Monday, January 30, 2017

First apartment

Might have to try getting a room mate and all that shit. One of the guys I work with actually still lives at home. I'll ball park it, see if he wants to do it. We're cool with each other. We'll both be part time at the same spot. Makes sense to combine our pay checks and pay for the apartment together...  save money and shit, we'll see.

Otherwise I'll have to slum it alone 600 bucks a month which will be tough to make and keep and still have money left over to really do anything substantial. If we room mate this bitch, that won't be an issue. I'll pay half, he'll pay half, done.

As for the job. I mean, I know the routine of TSA. It's never a job that you're going to get right. Every day your boss will find something to whine about. I don't like being a wage slave at all. It's true slavery just under a different label. I can't just leave and then what.... no money, no survival. Kinda a dead end street. I just want the money. I'm not concerned with proving shit to anyone there and being a super tso. They put that out there that if you work better you'll get praise or somethng but I know it's bullshit. They'll kick you under the bus the moment you quit and pretend you don't exist. Been down that road before.

It's hard cold business to me... As much as I want to slap some ass and still have that urge to be an immature goofball, I have to just play it straight and pretend I give a fuck about this job.

which I don't. I don't like it... feeling like my whole life revolves around this shit.

I don't know what else to do though. What the fuck am I supposed to do now. I'm not getting a free meal ticket anymore as a high school fucker. I'm just another dude trying to make his rent money.

Stick it out I guess. I never planned at all for this stage in my life, don't have one. The thing I hoped as foolish as it was was that I'd get discovered online or something and they'd fast track me as Lando in the han solo movie and I'd be beyond wealthy and have all the money I ever would need.

Oooooooooooooops fuck. what now. I DON'T KNOW.

I mean. I'm kinda stumped here to be honest... Just try to keep the job. If it doesn't work out, get into some other job, what else can I do?

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Trump is hitler

What a complete fucking retard he is... impeech this shitfuck. I was wrong. Hes goddamn hitler.... we got world war 3 coming if this dumbass gets his way. Us does not ban people based on nationality thats the point of the country. Is he serious...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trumps position

Just a brain fart I had. I don't like hearing about how trumps decisions will lead to not only people losing health care, but they'll be taken off life support and die...

Is that the position of the president, to destroy us citizens? Or is he supposed to take care of us.

Certainly makes you think...

I work for the gov, if we don't service the public, give them what they want, be fair to them, treat them well, it's on our ass, and our supervisors will remind us swiftly that our position is to take care of and cater to the american public, period.

Can trump simply fuck over americans and walk all over the people who he's supposed to serve? I'd hope not. I actually don't have this vitriolic hatred towards Trump... He's donald Trump, he's still Donald Trump. Anyone who thought he'd be different as pres was too stupid to begin with... he's going to be the most unpresidential president EVER if he survives long enough. Who knows what will happen when a nuke is pointed at his face.

Already he's being trump, the money hungry mega tycoon who could care less about the common man. It's damn unfortunate. He's been touted as being more down to earth than typical mega rich people. But I guess I was wrong about that...

He has to wake up and realize he's hurting his own people, he has to. Look beyond the revenue. You're not running Trump Enterprises anymore you idiot.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Avatar the last Jedi bender

Stupid ass title. Stupid ass new star wars. Movie better own...

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women march

I don't know... Goddamn it's not like trump is fucking osama. He's a big spoiled business man who wants a new toy to play with. One wonders what the real motivation is behind this uprising. Publicity.. change. Just not wanting trump to end up killing us all...

I get along fine with girls because I don't play their games. I don't let them start my fire and a be me a relaxed dude and we don't have issues. Deep down a good woman has a lot of respect for good men. There is no reason for all of this. Men will fight for hot women and women will fight for good guys. Let the assholes of each gender go rot in a hole somewhere...

Anyway I don't give a toss about trump but making him out to be Hitler is so stupid... Let him have his fun then do the election properly next time guys.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Zippy zop

Shit just got real... Not gonna be the hyperbolic mess and apocalypse that people are dreading but trump pres will be bad. Trump has no idea what the fuck he's doing and we all know that. Hopefully he's surrounded by smarter better people and they'll do all the work. We don't need trump tossing nukes at everyone right now. God no... Is there an upside to trump... Not much. He's a moron but he's not a like straight up dumb fuck. He's got a shit load of common sense. Spending money on a wall that won't work tho... Taking away people's health care... Fuck not looking good from the start. He will put fear in other nations that's one thing. They will fear his immense ignorance and lack of concern for brown people. Then they'll kinda think twice about fucking with the country... So we'll see...

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Thoughts on Trump, Russia, the whole hoopla

Never was interested in politics. I've got my handful trying to figure out women. Like, I'm curious about it from a scientific stand point. To understand that aspect of life would be interesting is all, prophesy about my future be damned. I'm just bored with my life as it is now. I do indeed want to smack some ass and learn about the complex world of the opposite sex. I must apologize for being so crude, but I've been waiting longer than fuck and I'm sick of it.

No person should endure the life I've lived.

I've met a girl at work who I've stupidly grown fond of to my own disappointment. What is it my body wants to do, pound her, have children. Fall in love. Oh how wonderful that would be. Like I've NEVER had these thoughts, never wanted to get a girl. And it all stupidly ends the same way. We don't get together, and I don't have that shit, and I just have to live with that.

Same shit, different year. I don't particularly like working with women at all. It's like, just a cock tease for 8 hours. What the fuck....

Anyway about the trump fuckery. What a damn circus this shit is. I hope he gets impeached. I can't take any of it seriously. This is Idiocracy in reality. We have done it. We've elected a fucktard into the goddamn most powerful seat in the world and no one is calling it what it is, a huge mistake.

Most people are basically hoping we can knock out the 4 years of Trumpalooza then get back to normal.

Make it so... End the insanity as quickly as possible...

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Back in the Battle

Just one interesting new development to express this evening to a no doubt eager and attentive group out there who can't wait to read my thoughts...

well, I'm me... meaning I'm a tech geek. No honest real tech geek would consider me a true tech geek, but I know my shit when it comes to making tech work in unintended ways let's say... It's a form of overclocking but technically  not illegal ;p...

Been at it all my life, why stop now. So I found out how to play star wars battlefront from my room here in the motel. It's tricky to get it up and running but with computers almost anything is possible truth be told.

I've done things like this before really. Way back when I was a kid, I played my snes on my dad's portable tv so I could play super star wars like a gameboy almost. It was tricky to get the composite cable to reverse the signal through the av port on the tv but it worked and it was awesome as fuck to play snes on a little gameboy screen back then.

I most recently did some tricky wiring to get my dreamcast to play on my tv and output the audio to the computer speakers. Dreamcast in HD res, had to give that shit a try. Worked nicely and was fun...

Of course I've been turning all my phones into rooted phones and making them work to my specs and tastes.

I've done quite a few tricky mods to gta of course... so yeah, it's been a tough thing to do, but satisfying when it works. Getting OBS to work was a bitch but I got it too...

At least now I can get back in the fun of battlefront which is badass now. It's just a bitch to play it on this tiny screen I bought for a 100 bucks... Gotta get an apartment, not only to get some juicy ass, but to play Battlefront, GTA, all my shit HUGE, SURROUND SOUND, all that shit.

I mean, yeah it's kinda odd to put the money down just for that stuff, but it'll be worth it.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Future thawts

Here i amm now just a dude making shit at some butthole job.

It sucks and i hate it.but i k.ow even now there is potential for a good life. Why... cuz im intelligent. I know a black guy with a brain... impossible.

It is disheartening to no end to see the vast social.  Disparity between blacks and the rest of the veneral populTion... its not hard. Stop promoting and giving legitimacy to racismm against blacks and it will inevitably be reduced. But blacks dont give a fuck of course. Its just a waiting game for most cops... waiting for the next black person doing sum shit dumb today. Sadly life is not fair. Yes a black person commiting a crime counts as a blanket over all blacks and makes all blacks look bad and gives justification to cops brutality against us. Its not fair but nobody worries about whites as much as blacks because blacks show pride in being dumb and belligerent unfortunately. If that stuff wasnt there blacks would be more accepted by society. Sad cold truth.

Doing this tsa shit all these years. I get it. Are cops racist yeah but ill tell ya straight blacks do themselves no favors to make a racist cop take his white hood off. Ive met black dumb assholes in this job. Most cops probably deal wihh worse than me and struggle not to be that cop whos going to court for shooting a black guy. Just stop fucking acting like a douche and the cops will leave you alone. Its a shit job they need to pay rent. You are making them have to do work and shit. All i got to say.

Going to play sstocks try to get extra money through that... also want to invent and patent new tech... thats all for now. Back to mountains of porn...

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Black people part 4

Or 3 can't remember. So sad. I've been beaten up by black people too. It always makes you anxious to deal with ghetto dumbass blacks... If black people didn't have it bad enough with church shootings and cops looking for something to shoot this video of asshole black punk's beating up a white guy will make things far worse. Even just going to work as a black guy I feel like I'm on the bad side of white people today when yesterday things were cool. Why did those assholes do that... No it's not about hate. Is a punk fucktard on halo screaming into the internet his hate about gays and blacks serious levels of hate no. It's typical internet.

Black people can't be racist against white people it's not possible. Blacks don't rule the world and are not in a position to deny or suppress white people. How is this sophomoric literal highschool level idiocy labeled a hate crime. It's punk's being punk's. Nothing new today. This story has gotten more media attention to fuel the kkk agenda than the massacre that took place merely weeks ago in which the ISIS soldier is still at large sipping lemonade and laughing at us all. Yet this fucking stupid retarded highschool Worldstar hip-hop bullshit is going to start a nationwide race war... Lack of perspective in the media is extremely troubling...

I wish this was a better world.