'n reviews are destroying it left and right.... I look at the pre-sales seats on amc and looks like not many are buying tickets though it's getting people... Safe bet it's not going to have much legs.....

Ah well, that's what ya get... No, I don't feel bad about it. They're running the new star wars stuff all backwards and it's not right and I don't condone it...

Not even Ron Howard could save it apparently and he's Lucas' protege. Thing is, I bet if he had the movie from scratch it'd be a far different film... maybe he wouldn't have just blatantly ignored me, given me a chance, said come on down and audition for Lando... I mean I don't get why Lord and Miller ignored me. Did they already audition Lando. Yunno, I tweeted them LOOONG before any hint of Glover as Lando was being tossed around.... They just basically gave me the finger. Well suck it you jackasses. Karma is such a bitch sometimes...

I hope one thing... Don't make this mistake again. Don't go bum rushing in and foolishly thoughtlessly forging forward with my precious Star Wars. STOP and THINK... consider every option first and most of all treat the franchise with reverence.

I so agree with the reviewers saying Disney's ruining star wars and treating it like Star Trek. It's NOT right..... God.

Backed up

Currently in a bit of a dead spot...

Opened up my save file for vegas and it froze. After some investigation, found out the d drive is failing me... I can only guess it's because of the heat. I've been editing in damn freezing temps for so long, now that it's a little hotter these days my comp is freaking out and over heating... not the cpu, that's water cooled, but yeah I think everything else is buckling due to over heating and the sensors going crazy because of it...

So I'll be struggling with backing up the D drive so I can remove it. A slow drive merely slows down video editing and processing when you get down to the reality of why a comp is slow...

It has been making that click of death noise, faintly but yeah when the head is slipping like that, a drive is dying.

Needless to say I'm stuck in a rut at the moment and we're going no where with this thing...

And that's a shame, if I can't get these files transferred. I may end up delaying release of the movie... I mean what can I f'n do....

Shit just got out my control just when things were starting to wrap up that's all...

Got to go do some sort of thing tomorrow for the job.... whatever... get that done then hopefully get back here and get this rough cut knocked out cold and then it's at least finalize the fx for the final battle.... I mean I'm not gonna bust my ass on the other stuff but of course the final forest battle not having fx just looks stupid...

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Are guns the problem

Honestly no... as much as it might help if the bullied group of guys in high school or any place for that matter want to kill someone, there's nothing stopping that person...

who am I to talk and indeed this world's politics is boiled down to "shut up and let me make the rules cuz I'm mr perfect" half the time... but I think I'm right...

If you push anyone far enough into a corner they will explode.

I was thinking about it. None of these guys who go on school rampages are monsters as they're painted after they do the deed. It's a reaction to the persecution they faced in those schools....

It was just wtf for me all my life going to school. I NEVER instigated the animosity towards me, never.... not once. It's just the way it was. Go to class, some dumbass wants to get points from his homies by sticking it to you... And the trend continues in life honestly. That was but a taste of what's to come. The assholes just get bigger after that point...

So yeah if I did one day acquire a gun and pulled the trigger on that retard, would I feel bad about it?

Hell no...

You want a war, you got one.

If a jackass wants to eat a bullet, give him a buffet.

I'm tired of this no consequence bully culture. If you are willing to bully someone, be willing to take the heat for that... Don't play innocent.

What can be done. Try to separate the good kids from the bad. Don't stuff them in a room together for hours. Try something new here.... Would YOU tolerate someone harassing you every day you go to work or would you file a complaint. Create a system like that in school. If you file a complaint on a student who's a nuisance he'll get some punishment if caught. It might work....


Power out

Some wacky crap today. Power went down in the whole few blocks around here. Truly you don't appreciate electricity's value until it's taken away...

I was hoping to get a backup generator and solar panel set for my apartment up in Niagara back in the day since I didn't want to use much electricity and wanted to go down the solar route and for cases like this where the power company just flips a switch and cuts it all off would make sense.

Well so now I've had to actually go outside and look around and get sun... interesting... whatever...

All this meant was that the project has been delayed. I was working on it, trying to cut stuff in a scene that I forgot to finish working on and zip power went out.. At least I wasn't deep into cutting. If you've ever lost power while struggling on a project and never saved anything for hours and then zap power's gone, you know what I mean.

I still feel a twinge of pain from the time I did an animation for several hours after school then the program froze... I was crushed beyond measure.... so psychologically scarred by that. I honestly don't know how I recovered from that, but I'm a tough sob I guess.

So bone crushingly tired of working on this project at the moment, but I want to get a full rough draft cut of the damn thing done today.... so I'll have to force myself to get into it...

oy, back to the grind stone again....

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Today's menu

Yet another review blasting Solo as mediocre... can't believe I threw 30 bucks at the movie for the fan event down in Manhattan, but I guess I'll check out SOLO then hop on over to see another movie while down there for the opening night showing.... I'd hate to be stuck in a lame showing of the film with a bunch of people as we watch a bad movie. I've been there. Never knew such a thing ever happened but it does, at times movies get released that suck and you buy the ticket, sit down, and have your money you spent tossed in the toilet as you watch. Hollywood doesn't care. If you're wondering what movie I'm talking about it was the exorcist movie that came out years ago. I went to see it on a lazy day before going to work and God was it depressing to see such a failure at filmmaking, nothing about that movie worked and the audience was like wtf towards it.... So yeah I've been there in my day.

I just want those collectible dice, poster, and stuff. And now that I have a job I can afford to toss away 30 bucks. If I get to watch infinity war and Deadpool 2 at some point while down there I'll consider it money well spent... I don't even care if I get a seat though infinity war should have tons of empty spaces. And if some super usher tries to confront me about a ticket, I'll kick his ass. I spent 30 dollars that's 3 tickets, suck my butt.

That's the worst when some nobody theater worker tries to play superman and save the world... go get a real job asshole.

Is my supporting solo with my money hypocritical? I agree, yeah I'm giving money to a movie I despise with a passion... I guess it's more for Ron than anything. My parents took me to Apollo 13 when I was like 11 or whatever and it was truly an incredible ride, probably the best movie going experience I've had beyond the golden era of matrix and Lotr and such... but before all that, seeing apollo was just, it hit me. I wanted to be an astronaut from that point forward. I busted my ass in school so HARD after seeing that movie.... so for you Ron, I'll gladly toss money at it. But yeah otherwise, it'd get a cold hard bootleg from me... You screwed up Kasdan, Kathleen Kennedy and Disney.


You missed the target not only with the wrong directors but the wrong casting... I mean freakin Mark Hamill has acknowledged my existence on twitter not once but twice. He's probably looked at my profile pic and thought WOW that guy's a spitting image of my old pal Billy Dee...

So after Hamill noticed me, I got hope in my ass. Hope that yeah they'd sign me up we'd be good and green for a very very close mirror of the dynamic duo of harrison and Billy...

Oh crap, none of those things happened.... And the joke is that Lando is barely a footnote in the film... who'd have guessed. He's not a large role. I could have been in and out of the movie quick, you'd get a taste of a very good young Lando and you'd think OH MY GOD he's spot on... then enjoy the rest of the movie... Now as I'm watching and reading reviews, some are just basically finding Glover's Lando forgettable and nothing more than a decent impression... f's sake.

Would have been perfectly accurate with me....

I'm struggling with how I'm going to make my time down in Manhattan for the movie not a complete waste of my day... I mean if I show up early get my ticket then catch deadpool or something while I wait for solo it'll be alright... well that's life in the end. You sometimes get screwed...

As for what's on the menu. Lots of work. i want today to count. Already cut down and edited the redcape alley scene...

Now I've mandated to myself that the line is drawn here. I have to finish cutting down the movie shorter tonight. Once that's done.... Just the fx and Sound design are left. Then I can finally be free of it as Solo comes out... Apparently I'll have seen solo before I release my own movie... but whatever....

Friday, May 18, 2018

wow mo gun violence eh...

Sucks to keep hearing of some dude wildin out on high school classes.... High school is a business. It's just another systematic thing to keep young people out of the way until they're legally allowed to be tossed into the grinding gears of the work force. For me that's exactly what it was. My talents and skills were not nurtured. Every teacher was there for the money... Why does this thing still operate when it's obviously been such a failure and a joke. I'll never know. This is but the first of many...

I postulated that because the media loves to jump on the shooter's facebook page and post his photos and nonsense he's been doing to everyone on earth, it's instant immortality and fame and will give future shooters a reason to do it if it means they too will go down in the history books instead of becoming employee #nobody noone at some department store...

and here we are today. The media is giving this asshole exactly what he wanted... Dumbasses....

Maybe they'll wise up some day. Treat these guys as the horrible nothings that they are and you'll see less attention whores in the future, but alas. I'm a fool. Not gonna get those ratings if you don't post his instagram account bullshit... of course...

Keep it up.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

what now...

bought some donuts today if you wanted to know, that's all I got for ya...

Nah, just did a bit of fine tuning on the movie today... so sick of looking at this project beyond measure. I find satisfaction MORE in playing GTA than working on this project.

But it's at least fairly coming along and with just a few more edits to shorten parts it should come in at around 2 hours 30 minutes, then I just find ways to shave minutes off here and there to try to cut it down to 2 hr 20 min. I don't want this damn thing to last forever. You watch, get a chuckle from my dumb crap and move with your damn life...

It will be awesome to watch though. I mean for real, if you're black and are at all like wtf not much going on for black superheros this will get you going. It's FUBU film making which is something I think we as a collective are going to want more...

Look at goddamn SOLO. Look at that.. We have young white guy fights to win movies every single day... It's boring.

I'm no fan of black people much, had too much BS from them, but I do think black people are damn good at art, cinema, etc, and it's a crime not to embrace that stuff...

Was thinking about it. Is everything all about white culture and life style because white people are just better at everything or is the system just built for them so they flourish in it. If blacks actually did get off their asses and go get degrees in film schools and go to studios to make black themed films would they have a chance and be accepted? NO. Bluntly because it won't sell....

The system is rigged heavily not in favor of black prominence or advancement and that's a shame.

A reality, but a shame nonetheless.

Missing out on some gritty reality based stuff imo. I'd be down for like a full on tough balls black themed space movie about maybe Lando or whoever... I mean one of the things that I just rolled my eyes at was how goddamn white the new star wars is. It's like wtf... it's about aliens and crap, everybody's white in them who's the main lead character, what's going on?  OOoooohh wait a a minute oh....

I mean when Lando is STILL the tolken black character it's kinda telling...

God I want to burn SOLO with fire.... I mean has no one seen what happens when you do these kinds of movies. Does anyone like  Dumb and Dumberer?


What else has done this stuff where they try to make a prequel to the original and it just is such crap... I don't even know, but it's never a good idea. If they had done their homework they wouldn't have done it...

Oh well whatever happens happens.... I'll take my time seeing SOLO like, I honestly just want to get the ticket stub. I saw like I said a while back tons of movies in the 2000s that I never saved the stubs for and that's been a massive regret to live with so I'm not gonna fail this time. I'm saving the stubs for these new movies... I mean I can't believe that was just life as usual back then, just hop on the bus go see a movie and go home, that was life for me as a high school guy... now everywhere I go, I'm the black dude around, everybody watch out, it's sad really... sad getting older....

sad getting no pussy and get older, that's what's real sad.

alright gonna plan out what next for the project since time is short... need to first of all get all the flying shots done.... then I'm gonna very vigorously work on the lightning fx knock all that out in max 2 days. Then, I don't even know what's left. Oh yeah, gotta do a ton of sound mixing to get it to  sound proper.... after that, release it to NO BODY. Cuz nobody's gonna care.... sound like fun eh....

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Post of the day....

Solo getting lukewarm reviews... can't figure out whether I'm happy about that or not... One guy I watched was a black reviewer, I don't really trust the hokey dokey white gap clothes wearing college nerd reviewers, the black guy reviewer just another black guy like me struggling in this world, he laid it out honest and straight, the movie's mediocre average ron howard movie...

who saw that coming???

Loving the comments about how Lord and Miller's film would have been the better approach...

If the movie underperforms that will mean Lord and Miller get the last laugh and can feel vindicated in their decision to ignore the memos they were getting from disney during production...

If it does super great, this is a bad sign and means that disney will forge forward with more plain lame star wars movies and just not put effort into taking the franchise to new more interesting heights and play it safe... so yeah either way's not particularly good...

It's like superman returns vs man of steel I guess. I went to see man of steel when it came out and regretted it. If I was smart back when I was following return's production I would have witnessed that far superior movie in cinemas instead of wasting my time on the mediocre man of steel...

Lord and Miller apparently had this thing called "passion and vision" and disney wanted no part of that garbage so they went with the safe workman choice of the average as apple pie Ron Howard and here we sit with this ho hum solo film to take or leave as many reviewers are suggesting... it's not needed, it adds nothing, it's just an expensive fan film.

Do I want it to bomb? Yeah but I'm realistic about it, it's a star wars movie, loads of kids are living their lives today begging mommy and daddy to go see new star wars. You're a damn idiot to think it's gonna fail. But the worst review of it says it's not even fun for kids... holy crap. You mean they actually didn't pander to kids. Considering the robot in the movie says curse words, I'm guessing so. Then there really is a possibility of complete failure here.... mind you, anything ANYTHING with star wars on it will sell regardless....

And it's an "OK" movie... that's what the force awakens was, that's what Last Jedi was altough it's far better than TFA, but yeah "OK" is what disney is aiming for here and it's what we got out of it...

I don't want to pay to see it that's for sure but I think I will. I'll have review thing I'll do for my  youtube page after seeing it. And I'll do the review dressed a Lando Calrissian just to give a final F YOU to them all for ignoring me...

All the reviewers saying Glover nails Lando, must not have actually watched or understood Lando much then. They don't care about Lando, just posers...

I studied Lando's story top to bottom as I did many aspects of star wars... Even know the origin of goddamn Lobot. There's a world of complexity to him... something only a true fan can get... If all you think of Lando is Ladies man and mustache I suppose you got what you wanted... I would have never thought he had MORE facial hair when he was younger then not only permed is hair but got a shave later, wtf, ok...

As for my project, finally going to finish cutting down the forest battle tonight...

Vegas crashed HARD yesterday. Spent hours fixing it. Still a testy thing if it's stable or not... it's hard to do these things  on software you don't trust but moving on eh....

I'll be satisfied with it being over, cuz in my estimations once the forest batttle is cut down, it's only a matter of cutting down the movie here and there by at least 10 minutes to bring it down to the 2 hr 20 min mark and that should be watchable for most people.... I didn't think I was making a 2 hour anything but awww man that's how it came out when I cut it all together...

back to the grind stone...

Monday, May 14, 2018

slow and steady I suppose

Today's post is about my pace. I don't rush with these things. I doubt rushing art in any form is a good idea...Unless of course you are a master, then you rush through practical purpose instead of expedience.

I ask myself why do I bother reading incessant headlines about the childish foolishness of people going on out there.... it's just a waste of my time...

Indeed, indeed. I'm an idiot for caring about what a bunch of dumb people are saying and doing today.

I'm beginning to understand the perspective of the people I've met who prefer to ignore the lower class people beneath them. It gets tiring having to take in the manipulative boring stupid complaints and nonsense that constantly gets tossed about day to day in the media.

It's kindergarten level shit to me. Oh boo hoo, this person was mean to me, this person was racist to me, this person bla bla kanye, donald glover's race baiting...

yeah ok let's be clear. This world f'n hates black people. Can we move on now and live our lives???

Who cares?

Life goes on. I'm a scientist at heart although I do believe in the merits of religion. But you do realize in 5 billion years all of this shit we're going on about will not matter right?

I know it's a long way away and definitely we're going to have changed a bunch by then, but the truth remains, this earth is doomed. Even IF the kkk continues to do its thing and suppress other races, they're on the same damn boat as the rest of us don't you think?

I'm just lost on all the drama people are going on about. You know what I do every day, look at some big flapping tits and not give a damn... that's me. Sorry if I'm not meeting your whatever criteria for what a person is supposed to be, but that's all I think about and all I'm gonna think about till I'm dead and I'm not apologizing for that.

Bla bla bla boo hoo.... You know, I grew up just living with the whole "tough luck kid" attitude when things didn't go my way. Yeah well that's what's missing these days. Shit, I guess it's just becuz we have cameras everywhere and too much info about what's coming out each other's asses that we're an over sensitive bunch of little toddlers crying about everything these days. Thank GOD I did not grow up having everything go my way and I've had to build a tolerance for tough times. Thanks GOD.

I do want comfort. I do want peace in my life, but I'm more than prepared to grit my teeth and take a tough day or whatever since I have always been going through rough and tumble circumstances.

It's a part of life, come on back to reality people....

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Into the depths

It's a curse to get deep with something you're working on, that's for sure. It consumes your every thought, you're honestly married to the project and dare not step too far away from it or it might lose the "juice" as they say.

I've improved it that's the only good thing I can say about what I've done with it. I punched up the action tightened and removed tons of excess nonsense and made it more visceral which is what you got to have with films. It's got to in my mind make an impact and stick out as interesting and different...

It's running smoother now which is enjoyable to see take place... not as disjointed and just meandering which is what you have in the workprint. It's starting to just fly and flow nicely....

Sad to do this much hard work and nobody will care, eh... yeah it is sad... I love it,I worked hard on it, and that's all apparently that will come of it, personal gratification... oh well.

Solo on the horizon. I feel bad watching the actors and Ron having a huge laugh and enjoying things when I mean, wasn't this how they promoted the film with Lord and Miller? It's kinda depressing to see that Disney is so ruthless and just is kinda hoping people forget they existed. You know what would be funny to see Lord and Miller doing interviews for the movie, THAT would be fun to see and I'm sure somebody still likes them at Disney or are they blacklisted from anything to do with the movie?

Ohhhh that sucks man, it's kinda pathetic. I'm just in awe of the lengths they're going to to save the movie's box office, having Ford support it, Lucas etc... holy crap what the hell are they losing their balls for over this thing.. It's said to be a good film... why are they pulling all these publicity stunts to say "look it's got the approval of Lucas and Ford! See!" what the hell?

With how transparent they're being about how they're trying to strip Lord and Miller's names off the movie, I do kinda feel loyal to them and want to spite the film on their behalf... wow, I mean, yunno, better off just letting them finish their movie imo and let the plan play out... Looks like Ron Howard pulled a Ron Howard and made another one of his OK, but nothing great movies.... I personally will probably be bored by the film since I know Howard's strengths and weaknesses having been into his films forever... Lord and Miller wanted to "break rules" and do things new and different and yeah I was all for that.... I know what star wars can be if you stretch it beyond the confines of the OT and go epic scope with it in new ways... so I was so into that. From the clips I've watched. Howard pulled a Ron Howard, and it has 0% style, it's plain jane decently directed stuff....

What else can anyone say... He pulled a Ron Howard....

So I'm gonna get back to this hell hole of a project and finish what I began... but yeah awkward movie Solo will be, awkward circumstances surrounding its inception. I mean I like the actors but they put on the same old smiles and attitude for crap like Terminator Nintendo and I wish I could get my money back for that tragedy.

I don't know. What's there to be excited about with Solo? Is it just your Ron Howard kinda good flick or is it more?????

Thursday, May 10, 2018

coming to terms with Donaldo Crapraisans

I sit here watching clip after clip of Solo. Indeed Disney is no fool. I have to concede it looks like a fun ride, not particularly a good star wars or even one Lucas would have even made, but it will give audiences a fun time, it's not going to fuck around, it's going to destroy the box office, Ron Howard is a genius filmmaker at the end of the day and even on cruise control he'll make something goddamn great, so hats off to him, he looks to have salvaged a turd. Alden is atrocious, his voice sucks. Donald is phoning it in. One clip in particular he's SSOOOOO not trying at all, and it's clear as hell. He knows he's the tolken black like he is in everything and just is lounging through his scenes waiting for his check to clear.

So yeah his performance I've seen so far bothers me. I would have done better than that and people would not even start to think for a second I wasn't billy Dee's clone in the flesh.

A few comments I've seen are so true, Donald isn't even trying to present Lando we know, he's just a cosplayer putting on an act not much more, sad shit to watch... hell, the whole movie looks sad, kinda will end up being a frustrating thing to watch, similar to the prequels I guess. You know how it ends, what's the point of watching it?

I struggle with wanting to care to be honest. After Rogue One screwed my butt hole, what the f am I gonna do with this thing, at least with the Lord and Miller version it would have been a screw ball comedy ala space balls... this will just be ron howard's the Grinch. Oh yeah we all loved that big ass mixed bag of coconuts.

I'm starting to come around though. I'm starting to just accept that I missed the boat, not ever going to play young Lando despite watching ESB as a little KID and saying OMG that guy's ME... oh yeah, I mean makes sense... choose the guy who's just a slight resemblance instead of the exact duplicate, makes sense...

It hurts most of all because Philip Lord and Miller IGNORED my tweets to them about my interest in playing Lando. So obviously that attitude was what got them fired off the movie. Now I hope the best for them, but that was sign number 1 that they were assholes and probably were assholes beyond just ignoring my tweets. So no tears once again for them, and no tears if indeed SOLO crushes the box office and makes them look insignificant to its success...

Been struggling lately with the project. It's just what the hell right now. It's a 3 hours worth of stuff. I've cut massively to it and it's like, the stuff I cut while not completely necessary, I worked so hard on that shit... it pains me to cut it... so it's decided. Gonna do a director's cut and a theatrical cut... DC will be around 3 hours so if you want to see everything, there it'll be. The Theatrical will be cut lean and mean and ruthlessly. I mean key elements and shots that I personally put so much effort into are now gone and have been sacrificed to get it down to around a still too damn long 2 hours and 30 minutes... It's breaking me mentally to try to figure out what else needs to go...

It's wise to get the slim fast cut finished before going in and working on the fx... in fact. That's the plan. Once the slim fast cut is done, do the fx for it then release that one. Then the DC longer version will be released like whenever, I'll not fast track that. I mean whatever with that cut... it's just I'm tired of this project and still have a mountain left to finish it, but yeah I mean something final should come out on SOLO's release.

Yep, gonna be a long 12 damn days of hard work... Then I do the job training crap on like the 22, and 23... If shit still needs to get done, we got a last minute 2 days to struggle to knock it out, then boom, the final cut pro will be out and I'll move on with my life for a few months before tackling the DC...

sigh... so what are YOU doing with your life...

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Delicate dance

That's what this project is... I find myself over doing it, trying to get it perfect, but I must remind myself that I never intended it to be perfect. It's just something I feel compelled to do but never was intended to be top quality...

I suppose I'm now employed. It was a thing I kinda hoped to do and I guess it's going forward. Saw a job posting for bag guys at JFK and jumped on it. It's not a good job but it remarkably pays through the nose... 14 buckaroos an hour for just tossing luggage. I think I struck oil here.... apparently a bunch of ruckus happened while I've been away from the airport stuff and the workers fought for and won a pay increase for all airport staff, minimum wage is now bumped to a decent level that you can hope to survive on... So everybody gets paid good money now even ramp guys... so it's almost like I got in at jet blue considering my new wage increase vs most likely the original crap level it was before. Yeah I mean the crap they make the "luggage monkeys" do is insane, give them a fair wage imo... You're putting your life on the line, towing aircraft that cost millions, in charge of flight stability because of your competence at your job, yet you get screwed on the pay, wow... finally they're wising up about it...

I don't know, this might interfere with my project and I might not be able to dedicate full time to working on it and polishing it, but I will do my best...

It made me feel better anyway, you do feel better when you have income. It just puts your mind at ease...

So I bought a mountain bike for no damn reason now... hmmm.... I still want to build a gas bike, but now that I have a job, I'm gonna be able to get my car repaired and re-insured, and all that stuff, then just drive wherever I want to go from here forward...

I dunno what to do, kinda lost on that. I don't want the car honestly, prefer to sell it off or junk it. Cars in NY honestly make no sense. It's just madness to drive here. When I get the money I'm going to get a suped up top of the line electric moped. Get it licensed registered up all that stuff.... Just zip zip to work, zip zip back home... I might look for an apartment near the airport though. If after like a month of just smooth work and no problems it seems like a good idea, just get a damn apartment, f that... yunno what, I'm never owning an apartment for the rest of my damn life tbh.... I don't like that scheme... You're kinda having no choice but to pay for a glorified hotel room, just screw that. Yunno what I'm going to end up doing in life, van-life....

I'm gonna buy a damn van, build it into my house... always dreamed of doing that. I do indeed envy the people who live their life that way. It's genius. You can travel any time you want, and you don't owe rent to nobody. Only thing is insurance and gas and maintenance, no stupid apartment crap for me... It's infinitely cheaper to live in a van than to struggle to afford an apartment that goes nowhere and you have to deal with neighbors and ridiculous rent cost.

Sadly I have no experience driving a van so this might be something that's beyond me to attempt... But I can see this being something to consider down the line... Buy a nice comfy van, gut it, rebuild the inside of it into a nice comfy motorhome and boom, I'm living life the smart way... I'm not gonna be a rent slave, sorry, no dice...

But yeah, I was struggling with whether to go out and do the job interview today... but I'm happy I did it. I don't have to feel out of the loop in this world anymore, I have money and stuff now, that's awesome. The thing that compelled me after I told myself just stay home, don't go out... I wanted to buy new computer components... then I got off my ass and said ok time to suck it up and deal with the shit filled subway...

Now I'm looking at money...

I got a lot of money, so much money I'm gonna be throwing some away, damn... full time 14 dollars an hour, that's a lot of bread.

How did I end up here? Don't question it... One wonders how bad it's gonna get in the bag room over there. I chose that, f the ramp. Only a sucker would do it. They're gonna kill you with not only the belly of the plane but the rear cargo area, plus all the other stuff that they make you do that's makes the day harder... smarter to just chuck a bag now and then in a bin or ultimately I do think the bag room guys will basically just have to put the bags on the belts after a flight lands... more or less I'll be doing both of that crap most likely...

what the f ever... I just need quick and dirty cash and now I got it...

so about the project.... yeah, gonna have to motor on it. Got training and crap coming up for the job, so I have to actually knock the movie out faster and hopefully get most if not all of it fully finished by the 22... Gonna be murder... Then Solo comes out on 25 and I'll dump it here on the blog and attempt to find a streaming site to put it on...

As for the bike. I mean you should always have a bike in your life time... just for quick little trips. I do indeed want to put an engine on it and have that as an option if like I need to go to the store and get something or want to go long distance to home depot but don't want to bother with the moped or car, whatever..... dunno, need to think deeply on these things. What is it that I'm going to be using for transportation... I'm still got a lot of thinking to do and a lot of work ahead of me.... but at least I got an f'n job now, that's a huge burden off my ass...

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jumping in...

Kinda needed to just get away from the project before the storm takes place. I will be kinda going into hermit mode and just dedicating myself to finishing the movie right up until the release of Solo...

I calculate that it's all gonna be fine, I'll make the date...

weather is so nice now in NY... such a joke living up here all my life has been. Horribly cold, then at the drop of a dime, extremely hot... such a confusing life. I mean the weather tricks you... you think oh what a wonderful place when the weather is good, and then in a flash, freezing cold, you just want to go some place else, then it f's with you again.

Well I'm going to be one of those guys you all see running deliveries down in manhattan in the next few weeks as soon as my bike comes in.... I'd like to build an electric bike, but I don't really have money for it and from experience the thing doesn't last long, didn't get more than maybe 40 minutes of power out of the last bike I had... Good for short trips, not for running deliveries... want to and have been researching building a gas powered bike, mini motor bike... I dare the cops to come at me bro if they see me going on it. I'll give them an ear full about how I'm doing my FUCKING JOB and they can suck my dick. You gotta love cops. They want their bullshit from ebay same as everyone else, but they come and FUCK with you when you're struggling to deliver their goddamn nonsense to their door. I dare them. I'm gonna tell that asshole something. Last time a cop FUCKED with me and I was working for the goddamn gov delivering his goddamn mail... Those idiots. Dare that asshole. Come at me....sorry but I'm tired of dumb cops screwing with poor guys like me trying to make my pennies.... sorry...

I'm not scared to bike down there. I've become an expert at manhattan after driving it for so long... It's a mess but a managable one. I should earn a substantial amount of money and not feel so freakin hobo-ish and lame since I'm still kinda dicking around in life watching porn all day and living with mommy and daddy. I do realize I have to get out and do something to earn money and just try that and see how it goes instead of this stagnant state.

Though I don't feel so sorry about it. I've been living my life going out and running around NY for so long, finally being able to wake up and not do shit has been something I've always wanted to do....

it's been interesting.

For some reason I got 300 odd bucks tossed at me for having delivered newspaper and done so much instashopper runs and stuff. I guess you get tax money back for that... who knew....

So I decided to not stress myself and spend off my cash and get some candy and soda and just chill right now...

Bunch of Donald Glover stuff being shoved in my face on every website I go to. No thanks. I didn't care about him before he got cast as Lando and I don't care about him now... I never liked the guy, then he took the role I was born for so I really don't like him...

It'd be interesting if he gets recast for the sequels if Ron Howard gets to do another one, we'll see eh... One of the most awkward black guy recastings in cinema history, terrance Howard to Don Cheadle... I'll never understand how they can swap a caramel black guy for a dark chocolate black guy and just not bat an eye, that was awkward. But hey anything goes!

I'm busted and confused and lost and don't know what I'm doing in life and what I'm here for or what the hell I'm doing making this movie nobody's gonna watch, I certainly do not know...

I'm aggravated by the swirling constant crybaby whining online... Wait until you're f'n old and losing everything and watching your body deteriorate, then you have something to bitch about.

I've worked with elderly people for a while now, nothing good about that shit, bro... So it does get to me to see all the crybaby politics going on, just shut up.

I'm so tired, and feeling old myself... f'n I think I honestly am starting to actually want my life to be over with.

This confuses me because I still have things I want to do. Get laid, build a time machine, do SOMETHING interesting before I have to go...

But yeah, I'm kinda actually beginning to think, just what's the point of going on, it's not going to get better is it....

I suppose all black people start thinking this way. You stand against a large furious racist world, what the blue shit do you want to stick around for?

Honestly I don't really know, it isn't my world. I can't wake up in the morning and say I want to go buy a boat and sail the seas and catch fish and feel free to do it. Not me...

I guess I'll get back to you if I ever discover a reason...

Friday, May 4, 2018

Thawtz of the moment

I guess I'm in vacation mode. I want to jump on the project and continue to whittle away at it to finish it for Solo's release.... but I'm kinda broken mentally... did a lot of ball busting stuff yesterday to get the computer's GPU running better, plus waiting 5 hours to render things suffering crashes as I worked on scenes, then had to completely redo the entire thing due to Vegas being such ass.

So yeah, broken... not feeling it really...

I want to do some art work for michael Jai White but I'm f'd up and can't get my head on straight enough to get deep into working on something for him, plus what's the point, don't think he'll give a damn even if I do... don't know... Never in a million years expected to be treated like a flick of dust by the guy, didn't see it coming, so yeah I don't feel like bending over backwards to do it if we're being honest...

On to other stuff, new Solo clips and junk coming down the pipe... Everybody all talking star wars today... I think about star wars probably every week, so today's just another day to me...

It looks about as dumb as Rogue One to me. I feel bad for people setting themselves up and hyping themselves to ridiculous levels as if it's going to be this great film. It's become obvious by now that the "a star wars story" films are just like little cute cartoon shorts before the main feature. This will not be a deep meaningful film by any stretch and it originally was never intended to be. they're trying to sell it as a legit star wars film to get the money, but I mean they literally were hoping it'd be as light and silly as the lego movie back when lord and miller were in charge. To see it being sold as this awesome new chapter in star wars is, well it's so what's the word, duplicitous, sorry my brain went there when I wasn't trying to make it go... but you get what I'm saying, just such a sham, completely deceptive marketing.

What do I like about it? Nothing really... It's a story I don't care about and don't really see anything about it worth watching. Smarter marketing would have been to throw us Boba, Jabba, Anything and everything that looks and feels star wars so that you don't feel like it's all just a fan film...

It looks like a fan film. It is a fan film. Why would I pay to go see a fan film?

That's the thing about JJ's trek and why it lost its audience. People caught on real quick that JJ and Co. were just making fan films with massive budgets.... so it kinda lost us as a n audience since it wasn't even attempting to be true legit stuff.

Will Solo do great? I don't give a damn anymore, starting to really just ignore it... I mean I was fooled by the prequels religiously following those movies. For me, it's like, I hope it's good but then I hoped the prequels would be too, and they ended up being a huge fart in our faces.... so what's to expect from this one?

I don't even see Han in the main actor. It's like this crappy little chris pine as captain kirk all over again. We have the real thing to compare it to. And you sucked Chris Pine. Shatner completely dominates as Kirk.... little Alden pants is gonna freakin suck just as bad and well why the f should I care.... he's like a wet sock in the clips, f'n awful as Han and we don't need him.

Look at it this way. Would you want to watch a indy reboot with a new actor as Indy. Wouldn't that be weird???

So yeah Ford's Solo is kinda extremely tough to just slip onto another actor like it's just anybody... doesn't work that way...

As for my thoughts on Glover's Lando. He's playing him wrong, but from the clips I've watched, he's just waiting for his check to clear. He doesn't give a shit... we're gonna get him phoning it in.... nothing more to think about. His character will be background wallpaper anyway...

Oh well... like, whatever....

Thursday, May 3, 2018

posters coming up

probably should save the posters for last since they're not what is going to kill me to do but here's a taste of what I'm working on...

Nobody plays with static's glowing eyes. I'm going to make that a huge part of my poster style...

Workprint finished

Here's a link to a rather large workprint file. Currently rendering a smaller one so i ca potentially just upload it onto the web...!jA5BlB6J!jL3TxU6OjXdhKCYkxDdGlncqo_gyTtrGf86l4ZMOqMo

Need to start work on the posters now, then we'll in time get to work on the final cut...

It's terribly long, need to fix a lot of it to get rid of dead over long parts, fx work of course, but that's how it's gonna work...


New smaller file version, fixed stuff that got f'd up in the big cut...!uBIGFIzD!kTAolPrfBWnts1LZqJfsSOvOybgoun5G-nJYlrs9G0U

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

where I'm at

exausted.... There's just so much shit to shovel in crafting the full work print version. I'm happy to report that it will be watchable. In the sense that it will make sense... not just be random events hodge podged together.

Looking for more Asa Akira material, such a good actress, should have gone into the field instead of butt pounding, but either way she's been incredible to work with...

The movie sadly I must impart is long as hell, by my calculations 3 hours...

This is going to demand me putting the workprint together, then doing some severe cutting to get it down to a sensible run time.

My hope was to max out at 1 and a half hours at least. I've gone twice that long so I may have to just say it's a 2 parter, cut it in sections...

I mean I don't like watching anything that's 3 blooming hours myself, doubt anyone casually browsing the web or whatever would bother watching it if it was that long. The biggest problem is the final battle, and some scenes I put in are extraneous and I can probably shave something by axing them. I do have a training montage in there that is meaningless so of course it'll be the first to go in the brisk cut I'll be doing...

Just tired.... too tired... will definitely release this thing tomorrow and am just kinda relieved that my hopes that what I was doing would be cohesive have kinda come around. It's just missing that underdeveloped element of static having to face boom and frieda not wanting him to, but screw it, not gonna murder myself with this thing....

back to work.