Friday, December 31, 2010

Revenge of the sith: Final thoughts

Some focus has gone back to star wars due to that plinkett fellow's review of revenge of the sith. It's a fitting final nail in the coffin for the franchise. Hopefully the prequels will be nothing more than a misstep in an otherwise golden period in film history that was the original star wars films.

first a little history to set the stage. i am here today because of star wars, as in, I'm on the web etc. Most of these movie sites that are hugely popular and have indeed become full careers for a lot of nerds is a result of the prequels and special editions. I witnessed them grow, way back in the days of dialup as I scavenged daily for any little nuggets of info on tpm. I got through high school because of star wars. literally, it was all I had. On one side was the daily bullshit of highschool, and the other, the beauty and unlimited imagination of star wars.

In that sense I still have a fondness for the prequels, not for the films they are, which is shit, but for the cultural phenomenon they re-ignited. Star wars was nothing to me as a kid but some fantasy looking thing on a cereal box. then when I asked my half sister wtf this star wars shit was, she told me it was great, that luke loses a hand, and stuff that just blew my kid brain. I had to see this so I... well, I got the se for christmas and the rest is history, my life was star wars after that. Funny thing is that I remember seeing empire strikes back on cable some time waaay the fuck back before hearing about star war's legendary status and I thought it was some tv show or something, didn't register that it was a star wars movie, had no idea... but I remember thinking it was really epic and cool, way moreso than it actually is...

And that's how it is kind of again, I'm getting back to not giving a damn about star wars the way I used to as a kid, but I'm too emotionally invested in the franchise to just let it go... just means too much...

well I'm driven to say my piece on revenge too tonight. Lucas just threw up his hands and quit, you can just tell, he didn't care anymore about creating enduring works of art, and just said "fuck it" It happens to artists, as they sell out, lose the passion etc. Or in this case, the force.

The film pretends to be deeper and darker than it ever had a chance of being following the shitty nonsense before it. And sinks to the level of shoving violent and gruesome images down our throats as a 'quick and easy' way of making itself seem dark and adult. There's shocking images, and then there's an image of a character you've gotten to know for so long losing a hand and learning his father's pure evil, something lucas should have known about and most likely did, but just didn't care anymore. It's called subtlety, less is more. Mystery, drama, emotional attachment. This stuff is absent from the new movies because they're too cluttered with bullshit, like a jack of all trades master of none.

Yes you have a shit load of cgi flying around, but I don't care.
I know you have a guy with fifty lightsabers, but I don't care.
Oh indeed, some jackass wants to save his wife from dying, but I don't care, he's an asshole.

And on and on and on...

Maybe I'm too old, I think, maybe if I was 10 I'd love the prequels, yeah... not really. I never liked the feel of tpm compared to the originals. The best parts were the parts that didn't include jar jar in the least, or involve the stupid frog guys. Just maul, the jedi, the war stuff, heaven. Then I watch the originals, and that's prettymuch all they are, jedi, war, and darth vader, so wtfffffffffffffffffff was all the other stuff for?

And it just keeps getting piled on film after film, now we got yoda unnecessarily weilding a blade like he's some rookie who just learned to swing one, then there's the crap with jedi ghosts not really being explained, nor palpatines appearance, or the force itself really. The orignal film didn't just say there was such a thing as magic fairy powers and not tell you what it was, but that's precisely what the prequels want you to do, just roll with whatever the fuck the characters seem to be talking about... I dare say, I'd have been a bit confused by these movies as a kid.

At least star wars was not dumb, in fact it's the reason I liked it in the first place, they were smart movies, almost like watching a complex novel on screen, shit that happened in the first movie paid off in the last movie, things were paralleled, there was SUBTLETY, characters grew and changed, there was order and thought put into them, not like a lot of other movies. The prequels throw all this away and bring star wars down to the level I always believed it was above.

And the joke is, when the fx become outdated on them, there's nothing left to keep you interested. EVERY videogame out these days is just as action packed and shit as the prequels action scenes, and they suffer the same problem though they can get away with it, of not having anything to become emotionally attatched to on screen.

Granted, I'm speaking from the perspective of a grown negro, who KNOWS now more than as a child how movies are made, but still I DARE you to convince me that the craftsmanship of the prequel story even comes anywhere near making as much sense as the one for the original. It simply doesn't. And that's why it fails. Not because of the fx or style before substance, but because the story is stupid.

Just sitting here I can remember the essence of the original characters as they are apart from the actors portraying them, their souls. The only one I recall at all in the preqs is Obi-wan and he wasn't given shit to do really but chill in the first movie, then bitch in the second, and GOD knows what in the third film.

I LOVED waiting for the movies, I HATED the films, And I wish I could get that time I wasted back, but I'll look on the bright side and say I enjoyed dreaming of star wars' beginnings all those years. Too bad really, that they failed.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Big masses of gravititty

I'm just a ramp agent and all, don't know nuttin bout no science, but been watching some documentaries on astronomy and it hit me, really, why does all this shit exist? We got theories about a big bang, like some kind of bomb went off and we're the remains of gazillions of years of some explosion. Bang, like sex, explosion, like a fucking orgasm, right... oh you sneaky science nerds.

Then i think about the word hot. Used often colloquially to denote a female's level of attractiveness. And of course superficially it doesn't make sense, what's a girl's temp have to do with anything sexual. In my mind it's related to life itself. We are dependent on a very HOT ball of gas called the sun, which besides water, is the catalyst for all life on this planet and possibly life anywhere else in the universe. granted they have a source of heat. In that respect, girls too are a source of life for our species. Therefore girls who are sexually attractive are considered hot or in my mind full of energy, aka life itself.

But what other words do we use to describe a female in her peak breeding period. We call them babes, obviously derived from the word babies. Which needs no explanation. Something I've thought of, what's up with calling girls chics. Why are they like birds? Bitches I can understand, because they're a lot like pets. I guess it's the way they look, kind of like birds big rumps and all. And the high pitched voices sound like chirping at times. though I think cows would be more appropriate a comparison.

I propose a more nutritional word be used to describe girls because they're supposed to be a source of food when they start lactating from their nipples. I have this idea of calling them tasty, delicious, yummy, candy, things like that.

Monday, December 27, 2010

things change

Most interesting. I've been looking into it and I may be able to save a lot of money by not buying a new xbox but an old one and just swapping out parts, hopefully the dvd drives are similar enough to pull this off. I don't want to spend too much, especially after experiencing this blizzard and becoming trapped at jfk with no money, no way home. I'm lucky enough at the moment not to have to pay rent as I simply go to work and pay my car insurance. saving what i can here and there. some people are not, what an eye opener, if i didn't have a penny to my name, i'd be eating out of the garbage.

no wonder everyone's clinging to any little job they can with all their might.

laptop seems to be working ok, not perfect, still glitchy from the water that got in it and probably on its last legs as a computer, but i simply don't have the money to burn on a new machine, hopefully this one's system remains stable enough to complete my plans. It afterall has my spanish program on it. Good stuff, and somewhat useful since i do encounter people who don't sqq--0p[[-[qpqqqqqqqqqqqqqoiqpioioqqqoq, see qqqqii its glitching whenver i press o the q kqeyqi key goes nuts.... hmmm... gunna have ta werk ths thng...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Radiator hose

I bought my nieces and nephew an xbox 360, expensive damn thing, but much better in my opinion than a ps3 or wii since it has all the latest gaming capability and hd graphics, and can I believe anyway be hacked without interference from microsoft, lol I don't know, but I can't really support the wii because it's not much more than a fancy game cube. I bought myself an xbox too but I was stupid and didn't check if it had an hdmi port before buying it and of course it doesn't, its an old school xbox, so my only option since there's really no way to convert the a/v signal without a lot of complex fucking crap, I'll just get another xbox. I want to get it to play call of duty and halo and all this great shit that I've been locked out on because I want to keep my ps3 hackable. You'll see. I just got to get the money.

I'll have to take a risk and just blow my next paycheck on a new xbox and netbook computer. Hopefully a cheapy one for maybe 200 square dollars, nothing fancy. I know I'll probably be in about 500 for my next check. So I'll try to save 200 from that and do whatever the hell I want with the rest. I need a new laptop, got the other one wet ya see and since then it's been malfunctioning. So it's done.

Oh and turns out that one little radiator hose bursting can completely disable a car's engine. How stupid, one little thing and it's over, no go for launch. Hell of a thing to pin your trip on. had to replace 2 that burst and leaked water, and it still seems to be damaged though I'm not sure what's wrong now, but the temperature in the engine is stable so whatever...

lotta flights cancelled today at delta, so I'm free blog and so on...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

tron legacy

this movie's going to be the new phantom menace. a movie that will divide fans of tron, purists, and total noobs to the franchise. like phantom it's got parts that are genius stuff and others that make you want to kill the director, mixed bag for sure... but one wonders how it'll be perceived not by grown ass men and women who grew up on tron, but by its target audience, little stupid kids. They will eat it up, claim it to be a masterpiece, and... I'm ok with that.

I notice the completely unnecessary addition of edward dillinger jr. the cliche dialogue, Tron being just some dude in the background prettymuch, the in my opinion miscasting of sam flynn, and lack of interesting side characters but let me tell you something... i loved shit like this as a kid. I honestly can't sit through the original star wars anymore, not that I don't recognize its genius, but it really was all about the first completely naive stupid kid journey, not old fart watching a kids movie that we have too much of now.

It's a debate in itself really, is it ok to overlook a movie's flaws if the movie's able to be enjoyed by children?

I used to watch anything on tv that would be somewhat enjoyable, even shitty sequels to classic movies, just because I loved the characters and wanted to see them do stuff for longer, i'm talkin superman 3, 4, which back then i had no real hangups over, just loved me some supey, then rocky sequels, loved rocky so i didn't care how stupid things got, and on and on and on, movies like these anyway get a break from me. But what about movies that really have no excuses for being bad, had all the time in the world to be given a fine polish, wtf star wars prequels etc. Is it ok for them to come up short and still get a free pass cuz some dumbass kid thought it was the shit.

I think the only way to figure this out is to remember what you didn't like to see in movies and shit as a kid, what didn't keep you interested or entertained... I know i didn't like power rangers turbo, no where near the craftsmanship of the first movie, obviously lower budget and no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't fit it in logically with the first movie. same with the casper sequels, obviously shittier and shittier, home alone 3 rings a bell, saw that one and just said wtf was this shit, though I could sense that some kind of effort was made to make a good film, it was just no where near the brilliance of the original. so there is a standard kids have. and i believe legacy exceeds it mainly due to the clever writing in places and the coolness factor, it's not a bad movie, nor one that will really change the world of cinema.

like i said, phantom menace all over again. people compare it to superman returns but that movie really i think didn't want to be connected to the old movies, it just ended up not knowing what it wanted to be, and it's not like any of the actors came back for it or anything...

The most appropriate comparison is Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, though i feel Legacy is better than that piece of shit by a mile.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


:p cute, and adorable, and all that ridiculous awful bullshit. Lollerama, really I have no interest in having any of them because I think that'd be more like torture than anything to bring a clone of me into this world to suffer longer. But alas they exist continuously, and i know exactly why. Most parents don't have kids to raise them right or give them a good safe life, no no no, they have them for the purpose of having a companion or buddy who will always be around and can't leave really or even hurt them in any way. From the outside in, it looks like one thing, but the reality is not as pretty I tell you. kids are toys for grown men and women to play with and use as a shield against the cruel world we live in. I've observed it too many times as I sat on the subway watching a mother showing off her kid like she or he was a badass new barbie, and it's a status boost too, the people who are in control of society and decide everything are parents.

Now i'm not going to blanket everyone in this statement not like a lot of other people would, i'm not that kind of guy, there are some people who have kids to make their life awesome and cool and who actually care about them, but that's very rare. Sex is too incredibly satisfying and as such we get a bunch of immature dipshits out there who are in charge of kids lives and people like me, who would if given the opportunity do whatever was necessary for their child's wellfare, are beaten down and ridiculed by society who's animal instincts are their primary motivation.

How then is one to navigate such a convoluted mess of conflicting idiologies regarding proper lifestyle choices. Indeed it is a political debate, one which time and again has ended the same, with a blunt, COME NEAR MY FAMILY AND YOU DIE or FUCK ALL FAGS mentality that continues to feed the persistant thought process of those in authority.

I honestly don't know.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I hate black people

No doubt the feeling many niggers out there besides me have. Just something i've thought about today. One of the things i took away from the military was not only their racist views from their kkk club they got up in there, but the self hatred amongst other blacks who in my opinion were granted access to some white ass and therefore betrayed other blacks for the massive social boost that inevitably comes with lighter skin. But my hatred doesn't stem from anything like that, not that i couldn't easily get some white pussy meat, it's seeded in my life experience growing up in mt vernon ny, a wretched hive of niggers and thievery...

I've been through a lot of stupid shit, but that experience takes the prize, 1st place motherfucker, awful school, awful kids, the whole damn thing. I wish it was all gone, destroyed. To continue to this day to put kids through that hell, just ridiculous.

ok, lets get to the real question, WHY black kids, all kids are stupid fucks. Good question...


im back.

Because black kids don't think they are black. I guess it comes down to blind idiocy, but as a black kid growing up, I met some of the most racist black kids EVER. the way they pranced around feeling like the world loves them, and oh im going to be the boss at my job when i grow up such utter lack of vision of what was right in front of them... i mean, I knew at least by the time I was in about 6th grade that the world hated me and that there was a serious difference between the potential for me and the potential for the sweetest nicest and most loveliest white kids i had the complete pleasure of meeting during my brief glances into the white life style... oh man... and i didn't even know about the ridiculous advantages girls would have, but yeah, basically for some reason a lot of black kids think they're the shit. so stupid, like i mean, i've met guys who look like straight out of africa but they bully the fuck of me because I'm not as ruthlessly sadistic as their fucking monkey ass. If you want to know why white guys set up the work world to keep blacks down, THESE ASSFUCKS ARE THE REASON... hell i'd even say these same guys once they realize all women love jackasses, and they get the decent job, just like in boyz n the hood, they go around trying to protect white people from other blacks, which is kind of the way things are here at work, niggers in favoritism with the upper crust don't want to get fired so they act against other niggers... and that's why I can't stand them. They're no loyalty, and i don't need any science bullshit, I just know from experience probably all black kids hate other black kids like they don't want to be part of the same lower class.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Raven 2

I feel her inside me. I can't explain it, just is what it is... like she's alive. I don't get it though... what goes through a father's head when he has a daughter, like does he think she's going to become anything great or just another dumb golddigging slut like the rest of all women. honestly saddens me, thinking about the inevitable outcome. I mean, i watch porn day and night, and I wonder what all these bitches getting slammed in their anuses used to think about their future when they were kids. Girls were always the smartest kids in school, how the hell does it end up backwards like this later in life... nature... i guess. Gotta make those babies.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bosses are Bitches

I've had like 4 bosses so far, supervisors, one a pretty hot asian slut, another in my second job a pretty cool african guy, the other a complete asshole, and now at Delta some jackasses who want to make their deadlines and look good to their own superiors and to hell with me... sigh... what is up with this kind of attitude from people lately, oh we'll whoop your ass if you don't do what we want... I just recently got a taste of their bad attitude, much like in the military, jobs don't care about you, you're just a number, everything is paper work, period.

Alright first of all, I love how most of the guys working in these bagrooms are black and hispanic and the people above them are mostly white, granted we for some reason have a few white dudes sprinkled about on our mostly black dominated bagrooms and ramps, mostly because this is all they have, or they can't get any other kind of job due to some problem, or whatever... but generally the racism is all too obvious.

which makes the fact that my black boss is making threats at me kind of sad and sickening, just how desperate he is to keep his position in society that he's willing to suck the dicks of the white guys above him. Incredible, but not unexpected since that's just the way things are really. Men don't care about other men worth shit. As long as i got my house, and my pussy, fuck you.

I guess this is why we have unions. Like, the reason i'm posting this is because yesterday at work, the dude who's been 'faking' being nice to me, flipped the switch which I knew he would, when he jumped to the conclusion that I was avoiding work, which I wasn't. Another supervisor told me to do the arrivals, which is what I was doing all day. This jackass, scared shitless that he'd have someone breathing down his neck for a lack of work getting done, practically loses it and tries to hammer me, before realizing he was full of shit, and assigning me to a pier. I'm telling you without a union stupidity like this would likely lead to you getting permanent shit on your record you can't fight... i guess, i've honestly lost faith in good winning out...I know you're worried about losing your job asshole, but think before you go looking for someone to blame.

This happened before too at my last job. I work at a fucking airport with ear protection, so it's hard to hear what people say. So when i didn't hear someone tell me to guide my co worker in to the aircraft, which I've never done before and don't really know how to do anyway, they usually do it without a guide even though it's not right, it's not always done, fucker goes nuts when his own superior takes issue with it and he immediately turns on me as the sole reason for anything. Then there's just the general fact that at swissport, you really are nothing to them, just a dog or horse to get work done and if you show signs of not being happy with their constant abuse, they scream and yell and bang the walls like children wanting a new toy, it's the worst.

WOW. anyway, some say get a college edumacation to avoid dealing with retarded asshats with too much power, but it's bullshit. 1. college is just another business that exists to make money. 2. The fuckers telling you to go there just want you to either be kept out of the way or become a better potential employee for them. As a male, you're meat to some big business that needs to hire a body a human resource and put him to work so his little wage can pale in comparison to the profit being made. Honestly, what are you going to do if not sucking on the dicks of the wealthy upper crust? things have been made as such that you don't have a choice. You're just a modern day slave. But they call it a job and you get paid with money rather than well, not getting food and shelter from your overseer.

Monday, December 13, 2010

went to island of adventure

shit was great. i wish i went there years ago when we had the chance, back when I believe my father, sister, and I went to grandma's house in orlando. We went to the old park because, well, it's the orignal, must kick island of adventure's ass, right? NOPE. If you're wondering which park to choose, definitely go to the islands of adventure, you will not be dissappointed. cost 82 bucks, but it was worth every penny and more considering the great attractions and rides, just amazing stuff.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tron rebooted

gotta say although the main character in it reminds me too much of a faggy backstreet boy, the film looks interesting. Finally sat through all of the original Tron, and I gotta say, i like it... yes, kind of convenient that at the same time a supercomputer goes crazy, they also just happen to have a honey i shrunk the tron, whatever, I rolled with it... it was the 80s, time for crazy scifi shit, and the movie's actually quite good. visually the fx still hold up, really excellent excellent craftsmanship and animation, should expect no less from disney back then really. There's depth to the film, a message about the dangers of becoming too dependent on technology to handle everything. Having taken the original journey, I DO want to see what happens next after flynn takes over encom. Apparently he somehow gets sucked back into the game grid again, which is just fucked up honestly. He should know better. we'll see.

and I keep seeing girls all over the place... interesting, to be so close to something you want, but yet so very far. Saw this girl though on the bus, just had this toughness to her, ya know, like she was a warrior at heart, got to me, that did.

bought a piano, gonna learn it since my fingers are big enough now to reach all the keys. I know I can because I taught myself to draw, I know quite a bit of spanish now after studying it for a while, and I'm typing rather effortlessly after having been doing it for years since i learned how way back as a kid.