Monday, August 31, 2015

Pokemon still on...

What the flying fuck, I gotta say. I mean damn, that's a weird shit in the butt. Why is pokemon still going? Am I to start thinking this show will never die?

I'm almost fucking 30 years old and pokemon is still going strong to this day? How did this happen? I mean fuck, it's still all about Ash on his quest to become pokemaster and shit, and he's still a kid apparently. At least Naruto got older as the series progressed, they didn't want to have him some how know the secret to immortality as Ash apparently does...


I'm like just wanting the show to die so bad. This and the simpsons. I mean people die every day, some times really quick, sometimes very slow and horribly yet these cartoons get to keep going. That's outrageous.

I'm not even going to watch it. I'm done with pokemon. It's like trying to get into digimon, which I did as a kid. I mean I gave every fox show a chance. I trusted fox honestly it was my home since childhood, I loved the fox shows more than the wb or abc cartoons but later fox started to suck so I skipped to the wb as their lineup became a hell of a lot better over the years. Right around the time Spiderman TAS started to fall off the rails was when I jumped over the WB as a kid.

What can I say, that's the cartoon world, no loyalty especially when the shows start to suck.

I think it's also a disservice to today's kids. It's almost child abuse to keep pokemon running. What are they going to do try to watch the series from the start and understand 18 seasons worth of bullshit storylines used to sell toys. I can't even fathom it. 18 fucking seasons? How did that happen?

Most cartoons can't even get to 3 seasons yet pokemon has lasted 18? Oh dear jesus christ....

Lost my job now yaaaay....

Over reasons I know are bullshit, but to me, I'm not interested in getting into a hissy fit over baggage handling. The funny thing about going to work there is the amount of pissing and moaning about the job itself from the workers. It's a job they all fucking hate with a passion, yet because this world is ass on toast, they have to get up and do it or no soup for you kinda thing...

I wonder what to do now. I'll probably end up with about 500 bucks in my bank account and that's all she wrote, not the end of the universe.

I'll more or less look for a career in truck driving I think. I'm a hell of a good driver, great instincts for it, and I'd love to travel the country and get to see the whole damn thing and not just watch it on tv, so why the hell not.

If that works out, might just end up driving buses in the city or something. It's a tough job, I mean gotta give bus drivers their due, they've got it tougher than a pilot any day of the week, but nobody respects them...

Will I get the part of Lando in Kasdan's Han Solo movie? Fuck me in the ass, brother, I'd die if I got that part. I'd die, I swear to you... I mean Everybody at work says I look like Lando and if indeed they are going to make this movie, I'm the perfect guy to play him...

Yeah no shit...

I KNOW I'm the perfect person to play him. I don't have a shred of doubt about it. But I'm not an actor and have no connections to the industry. Sadly because of that I'm very very very possibly not going to even be a thought in the head of disney or kasdan in the end and that's truly horrible.

I want to do what I think and believe to be justice and become who I was born to be as fucking gay as that sounded...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

finished the power rangers posters

Gonna have to fix them cuz they kinda suck but whatever. saban, they're all yours, do as yo please with them. I grew up on power rangers in fact, I owe it to that show for making my childhood a fucking blast. Say whatever you want till you're blue, but the fact that that shit came on and kicked ass and made us 90s kids get up and do flips and fucking fight and it was just a fucking blast. Sooo looking forward to the new movie...

To remove all DOUBT

Whether I should play Lando in the Han Solo Anthology movie. Here's me in character as Lando for you Kasdan...

And that's just me in my current fatass state. I will slim down even more and look even better but if you want a guy who looks like Billy Dee, here I am, just hanging out.

I'm one of those white black guys or some shit, don't ask me what the mechanics of it is, but I look like Lando, always have so it's like when I saw Empire I was like, cool that guy looks like me when I was watching it...

edit I'll throw this on top of the pile here didn't know I looked so lando in this one:

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Girl at work...

Damn another emo post but yeah I gotta stop being so emo, that's HARDLY my personality. I'm A LOT like Goku from Dragon ball. I'm into fitness, eating, and jacking off to titties, that's all my personality consists of really...

So I'm crushing on some chick at work like a retard. She's one of those girls who's super girly which is my favorite kind...

And she's got tits for days, nice huge white girl titties.

I wanna fuck the shit out of her ass.

I'm contemplating asking her out cuz yunno, I'm tired of being single, tired of being a virgin, the whole damn thing. I've always intended to get some ass and titties, and fuck it, why not?

It's like, I realize something now that I didn't as a teen. Girls WANT a guy to go after them, and it's like, why the FUCK did it take me this long to understand that. I mean, damn, if I only knew back in high school, I'd have fucked all those girls in class. I wasn't some scrawny shrimp. I'm an athletic guy and rather muscular, I've never been a weedy shrimp so yeah I stood a hell of a chance of boning tons of teenage girl ass back then. Now of course everyone as an adult is EMO about sex and what age is right or wrong. Well, to me, it's simple. If you ain't gay it's okay... I don't give a damn personally. I don't subscribe to the whole uproar over waiting until marriage or "she better be 18." thing. I live in reality. That age shit is garbage and most people know it, but the pedo police are always ready to jump on you so all that shit goes on undercover no doubt...

I never even began to contemplate for even a second that oh just by graduating high school I'd be thrust into a world wind of political bullshit over when a nigga can get some ass. If I only knew I'd be juggled around like a ping pong ball after high school over when I can get laid or with who, or all that shit, I'd have fucked the shit out of every girl on that bus as I sat there looking at their titties. But NO. I thought it was good and honest to stay away from them and study hard and finish school. Now I'm watching porn and making 10.10 an hour. So yeah, if you are wondering if you should get laid or not before going forward in life after high school, uh, HELL YES.

Well gonna finish my power rangers posters. I watched the original power rangers movie religiously as a kid. So this is really my way of saying Thank you to Saban and the original Rangers for making my childhood A LOT less shitty.

Thank you so much.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Progress with power rangers posters

It's a labor of love and I hope Saban is watching. Going to finish the rest at some point, just too tired now...

Here's what I look like. I'm 29 and I wish I could be 15 again but can't. But if Kasdan is wonderiing if I'll be able to pull off looking like a young Lando, YEP... 

If Empire strikes back was made today...

Just thinking about it, but yeah sadly if it was made today the big reveal of Luke being Vader's son would never have been kept secret.

I just got done watching some vid on youtube about Creed and basically it spoiled the whole movie based on a leaked part of the script.

Welcome to the internet age, nothing is sacred, be as much of a dick online as yo want...

Fuck the internet imo. I'm never gonna care about this thing, I grew up watching wishbone and reading books, I still can go back to that life. the net isn't everything to me although I can watch tons of cartoons on it any time I want...

But sadly now I even know what Luke will look like in TFA although that's not much of a mystery. Obviously he's going to basically look like the slimmed down bearded hamill we've seen for months now...

As much as lucasfilm is trying to cover that photo leak up, there's no point really. We all knew he was going to look like that, so what's the point. If they reveal luke will die or some shit like that, then we're onto something big, but a photo of him means nothing...

I fart on the internet. It can suck my dick through a straw, I don't care about it...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lando manip I made

If you're gonna play Lando, do it properly. In front of the millenium Falcon...

Monday, August 17, 2015

help me become lando

This is a post of more or less requesting some professional help with my lando trailer. I have a million ideas but i am not advanced enough with after effects to truly put myself in the star wars universe... the only option I have is to seek your help here... if you are good at 3d modeling shoot me an email... I have plans to insert myself into big star wars cities and shit... its going to be an epic trailer even if disney never calls...

Saturday, August 15, 2015


I know it's the dumbest thing EVER to say to someone like Disney but I'm yunno, sadly a dumbass at times...


You do not have to pay me. It's been a long time, I'm getting older, I've lived a bit yet, and I'm honestly looking at the end of my life and saying, there's nothing left for me to do, nothing, no purpose at all but to play LANDO.

I literally honestly feel lost without potentially getting this role and feeling complete again.

It's weird, but sadly true. If I don't play him, I'm not fulfilling my destiny in this life, simple truth... I'm a movie nut all my life. I fell in love with star wars in 97 with the SE. Ever since then it's been a roller coaster of star wars nutty insanity. I've made a million internet enemies and even got into a fight with the USAF, but NONE OF THAT MATTERS.

Life is about going after what makes you happy, your passions. And this is it... The pursuit of happiness, goddamnit... That's the whole point of this country.

If I play Lando, I've done it, I've finished my life journey and I can truly die in peace as EMO as that sounded...

Please take me into consideration.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Who is Finn?

I'm thinking about this nigga today. Black storm trooper, interesting... I guess he will be an interesting new character. We most certainly haven't explored black people in star wars at all. He'll make things fun no doubt. JJ's looking to make things interesting. The main character of the new star wars trilogy is black, Okay...

One thing that struck me as I watched the trailers is that he looks so artificial like the kid from AI. Could he be a robot?

That'd make this movie ten times more interesting if he's actually an android in human flesh. I don't know, this shit doesn't make much sense. In all honestly why do the main characters in the new star wars movies have to be human? Tradition sake? they were human in the OT because that's all Lucas could afford. Obviously by the time he got a billion dollar bank account by the PT his original intention of having star wars feature non-humans all over the place became a reality.

I have to submit that it'd make things really cool as all hell to have Finn revealed as a cyborg or something some time into the movie...

Maybe not full robot but he's been ripped apart so much in his life he's mostly robotic. That'd really be cool...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

getting started on the power rangers posters I'm making

sketched these while on the toilet. Going to get them fully detailed and colored and professional looking. Saban, I don't care, I'll tell you this right now, guys. Steal my ideas by all means. I want to help you succeed with this movie. I love power rangers....

Here's me looking like Lando as all hell. I swear to GOD, Kasdan, I'll give you WHATEVER YOU WANT if you cast me. I swear!


That's outrageous. Outrageous, out rageous!!!! DO NOT POST A PIC OF MARK HAMILL IN LUKE's costume for TFA. DO NOT!!!

I have it on my computer but I"m not opening it, I"m not going to spoil this, it's been a life time of waiting, I'm not going to ruin this for myself, no way in hell.

FUCK YOU AICN. I thought you were about the fanbase, about the people. Not another spoiler fest like a lot of sites, you suck for doing that, you suck ass....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Look familiar?

Somebody did some young han solo fan art and guess who lando looks like? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Power rangers movie details

Wow, my heart skipped a beat when I read the names of the new power rangers. They're going to base the new movie on the original rangers.


That's awesome. I mean, they deserve it. Most likely we won't be seeing the originals back in the new movie but to honor them by basing the new rangers on them  is perfectly fine.

I mean you got to respect the classic original rangers, you got to.

Haven't drawn power rangers in years since I was a kid, but I'm going to dust off my sketch book and post some movie poster ideas for the movie. By all means if anyone from Saban and the new movie is reading this, stay tuned, I'll be putting up a ton of art work for the new power rangers movie to kinda hopefully get my ideas in there a little... I'm so fucking serious, I wish I was the one directing this movie. I'd make it perfect...

Gonna start dreaming up some things and then I'll be back with my work, so stay tuned....

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Will we get Austin Powers 4?

I keep feeling so nostalgic as I get older, got to say. I'm kissing 30 and all I ever do is try to remember my life as a teen and what I did all day... well one thing I did was see the austin powers films every so often whenever I could. I didn't think much of them, but NOW oh GOD I wish we had 10 of them... What a dismal, depressing shitty world this is, to have Austin Powers to brighten your day? Wonderful I have to say...

I want a 4th one, not even because it's nostalgic, but because I think we need him, we need an icon like Austin again. Why's he gone? Why's that PARTY AND FUCK AND ENJOY YO DAMN LIFE attitude so foreign now? What happened to that shit?

It'd be interesting to see what austin's up to these days to me anyway... I dunno, but the last movie goldmember wasn't all that great. I think there's more story to tell and lord knows Seth Green needs work...

Wow Fantastic Fail...

I actually didn't think this movie would do well, but out right bomb, that's a shock to some degree. I mean it was inevitable. I knew the moment they changed Johnny Storm to a black guy, it was going to fail. You pissed off everyone who enjoyed that character since childhood with that retarded decision. I grew up with white johnny storm, I like a white johnny storm, Turning him black opens up a whole world of bullshit, so that was a bad move to me.

On top of that, we already got burned twice by two shitty fantastic four movies, now it appears this one's barely any better than those so of course it flopped out, of course... What fools. Rebooting for the sake of apologizing for shitty original films is the worst trend I've ever seen from hollywood. They used to be a lot more serious about it, that if they failed, no soup for you, yunno. It was a do or die situation. Now it's ok, if you fail, we'll reboot. WHAT?

I don't know what this means for future super hero movies. We have a lot of cool new supey movies on the horizon now but yeah I believe we've had our fill of these things and are starting to want regular real movies again...

Monday, August 10, 2015

Not white enough... But not truly black...

It's neither here nor there to me, honestly.. even if I was black as shit, I'm an extremely smart guy, I'd be ok, I'd probably get my IT degree and work in that field coding computers or fixing them etc. I'd love to actually go down that road and fucking work on computers like Chris Perillo and Leo Laporte. What happened to those guys... Goddamn they need to start a kickstarter to bring back Tech TV. I know both of them are on youtube and prettymuch just uploading vids every so often, but not the same, casually watching call for help and screensavers back in the day, awesome...

Like I said, I've been around a long time on the web and I've seen Everything that happened to the tech tv network. I saw EVERYTHING. It's truly an epic story that one day they may make a tv-movie about. The decline of tech tv, that'd be a good fucking movie to watch. Nobody really cares but it's truly dramatic how such a perfectly fine channel for tech nuts suddenly fell apart and became a pile of dog shit.

What is my emo ass whining about today. I don't know, never really got out much but I do more as I go to work at the airport and fucking hell is harlem the pits or what. Everyday, all I see is old black guys flopping around like retards for fucks sake...

I am a mulatto, part white, part some other shit. And it is what it is. The thing is, that I don't and have never given a damn about being part white in the least. It's NEVER been a thought in my head, about it being a good thing or a bad thing, but yeah fucking NOT being black is all good in the hood.

I guess that was the idea, lets not make blacks feel too excluded from the white society. But they are. It's all up in my face whenever I go out, nobody gives a shit about black people...

Which makes my situation a complicated one indeed. Here I stand, this guy who's nothing too special, yet I represent to white people everything they know black people want most, to turn white. So yeah, it's a tough existence to accept. Really tough...

They must think I'm the result of some really dumbass black dude raping a white girl or something like that and that must piss them off to no end...

Not quite. I'm born from two blacks who both have some white genetics and therefore I inherited white genes from both of my parents. And furthermore, it's my grandmother who is truly half white, that's where it really comes from. Imagine my grandmother was Mariah Carey and you'll understand what I'm talking about...

Now what's the quality of my personality is the real question. Am I your typical dumb fuck black guy you get all day or am I something more than that...

I'm still trying to figure that out. It's a tough life to live, not knowing who you are really or feeling confident in yourself, it really sucks...

But yeah just from my view, it's a benefit, it's a boost. I mean white guys will tell you, they love being white, it's prettymuch a golden ticket to willy wanka land. And I possess that ticket to some extent. Do I deserve to have the Willy Wonka White guy ticket? Yeah I think so. I'm a good guy, I'm not an asshole. I'm the guy who looks up to heroic figures and wants to do the right thing and make life better for everyone so yeah I think I deserve my slight advantage in life of being racially ambiguous.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Level of Intensity of the Static Shock Trailer...

I will say now that this project is NOT going to be a full film. I don't have the time and honestly don't think anyone would want to watch me play static for a full movie. Hopefully CW is indeed moving forward with their static Shock show staring Jayden. If that happened, it'd be glorious to me. First of all to see static in live action for once, and 2, since I"m a huge smallville fan, it'd be a nice return to form for me. Coming home every thursday to catch Smallville, good times. I wish I could go back to that life, but I can't...

Since this trailer will be so short, I'm going to put everything in it that I can think of. I'll have an epic fight with rubber band man. I'll have static using his powers all kinds of ways. Lots of cool stuff.

One thing I'm working on is my intensity as an actor. I want to show static at his peak of anger and just rage in the trailer like you never really see from him. One thing Phil Lamar never displayed playing static was his anger. Static was always chillin and relaxed which actually is the character. The more I read the books the more he seems like a layed back don't give a fuck guy. Which is different than what I expected. They didn't use that personality in the cartoon because it's a little too emo, they made him more upbeat and badass, but in the comics he's really not all jokes and happiness like the cartoon version, he's pretty darn down and in the dumps most of the issues I'm reading...

I'll do my best with what I can do as an actor. I've watched movies all my life. I know a good performance when I see it so I shouldn't do too badly.

Friday, August 7, 2015

We NEED Indiana Jones 5....

Supposedly they're intending to make this movie, whether it's a reboot or whatever, I don't know. But just thinking about it today. I was better off thinking Last Crusade was the official ending for Indy than the reality which is that it ends with Crystal Skull.

I can't understand this idea of lowering standards just because you're old idea we have going on now. It's not something that makes a lick of sense to me.

If Spielberg has even an ounce of dignity left in him, he'll do one more Indy, one more to get it right because there's nothing going to save Crystal Skull. It's literally unwatchable garbage on film. I'll watch Mummy 1, 2, and 3 ten times back to back all day vs watching one fucking minute of that shitty Indiana Jones movie. I want them to burn it and delete it from the film archives but most likely not. It exists now in the same universe as Batman and Robin and Catwoman or whatever ya think is horrible... star wars prequels definitely comes to mind.

And the worst thing about it is that it was directed by Spielberg himself. I have to call bullshit on that. I don't believe Spielberg directed that, not him. He's too smart to let that movie get out as it is. No, he was off working on Tin Tin and War Horse, while most likely Lucas directed it. I can see that being the case...

Any case, just finish Indy with one big EPIC amazing final film please, I BEG you.

Word is that after the new star wars trilogy. Ford will be playing Indy one last time which isn't unprecedented, I mean Shatner played Kirk for a billion years before he was done with him and supposedly he'll appear in the new star trek at some fucking point...

We'll see. I mean jesus christ, Crystal Skull was in devlopment for goddamn 20+ years and that's what they could figure out making? That giant pile of dog shit?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Going to put together a Lando Calrissian Fan film.

And going to try and get in contact with Disney regarding the Han Solo film they're developing. I don't give a SHIT about what people think about me personally, it is my DESTINY to play Lando in that movie. I've earned it after going through my life as a kid in this butt pumping world we're in...

Supposed to get done by 2018, no doubt they'll probably start shooting it next year.  DO NOT FILM THIS THING WITHOUT ME ON BOARD, GUYS. I'M RIGHT HERE READY TO GO IF YOU NEED ME.

I WILL get in the best shape of my life for this movie.

I'll buy a super duper HD camera and put together my video of me playing a young lando and put it up on my youtube page and hopefully Disney is watching. I KNOW you're all laughing at me, but I'm FUCKING SERIOUS. Why not? Why can't I play Lando?


 Who the hell is John Boyega? Daisy Ridley? Never heard of these people in my life, who the hell? Who else are they going to cast for this shit? Goddamn Tahj Mowry?

Oh shit, I better not give them any ideas. He does "kinda" look like a young lando too... I'll kill him if he gets the part before me...

Reboot THE GAME.

Had this idea today. Grew up in the 90s, loved Reboot when it came on back then. Sadly although they tried for so long to actually get the series going and finish it off properly they never truly did. It kinda fizzled out and I have no idea what the last episodes of the series were about and I don't even know what the fate is for all the characters.

But I was thinking it'd be awesome if they actually brought Reboot back, as a massive online multiplayer game this time.

I mean that show was truly ahead of its time really. It was about what we're doing today, living in an online world, having wars, games, romance, adventures. All that shit I was just watching on reboot is actually REAL today...

why not capitalize on that. It'd be a hoot to play in reboot land and whenever somebody inserts a "game" we run to the cube and get sucked into a new adventure.

I'd buy it...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Will star wars force awakens be good?

All I'm really thinking about these days.

I'm sure they have the best people working on it, absolutely but look at Tron Legacy. This  movie seems like it'll end up just as good as that movie. Cookie cut out, nobody as the "new hearthrob cast" and then the only person in the movie worth shit was the original movie actor.

I don't want to admit it but I think the new cast is going to flake out and suck in force awakens. The only cast members who'll be worth shit are the originals. Hamill of course is going to steal the movie completely when he returns as Luke.

And he should. He's earned it. I LOVE Mark Hamill.

I wish we could have select people live forever, he deserves it. What a great human being from the ground up.

I can't wait to see Force Awakens.

I mean, it's been a long time coming. I'm 29 now. When I was 12, I saw Phantom Menace, can you believe that??? I saw that shit waaaaaaaaaaay back then. Now I'm going to relive that experience but this time with a fucking much better more quality star wars film.

I mean, damn life is good. TOO GOOD.

What do I hope for with the movie? I mean it has to be better than any of thsese other films. It HAS TO BE. I don't want it to be like, oh yeah it's a fun movie, and we all move on and find better films. It has to be the best movie of 2015 without a doubt.

But even if it doesn't manage that, the only thing it truly needs to be is better than Lucas' prequels. They're shit. I'm not even going to try to make sense of the prequels anymore. It's like trying to make sense of superman 3. Sometimes movies just outright suck.

I like JJ's candidness. He's legitimately saying, FUCK THE PREQUELS with practically every video he releases.

And that's the way these new movies should be handled.

I mean let's break it down why the new star wars movie should ignore the prequels and not just blindly state it so matter of factly.

The prequels don't have the same spirit as the originals. The OT was actually very light and fun spirit throughout. All of that is drained away in the PT for no reason I can discern. You'd think, oh, it's a star wars movie, it's going to have jokes flying left and right a mile a minute. NOPE. Everybody is brooding and having a tough day in the PT. How the fuck did that happen?

Too much FX. I don't get it. In Phantom Lucas was trying to preserve some connection to the OT but by Rots, he said fuck that shit and decided to make this ridiculous bullshity star wars fx show, not a movie.

If for 5 minutes JJ just has the movie breathe and be about the story and not the fucking fx, it already wins over the prequels. Say what you want but the OT definitely benefited from not having the budget and stuff to have a billion cgi bullshits wizing across the screen.

Story does not link with the OT. Yoda did not hang out with Chewie, for fucks sake. Anakin did not build 3Po. There's not one mention of quigon in the OT or midichlorians. I mean fuck... Obiwan sees padme give birth to twins yet is ignorant of Leia existing by ESB.

I mean there's A LOT more that lucas either missed or fucked up when creating the Prequels. I would have never thought he'd be so retarded when molding them, never thought but I guess star wars was never great only because of Lucas. It was great because Lucas collaborated with people who were smarter than him ultimately.