Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Reboot THE GAME.

Had this idea today. Grew up in the 90s, loved Reboot when it came on back then. Sadly although they tried for so long to actually get the series going and finish it off properly they never truly did. It kinda fizzled out and I have no idea what the last episodes of the series were about and I don't even know what the fate is for all the characters.

But I was thinking it'd be awesome if they actually brought Reboot back, as a massive online multiplayer game this time.

I mean that show was truly ahead of its time really. It was about what we're doing today, living in an online world, having wars, games, romance, adventures. All that shit I was just watching on reboot is actually REAL today...

why not capitalize on that. It'd be a hoot to play in reboot land and whenever somebody inserts a "game" we run to the cube and get sucked into a new adventure.

I'd buy it...

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