Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Back in Action

Looney Tunes ref!

Yes I'm back internet universe. I fought I struggled, I did what I had to do and now I'm back to being a complete nobody online...

I know, you all envy my success in life...

All joking aside, it's over. I went an entire month without doing a daily blog or even doing a ton of insane browsing and net usage...

I have a lot of thoughts on what it all meant, what having my computer back will entail. What's the next step for me etc...

Prio number one is finishing Static. I will be finishing the fx work and getting it out on the date of Glass' release now. The delay was unavoidable and that's just the way it's gonna go....

I've become kinda a different person though... I don't really care about this blog anymore, not as much as I did. Being forced off it made me actually start being myself and discovering myself instead of putting on an act and pretending to be some internet guy online...

It was good. The internet is a black hole. It just sucks away at who you are and never intends to let go. Just turn it off and avoid it and you'll do yourself a huge favor...

I mean that's it, all I really have to say. My comp gpu exploded, fried my psu, caused me to have to live and do things in life for a while and I think I'm better for it... I don't feel beholden to online life as much as I used to. Iv'e gotten into studying and improving my intellect more. Working on finishing things I wanted to finish for a while like some games etc that I typically put to the side..

Indeed, the solitude of it all has led to a lot of self reflection and thinking about who I am. What I want to be in life. Stuff you can't do when you have the internet to crawl into constantly....

Let the mouse and keyboard go, it's not everything... That's where I leave it. I don't know if I'll blog again for a while, just wanted to chime in...