Thursday, July 31, 2014

So getting another fucking job.

Well atleast I'll try. Not a fan of working. Kinda almost prefer school to work, but ultimately I'd rather work than go to school and deal with some retarded kids on a daily basis.

So I'm just going go get my job back at swissport now. They hire people then maybe somebody dies, or some shit happens and ultimately that person leaves. You get paid pennies and do massive amount of work at that company. It's horrible. But I made my pocket change there anyway...

I hope to get back into the TSA and just hang in there forever if possible. Getting tired of not being able to buy what I want, fucking lame, just having no money, gotta say. Yunno I'm not a little hightschool fucker anymore. I'm a 28 year old fucker and just got no money, no prospects, and of course it's not a world designed for the advancement and wellfare of blacks. This is a white society and ultimately white world where whites no matter how fucking gay they are, can walk all over everyone.

You'll see. I won't have no more time to post to this blog since I'll be busy at work. So I guess this will be my last posting. I'm done with this crap. Gotta go get a fucking job again now.... like a normal person...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ugh black people

I gotta end this fucking blog. It's just stupid to continue it. Who the flying fuck cares what some 90s kid thinks about anything. Certainly the people who run stormfront aren't interested in what I have to say.

On that note,  have to say something about the current state of black people. I kinda am waking up to the way the white man's world works. In that, basically they don't want blacks in their community, or generally in their city, or what have you and I defintely understand why now... I'm just hanging out at the basketball court and, like fucking in no time a bunch of douche bag black kids start contemplating beating me up.

And I'm thinking wtf did I do? I don't even know, and they're kinda actually serious too like they'll go down that road and just fucking whoop my ass real quick. No wonder white people pretty-much don't give a damn about blacks. No fucking wonder. And I don't blame them. This has been something I've been aware of all my life, you can just not go a day with a group of black kids without them going bonkers and trying to act retarded.

If I was fucking blonde blue eyed and muscular, they wouldn't even begin thinking of starting shit with me. But because I'm black, they feel like they have that freedom to start intimidating me and crap. Wow, no fucking wonder the military fucking just exists to protect white communities from black people. No wonder.

And no wonder you generally will not find blacks in high level jobs and living in big mansions or in nice houses because fucking no way do whites want to go their mail box and have a black guy all up in their face in the morning.

The reason I went to the basketball court tonight was to find that hot girl I saw there yesterday. Lucky for me they were having a basketball game for the kids to play. And everybody from the projects was hanging out there and watching the game. So I actually found that hot girl from before, and plenty more titties all over the place. Gotta say life has it downside, but the fact that there's plenty of titty meat all over the goddamn place isn't a bad thing. One girl there was just letting the fucking bags hangout man, all damn night. She was fucking goregous. Half white, half black, all HOT. Lottta fucking mulattos girls in my neighborhood. They're fucking gorgeous I gotta say. Mulatto women are the best women EVER. 100% black, NAAHHH.... Got white, WWOOOOO YEAAAHH!!! I mean you had to see this chick. She was goddamn like an angel sent from heaven or some shit. Thats the perfect mix, I gotta say. When a girl is right in the middle. Not too black. Not too white. oh my god in heaven. wow.

I mean titties is ALLLL GOOD to me. I'm not saying a fucking in shape big tittied 100% black chick isn't my cup of tea. Not at all...  I mean shit, when you see a female with a body like she ready to just ride 100 dicks, it's like that's all that matters. when a girl's out of shape and shit, that's when you don't want it.

So besides some fucking retard black kid trying to be a tough ass in front of his friends, the night was good, I basically kinda am getting more used to being around girls these days. I haven't really gotten to that point of really having a lot of experience with females. Sucks because you don't know what they want, and you don't know how to go about starting to talk to them and basically more than just blurtting out "I like your big titties"

I'd hope that I'd get to the point where I'm riding some ass. That's not too much to ask for in one's life. I think all the shit I've been through and the awkward highschool and college experiences I've had, granted me one little night of fucking real deal sex with a girl? Right?

I mean what the hell am I supposed to do from this point forward in life? just sit around waiting to die?

I dunno. There's too much drama between us males and females. The smart guys are the ones who are just yunno finding girls who are just regular people and not fucking femnazi bitches. And yeah, one girl at the court I could imagine fucking in the ass and she'd eat my dick after words. She was a cool little bitch. Because she's not fucking a perfect 10. She's kinda dorky and lanky and normal looking. But still pretty fucking hot none the less. If I had it my way I'd have definitely gotten with that ho. But I'm not going to try to weasel my way into these guy's life. I'm not part of their community. It's weird. Its a public basketball court, yet they act like it's their own fucking club and act like only them and their group of friend belong there. But it's a public court for everyone. So yeah it's weird to be kind single out for not belonging to the club, when I grew up hanging out at that court all my life, so there's no one who really should be there but someone like me. 

But that's blacks. Acting a fool and proud of it. There's no real like actual silver lining for being black or living black and with other blacks. You will have a complicated life full of the general idiocy that is rampant within black culture. ya see, whites value intelligence class and fucking civility, blacks do not. I'm not saying blacks are just incapable of civility, not in the least, but yeah there's no value applied to acting like normal regular civilized people. It's more expected that blacks act like hood thugs etc. Whenever a black kid is urkeling it up, it's like WOW where'd this guy come from, a nerdy one?

This world is a trip bro. I mean it's just you got a girl with big titties and ass right the fuck there in front of you and you're making a big complicated hoopla about that. It's simple, take out your dick and put it in her mouth. Forget the politics.

Yunno. One thing that's interesting about my life now is that I see a girl who's just really cute and young and ripe and ready to get pregnant and all that, and I do indeed intend to pounce on her and pump her up with my dick.

Is that wrong? Is that NOT what I'm supposed to want to do. To whip out my dick and slide it down a girl's throat?

It's hard to live in the REAL world, which is basically a crazier version of kindergarten. Now you're dealing with kids who have hard dicks and girls who are just like you see in porn peacocking, which is basically millions of years of animal instinct which makes females basically put on a show, shake their booty, and try to get a male's attention.

Women, wow. what a stupid bunch of fucks they are. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Power Rangers still popular?

Just watched interview with Jason David Frank on his potential role in the new power rangers movie. He was very honest about his involvement with power rangers over the years, stating that he was only brought back in the dino thunder series to boost ratings. I'm surprised he was like totally honest about why he was put in the show. No shit. When I noticed they brought back the green ranger, I was like "duh" they want people to actually give a shit about power rangers again.

He goes on to say that the new generation of kids don't really even remember or care about the old school rangers since they're into the new crop (or crap imo)

Maybe that's true. I spoke to a kid at Toys R us and he's going APE SHIT for a power rangers toy for the new generation of power rangers. I wanted to kill him. Not for real in case some one wants to take me literally, but I never understood how people could like any of the new crop of rangers they kept tossing at us back in the old days. But hey, he's a little stupid fanboy. He'll like ANYTHING.

So is power rangers still popular? Yes but no where near as big as it used to be. Lol, life seems to not have moved an inch. Back in my childhood, it was power rangers going toe to toe with TMNT and to some extent ghostbusters. those were the titans of kids tv, let me tell you. I was there, I saw EVERYTHING they put on fox kids, wb kids, abc kids whatever kids block of cartoons I was just so like completely mesmerized by them and it's just part of my DNA to be a cartoon nut.

My childhood completely RAPES today's little kid's childhood it's not even funny. I wish they had the life I lived as a kid. I don't know who those people were who are making badass shows in the 90s, but GODDAMN, they were on crack or some shit. Now we got fucking gay versions of transformers, tmnt, and spiderman on tv. Fuck that shit. Just watch all the old cartoons on youtube if you're smart.

Power Rangers still kickin it? It's kinda sad for me personally. I was what 11 years old, in the living room and just repeatedly watching my power rangers movie VHS I got from blockbuster. REPEATEDLY. I LOVED THE FUCK OUT OF THAT MOVIE. To have power rangers be taken seriously as a big budget film was the most AWESOME thing in my life.

I will go to my grave having nothing but love for the people who decided to make the power rangers movie. And I still watch it today. Now we're getting a new BIG FUCKING BUDGET power rangerts movie. MY life is complete now!!! New star wars, new pwoer rangers, new ninja turtles. FUCK YES. This is what I believe in, making cool awesome amazing movies. And if they make GB3 my balls will burst so fucking hard. That's like the last thing they could potentially make that would murder my little ass.

But now that Egon's dead, not very likely... Would be badass though. Would be truly badasss. Honestly I may very well script and put together a GB3 all by myself considering we have truly limitless resources to draw from like episodes of RGB and of course EGB.

 But Yeah, I don't believe power rangers is on the same level it used to be, no way. I don't. You had to be there when it was in its prime, I mean fucking every episode was like a truel masterpiece in power rangers silly over the top style. It was perfectly ludicrous I should say. I don't think anything they bring in the new power rangers show will compare to the fucking ballsy shit that went on in the original power rangers show. they made that show from whatever kind of crazy mentality they were on back then and there was no internet. They had to put everything into the show because people had no choice but to see it as it aired. Not like today. where prettymuch everyone youtubes everything.

And the fact that the actors could actually do all the shit that the power rangers were capable of doing was amazing. I tried watching the new power rangers shows and they cast fucking actors. People trained to perform on stage like Shakespeare. Not fighters, not warriors. And that makes it hard to believe in the fight scenes. You watch it and you clearly see it's fucking stunt double doing all the work. But one of the most amazing things to behold fro me as a kid, and you may think it's no big deal, who's going to care, but it HUGE to me to see the actual actor flipping and doing the stunts. To see them actually for once in my life seeing the actors doing all the stunts and flips was truly HUGE. It's silly to think back on it to get excited by seeing the character not suddenly cut away to a stundt double but you got to realize every movie that ever came out used stunt doubles religiously so it was HUGE to finally see the actor do a flip and land and it's not cutting or quick edititing tricks. It's actually the person. And no power rangers after the original has had the serious real martial artists doing to stunts. It cuts away and we see a stunt double do all the work and then we get back to the actor. That's I think Disney's fault. Saban intended to do things old school now and get actual gymnasts and martial artists to play the rangers completely and dedicate their entire soul to the role. Which makes power rangers greater than any other kind of series like it. Every actor in it can fucking do a back flip and kick somebody's ass. Which is very serious shit. They could ultimately fuck themselves up and lose their job real quick which is why disney logically had the actors cut away to stunt doubles because if they're in a middle of a summer sault and break their neck, SHOW'S OVER.

But the origianl power rangers had balls of steel man. Watch the old fucking show really watch it and see JDF fucking do a back flip in teh midddle of an episode. I recall countless times the pink rangers and blue ranger did fucking flips all over the goddamn place and when you realize how fucking insane it is that they were doing those kind of things with a contract to appear in more episodes, it makes it seem like they were just fucking crazy but that was the 90s all around it was just a ballsy time. Really, as well trained and good at gymnastics as the actors were, ANYTHING could happen and they'd fuck themselves up, break something, and would be out of the show, yet time and again the actual actors are doing all the fucking stunts and that's what makes power rangers truly stand out as a great show because they really put EVERYTHING into the characters even going as far as doing all their own fucking stunts.

 Just saying... despite the fact that david yost announces to everybody that he like cock. He was truly badass ranger, the best one imo. Smart and could do all kinds of shit physically. Sure eventually the white ranger became the top guy, but yunno, I personally was all about fucking Billy, man... I just liked the fact that he was a super nerd whereas Jason was always like a big brute force kinda guy, and tommy was just stupid imo. I know that sound like I hated him, but far from it. I really have nothing against tommy but when it comes to who's smarter, it's billy by a fucking lightyear. Tommy always looked like he was just ready to fuck the shit out of kimberly 24/7. Even as a kid I knew JDF was always hard for the pink ranger. They probably did fuck now that I think about it. Yeah no doubt he boned that girl her ass or mouth or some shit at some point. i would.

So yeah to answer the question. Is power rangers still popular? We'll see. I'm going to be there when the movie comes out and I'm going gauge whether it makes any money. Truly if JDF is in the movie doing something at all. It WILL definitely make some bank. Otherwise, I don't think it's going to make nothing. Simply because my generation of kids is getting old. We're done with kids toys, time to get pussy time start a family, make money. Not going to become shitty fanboys and girls again for star wars and power rangers. Like I'm 28 now. I'm still a virgin. That's wrong, should be fucking every bitch on the street, instead of looking forward to power rangers.

Certainly hope to get to that point instead of being interested in these big movies. But considering Pacific Rim was basically a big power rangers rip off and that movie made a goddamn bucket of money and fucking transformers still makes billions despite being big piles of garbage, mabye ther's hope for Power Rangers. Cuz that's wht it's going to be a big fucking smash up of transformers and pacific  Rim. And that's most likely what Saban is going to be making, a big fucking real deal power rangers in the style of pacific rim, spare no expense and if indeed the original cast returns as mentors to a new group of rangers, THEY WILL FUCKING OWN THE BOX OFFICE.

Now of course one has to take into consideration the fact that the rangers are done being rangers. JDF is the only one hanging around still holding on to his glory as a ranger, meanwhile nobody else really holds onto it as strongly because it wasn't that huge. It came it went and it's not on the same level as like star wars or something really huge like that. It was power rangers and it's big to people like me but not to people who are into much grander works of art. Yunno, it's nerd stuff. And sadly we're in a different time now. The popularity of the original rangers is starting to fade tremendously especially because my generation of kids is now fucking nearing 30.

LOL LOL LOL, this is quit a gamble for saban. They will push forward and make this movie there's no doubt but the question is, what kind of movie will it be and who's the audience. Do they care if a 29 year old power rangers fanboy abandons his quest to stick his dick in a female and go see power rangers? Or are they more into catching the kids today who are watching the new power rangers on Nickelodeon and of course the ones watching power rangers on the internet?

Goddamn, I just hope this movie will feature some of the old cast coming back for some kind of I don't know little cameo. It's fascination all the recent interviews and appearances by the power rangers actors over the years seems to have been some kind of sign that they're working on making a big power rangers revival. IF indeed this movie has EVERYBODY come back to play their old character again in a FUCKING HUGE expensive film it will really be a great movie. Otherwise, this will basically be Pacific Rim 2. Which isn't bad but imagine if JDF was the big black dude in pacific rim. Never touched a giant robot never got into the action but he was like a serious old school Colole in the military, been there done that, nothing surprises him. And he's not the main character but he's like in the background and always angry and saying "back in my day as a ranger, we ate nails" that would kick so much ass...


Saturday, July 26, 2014

oh kay. Serendipity

What is Serendipity. It's a occurance that seems born from luck or some kind of fortunate situation.

Seems to me that I'm experinceing this at this time. My scooter was like totally not working for a bit and I was all fucking bumbed out about it. But now I figured out how to turn it on and get it going. So now I'm like super happy that this shit is back in good working order. I was losing my mind man, thinking about buying a new scooter and shit. But now it's good. It just needs better oil and some new piston rings and I'll be back in business. This scooter is monumentally useful in getting around. And it only weights fucking 30 pounds. So I can bring it with me anywhere I go. And ultiametly helps me get to work one day. Just hopefully all these parts I'm buying from ebay will make it run smoothly again.

I mean, like getting to work at TSA LGA once I get back into the job I'll just take the train, hop off at the harlem stop, then just fucking scoot down to LGA instead of taking the bus. It's just like you have a backup plan in case the bus doesn't work out for you. And often it doesn't.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Still making pokemon

got to talk about this. For anyone who's around my age now 28 really. You probably grew up watching pokemon every morning when it aired on WB11, back in the good ol days. Fucking every morning, beast wars and an episode of pokemon. Every morning. And that was my life. I always looked forward to watching fucking beast wars and pokemon back to back before having to go to school.

Here I sit in my room hanging around, and fucking, Ash Ketchem is still on a quest to become pokemon master!!! TODAY. I got to say that is absolutely amazing. That a show I kinda got fucking tired of as a teenager, is still fucking plowing forward as I reach fucking 30 years old.

That is fucking monumental that not only is pokemon still selling like fucking crack on the nintendo ds 3d with bacon or whatever it is now, but it's fucking still on the air on cartoon network or some shit. I'm feeling like fucking just going to the pokemon studio and killing everyone in there and blowing them off the planet because it's just not possible. I'm getting to start thinking that i'll reach goddamn 50 and Ash will still be struggling to become a pokemon master.

Let the son of a bitch actually become a master and kill this fucking show. Please OH MY GOD. I'm serious. They ended Dragonball primarely because there was nothing left. I lOVED dragonball when I saw it back in it prime on fucking Toonami. It was the most amazing time to be alive to be coming home from school and checking out toonami was the shit. And for me it was great because as a kid me and my buddy were totally all about dbz and fucking were dying to see how the story unfolded. If were in today's internet era, goddamn what would we have been able to do, prettymuch watch the wholel fucking series without having to wait for toonami to air them. But we were in prehistoric times and of course had to watch cartoons the old fashioned way, one day at a time, one episode at a time not like today. Honest to god I can go and watch EVERY fucking episode of naruto up to its current episodes, just by going to jusdubs, boom. every episode at my finger tips. what a world we live in now.... could never do that in the past. I had to go to a store like suncoast or dragons den and buy a copy of the dvd, now it's just a click away. I can see all kinds of hot naked anime girls without waiting for shit. It's a glorious life to live.

It really is. Thankfully girls are bending over night and day and putting their booty meat out for all of us to enjoy to make the day easier. thank the maker.

thats nice of them.

I'm just floored by this really. i was thinking pokemon died quite a while back, but here it is, new episodes being made, same shit going on. Fucking ash trying to be the best pokemon dude alive with his pikachu, and fucking team rocket and meowth trying to thwart his efforts. WHY the fuck is this show still on. By all means, if little stupid kids like the shit, I don't care. But they have to told that this show has been on since I was a fucking kid.

It really became huge in 1999, when I was 12. I'm 28 now.. It's been 16 fucking years. They've yet to make a live action pokemon movie.

One thing I was thinking about today was what movies they should be making instead of a second Hitman movie. New news on Aicn about hitman being made into a new movie. WHY?

Where's the shenmue movie? Where's metal gear? Where's fucking Halo? Where's goddamn Soni the hedgehog? Where's actual good movies based on long lasting classice franchise like donkey Kong? WTF Hitman? I guess that game was popular to somebody? Not me, not my group of friends back in the day. We were into metal gear, dbz, pokemon, mario, street fighter. Now of course thankfully a group of guys are making or have finished making street fighter movie and supposedly a new mortal kombat movie is on the horizon.

Looking forward to that. But yeah it's just weird that they're making Hitman instead maybe actually something popular. Hell I'll role with a crazy taxi movie if they ever go down that road. How bout a fucking game accurate resident evil to appologize for thes terrible movies we keep getting based on shit that nobody ever saw in any of the games. when I played resident evil on ps1 as a kid, it scared the shit out of my ass hole. It was just wow, Never in my life been scared by a videogame, but it brought to fear man.... Playing that game was tough because it was crazy to try to creep along through a level and watch out for zombies.

Pokemon goddamn. I remember the good ol days. Collecting fucking pokemon cards and shit. Hearing the pokemon rap every morning. Shit, that was awesome the pokerap. Some clever shits making pokemon back then, to come up with the pokerap and shit. Lord knows why pokemon is still chugging along. Yanno what'd be cool, if they just fucking kill Ash. I wouldn't be against that. I'm too old now. Not even one bit attached to the show or characters anymore. So if they get rid of him, GODAMN GOOD. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thoughts on Who's in charge...

Got to say, ugh, life is a complex bitch. I mean, it's just like, tough, to live especially when you don't know what to do with your life anymore. Certainly I want to fuck a girl hard and deep in her ass or mouth, or pussy. And that's what I think I goddamn deserve for waiting forever like I've been doing. Life is going on man. War, death, kids living their childhood, life is going on. Yet I sit here in my room looking at porn and checking out all the wonderful girls from my generation eating fucking 50 dicks with their assholes. Where the hell can I meet those girls. I meet the nerdy bitchy girls who want to prove their feminist views to you all day. But I'd more want to meet the bitches who are ready to eat some cock and shut the fuck up.

I can't even work my jobs without being hindered by this shit. I mean I go to work at TSA back in the old days and it was good because me the guys would just basically pretend to work and then be always checking out all the hot fucking girls traveling through the airport. So it was good and I fit right in at the TSA. I'm trying to get back in, because I belong in there honestly. I fit in there so fucking well to just not be in that job anymore feels horrible to me, because I was at home. I was surrounded by planes and aircraft, which I'm born to be apart of, literally I was inside my fathe'r's balls as he went and worked on a jet fighter that was about to go blow up some fucking 3rd world country for old white men.

So yeah it's tough as hell to be away from planes for me personally.  I mean goddamn it's hilarious really. As a kid i lost my mind whentever I saw a plane in the sky or on the ground. Then as a 20something I been working at the airport and learned the hard way that all the guys working on the baggage side of aircraft get shafted horribly and get paid nothing for doing shitload of work. Nevertheless it was nice to be amongst aircraft and planes and shit. But to go to work on a plane sas fantastic as it is, it's ultimately stressful as hell considering you're being abused like a damn slave.

Welcome to the white man's world. A place I never saw coming. Basically yeah, you will have a tough time getting to a sweet job where you won't be feeling like shit at work. I figured finish high school, get a decent job working a decent wage. Instead I've been getting goddamn jobs for complete retards. You mean I studied and passed all those exams just to get a job fucking lifting luggage. You mean to tell me I know the word avarice, melancholy, etc, high school vocab tests, just so I can fucking load bags. Not saying I'm a super genius, not in the least, but I would have suspected that if you worked and got the grades you'd actually ascend to a decent fucking level in the work world, not manual labor.

And now I'm being told nobody gives a damn if a black dude gets ass anyway. And it's interesting, never really thought about it, what would the world think about a black guy trying to get laid. Well surprise surprise, the world thinks it's a joke. Black guy can't get laid? GOOD. That's not a problem.

Never really thought about the way the world really works. I was just basically going to blockbuster or the movies all the time to get videogames and movies and never thought about how there's a group of white guys out there who are running the ship. Never thought about it. But yeah, it's like, this thing isn't designed by or for blacks in the end.

So what can you do from that perspective. As a black guy surrounded by everybody else who's got lucky and wasn't born black. LOL. Sad thing about life is its unfairness. It's just like, it'll never be a black man's world because life isn't fair game. It's just a very cruel thing life in the end. Nobody asked to be born the way they are, but they get born that way nonetheless and nothing nobody can do about it. So of course it'll always be a world where very very smart white men are in control of everything.

 Gay too. I gotta say, it's hard to believe White supremacy anymore. Yunno. I have a HARD time believeing in and feeling scared shitless of white people these days. certainly they're still a beautiful race of people, cool, smart, all that shit... but the fact that goddamn so many of them are fucking each other in the ass, kinda makes me not feel like white people are these inhuman GODS. But hey they refuse to let go of that notion. REFUSE.

We'll see, I mean. If they're the immortal gods among us, why the fuck are some of them sucking each other's nut sacks like that... THAT I'd like to know...

Me, yeah, say what you want about my intentions to fuck the shit out of a female and see my semen dripping out of her ass hole.... BUT AT LEAST I WANT TO DO THAT. At least I'm not looking at a guy and dreaming of licking his nipples. Yeah maybe the damn kids I might or might not have will not like me or whatever, but yunno, it's not like I'm thinking about fucking a MAN.

Just saying....

 And that's what strikes me about getting older and living in this world we live in. Who the fuck is the guy who's got all that massive power over these industries and corporations and governments. Is he a flaming homo? Is he the right guy fro the job? That's the scariest thought in the world to me personally, to just live now outside of high school and be having to deal with the way the world works which is that the people in charge of massive amounts of super elite shit, are just people. Homos, girls, or whatever, a person who played with barbie as a little kid, now has power to drop nuclear bombs. And that's horrifying. But hopefully, GOD WILLING, these guys are top men and women and do the right thing at the end of the day....

Monday, July 21, 2014

Terminator Genesis

God in Heaven. What hath you wrought.

I must say i didn't see this coming. Here we are in 2014. 11 fucking years after T3 came out which I followed vehemently during its production back in high school. Now here I sit and they're making another Terminator with Arnold playing the T-800.

LitTle bit of background info. I saw Terminator 2 on vhs as a kid. It was really blissful that time in my life when I was just hanging out in my living roOm watching movies having a good time.

Miss those days. Saw this fucking masterpiece and was just floored. That truly opened my eyes to the brilliance of action cinema. Little did I know that one day we'd be seeing every fucking movie coming out being an action fest, but truly T2 was the first time that a movie blended reality and spectacle so well. Then later on I saw T2 3D at Universal as a kid. Gotta realize who I am, I'm one of "those" black kids from the 90s. Yeah there are and were quite a few of us back then who basically lived the life style of a typical white kid or white family. Went to theme parks, enjoyed movies, things like that. Certainly didn't have much of a like, sense of the racist shit going on in the world, but my childhood was pretty alien to the way the white world functions. I just went through enjoying white culture and white life style without much problems. Now of course I'm being shitted on after all of that pretty decent life I've lived as a kid. Whatever though. I'm still a movie nut and that's all that needs to be said.

Movies are like everything to me man. Grew up admiring and cherishing the world of film. And i dares say it could potentialLy be my future if I ever get into real film making. yunNo. Love cool goOd fucking movies man, I really do.

This movie however I personally have to say does NOT look cool or good in any way at all.

Arnold looks ridiculous trying to play terminator with all his fucking wrinkles. Mind you, Cameron actually conceptualize the terminator as being older and slimMer so now the terminator actually resembles Cameron's initial concept for the character before he decided to hire arnold for the part.

Quite a I guess coincidence that now Arnold fits the terminator mold that Cameron initially envisioned. The thing about the original Terminator design was that he was supposed to blend in with the resistance. And how the fuck does a giant body builder suddenly easily blend in with regular troOps in the resistance. Chaulk it up to simply the machines having no concept of weakness and wanting to build the "perfect" form of the human body. It's very corporate in the end. It just doesn't logically understand why the human body would be imperfect and weak and old, so it creates this complete false version of a human which would never really pass for a resistance soldier and more pointedly it creates tons of the same type so the resistance wilL easily identify the terminators. Needless to say this whole design and product completely fails. But they pump them out like a car company makes millions of defective cars anyway. In fact the arnold design is defective in that it's the only terminator design to actually be able to develope emotional attatchmen to human beings and that's what makes him unique throughout the series. Is that he's the only terminator to be able to grow a soul and think for himself which skynet eventualLy fixed in later terminators.

But I'm kinda lost right now as to what the fuck they're doing making new Terminator with Arnold playing any role in it. They just can't seEm to want to make Termaintor without arnold these days.

Even that fucking shitTy salvation movie had arnold in it because it's never going be terminator without him, not now not ever. Even though honestly when you think about it, it SHOULD be able to survive without arnold. He's never playing the same terminator in any of these movies. So why do they really need to have the same actor playing him. It's not the same guy. The termantor from t1 is not the same one we were watching in T2 and defintielsy the t3. So now again we'll basically be seeing a new Termainator arnold is playing and he'll have to play him totally different than the other ones since none of thes shit those ones went through is going to matter.

this should be a trip though. To see arnold back as the terminator. And it's a reboOt apparently. Which makes it even more hard to make sense of. So this has NOTHING to do with the original terminator yet they needed to bring back arnold for it. Shit. What fuck is this movie. Im all for figiruinog what the fuck kind of movie they're making right now... really. This is it right here. I've got nothing else to dedicate my life to but trying to make sense of why the blue hell arnold is playing old terminator in a reboot of the terminator franchise. I just got to understand this shit.

jj's x-wing

supposedly the new x-wing design in Jj's behind the scenes star wars video is of a new type of x-wing. Fascinating. I must say I got fucking goose bumps looking at a legitimate NEW star wars prop in the new movie. I'm just glad I lived to see all the star wars movies now. I was really thinking about just fucking not hanging around in the world anymore after episode 3 came out, but now I'm glad I stuck to this shit called life. It's seems to have turned out for the better in the end.

The question people are asking now is what the fuck is it. Some say it's just the artists being clever fucks and using an old x-wing concept design as the new X-wing in the new movies.

Who the fuck knows. But that would be goddamn genius if that's what they're using, like just basing alL the designs on old concpet art from the old school star wars movies. And supposedly JJ's doing this movie completely retro. No fancy Green screen all over the fucking place. They're making the movie the same way they made the originals. So if you want to you can ignore the prequel trilogy all together. I certainly hope that's what JJ is thinking. He's making new star wars to wipe the prequels from existence.

Do I HATE the prequels? Yes and No. I grew up on them. I have a serious fondness for what they initially were and still to this day feel a heavy sense of nostalgia for them. Because they were like something to escape life into and infact I did just that. as a kid, I lived and breathed star wars prequels and dedicated my life to them. Religous devotion, I'm talkin here. And I'm not a lone. Harry from AICN did the same thing. We all did. All of us stupid girlfriend-less star wars nuts online were living and breathing star wars and comic movies like retards instead of eating a girl's pussy out.

So from that I developed and still feel really attached to star wars prequels. I know EVERYTHING ABOUT them. I literally followed every single fucking scrap of news and shit that came out.

I mean, I used to go and find the clips people were raping from the Episode 3 videogame. Yup. They somehow released a copy of the game to the public and so a bunch of people were ripping movie licps from it and it was like crack to finally see clips from the last star wars movie.

Ultimately I stand here as a 28 year old virgin regretting ever wasting my time on one minute of those shitty prequel movies. Lucas did not know what he was doing. He is an arrogant fool and made those movies without thinkign about trying to make them worthy of standing alongside the originals.

They don't connect. You can't watch the prequels and nicely slide into the OT and it all works an d fits. It's not as goOd as Lotr or Harry potter in that sense that those movies alL fit and easily can be viewed as a single long story. You will have so many fucking questions come up from watching the star wars prequels BEFORE watching the OT, you'll lose your fucking mind trying to makes sense of them. 

First of all why the hell does Obiwan not know about Leia if he watched her fucking come out of Padme's booty when she gave birth.

 Million dollar movie here and they just basically ignored a major story point in the OT.

Never mind Jar Jar, he's not the issue. The issue is just how completely shitty the new prequel movies ended up being when you think about how they're supposed to relate to the OT. I mean, just the fx work alone will make watching the OT for a kid hard. Mind you, kids don't care. It's about relaxing as a kid and watching badAsS fuckign movies, not worrying about litTle fanboy complaints. But yeah it will be a fucking GIANT leap in quality from the badass big fx fights in the PT to the low budget shoe string cheap ass fx in the oT. I mean shit, ROTJ is stiLl to this day one of the biggest best and most impressive fx work in film period, hell movies made in my childhood were constantly looking to top Rotj's level of awesome and shit was trying and ultiamtely fucking lucas himself has been using his big ass bank account to make betTer fx than anything in Rotj. Which he did. The fx in the prequels completely out-do anything in the OT, gotta give it that. Plus the lightsaber fights are of course much more jedi-esque. So a kid watching the new star wars movies will feel fucking dissapointed as fuck when he sees the slow normal fighting in the old movies. Which is one of the biggest crimes of the pt, that it makes kids have to question why things are less awesome once the pop in their OT Blu Ray.

Shitty Lucas being a shithead as usual. Sad to say. I really had nothing but love for lucas until realizing not only does he fucking hate black people, but doesn't have the same sense of respect for film making that he originally had. WOW. I don't really care if he hates black people, WHO DOESN'T hate black people? But to decide to make shitty star wars movies is truly terrible.

That is what offends me personally. I LOVE deeply the star wars stories and to see the original creator bring everyone together to basically make a giant pile of garbage as the official prequels to the classic originals is utterly disgraceful, on the same level as INDY IV. I wonder how they feel about fucking up their own GENIUS franchises like that, spielberg and Lucas. Mind you Spielberg is still making classic cinema and is far betTer a film maker than lucas can ever hope to be, so I doubt he feels ashamed but as an artist who enjoys good clasSic movies, he shuld feEl very bad about having taken a decent ending to Indy and shitting all over it.

So here we go. We're finally going to wipe the prequels out of existence with new star wars movies.  This is it, I don't know what the hell they have planned. It's been a hell of a life for me, getting embroiled in too much bullshit up to this point. Gotta say I did not see this coming to go from hanging out in your room watching fucking harry potter movies to ending up being juggled around by people who have the power to drop nuclear bombs on cities, is MORE than unexpected.

And I'd love nothing more than to separate myself from that world of big guns and big bombs.

Let me just say I hope the new star wars movies truly are born from the same blood as the originals which lucas never intended when molding the PT. I mean No ridiculous nonsense. Simple old style film making if possible. Real sets, real emotional performances. Real actual deep meaningful storyline that actually seems worth telling. It's so like, ya watch INDY 4 and for me a HUGE assfucking Indy Fan watching it, you see just how limp dick the film is compared to the originals. Yeah it's Harrison ford playing INDY, but it's so obvious that he hasn't played Indy for so long, he doesn't even remember what it was like playing Indy and seems to be struggling to fit back in that character's shoes. And the movie is just exactly what you'd expect it to be, a bunch of aging actors trying to fit back into their old clothes because they don't want to get old. Don't want to leave their youth behind. And we all got fucked because of that mentality. When i dreamed as a kid of seeing Indy 4, not in my wildest imagination did I think it'd be this mediocre run of the mil throw away souless film. I've seen cartoon epsidoes on tv with more fucking thought put into them than that shit. Goddamn. I mean say what you want about Temple, but that flick has a thousand times more creative energy and interesting storyline and visuals than anything in Indy4. I mean how the hell can the most interesting part of your movie be the nuke the fridge scene. After that the movie has no high notes, no interesting characters. It just goes along and poof it's over.

Anyway enough about this shitty sequels we keep getting. Actually not enough. We'll get into antoher shitty sequel being made right now. Terminator Genisis. Have to discuss this since I love terminator. But don't love how it's being anally raped by sequels these days.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

the future of video gaming

Just been getting into Warframe, interesting game. Been a gamer all my life and still play these fucking things particularly because some girl isn't sucking my dick at the moment.

But it gets me thinking. If I can go online and play gta and a bunch of randome people are part of my team, and in war frame I can play online and some dude hanging out in his house is playing as my team mate. What else can be done with this new type of gaming where you can play with random people all over the world if you want.

I'm thinking that ultimately you can have an entier game feature random people as the enemies instead of it being AI alL the time which we've become so used to. What if you play any fucking game and instead of it being just the AI contolLing the assholes who are trying to kill you it's just some guy out in kentucky or wherever. I can defeintiely see this being the future because AI is just no fun. And so much time and effort will be saved making a game if they don't really have to program the AI to do whatever it fucking has to do, it's a real person somewhere and they'll be the actual enemy controlLing the boss or whever you're supPosed to fight. Then that'd make it really a unique experience every time you play. I've replayed missions again and again in GTA and the AI always does thes ame fucking shit. What if they actualLy did shit different every time you played the mision. That would be so much more interesting imo.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

thinking about ass

strange life to live and go along through I must say. All my days are spent dreaming of ass. WTF kind of life is this. Not one I certainly expected. Kinda not how I thought things would be when I got to adulthood, but surprise surprise, all I give a shit about is sucking some titties and fucking some bitch in the ass hole or wherever she wants me to dick her.

Not that I have a problem with that, but it's like just utterly repetative. I wake up and want to fuck a bitch, I hang out watching porn and want to fuck a bitch. I go to the store to get something to drink and I want to fuck a bitch. It's just endless desire to fuck a bitch, constant. And I don't even concern myself with race and all that shit. My dick gets hard if I see some juicy ass no matter who the bitch is.

 I want to say no to drugs and not be bothered by this crap but fucking just can't. And apparently nobody can really. When you see what people do in porn it's no fucking surprise, people LOVE fucking and do it all fucking day if they can.

Honestly wouldn't mind jumping in on that shit by now. Goddamn I should honestly be pounding some ass right now, not concerned with doing anything else. I don't even care about what people think about me or being black or any of that shit. It doesn't fucking matter. I've been waiting too fucking long for something that everybody pretty much does at their leisure whenever they feel hte need.

Waiting toO FUCKING LONG. . .

Thursday, July 17, 2014

new static image

Just finished this shit. It's a new shot for the trailer. I hope it works out. I'm going to create a few art pieces for the poster. I'm a staunch advocate of minimilism when it comes to posters. If it's just a huge fucking head and some explosions, it's not art. It has to be artistic. Like the old school 90s movies posters. Really see the genius of those things and behold the great power of minimalistic art. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Going to talk about this game tonight. Just reading CNN recently and it's just terrible stuff going on in the world. Want to help but what the fuck can I do. Just a virgin hanging out watching porn all day.. can't really play super hero. Supposedly crazier people than me are out there providing some kind of services to those in need, but wow. A dude just goes into some family's house and kills everyone in cold blood. WTF. And he's a white guy. if I dare go walk around in a white community for five minutes, I'm going to get locked up and jailed without a moments hesitation. They don't want that situation to potentially occur where a black dude goes and starts shit in their house. So there's no mercy.

I mean, I just kinda see where they're coming from but damn. a regular normal white guy goes crazy and kills a family. Must have had a grudge on that guy. No doubt.

Or he's just nuts. This stuff is life. People, innocent children and shit will get murdered by some psychopath.

So anyway, been a huge star wars nut all my life. Here I stand 28 and I'm very much still into star wars despite my awakening to just how racist the series has been. Still it's a stunning work of art none the less. JJ has a huge mountain to climb to match or surpass the original trilogy. No question about it. We are in a sexual age now where sex is all there is and people aren't concerned with God and faith and love and all the things star wars was originally about so that makes the movie harder to make considering we're in this really lost period as a people.

so they're making a new Battlefront to accompany the new star wars Trilogy that's being made or "not made" in light of the fact that han solo broke his fucking leg. Shit, got to give Harrison Ford his due, he's gone through hell in his life. Goddamn. Motherfucker broke his ribs on Raiders. Now breaks a leg working on star wars again. That's a bad motherfucker no matter how you slice it.

Everybody working on star wars has sacrificed a lot now that I think about it. Look at hamill. He got fucked up in a car accident before making Empire. lord knows why Carrie fisher lost her damn midn and went crazy by the time Rotj came along. As far as the prequels go, Look at the careers of the people who starred in them. You play one little role in star wars and then it overshadows everything you ever do after wards, kinda sad.

but things are going places. If I do nothing else with my life it's got to be something related to star wars. Hell me and JJ are the same really. We're both star wars babies. And that's why he's making these new star wars movies, because he's got a hard on for star wars since he was a kid. 

I LOVE STAR WARS. I really do. There's nothing wrong with Star Wars. It's pure genius the world the characters, the fun, the beauty of it. I think in a perfect world society would be like Star Wars.

We'd just be a big awesome fun adventure of a world. No racism, just a bunch of badass swashbuckling adventures going on and people having grand adventures in the wide world, none of this emo bullshit era we're in today where everyone cries about getting a paper cut. I come from the star wars age. Where there wasn't this woe is me my life is so hard mentality. I come from balls up and take it be a man era, and that's the same blood that star wars was born from.

You'll see. By all means, keep a tab on my life if you want to. Once they come out with the new Battlefront, I'm on that thing like throbbing cock on a hot latina bitch's sweaty ass.

I'm like, getting old now, sure. But fuck that shit. Age doesn't over-come my interest in Star Wars by any means.

I still have an interest in reading star wars novels even though I haven't done that since I was little. But it's there, ya know. I go to the book store and there's a star wars book and I'm thinking about getting into it even though I don't belong to that fanboy world anymore..

new static image

new static image I got going here. Looking to really make the character pop outside of the costume.

Here's static basically in a regular format. no nothing special going on. I"m going to of course continue making this fucking trailer hook or by crook and we'll see the ultimate outcome. As you can asee that's me in there. I'm 20 fucking 8 now but I'm something else I must say. My body isn't and never has been normal. I've had health issues and things that retarded my growth as a kid, so I've got this dwarfish features which makes me like a little hobbit and I can kinda fake being younger than I really am.

It is what it is. I mean I've always looked like that image. That's who I remember seeing all my life, so it's normal to me. But to someone else yeah it's kinda hard to tell if I'm my age or not.

Monday, July 7, 2014

fucking jurassic world

Lol they're making more jurassic park movies. Goddamn, wtf is going on here?

Not going to go see this shit. if spielberg ain't directing it's guaranteed to be garbage. Even at his worst, spiel makes a good movie with thought provoking story line under neath.

sure, this new jurassic will be full of cgi and awesome visuals, but that's it. the story will not exist.

not wasting my money on this.


Gota talk about this stuff today.
Just discovered these things.
what a goddamn awesome invention. Certainly going to make laptops obsolete. Hardly see anyone using laptops anymore and now I know why. Don't know if my old buddies from tech tv have already put their thoughts out on this, would love to hear leo laporte discuss the new tech or even all the guys from fresh gear talk about it. Strange, to have been around to see sumi das and co wax poetic about new technology that today is nothing but ancient relics. yep, I remember, I was there and they were going on and on about new fucking palm pilots, new fucking cameras, new fucking gps tech, and shit.
Now nobody is using that shit. They were just wasting their time talking about those gadgets.
Still I prefer fresh gear to fucking Gadget show. Same shit different decade. No doubt 10 years later, everything those fuckers are going ape shit over will be considered fucking Jurassic tech.
But hey, gota live in the moment. Embrace the time you're in.
Wow, what an GREAT fucking thing tablets. I mean, shit. It's basically what I was using my laptop for as a kid. I'd try to read books on it or watch movies and now I can do all that shit in the bath tub without a big fucking keyboard hanging out of the ass of it. Love it, love this fucking shit. Interesting I must say to be 28. It's like, ya got girls your age who are fucking super educated and you don't even begin to compare to their level. And you're still just noOdling around like a fucking teen in high school jackin it to hot white girls. what a strange end result I must say to my days as a teen up to this point. to basically have nothing left to do all day but look at titties and dream of sucking them. but that's all I'm concerned with anymore.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Future and what it entails.

Ok what to say. Don't really know. All I do know is that I'm always wanting to fuck a ho, that's prettymuch my life these days.

Anyway, whatever. Ummm, like, the thing is that is my thoughts is what we can potentially accomplish through the space program.

I know that they're working on figuring out the more extremely vast and complicated things out there. Very super smart people are trying to come up with the solution to the ultimate problem which is that our species is not going to last. And inevitably there will come a time when this planet expires.

That's the thing that you have to think about. Lucky for us, we humans are smart enough to have discovered that this planet is doomed and it's just going to go POOF one day. All our efforts will have meant nothing.

Certainly I'm not the person who's going to figure out how we can avoid that inevitability. It's just striking and interesting to me. What the hell kind of life is it that we're all here living, and shit, and so on and so forth if all it's going to be for is a giant explosion at the end. I honestly don't know. 

This has always been something I've personally thought about. I always knew that life was a very simple thing, find a girl pump her full of kids, and then DIE.

I always knew that, not new to me. I always knew that shit. Just, the thing that I thought about was the potential to achieve greater things than simply procreating. Possibly even achieving GODHOOD if you avoid that limiting and  restricting situation such as getting a girl pumped full of sauce.

Strange business this world. Nobody giving nobody no good education on anything especially the world of sexuality and child rearing, but that shit is above and beyond my understanding. i'm still trying to figure out that aspect of life and ultimately there are a group of fucking shitheads out there who want to just completely piss all over my sexual development.

How strange and bizarre.

 But that's life. It's never been a clean trip for me. Some shit stupid always going on. You live and deal with it is all.