Thursday, June 30, 2011

transformers 3

just saw this. Can't wait to finally see captain america, that's all... Once again, bay delivers on spectacle, but not much else... might as well watch a kid play his videogames for 2 hours, same thing... there are brief moments where the movie does something great and worth the money, optimus knuckle duster, big beautiful ass at the beginning, betrayal of one of the autobots, pretty good stuff, but not enough to make me want to see this again. Movies with good stories is what keeps you coming back again and again. this isn't that kind of movie, though it tries to be. like others online say it obviously is trying to be a more slow careful transformers movie, and that works, but only if this was the first one, not the third...

still it'll do shitloads of money, and surprisingly the best part of the movie for me was shia. He gave everything he had and his rage over how he fucked up indiana jones is all over his performance. He truly becomes sam from the cartoon in this I felt. that's sam, he's always there to help, not denying to contribute. I liked how he fought to put his piece in the mix. Something the movie was trying to say I guess, that if you want something go get it and stop waiting for approval. Kinda how I feel about dat pussy. It's forever a complex situation to be standing around all this hot ass and not being able to know what to do... yeah, but sam stops hoping for people to see him as a hero, and just goes out and does it... I wish at the end of the movie, it's utterly acknowledged world wide that sam's the main contact with the autobots and saved the world many times. Maybe it is after the credits, didn't see that...

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