Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jamie Foxx is the new Spawn

That's that, the torch is passed. I wonder what Jai White feels about it. Truth be told, he himself looks at spawn as something he did 20 years ago and isn't feeling close to it these days so maybe he's not going to even comment on it.

Me personally, don't think of it as an upgrade at all. Foxx doesn't have the vocal skills or physicality to embody Spawn on the same level as Jai...

Wow, this casting is just, I can't see Spawn in Jamie. He was just fail as Electro... This is just obvious stunt casting to me. They want Foxx's fan base to come see the movie more than casting towards accuracy or even giving Jai another shot at it...

If Todd doesn't call Jai up and ask him to cameo, I'll be pissed...

Don't know what to think. I like Jamie, but he's NOT the Al Simmons I envision. Someone like...what's his face Shamarr Moore might have been a better choice, just anyone with muscles and blackness to embody a badass soldier.

He just doesn't give off that feel of being the leader of an army which is what spawn is all about, he's chosen because of his leadership prowess and combat intelligence. Do you get that vibe from Jamie Foxx? Yes I know about Jar Head, but that role wasn't about real deal soldiering, like it was about the opposite *but points to Foxx for having experience playing a soldier...

 Hell, Edris Elba might have been the better choice, that's all he ever plays, Leaders....

damn son... just make the movie good please, Todd....

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