Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bring back TGIF

I'm serious. I mean if they don't bother, that's fine, but I got to say the serious lack of TGIF this day and age is really depressing.

I was there, in fact, my entire personality is permanently linked to the old days of TGIF and the wonderful world of comedy that exploded onto TV airwaves back in the 90s.

It truly was a great time to be alive and I'm glad I experienced it. I can't ever feel totally pessimistic about life primarily because I was THERE watching goddamn classic great shows as a kid with my popcorn and my candy.

Now I'm being shitted on for being a black guy. I wonder to myself all the time, was that the joke? Let's give black kids a goddamn SWEET childhood with awesome cartoons, shows, and shit, then pull out a bat and beat them senseless when they reach adulthood. Hell, I think that's exactly what's going on. They were waiting all my life until I somehow got to adulthood to kick my ass.

Little do they know I've never gone a day of my life without getting my Ass kicked. Their threats against me mean nothing compared to the hell I've been through.


When you're black, your WHOLE LIFE is shitty. There's no OUT for you. No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There's NOTHING you can really truly do to black people to bring them down from some high level in life.

There isn't. When people talk shit to me, I honestly don't give a damn if they want to piss on me. I'm fucking black. What the hell do I have to lose?

It's like, damn. You can call me a fag, you can say oh I'm not super smart, oh I'll never be as successful as other guys, but YEAH YOU'RE RIGHT. i'M FUCKING BLACK. I'll NEVER EVER KNOW what it's like to be a white guy with potential to own a yacht in the middle of the ocean... I'll never have a goddamn clue about that.

Only thing I'm hoping for is that I get to simply make a decent amount of money and get back into my hobby of fiddling with computers.

I didn't sit and watch HOURS of Tech TV back when they had some actual class and made great tv shows for people to watch who love technology, just to never dip back into that world of tech later in life. I'm a tech nut through and through. It's in my blood. I'm born from the Airforce branch.

I'm an Airman that's for sure.

Too bad they're all pissy about their requirements and shit. I'd be rocking my blues right the FUCK now today if they weren't some fucking assholes in there.Man, what a dream, I guess that's the point. Make you WANT to be in the mil doing that shit, so that you dont' just join for the money. You join for the prestige of it all.

Not concerned with that. I'm personally just trying to get laid for the first time in my fucking life. Yunno... that's all.

But yeah just a funny little thing to impart today. I was just thinking about how maybe it'd be pretty cool to see a new TGIF or something akin to it put on the disney channel.

I look like mickey mouse so I'm certainly the person to tell Disney what to do...

You suck abrams

I got to comment on this new clip from the trailer real quick here. This is just stupid. So stupid. What sense is there to having little mini light sabers attatched to a regular one? What exactly are those little nubs going to defend against in a battle?

I was thinking this was cool for a bit but really when you think about it, it's pointless over indulgence, nothing more nothing less.

seriously, just because we got bored with the standard issue light saber does not mean you have to change it to any shit that comes out your ass, Abrams. Shame on you. I hope you change it to a regular blade in the final cut of the movie, For the LOL of GOD. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

the force awakens trailer

Goddamn interesting... that's all I got to say.

Looks like really shitty fan fiction. I mean I've been around forever with star wars. I know all about the shitty terrible fan fiction and of course tons of EU material. I don't quite get what's going on in that trailer. So apparently nothing the rebels and Luke Skywalker did in Rotj meant shit. The empire is still up and running and causing trouble. And The Sith is still going strong.

What the hell? Seriously. If this movie makes RotJ pointless, that's a serious crime against all that's good in this world. I got to say, just saying....

weird trailer.

Thoughts on the world of astronomy

Huge astronomy guy here. Lord knows why we've become so lost these days in terms of what direction to point our society towards. There really is only ONE thing left for us as a people of earth to focus our efforts towards and that's simply the space program.

I mean, yeah that's what we do as a world. We find super genius kids, put them to work on the next monumental space project.

They're sending tons of new experiments up to the space station every day no doubt. Some smart fucking people coming up with new tech that can hopefully lead to some how some way changing things for us here on earth and beyond, if indeed we ever do find a new planet to inhabit.

I grow ever tired of having so much of my own personal life be focused on when there's MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger issues in this world that go far beyond my little insignificant life.

It's like, yeah, ya got me, you beat me down. But what about the fact that our species is doomed. Does that mean nothing?

I sit and ponder it every single waking day, hell been doing it for years, wondering to myself, how the FUCK are we going to live beyond the expiration of this solar system.

It's got to be done. Even if you don't fucking LIKE people, Me in particular would just prefer all the hot bitches in this world to live forever, not douche bag guys.

But yeah we have to figure out how to leap over the final days of earth into the next stage for humanity.

How indeed, lord knows. I don't have a clue what the big super genius people are planning at top secret military facilities.And I don't want to know.

I've gotten TOOOO fucking close to military operations. More than I ever thought I would in my life. You don't think as a kid while playing with your ninja turtles toys that you'll be shooting guns at a military base in texas, you just don't...

I want to get my new job going and shut my mouth and stay the hell away from military ops for as long as I goddamn live, that's all I'm hoping for for fuck's sake...

Going to be working at the airport again, so here we go, got to prepare myself for that. Going to be tossing bags as usual.

But it's money, don't give a shit, as long as I got bread it's all good.

Need to get a new phone, fix this computer, buy a new goped, basically hopefully finally have a job that I can use to get me out of this house and living on my own like a normal person.

Certain things I want to do before I die, is that wrong? Get laid, first of all... then beyond that continue learning the piano, mastering computer programming, learning a new language. That's all I'm hoping for. Sadly I realize that there's people sitting around in this world wanting to step on your deams for whatever reason. As if my desire to improve myself has any impact on you or your life, but that's people, some people are nuts I'm waking up to. Yeah really, there's people of all kinds in this life you'll find. All kinds, it's a big crazy thing to try to grasp and indeed I don't have a clue what kind of freaks of natures people there are working top corporate jobs in this world. I can assure you I'm not one of them. I just read a few pages in a book and I can't recall shit that I read. So yeah, not some super genius. I'm an artist, that's about it as far as my super human capabilities go, but I'm not some super duper elite level person, not by any stretch of the imagination.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

jurrassic World trailer thoughts

hate it.

They failed. I'm a 90s kid and that means you were a jurrassic park NUT. I read the fucking book, loved the movie, went to see the sequel with my family down in florida Good times as a kid.

So I'm a huge fan of the fucking franchise. BOY oh BOY is that trailer one big pile of shit.

You're telling me you went ahead and made a new Jurrassic Park movie that's well, NOTHING NEW. Same shit as the other ones.

Well, damn?

Isn't that what the first movie was? There was a park full of dinos, oh and then the dinos break free and kill everyone.

Now the park is bigger basically, that's all this new movie is saying. I mean yeah it'll be interesting to see what happens if a fully realized jurrassic park goes and collapses in on itself, sure, but wow we've been down this road already, give us something new, guys...

Shitty movie on the horizon, that's all you need to know about jurrassic world. I was hoping it'd be a full scale WAR between dinosaurs and man to the death, not this shit...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thinking about getting laid

Just went to go piss in a cup at some place down in Manhattan. Been a new yorker all my life, love the city, feel at home in it honestly. If I had it my way I'd live there like Seinfeld. Gotta give it up to that show, it's the quintessential new yorker show. Ballsy, tough, old show about new yorkers and the life they live. Hell of a town New York, every fucking race of people under the sun living and working together, surely an interesting visual of the future for this world where the beast mode super genius people work together regardless of racial concerns... we'll get there some day of course and New York is kinda a preview of that future.

Just checking out the ass down there of course. Lots of ASS everywhere down in manhattan. God Damn, ASS so ripe and young and fresh starving for DICK. Got my blood flowing that's for sure...

Got me thinking about sliding my dick into a bitches asssssss. What would it be like, will it ever happen? Who the fuck knows...

I only hope to finally experience sex at some fucking point. Damn... ya gotta do it, right? or is it optional?

So what does it mean to be a mulatto

I gotta say didn't see this coming. That when I personally got to my teen years and beyond, I'd become this outside element of the white world. I had no clue I'd end up on this outskirt of the white world, basically looking at these immaculate clean, beautiful white people without having a chance in fuck of getting some of that ass of theirs.

No wonder they try to keep black people down and out of the way. I never understood why until now. Because blacks are like zombies and shit basically. If a black dude gets his dick in a white girl then BOOM, her chances in life are nullified, to shit.

But I'm not really black. I'm part irish. Always have felt different than ordinary black people. It's a strange life to live I can tell you, feeling like you only "somewhat" belong to the majority white world. Ultimately at times when my black features came through too much, I felt excluded, but on the other hand, I never felt as I grew up that I was truly a black person. I felt like I was some kind of other thing than black and truth be told a lot of people still look at me that way, as this OTHER thing, not a black person, just some kind of alien being or some shit.

I do indeed look really strange. I'm a combination of races and it's become quite a fascinating thing to see how my body changes as I age.

I mean I look at white girls and feel a sense of familiarity with them for some reason as if I guess my white genetics want to go back home to some extent.

I never really FUCKING LOOKED at white women before in a sexual way, never really took the time to sit and just look at a white girl, but FUCK ME IN THE ASS, are they bright as FUCK. I mean yeah it's all good that they rule the world and shit, but DAMN, they're like a fucking light bulb of people!!

I never noticed how fucking albino as FUCK some white girls look. No wonder the tanning industry is so profitable.

So what does it really fucking MEAN to be mulatto. Nothing really. I mean I've met mulatto negros who are blacker than the blackest person alive. I've met black kids who are nerdy dorks. So there's no saying that your skin tone suddenly = classy. Not by any stretch... But yeah being lighter will grant you quite an advantage in this world after your childhood years are done.

People typically assume I'm hispanic because I'm not straight out of africa looking black dude, which has been beneficial in the sense that nobody really has any ill will towards hispanics in this world. There's no real hatred towards spanish people, they're cool. It's blacks who get shitted on the most.

I mean there's no arguing it. Yeah you can have a debate till you're blue in the face that people should ignore race and just look at your character like King said, but that shit is bullshit and we all know it. The lighter you are, the better off you'll be in this goddamn world.

I mean look at the media. Ain't no fucking dark negro people working as news anchors and shit. Gotta be a fucking mulatto or some shit to get that gig.

I mean look at the homeless dudes in the subway, all of them for the most part black guys. I can imagine they have nothing and no one wants to give a shit about them.

I personally don't give a shit about them myself. I've been bullied and shitted on by black kids, I think to myself GOOD, they got what they deserved, scrounging around for bottles to sell at the recycling machine, GOOD.

 It's not bad at all being white, you can go do ANYTHING you want in this world, there's nobody going to stand in your way. NOBODY.

Boy oh Boy if you're born white are you going to have a blast in this world.

Not fucking me. I've had a rough and tumble hell hole of a life living amongst the black race. It's like living with barbarians. Or Saiyans. indeed black people are like an entire race of wild animals.

I don't want to say we should bring back segragation, we're way beyond that, we all know race don't really matter, but it's a numbers game. The majority of black people are fucking retarded, how can one or two good smart black people make up for the glutton of douche bags, not going to happen.

 Everything is numbers and percentages when you get down to it really. I mean just white people know that generation after generation of blacks are going to go down the tubes and one or two will actually succeed and accend to a higher level and potentially actually get a good career. Or not. I don't know how deep the KKK's movement goes. I really don't. I'm guessing that ultimately they only give a damn about how useful a black person can be in terms of what kind of work he can do, whether it's medical, technical, anything intelligent. Then they won't shit on you that much. But if you're a complete retard as a black guy, then goodbye...

I mean look at the tyler perry movies. I gotta say that whole act he's putting on is getting ridiculous and totally pantomimish. Really how the hell does he think he's making any advancement for blacks with that shit in the least? I know he's a super smart guy, he's not where he is because it was handed to him, but the whole Madea thing is first of all shitty comedy, second of all, racist as fuck. But I guess that's the idea, put out this blatantly racist shit in the media in the modern era for the hell of it?

who gives a damn right?

Same shit went on back when I was a kid. I loved family matters, quality show. Fuck me, is that show blatantly racist. Of course, very very smart white people created that show put it on air. Of course it's full of racism.

Hell of a world this is. So basically if you're born black you're immediately beneath whites and everybody else, that's how it works.

I mean it's pretty darn set in stone, even a flaming faggot white guy is above blacks isn't it...

They don't care. It's like either you're going to make the most out being white or you're not, really...

I mean I got to say it is annoying as hell to have black guys looking like shit trying to piss on me because they KNOW for damn sure they can't piss on a white guy, he'll pull out his gun and fucking shoot his dumb ass, where as they know they can shit on me because I can't just laugh it off and go back to my mansion in the hamptons like some white guy...

It's the worst. I'm at work at Delta and some really fucking black guy is just having a field day taking shots at me all day. He's so tough and badass, oh yeah, if I was white he wouldn't dare, I know that for sure. That's what I LOVE about black people. They have the balls of a goddamn rhino when it comes to starting shit with other black people, but when they come across a white guy, "oh yessa any thing you want sir!"

Really if you're white and you don't love the fact that you can basically laugh your ass off at black people, you got problems.

Oh my God, being white is great. So fucking great. No wonder Jackson goddamn dipped himself in white paint or some shit.

All you white girls out there thinking about turning black are IDIOTS.

Do NOT turn black. It will be BAD. You have the advantage, strategically in this world to have instantaneous money, access to levels of life style that no other race will ever know about, and you're going to turn black and ruin that for yourself? WOW. You are dumb!!!

Being black SUCKS. It just plain SUCKS. Being white is AWESOME! So fucking AWESOME.

I envy every day of my life white people and the life style they must live. Never worrying about people hating them or feeling like an outcast in society. Can't beat that...

One thing I have to say offends me deeply is a white guy even beginning to claim that he knows a damn thing about what it's like to be black. Yunno. The world I come from, the horrors I've seen, the people I've met, the shit that goes on in black schools, you don't know a damn thing about TOUGH.

Yunno. At the end of the day. Black people are TOUGHER than white people. I have to say that. I'm not trying to start a race war, but the sheer fact is that blacks grow up in HELL. White people do not.

Look at me, look at what I can do. All of this is because I grew up in hell...

Every single day having to dodge shit from other black kids, EVERY DAY. Sure you can make a movie like harry potter and make it seem like that white kid getting pissed on by his older brother has it so hard, but imagine being a black kid. IMAGINE THAT SHIT. Oh hell no cry me a river harry potter, you don't know what tough is!

I've been mugged. I've been beat up in school, bullied, teased, been through EVERYTHING that goes on in the rough and tumble black schools in this world. Still have the scars my friend...

On top of that I've sat down and been shitted on by white people in the miltary who hate my guts because I exist because some black dude pumped his dick into a white chick so that he could escape being black...

 So yeah black people are TOUGHER than white people. Don't even begin to argue with me on that fucking point. Not making the claim that they're "smarter" no... but as far as having a thicker hide over their life spans, blacks are above and beyond in that measure.

LOL life is crazy man. I just honestly want to just NOT have to live my life feeling like a black guy. Yunno. Wouldn't mind it if nobody brought it up. Just ignore it...

Yunno. That's all I want. Don't mention it. Don't point it out... But it just won't happen. Every day is going to be a day where I have to feel black and feel beneath everybody.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

This world sucks

Just got to impart this little bit of wisdom from my little life. I mean it's been a stupid damn life I've lived and now yunno it's tough to make the transistion from childhood to adulthood, it really is. I never thought it'd be this much of a complex journey but when you actually look around you and see the way the world is, it's REALLY a white man's world. REALLY. It's like, yeah black people still are hanging out in this world but no one gives a shit about black people.NO ONE... Never knew it, never saw it, but that's the truth about this world.

I never thought as a kid that this world didn't give two shits about black people, primarily because there was a lot of love for black people on tv and in movies. I guess that was the joke, let's make a TON of tv shows and movies about black people living it up and having a blast in America, let's do it. And then when all the whole generation of black kids gets to adulthood, kick their asses...

 I ain't mad at the KKK, honestly. I've lived the black life, I KNOW how hard it is to be dealing with nigga mania, blacks acting like retards all damn day in yo face. I've been there and back again a nigga tale...

I honestly wish I was white because they don't live with any sense of feeling beneath anyone. I can imagine being white has so much freedom to it. Me if I go anywhere, I always think in the back of my mind if I'm offending anyone for being a black dude in the room. And that's the the reality that I've been made aware of, it's not going to happen. Black guy hanging out with white people and there being no racial tension at all... just not going to happen, forget it...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Thinking about College

Soon enough about to get another job, hopefully going to just stay put and not get any more fucking complications going on in my life, Lord knows why I have this much heat on me. Is it because I dropped out of college? Why is everyone up college's ass so hard? I don't get it. Sure it leads to massive amounts of income, nothing wrong with that, but I personally would rather be banging a bitch instead of jacking off in my dorm all day like I was back in my old Dorm Room in Old Westbury.

I have to say, despite it seeming like the bomb diggity, I'm not a fan of college.

I suppose it's a race issue. When a white kid goes to college he'll feel right at home being taught by white faculty and being amongst his own race of people all fucking day.

When a black guy goes to college, he'll have a tough time considering his professor will be white most likely and he'll be surrounded by white people.

That's basically what my college experience consisted of, being taught by white teachers, and of course hanging out with mostly white students, althought it was a more racially diverse college when all is said and done...

I mean damn it's not that complicated. I just want to feel up a girl's ass and slide my dick down her throat, that's all I'm hoping for at this point in my life. I could care less about noodling around in some fucking university playing harry potter all damn day.

Yeah I said it. I could give a FUCK less about going to school all day. I'm 28 years old and haven't fucking gotten CLOSE TO getting some ass. I'm WAY done with school, my friend.

You can start a fucking WAR with me, I'll STILL be thinking about fucking a bitch. What do you want from me in my life I ask you? Do you want me to just grow older and just well, never get some buns, never ever?

Shit has to be the saddest and most tragic turn of events in my life if I ever saw it. I NEVER thought while going to fucking high school that it'd be THIS ridiculously hard to get some pussy. I never thought...

BRING IT ON. I want you to get off your ass and try to twist and contort logic enough to make it seem like it's OK no big deal if a guy doesn't get some ass before he fucking dies off. By ALL MEANS bring it. I'm serious. Some how some way, try to make sense of this shit for me.

I'm not even thinking about Oh gonna have kids and shit. I'm still in that stupid 15 year old mentality of wanting to get some ass for the first time. SAD SAD SAD. You honestly should NOT by any means under the blue sky go into college without getting laid first and getting that shit out of the way. That's my goddamn thoughts on that. Get that shit out of the way, then college will be a breeze. Still sexually immature, don't step foot into college. Just don't...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thoughts on black life

I mean I'm a dude who's really not like concerned with race honestly. never have been. I'm into pussy and titties prettymuch, not interested in anything other than that.

I mean damn, all the goddamn beautiful white girl ass in this world, good lord.

But now I really am waking up to the reality of this world, and boy do I wish I was fucking white, boy oh boy. Imagine it you're a sexually mature black male and in a room full of white people, white kids, things are not going to end well, and indeed that's how I feel when I look at the white world from the outside in, I'm looking at a world I do not belong to in any way whatsoever...

In fact, they look at me as this monster, freak, something foreign...

I guess that's why they had us read frankenstein in college, hilarious...

I wish I knew what to do about it, and indeed it's why so many black people get nose jobs and shit to appear more white so as to not freak out white people.

I mean that's what michael jackson did in the end. He knew he wasn't going to sell his black ass to white people unless he looked more pleasant to the eye.

Goddamn, never once thought I'd get older in life and have to live with fear of being persecuted for being a black dude. Not once did I think that as a kid. I figured I'd maybe be cool in this fucking world, but no. Like if I'm at work and I'm working with white people, there's going to be racial tension immediately. Sucks. Especially if you're working with a white girl. Then it's like, she's' going to be thinking all I want to do is fuck her ass. Which is true. I do want to fuck her ass.

Ain't going to lie. Can't fucking be a virgin forever, just stupid. Even a black dude got to get laid ONCE. Shit...

But yeah shit is crazy in this world beyond reason. I mean I never thought about what it would mean to be a black dude walking around and being amongst white people but I was way off in my estimations. It truly isn't going to happen, not today, not yesterday, and not tomorrow, are blacks going to be able to just freely walk around in a white neighborhood and nobody will bat an eye. No way under the blue sky. Yeah urkel was an interesting attempt at changing black perception in the public eye, but reality don't work like an episode of family matters.

 I don't know what to do about life anymore... really am lost. I remember just being a geeky teenager watching Morgan Webb's big beautiful tits on Xplay and tolerating Adam Sessler's Faggy ass.

Why shit got to change?

Why I got to be this black guy struggling to dodge punches from angry white folk all the time?

That's some bullshit...

Friday, November 14, 2014

Lol Didn't Read

And I never will. Bitch...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Everything is politics

Interesting quote from some guy in the airforce. What can I say about the Airforce, I still love the branch, all things considered since I've been having shit for luck in terms of finding a job, might just sign back up for them. But yeah if you're not in it for popping a dude's head off, get the fuck out, and I respect that.

It's just I believe you have to have something to want to protect in order to truly dedicate yourself to that kind of level of serious shit... And I've never fucking gotten a taste of a girl's fucking butt hole or anything yet... still jacking away to porn all day like I did in high school...

Which is yunno not a bad thing for me to do. I put up some hot as hell white girl on my screen and go for broke, let the juices flow... fun fun fun...

Been searching for a job night and day. Only thing I can hope for is truly getting back into fucking TSA. I'm in the running for that job. Just got to wait a couple of months, hell maybe a whole fucking year and we'll get the whole thing going there... Shit, didn't know they'd be on a hiring spree this holiday season. I'm hoping because the christmas season is upon us, that they look to hiring real quick because the volume of baggage is going to be through the goddamn roof no doubt. I've learned a hard lesson and that's even though you HATE your job, hate your boss, DON'T FUCKING QUIT. I bailed like a moron on a job niggas on the street homeless would die to have. I said FUCK YOU to a easy, high paying cushy job like an idiot. Who am I that I should feel like I'm above TSA? I'm nothing, a guy who grew up watching cartoons and watching porn all damn day, TSA is where I belong. Everybody working there is just as much of a nerdy loser as me, why did I leave?

Stupidity is the only reason.

But live and learn yunno, ya go along and make dumbass errors in life and that's how it works, you fail and then figure out how to not fail so fucking much isn't it?

So everything is politics. Just thinking about politics right now, something I never really thought about nor cared about, but was just going to these job interviews and like never really noticed how many fucking like homelss black guys are just lounging out in the subway all day but there they are. My own race of people looking like piles of garbage in the street...

It must be hard to be a sexually mature white person surrounded by this glutton of dark nappy headed race of people hanging around being useless.

Truth be told that's politics for you, how indeed can black people be molded into something more pleasant to the eye and the senses. Something I'm starting to get a understanding of is that yeah white people are trying to figure out the biggest question of all, how the hell  can they turn black people into quality civilized people instead of homeless bags of shit.

I never see black people like me homeless, only straight jet black super 300% nigga black people on the street looking like they failed in every way possible in life. Boy oh boy am I lucky some white person decided to turn black, or I'd be totally fucked. I mean not true, my cousin is truly black as it gets and he's doing fine in this world, working a job, making some kind of bread, but yeah it's not a world that gives two shits about really black people...

I honestly don't know what kind of world this is. Supposedly there are people in this world who have brains above and beyond what is humanly necessary and give us all amazing things as a result of their freakish intellect.

So I should be feeling like I have to worry about humanity suddenly failing or going to shit, because No, we have very super genius people working at these corporations who are coming up with amazing things, there's nothing to worry about.

I actually met one of them, and they're real. That stuff those people with super high intellects can do, is amazing, seriously... They lack common sense though. The thing that they do is try to figure out the complex physics of a fucking door swinging open before they open the door, that kind of shit. That girl I was working with at delta is dangerous as fuck to work with because she'll never act on instinct, she always tries to create logic behind her actions since that's what she was taught at college, but I come from this place called reality where you have to make gut decisions, lord knows how people who have to quantify everything get through the day... i wish I knew that shit...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

thoughts on blackness again

Just thinking about being a black guy right now.

Little did I know as a kid, but yeah EVERYBODY hates black people in this world.

I think to myself what the hell am I going to do to make or break it in life, and honestly I can't give you a solid answer. I am not white. Being white is awesome beyond measure. You will not have one day of issues in this world. You will just fucking have to tolerate the annoying lower races around you but besides that, you'll get the job FIRST. You'll live in a cozy apartment, you'll have everyone basically kissing your ass in this world. So there ya go as far as being a white person. Nevermind actually going and accomplishing anything, just being white is going to give you a huge advantage over everybody else in life, without reservation.

But there is something to being black I can educate you about. BECAUSE you're being shafted in life, black people develop a sense of toughness to them as they go through and get beat down in life. You do what you can to survive and of course I can tell you that you develop some kind of thicker hide to deal with the rigors of life.

Like I said before my black school as a kid was a war zone. Every single day going to that school for psychotic black kids, I had to some how grit my teeth and take the hard labor of forging forward through that whole mess. Which is why I don't really give a shit about having my internet rep damaged. I some how scratched and clawed my way through my terrible childhood. How the hell can one day of internet bullshit even begin to compare to the hell I had the balls to make it through as a kid.

Doesn't phase me one iota. When you go to school as a kid and get shitted on by other kids constantly and then shitted on by teachers too, yunno, there's no real love for black kids in a school run by white faculty, not in the least. They're just in it for the money, creating a black school actually pays the bills for these white people, besides that, they didn't give a damn about us. And it gets worse when you become an adult. You're supposed to pound booty now. Time to grow up get some ass.

But surprise surprise, you're like a fucking vampire. Nobody wants to get infected by blackness. And in fact that's exactly how this world operates. It's a world where there's no love for blacks or interest in turning black at all. I'm surprised my life has had any upside to it all these years when the reality is that if some white people had it their way, they'd erase black people from the face of the earth.

I mean yeah that's what they do. I mean I've seen the military gifs. There's somebody dropping a bomb on some black fucking village right now, most likely. Sucks to grow up over in those countries I can certainly imagine.

Black president don't mean shit. Just trying to make the point that America is free and blacks should stop acting so niggerish. No better way to make that point than by throwing a fucking token black in the mix, but will this world ever truly embrace the black race of people with open ams? HELL NO...

Everybody knows what black people want most, NOT BEING BLACK. I mean if I had a blonde blue eyed massive tittied white girl in front of me, would I trade her for a jet black, straight out of africa girl instead? Would I prefer to have black kids as my offspring instead of some hispanic looking mulatto kids.  Yunno. One wonders what goes through white girl's fucking heads when they decide to give a black man a fucking HUGE social boost by having mulatto kids...

I can only assume that that chick couldn't find a white guy who wasn't a flaming faggot, that's the only explanation for all the white chicks this day going for black dick. Their own race of people is turning gay night and day... yunno.

Not saying I'm hoping that some white girl is desperate enough for dick that she goes after ME... I mean I'm still into black girls, always have been, don't even think for a minute that I have a chance in hell with the upper races honestly...

but like I said I really don't believe in having kids and indeed my life as a kid sucked ass, and now I'm waking up to the reality of having to be a black guy in a white man's world and truthfully I don't want to put anyone else through this hell that i've been shafted with in the end. White people have no issues with having kids because they know there's going to just basically skate through life, but for me it's a tough decision to want to make... yunno, ain't nobody really give a damn if blacks continue to spawn more of themselves in this world...

I ask myself now as I sit here at 28 years old, do white people reeeaally hate black people to the point of wanting all of us gone for good?

Honestly they could do it if they wanted to, get rid of all blacks, just toss them all in a furnace, hitler style... they damn well could.

Ultimately they won't ever do that, all things considered, Blacks are like walking talking piles of cash for old rich white men, now that I see how this world works. They won't be able to get tons of cheap easy dumb labor without the black race, just simply won't. We're extremely valuable now that I see it with my own eyes how whites exploit the black race in the modern age.

This world has truly gone to shit, I have to say as a man who grew up believing in some kind of message of there being good in all of us. This world is gone to shit in a pan, got to say... It's not what I thought it would be as a kid, no way...

I was taught that we were going to change things, make everybody have opportunity, not live under some ancient idiology about whites being the superiors of everyone, which doesn't make a shit of sense. They're another type of human being, nothing more nothing less. Why the hell are they struggling to grasp on to this eerie, ancient, concept of being these Gods in human flesh, I'll never know...

I mean I look at this photo on NBC health section of a black woman being shuffled around by two white scientist guys and it sickens me to no end.

Seriously we're in 2014 and we got photos like that being blasted on websites of black people being treated like cattle by two white guys in chemical gear? what the hell is that?

I wonder to myself if there's truly no goddamn out for black people. You really just got fucked the day you were born and that's all she wrote on that matter...

Maybe... I mean I have to admit, that's life, there's no getting around it. As much as I want to believe we can all get what we want, life is not fair. People get fucked from birth a lot whether it's dwarfism, autism, all kinds of diseases...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Star wars title thoughts... and wtf making toy story 4?

Holy holy poop out the ass hole, is this a day long remembered.

Here we go, I mean we have the legit title for the new star wars movie. Goddamn. The force Awakens. WTF does that shit mean?

In my opinion it's a shitty title. I hope they change that shit. But probably not, not a good sign. Looking like another fuckign Indy 4 on our hands.

And they're going to make Toy story 4? Wow, that's nuts. I'm surprised they some how conjured up a toy story 3, never thought for a minute they'd do a 4.

What more is there to say with the toy story franchise, 2 and 3 were pushing it. 4's going to be overkill no doubt...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Musings on boy meets world

Goddamn gotta say not a fan of getting older in life, but we all have to do it and I'm kinda actually intrigued by what being an adult actually will entail. It's more or less yet another one of life's many interesting adventures to undertake. I'm hoping that I don't end up totally fucked as a black guy trying to make it in a  white society... but look at the way things have gone for me, didn't finish college, ended up becoming way too embroiled in internet politics and now I'm constantly being monitored by the military, gov, and of course the stormfront guys for whatever reason. If they think they have to point the atomic bomb at some virgin fucker for whaever reason under the sun, that's the saddest and most pathetic thing I've every heard of in my life. People with that amount of serious power should not even know I exist.

Just thinking about boy meets world right now. I didn't really like the show as a kid but I have to say I remember just the feel of the show and how it relates to my years in elementary school. My childhood was awesome as hell and Im sure we all miss it. We all miss being kids in the 90s... It's fucking over now... got to actually grow up, but yeah that time, was amazing, I don't know who the hell decided to make all the tgif shows but they were great people. I just loved being  a kid hanging out in my room and maybe catching an episode of boy meets world and seeing the crazy characters and stuff.

I'm infinitely linked to that show in the end. I remember being a kid, and watching corey doing shit on that show and it was there, and certainly didn't expect my life to go where it went after seeing the cool shows on tv, but I was fucking really really really fucking stupid levels of wrong.

It's not a nice world we live in and white people are truly truly like ruthless to no end in their efforts to protect their kids and give them an awesome lfie style and stuff.

I'm just like, kinda blown off my feet in regards to trying to make sense of how to jump the hurdle from being a fucking school kid to having to take on the big elite class white guys running this world. I honestly don't want to get invovled with any of that stuff. Me I'm just hoping to get laid, but these guys want to kill some nigga today, they have the guns, they have the bullets, but no niggas around to pull the trigger on at the moment...

Motherfuckers are waiting for a nigga to come strolling in and acting stupid so they can pop his head off... waiting I tell yah.

I don't want to be thinking that I gotta be scared of white people and shit. I'm a fucking 90s kid, nerd, virgin, that's all I am... Not a threat to white kids...

I grew up watching tgif, and dammit if you watched that shit as a kid, I dare say you became white, due to the amount of whiteness on that fucking line up. It was just white-topia that fucking stuff and as a kid, I didn't think about race it was just comedy something I always enjoyed....

Sad to say but I kinda have a thing for white girls because that's all I ever saw on tgif and ABC, loads of whtie bitches. Not much blacks on there except for family matters.

That fucking show deserves be given a sequel series. I don't know why we got MORE fucking boy meets fuckign world yet nothing in regards to the monumentally successful family matters show. Everybody who was around back then knows that family matters was the TOP show, so why the hell did they decide to bring back boy meets world instead of the superior family matters show, lord knows...

I mean I tried to get into boy meets world but it was  hard, the show was just pointless. And when he actually got older they kept calling it boy meets world. That just made no sense...