Monday, July 22, 2019

dun with the render

It's ok... give a peak if ya wanna..

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ruff cut dun

Forced myself to concentrate on nothing else but editing this thing...

It's gonna be some funky kinda wonky thing, clocks in too damn long... at least an hour. Need to do some serious cutting to create a diet version...

If anyone's wondering why the delay, well, the render of the titles was a bit of a fumble on my part. I simply forgot how to animate in 3d in after effects. And it led to having to re learn it. Strange to have gotten so badass at the program then lose the skills you learned... I mean whatever I thought I knew was simply wrong and I had to do that and figure out how to do the star wars title crawl which is actually somewhat complicated to pull off properly and demands multiple layers, angles, masks, and accurate timing or you can't even read the text scroll...

So I mean I was there, but yeah you do gain a different kind of view of the ceremony from the caught footage, stuff I didn't witness but my camera did... it's interesting... I didn't know I focused so much on people I didn't know, but I'm glad I did, it's not just about my family... I am interested in who the Browne family is, so I'm glad I caught lots of stuff with them...

Overall it's a positive uplifting event caught on camera by me and I wish as is stated in the video people did this more. We simply don't. We don't have that sense of God and love and generosity permeating through our basic psyche as much as we should...

It's kinda depressing stuff... Well as a reminder of such potential my video will bring that kinda alien concept of spirituality back. As is quite clear though I'm kinda exausted from working on it. it's tougher than I thought since there's stuff you want to keep, but you can't, gotta keep it moving, don't know how to end it since I didn't really like have a way to end it other than showing us all arguing over who goes home with who in what car... most fascinating and I think the ending I have in mind might work.... gonna break and get back to it...

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Sad to report things will be delayed... work crushed my soul hard this day, not easy to handle the busy craziness of manhattan. Makes you appreciate having a community where not every inch of street is populated by people, that's actually so wonderful, never looked at that and really respected it...

I'll dig in on it tomorrow, hopefully knock it out have it up. It'll be an intersting video, nothing professional, but I did intend to have it be quirky and different....

What else.... don't know.... I don't mind my job at the moment, it's more or less at will employment, you just go when you decide to do it, not like a steady thing. I'm free to pursue my personal interests instead of worrying about being some wage slave, but the truth is I most likely have to join the slavery force at some point full on... I'd rather it be in a way that used my brain, not mindless robotic dull work... that's more or less my hopes on that front, whether it pulls through I don't have any certainty.


Kinda want to jump on this years Urban action expo... it's a pretty spicy one, actually... I missed the blade anniversary, wanted to jump on that but things got in the way. This year will be great... They generally always are fun. Be interesting to have a kinda martial arts competition or something, not like a fight thing but skills show off thing. That's what i like about it... it's so much about a group of martial artists getting together for a few days more than show casing films.

I mean they're going to show all my favorite things, star wars, michael jai white movies, and what was it, oh going to be doing a celebration for the warriors movie which I didn't get into until meeting the actor at the last time he was at the expo. Had no clue warriors was so iconic a film and it had me totally locked in, it was as if I made that movie, it's so gritty and funky and 70s, and just pure f'd up awesome and gives no fucks, what a film. Yeah, boy... that thing's no joke.

Jai white will be there... I don't know man. He's who he is, got million dollar deals going on, don't got time for little insects like me, I understand that... Be tough to not want to get another autograph or something, but i think I've climbed mount everest already and don't need to go chase him down again....

If it truly interests me I will attend, otherwise, no... I mean if like some celeb will be there who's hard to get close to yeah, but naw, I don't want to over stay my welcome too much, Ugh, I'm over thinking this shit, but yeah that's about as far as I'll go.... if something great's going on I'm there no doubt...

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

OK let's get it farted

Gonna start editing the marriage whoopity doo video and spice it up nice, uh, thinking 60fps with a drop to 30 when it switches to my phone footage. My phone can shoot 60 fps too but I didn't have time to set that up for it... so there ya go.... uh, yeah whirl wind weekend of stuff. Happy to get away from the computer and phone though, that was interesting to kinda go retro and live like I did as a 90s boy just like actually going outside and being around the world, that was unique...

I'll be uploading it all to Vimeo and Youtube tomorrow before I got to go to work the next day... should be a smooth fast cut if I don't procrastinate on it...

Did the best I could, but yeah I've never done weddings in my life, didn't even know how to set my phone cam to work for indoor lighting... and I'm personally not like even feeling fully prepared for it... Like, would have been waay better to actually just have a week full to just hang out with the gang again instead of a blink and you miss it few days... Let stuff sink in, ya know... It was like a blazing fast day in basic training at Lackland, get up, get dressed, run around this big ass obstacle course, now go eat, now go shoot this gun, good ya done? ok now go to this classroom and listen to this guy talk about how many people in your squad will die, wash rinse repeat... yeah good ol basic training...

so uh, here we go, gonna do some shopping cuz I'm dying starving up in this biznach then fingle dangle figure out how to make this thing work...

Monday, July 8, 2019

My Cousin Cal

Guess he's been busy while I was away. I don't know. Been doing and going through so many years of stuff. I have no clue what he's doing these days. Still see the old cal in him but yeah he's not really him anymore, nor does he want to be I'm sure.

Good luck.

I've been there, in love. I haven't known a greater happiness. And the truth is I never will.

Life goes on though doesn't it...

Friday, July 5, 2019

Current Progress

Stunningly to my own kinda amazement I've gotten better. Picked up on some hints on practicing piano that I'd like to share. If nothing else, helping others struggling will be what I utilize this blog for.

I was struggling with a kinda advaced level piece that I think is too far ahead to be practicing in this course I'm doing... but I think the instructor knew it'd be possible to do it with time and understanding of finger placement.

Indeed that was the problem. A lot of piano comes down to simply predicting which position to put your fingers in so the music flows out more naturaly and you don't have to trip over your own fingers to get it out.

I didn't realize this and as I hammered away at the music while practicing, it became clear I was not forwardly preparing for the next notes just going with it and winging it really.

Also, practice only the parts you suck at. That was how I mastered the tricky coordination of fingering. I just kept plugging away at that one part and ignored the rest of the music since it was tedious to go through it to get back to the harder part.

That's it... got things I have to do, but felt like explaining proper practice and fingering for the piano might help a struggler like myself. It built a bit more confidence when I finally just nailed the landing, and though there's music that's way harder to master still ahead of me, this was profound in a way to discover that it's there, the skill level is actually there to play competently and not look like a doofus...