Thursday, June 30, 2011

transformers 3

just saw this. Can't wait to finally see captain america, that's all... Once again, bay delivers on spectacle, but not much else... might as well watch a kid play his videogames for 2 hours, same thing... there are brief moments where the movie does something great and worth the money, optimus knuckle duster, big beautiful ass at the beginning, betrayal of one of the autobots, pretty good stuff, but not enough to make me want to see this again. Movies with good stories is what keeps you coming back again and again. this isn't that kind of movie, though it tries to be. like others online say it obviously is trying to be a more slow careful transformers movie, and that works, but only if this was the first one, not the third...

still it'll do shitloads of money, and surprisingly the best part of the movie for me was shia. He gave everything he had and his rage over how he fucked up indiana jones is all over his performance. He truly becomes sam from the cartoon in this I felt. that's sam, he's always there to help, not denying to contribute. I liked how he fought to put his piece in the mix. Something the movie was trying to say I guess, that if you want something go get it and stop waiting for approval. Kinda how I feel about dat pussy. It's forever a complex situation to be standing around all this hot ass and not being able to know what to do... yeah, but sam stops hoping for people to see him as a hero, and just goes out and does it... I wish at the end of the movie, it's utterly acknowledged world wide that sam's the main contact with the autobots and saved the world many times. Maybe it is after the credits, didn't see that...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

captain america trailer

looks promising, especially the really high quality fx work etc. That's really not unexpected since it's a joe johnston movie. His problem though is that he never seems to dig deep enough with his movies, they come close but never peak like greater movies do.

still I see there's something worth watching, I like that it's the story of an unextaordinary man who's granted great powers because of his unyielding good spirit. It's corny yes, but I believe in that stuff. the movie has to stay focused on what that means, actually delve into the potential to abuse power in the military, who deserves to be in control of so much? Hopefully someone who knows the difference between right and wrong... hopefully.

I don't know if such a message even is going to be accepted in this time of war when yes, as I have experienced, they don't want people like captain america in their ranks. They want a zombie.

if the movie wants to be good, it has to point out why cap is the best. certainly I think it's because he loves to help others in need, much like he was helped when he was weak. That's the root of heroism which I think needs to continue to be held up high as something we should aspire towards...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer season

I'm tired from work. what a day... cardona's new to the ala position and as such doesn't know what teh hell she's doing. ala's don't have to whip anybody, they just watch and make sure stuff is getting done correctly, which is necessary because mistakes happen. so they put me in charge of the gate... sigh... first of all, I don't know jack about half the stuff the other guys do... of course they don't know that, so they put me on the spot there. I mean, jean's always aic because he knows how to run the gates... I'm getting there, but not to the point where I feel confident doing shit. Like I've only marshaled an aircraft twice and that wasn't even to the gate, just the outside. I want to jump in and do it, it's not tough obstacle and I know if a bunch of other guys can do it, I certainly can... It's just I lack experience. Same with fmc, which I know how to use, but haven't done it because I'm too good in the belly of the plane. It's a sad strange irony that I can't be instructed on the easier stuff because I'm better suited for the hard crap.

I don't mind it except for the fact that summer is upon us. we typically get like 2 or 3 flights back to back on our gates. If indeed they end up being full for the summer season, I'm fucked. It's going to get so bad soon, maybe even by tomorrow. It's the damn kids, now that these planes will be full of them it's going to get crazy...

what do I do... hit the gym. I'm trying to get bigger but it's just not happening, and I can't figure out wny... maybe I need to jerk off a little and that'll help... I'll think about that sexy bitch from work...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

green lanturd

I ain't spending money on this thing... saw the bootleg. Mediocre episode of superman tas at best I'd say... definitely needed a few more drafts. Kids may eat it up, cuz they're simple minded, but if you possess even a gloop of intelligence don't go expecting to be intellectually challenged. It's not that movie. They might as well have made the jack black movie judging how this turned out... Its biggest crime is that it should have been so easy to get this right, but the movie seems to go out of its way to miss the target. First of all, the world is not set up well, nor is hal jordan's character. Its hard to figure out why hal's such a scaredy cat yet is an accomplished pilot. We spend forever on his drama with his girlfriend who sucks and doesn't matter at all. The only parts that work are the green lantern parts. If somehow the filmmakers made it a story about a guy who is a hero without the ring, therefore earns the right to have it, yeah... that'd be good, but it's left really vague as to why the ring chose hal of all people except for the fact that he looks like a muscled up superhero from the start so it's hard to buy all that "oh my life is so hard" crap throughout the movie. good grief...

really it's like the story of a jock high school player with plenty of girlfriends and it focuses on his fear of cockroaches or something... fuck you harry knowels, grow some standards.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hot girl at work

I already said something on my youtube page about this, but now it's time to get this off my chest here too... first of all, the 'REAL WORLD' people go on about in school is pretty tame honestly. People generally are very reasonable, trying to make the most of their lives and situations no matter what job they ended up doing. I actually like most of the people i work with at delta, they're not up your ass all day, as long as you do what u do, they don't even look at you for the most part... back at swissport, they know that you hate the job so they're on you ready to tear you apart if you don't work like a dog.

anyway, delta's really kinda like a vacation compared to that shit, even better considering how some blazingly gorgeous girl works my zone for some fucking reason. I can't work around her without getting a boner, and I wonder if she knows that?? why do hot chicks get dirty jobs like this and hang out like they're not making every guy there blow a pack of kids out their balls all day.

I don't know... I'm just confused as shit... she's probably lesbo, but she kinda flirted with me for a minute. Don't know what to think... ass is great, tits is great, face is great. Perfect 10 people. I look forward to going to work that day my friends...

It doesn't make sense. I'm a badass fit young guy and I've nearly died several times, so I'm sure she's had close calls too. Man she's a tough little bitch if that's the case... very interested in her, I am... but what can I do... girls are idiots man, just stay the hell out of big crazy jobs like this and stop distracting us...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

saving this

RICHARD MARK SIMMS 985 E 241 stBronx, NY, 10466
cell: 646-623-9266
Objective: To provide the very best service possible to any employer who decides to hire me, while continuing to improve myself to be a better asset to the company.
Education: Wellington community High School, FL - HS Diploma SUNY College at Old Westbury - 2 years
Languages: Intermediate Spanish, some Japanese
Work Experience:
2005 Target Store, Hicksvillle LI, Broadway Mall - Cooking cleaning cashier.
2008 ASIG - Ramp Agent, Load/unload luggage, drive tugs, service aircraft.
2009 Airforce Basic Training, physical training, discipline, follow orders, clean, prepare for battle.
2010 Swissport - Ramp Agent, Load/unload luggage, drive tugs, service aircraft.
2010 Delta Airlines - Ramp Operations, Load/unload luggage, marshal aircraft, drive tugs, service aircraft.