Monday, July 21, 2014

jj's x-wing

supposedly the new x-wing design in Jj's behind the scenes star wars video is of a new type of x-wing. Fascinating. I must say I got fucking goose bumps looking at a legitimate NEW star wars prop in the new movie. I'm just glad I lived to see all the star wars movies now. I was really thinking about just fucking not hanging around in the world anymore after episode 3 came out, but now I'm glad I stuck to this shit called life. It's seems to have turned out for the better in the end.

The question people are asking now is what the fuck is it. Some say it's just the artists being clever fucks and using an old x-wing concept design as the new X-wing in the new movies.

Who the fuck knows. But that would be goddamn genius if that's what they're using, like just basing alL the designs on old concpet art from the old school star wars movies. And supposedly JJ's doing this movie completely retro. No fancy Green screen all over the fucking place. They're making the movie the same way they made the originals. So if you want to you can ignore the prequel trilogy all together. I certainly hope that's what JJ is thinking. He's making new star wars to wipe the prequels from existence.

Do I HATE the prequels? Yes and No. I grew up on them. I have a serious fondness for what they initially were and still to this day feel a heavy sense of nostalgia for them. Because they were like something to escape life into and infact I did just that. as a kid, I lived and breathed star wars prequels and dedicated my life to them. Religous devotion, I'm talkin here. And I'm not a lone. Harry from AICN did the same thing. We all did. All of us stupid girlfriend-less star wars nuts online were living and breathing star wars and comic movies like retards instead of eating a girl's pussy out.

So from that I developed and still feel really attached to star wars prequels. I know EVERYTHING ABOUT them. I literally followed every single fucking scrap of news and shit that came out.

I mean, I used to go and find the clips people were raping from the Episode 3 videogame. Yup. They somehow released a copy of the game to the public and so a bunch of people were ripping movie licps from it and it was like crack to finally see clips from the last star wars movie.

Ultimately I stand here as a 28 year old virgin regretting ever wasting my time on one minute of those shitty prequel movies. Lucas did not know what he was doing. He is an arrogant fool and made those movies without thinkign about trying to make them worthy of standing alongside the originals.

They don't connect. You can't watch the prequels and nicely slide into the OT and it all works an d fits. It's not as goOd as Lotr or Harry potter in that sense that those movies alL fit and easily can be viewed as a single long story. You will have so many fucking questions come up from watching the star wars prequels BEFORE watching the OT, you'll lose your fucking mind trying to makes sense of them. 

First of all why the hell does Obiwan not know about Leia if he watched her fucking come out of Padme's booty when she gave birth.

 Million dollar movie here and they just basically ignored a major story point in the OT.

Never mind Jar Jar, he's not the issue. The issue is just how completely shitty the new prequel movies ended up being when you think about how they're supposed to relate to the OT. I mean, just the fx work alone will make watching the OT for a kid hard. Mind you, kids don't care. It's about relaxing as a kid and watching badAsS fuckign movies, not worrying about litTle fanboy complaints. But yeah it will be a fucking GIANT leap in quality from the badass big fx fights in the PT to the low budget shoe string cheap ass fx in the oT. I mean shit, ROTJ is stiLl to this day one of the biggest best and most impressive fx work in film period, hell movies made in my childhood were constantly looking to top Rotj's level of awesome and shit was trying and ultiamtely fucking lucas himself has been using his big ass bank account to make betTer fx than anything in Rotj. Which he did. The fx in the prequels completely out-do anything in the OT, gotta give it that. Plus the lightsaber fights are of course much more jedi-esque. So a kid watching the new star wars movies will feel fucking dissapointed as fuck when he sees the slow normal fighting in the old movies. Which is one of the biggest crimes of the pt, that it makes kids have to question why things are less awesome once the pop in their OT Blu Ray.

Shitty Lucas being a shithead as usual. Sad to say. I really had nothing but love for lucas until realizing not only does he fucking hate black people, but doesn't have the same sense of respect for film making that he originally had. WOW. I don't really care if he hates black people, WHO DOESN'T hate black people? But to decide to make shitty star wars movies is truly terrible.

That is what offends me personally. I LOVE deeply the star wars stories and to see the original creator bring everyone together to basically make a giant pile of garbage as the official prequels to the classic originals is utterly disgraceful, on the same level as INDY IV. I wonder how they feel about fucking up their own GENIUS franchises like that, spielberg and Lucas. Mind you Spielberg is still making classic cinema and is far betTer a film maker than lucas can ever hope to be, so I doubt he feels ashamed but as an artist who enjoys good clasSic movies, he shuld feEl very bad about having taken a decent ending to Indy and shitting all over it.

So here we go. We're finally going to wipe the prequels out of existence with new star wars movies.  This is it, I don't know what the hell they have planned. It's been a hell of a life for me, getting embroiled in too much bullshit up to this point. Gotta say I did not see this coming to go from hanging out in your room watching fucking harry potter movies to ending up being juggled around by people who have the power to drop nuclear bombs on cities, is MORE than unexpected.

And I'd love nothing more than to separate myself from that world of big guns and big bombs.

Let me just say I hope the new star wars movies truly are born from the same blood as the originals which lucas never intended when molding the PT. I mean No ridiculous nonsense. Simple old style film making if possible. Real sets, real emotional performances. Real actual deep meaningful storyline that actually seems worth telling. It's so like, ya watch INDY 4 and for me a HUGE assfucking Indy Fan watching it, you see just how limp dick the film is compared to the originals. Yeah it's Harrison ford playing INDY, but it's so obvious that he hasn't played Indy for so long, he doesn't even remember what it was like playing Indy and seems to be struggling to fit back in that character's shoes. And the movie is just exactly what you'd expect it to be, a bunch of aging actors trying to fit back into their old clothes because they don't want to get old. Don't want to leave their youth behind. And we all got fucked because of that mentality. When i dreamed as a kid of seeing Indy 4, not in my wildest imagination did I think it'd be this mediocre run of the mil throw away souless film. I've seen cartoon epsidoes on tv with more fucking thought put into them than that shit. Goddamn. I mean say what you want about Temple, but that flick has a thousand times more creative energy and interesting storyline and visuals than anything in Indy4. I mean how the hell can the most interesting part of your movie be the nuke the fridge scene. After that the movie has no high notes, no interesting characters. It just goes along and poof it's over.

Anyway enough about this shitty sequels we keep getting. Actually not enough. We'll get into antoher shitty sequel being made right now. Terminator Genisis. Have to discuss this since I love terminator. But don't love how it's being anally raped by sequels these days.

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