Thursday, May 10, 2018

coming to terms with Donaldo Crapraisans

I sit here watching clip after clip of Solo. Indeed Disney is no fool. I have to concede it looks like a fun ride, not particularly a good star wars or even one Lucas would have even made, but it will give audiences a fun time, it's not going to fuck around, it's going to destroy the box office, Ron Howard is a genius filmmaker at the end of the day and even on cruise control he'll make something goddamn great, so hats off to him, he looks to have salvaged a turd. Alden is atrocious, his voice sucks. Donald is phoning it in. One clip in particular he's SSOOOOO not trying at all, and it's clear as hell. He knows he's the tolken black like he is in everything and just is lounging through his scenes waiting for his check to clear.

So yeah his performance I've seen so far bothers me. I would have done better than that and people would not even start to think for a second I wasn't billy Dee's clone in the flesh.

A few comments I've seen are so true, Donald isn't even trying to present Lando we know, he's just a cosplayer putting on an act not much more, sad shit to watch... hell, the whole movie looks sad, kinda will end up being a frustrating thing to watch, similar to the prequels I guess. You know how it ends, what's the point of watching it?

I struggle with wanting to care to be honest. After Rogue One screwed my butt hole, what the f am I gonna do with this thing, at least with the Lord and Miller version it would have been a screw ball comedy ala space balls... this will just be ron howard's the Grinch. Oh yeah we all loved that big ass mixed bag of coconuts.

I'm starting to come around though. I'm starting to just accept that I missed the boat, not ever going to play young Lando despite watching ESB as a little KID and saying OMG that guy's ME... oh yeah, I mean makes sense... choose the guy who's just a slight resemblance instead of the exact duplicate, makes sense...

It hurts most of all because Philip Lord and Miller IGNORED my tweets to them about my interest in playing Lando. So obviously that attitude was what got them fired off the movie. Now I hope the best for them, but that was sign number 1 that they were assholes and probably were assholes beyond just ignoring my tweets. So no tears once again for them, and no tears if indeed SOLO crushes the box office and makes them look insignificant to its success...

Been struggling lately with the project. It's just what the hell right now. It's a 3 hours worth of stuff. I've cut massively to it and it's like, the stuff I cut while not completely necessary, I worked so hard on that shit... it pains me to cut it... so it's decided. Gonna do a director's cut and a theatrical cut... DC will be around 3 hours so if you want to see everything, there it'll be. The Theatrical will be cut lean and mean and ruthlessly. I mean key elements and shots that I personally put so much effort into are now gone and have been sacrificed to get it down to around a still too damn long 2 hours and 30 minutes... It's breaking me mentally to try to figure out what else needs to go...

It's wise to get the slim fast cut finished before going in and working on the fx... in fact. That's the plan. Once the slim fast cut is done, do the fx for it then release that one. Then the DC longer version will be released like whenever, I'll not fast track that. I mean whatever with that cut... it's just I'm tired of this project and still have a mountain left to finish it, but yeah I mean something final should come out on SOLO's release.

Yep, gonna be a long 12 damn days of hard work... Then I do the job training crap on like the 22, and 23... If shit still needs to get done, we got a last minute 2 days to struggle to knock it out, then boom, the final cut pro will be out and I'll move on with my life for a few months before tackling the DC...

sigh... so what are YOU doing with your life...

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