Thursday, November 30, 2017

The plan

I think I can get somewhere with the static shock thing I'm slowly pushing forward here...

Today is the last day of november. I currently am in decent shape, if I had to shoot the actual final scenes and nail that stuff down, I'd be fine with it honestly.

I really am annoyed with the balloon scene still needing to get done and so I'd like to just get it out of the way.

Today was good. I did the batman shot I've been itching to get and even discovered that batman looks amazing at low angle perspective. I was just going to shoot him purely straight forward, but when I accidentally just had the camera down low for a bit shit looked awesome so that's how I'll have some of his stuff in the final cut since it gives the illusion that batman has some actual size to him. Sadly I look awful as batman, I'll have to mostly NOT show how I look in full costume if I want to sell this in any realistic fashion. I don't want it to be so awkward and lame like batman tends to look constantly. I don't think any live batmen have actually looked right. They've yet to figure batman out, except for Adam west. Now that I think about it, he was the most comfortable relaxed natural batman of them all. He just made sense all around.

I mean it's tiresome and putting the pressure of the deadline on me has taken its toll. I simply will try to release a rough cut of the film by then. What that means is that stuff will be unfinished.... Until I find the time to get the fx work done.

Still just kinda ball parking the film. Nothing is planned meticulously. I'm still writing the script in my head to this day. I know the overall structure  but the finer details are tough to pin down....

Let me show you this though:

Yep, that's how intense this project will be. I'm going down that road of inserting myself into stuff in order to fake that I'm really there with someone. Not even wearing the shirt I want to be wearing but I was just sick of sitting on this scene in my brain all this time and not actually getting off my ass to do it, so I said screw it and got it shot and it actually came out decent when I was expecting it to be total balls. That's the journey with this project. I go out work on it expect ass, then it suddenly works and makes sense and fits. It's magical when those moments happen. 

It wasn't easy. I had to find frames where the person I'm cropping out isn't there and some how force myself into the shot. I don't even have the ecto cooler and minion in the shot yet that's how early in the process this shot was. I had to put them in there to cover the woman's hand who I'm putting myself on top of... kept on moving it in the scene and ruining things so I just tossed a minion on it.

Why static brings a minion the bar, who knows. It's a running gag that the minion keeps showing up at awkward moments. Look for him a lot actually. I just tossed him in shots for no reason whatsoever.

Alright. Rough cut when TLJ is out. I'll release it after I go see the movie. And on Christmas the final director's cut will be out. 

IF I can some how squeeze the final version out on the 15, yeah right, but if some how I drop 10 pounds in the next 3 days, shoot the balloon stuff, shoot the joker stuff, shoot the final scene, plus the funny joke scenes I want, then ok release.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer is the new O Reilly?

Will he too start a twitter undergound version of his show to keep up a bit of his former prestige?

No all joking aside, sad to hear about his firing today. Not a huge fan of his, but he was always around all my life, a good classy person.

Well shit. You know what I think happened, he was caught on tape or camera making unwanted advances or saying something dickish to a girl at work.

But he's too smart to do that in today's paranoid pussy world we're in, something doesn't make sense... could be a hit job, could be. It's all so sudden and we have no proof, no full story on this, just a sudden dismissal. Couldn't they have respected him enough to let him quietly resign instead of publicly shaming him? Say whatever you want about what he did or didn't do, but he some how knocked the show out every day and got it done with such dignity and grace. He was the best. People are now calling for Roker's firing because he's well, he's Roker at times.... Maybe it's coming...

Well who knows. I'm going to guess he got irritated by a girl at work who was harassing him and decided to return the favor. I've been there. Girls LOVE to harass and belittle us then when we fight back they cry about it, been there at my old job. I didn't want to start anything with this chick, but she brought it HARD to me every chance she could get, and it was just a wake up to how females operate, super tough when it comes to attacking males, then turn into little princess when you blow up at them. I think he met the same girl, he did something in an act of rage and now she has the fuel she wanted to burn him. Sad but real talk, that's how I've experienced it, women are tough to figure out, bro.

Good luck Matt, we're not all hating ya...

Edit: Further thawtz.

I don't know what's going on but apparently Lauer had a history of being a dick to people at Today and may have been responsible for one of his co workers getting fired.

Sad, so sad... why can't people try to be better and not give in to the dark side. It does come back to bite you, it so does as is clear here.

I'd like to know what he did. What finally broke the last straw here. I guess we'll never know. He'll never speak about it, ever. But Lauer can't just disappear at all. Whatever he does, this ghost will follow him, this mystery will be there. Maybe man up and say sorry, it's a start, bro....

Progress report and stuff

Gosh, didn't know I'd still be alive, but yunno, if I'm going to have to be here, I'm going to try to make something cool.

Luckily for me I've discovered a way to get up to the garage roof so I will some time this week shoot and complete the entire joker meets static scene. I've done some acting tests:

Then after that, it's all stuff I can shoot here locally so I don't worry about it. The only major piece left to the puzzle is the finale where static shoots boom with his shit. I mean Amazing what cutting sodium actually does. I've started to actually lose a bit more fat and I can start to see my abs. So we'll see where I am a week from now and if I'm nicely shaped, I'll shoot it. Honestly, what I should do is just go shoot the balloon elements since that'll be a quick shot and then go work my ass off to get shredded as a mufuga and finally shoot the final boom blast.

We'll muffugin see... am currently sick with a cold due to short changing my immune system in an attempt to go on a water and magnesium only diet. Learned the hard way that's a bad idea.

I can't afford to do the film's adr with this cold so hopefully it's going to pass soon, strangely it kinda helps the joker voice get pitched pretty good though....

Sunday, November 26, 2017

there is a GOD

I say that with tears swelling in my eyes...

I'm just, let me gather my thoughts at this very moment.

I am just now sitting here having found my power glove. I know you all don't care about that shit. But I've been spending the last 4 hours since I woke up to go do a shot early before the cars started coming in full costume as boom. I went to look for my glove in the car where I thought I left it, not there...

I didn't find it. I figured it's in my room somewhere. NADA, gone.

I say to myself, oops left the power glove in the woods like I've done to other things, just go and fetch it, no big deal. It's probably where I tossed it.

I literally go combing the woods for the glove, GONE.

I drop emotionally. Start thinking about why this happened, why a power glove worth maybe 100 bucks is now gone from me....

I lost my mind searching for it some more. Returned to the park 3 times to look for it. Looked through footage on my camera to identify where the goddamn hell I left it. Looked like I dropped it behind a tree, go look, not there.

I then just told myself, let it go, it's over. Someone stole the damn thing out of the woods and I will never see it again.

Felt like my soul had been crushed and a part of me gone forever. That sense of this abyss in life where things just are gone for good.

I accepted defeat, held on to a slight glimmer that I might see it again if it fell off the edge of the bed or under it, whatever the case. But I accepted it was gone...

It's now here safe, next to me. But I still feel like its gone. I fully was prepared to forge forward with the rest of the film without it for possible new footage and reshoots.

My spirits are shaken right now. I feel a sense of overwhelming loss and overwhelming relief at the same time. Making this movie has been and continues to be more of a sacrafice than I ever anticapated but it is one I'm willing to make, it's who I am.

How did I find it. I didn't 'FIND' it. I looked at all the footage I shot for that day and noticed I was smart enough to always have the power glove in hand. Made me wonder if I stashed it in my bag since that 's all I was carrying that day. So on a bit of of a weird silly what the heck moment of spontinaity or whatever, I just took a look in my bag, which I already previously searched multiple times, and at the very bottom, under EVERYTHING, found the glove. Makes no sense that it would end up that deep in it. and the thing that is weird is that I searched the bag for it, just not to the bottom I guess.

I can't begin to make sense of this hectic morning I've had thus far, needless to say, I'm very happy and very messed up and need a break from this project. It probably will be delayed. The reason for losing things and doing things off step is because I'm trying to rush it. I got to just let it come when it comes from here forward....

Thanks to God, thank the force, all who brought my glove back to me. You don't know how great I feel knowing it's still here, still with me right now...

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Might move release date to the 25th

Might... depends on what shape I'm in by the target date and how much progress I make on editing and fx work that still has to be done in the ensuing weeks.

I figure, chrismas day makes more sense than the 15th. I want it to coincide with the release of TLJ but then I remembered christmas is more significant a day than the 15.

Kinda a downer for me to have missed my target but whatever, the film will be better for it.

Friday, November 24, 2017

filming continues

It does indeed.

I've been doing the art thing forever, so it's nothing new to me, just more of the same arduous nonsense to the step by step grind of getting it done...

Stupid thanksgiving has definitely put a dent in my diet program I'm on to try to lose the last flab on my body in order to get the final shot of static beast moding super saiyan style... I mean, I'm not bad right now, but I was hoping to be looking too good. Little do I know that sodium was such a huge diet killer. I was unaware of how it can impact the body and of course did not limit my sodium intake all this time. So despite dropping weight and getting lean due to limiting sugar and calories. I was still high on sodium and basically sodium causes you to maintain bulgy fat as your body retains water... so yeah, that's been a huge issue.

I now have to go on a severe diet and basically starve myself to fulfill my hopes of slimming down to look the right way for the shot... Yay, this is going to suck ass..

Don't know what I'm doing diet wise, just don't know. I know that yeah high fiber, high protein, and low calories, sodium, and sugar will cause weight loss, that I do know. But it's been hell to get there...

Got to shoot the joker vs static bits some point. Not looking to rush it. Been doing bits of makeup tests for joker and it's going to be amazing, I can gurantee that. I've been a huge joker nut all my life. So there's no doubt in my mind I'll nail his character. Got to learn how to do flamboyant mannerisms though on camera. I mean, it's tough once the camera is rolling to figure out how to keep the momentum of the performance and not dip into moments where you think about wtf you want to say. Indeed the  best performances are natural ones. When I find that groove and I just go with my gut and just let it all go, stop being a bitch about it, and just let the force flow, that's when the magic happens and the scene kicks ass. Nice natural acting...

Don't really know what else I got to shoot, got a good tons of gigs worth of footage shot and am almost ready to cut the film together and make it somewhat work.

Gotta shoot the boom forest stuff I want to reshoot and of course finish with the final scenes. I mean, we'll see how this thing all culminates in the end.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thawtz on Battle Fart

That's what I call it.

I have very little time left in the trial period on battle front 2. It's as usual a star wars cluster fuck. Brilliance mixed with garbage.

I'm glad the tolkens are gone. That was among many things a huge issue with me. Getting the hero meant just finding a random tolken, so some idiot little punk kid would be the hero and waste it. But yeah many issues with BF 1 that I'll try to get to here.

They have wisely added back multi colored laser fire. I was just wondering why in a star wars freaking game were lasers all the same color when star wars features so many kinds and it would help you know who's shooting from where. So now as I've played today, there was a nice ability to figure out which team was shooting at you... good change.

Now getting the goddamn higher grade characters and heros is where I have an issue... Basically to get the hero you have to be some kind of juggernaut bitch and mow through the other team getting tons of kills and objective score until you reach 6 or 8000 goddamn points. I haven't played the hero ONCE, good grief. Almost got to 6000 but no the match ended. Matches are too short and the whole phases and sections thing is all kinds of stupid. You die because the phase changed and the map forces you to leave an area. How about not doing that, and letting us goddamn have time to leave or choose to stay and get killed, whatever. It was just unbelievable how the stage killed me more than the other players. I'm getting skilled, and figuring out how to survive battles, but oh no, phase change, map count down to death, better run! shit.

Doesn't feel like a star wars game. Watered down halo/call duty/battlefield. I'm so over EA having the license to make this. They've long since proven they don't understand star wars and are making expensive skin mods to battlefield, nothing more, nothing less. I gave them a pass on the first game. It was them getting their feet wet and figuring things out, fine. This time, they've learned nothing. The maps are bland rehashes of everything that came before, nothing new except maybe kamino. But they ruined that map with the phase time limit making you have to move indoors instead of playing on the superior outside map, why did they do that shit?

Agreed that the game is basically a grenade fest on the close quarters maps. It's just wait, get killed by random grenade thrown from nowhere. That's the game in those maps.

Just really standard issue lazy map design, nothing truly utilizes the vast infinite possibilities of star wars, granted I've not yet truly played them all and doubt I ever will. People have been saying the naboo map fails to be chosen every time they play, and it's true. Why the hell can't we choose our maps?

Why can't we play in friends lists and squads? Is it the end of the world to add interactive elements to the map, collapsable buildings, you did it already with bf4... Bridges we can blow up to stop the other team. It's star wars, that's kinda what it's always embodied little traps and tricks and sarlacc pits.

So you can't skin the characters to your preference so it feels very detached, boring and impersonal, that's something that you'd think they'd put in after it being damn bare bones in the first one. But no. And who knows how much money they'd make if it was pay to buy new skins and emblems whatever you want... skins is big business in gaming, so dumb.

Overall it's a game that needs a steep learning curve to figure out and adjust to. It's tough on you just for being a star wars fan and wanting to have a good time and that's wrong of them to do. It should be about celebrating star wars, not making you pissed off about how crappy the design and game mechanics are, or how much you can't afford to upgrade anything while other players have the best stuff and stomp all over you.

Just a bland game with some smidges of brilliance here and there and the concept of being able to upgrade through experience points this time is a good one, but too damn slow and awfully designed, the idea that the hero goes to the best players with the most points is wonderful now, but good luck having any time to enjoy it since the matches are short as hell...

Too bad the maps are ass, the phase system is ass, the costs for things is ass. It's a mountain to climb just to become the rocket dude and then you die in no time flat. He should be a mini tank for f's sake. They didn't care...

That's how i feel about this game. THEY. DIDN'T. CARE....

Monday, November 20, 2017

everybody getting grabbed by the pussy

I thought Franken had it bad before, might as well give up on credibility in the future at this point. At least when the first girl accused him of stuff, people quickly figured out that she was hyperbolizing the incident as if it was more than it was. Turns out he was going with the actual culture of the USO event. LOTS of grabbing and touching and sexual jokes going on. Video has surfaced of her doing the same thing to men at the USO show. As much as she wants to play victim, kinda hard to do so when there's tons of proof showing you playing sexually with guys at the damn show itself. I personally loathe when girls do this stuff. It's something I've witnessed all my life. Girls that act playful and sexual towards men then whine when the men think the door is open to being sexual towards them in return. I've just experienced way too much of that nonsense and can see right through it every time it happens. She invited the photo all throughout the tour, and now is using it to smeer franken politically. 

As for the new accusation, franken grabbing ass of some girl at some event while taking a photo. It's going to be believed, even if it's bullshit. And you know what, even if he did grab some ass. Why's that the end of the world? It's an ass. Pretty sure we all brush up against asses in close quarters situations which an event is. I can definitely see there being some over reaction going on here. I can't tell you all how many times I've mistakingly touched a girl on the freakin subway and she seemed to think I was doing it purposefully. Girls will play that game, turn a light touch into a full on assault and everyone will reflexively believe them. 

Do I think Franken is an innocent little angel in all of this is the real question. Of course not. Nobody is. It's striking as hell to me to wake up to the way people grown ass people act like babies about every single little shit that goes on in life. Good LORD. If I got to goddamn complain about all the times people bullied, hit, harassed, and fucked with me, wouldn't life be grand. But I can't, and I live in the real world, SHIT HAPPENS. Used to be the motto of a lot of people, but now it's, WAAAAH HE TOUCHED ME MOMMY!!! OH good lord. 

What do I think about Roy Moore and the multiple accusations against him and now people defending his actions saying some 14 year olds mature faster than others... yunno, that's true. Some girls are well beyond their years and look older. I don't agree with the whole age limit thing myself, not because I'm hungry for high school girl ass, but because yeah, in this thing called reality, there are girls who are still knocking around in their teens who are having tons of sex. It's this fantasy fairy tale land that people live in where a 14 year old is comparable to a 8 year old, pure nonsense. Do I condone what Roy Moore most likely did? No way. He well enough probably is an asshole and preyed on dumbass teens back in the old days and now is paying the price for it...

How much of this stuff was common place back then is really the question and are people voting for him because they don't really see what he did as being criminal? I step on egg shells here, but yeah even if what he did is true, it's legal somewhere. Only here is there some huge shit fest over age limits on sex... don't know the real reason behind it and don't give a shit. 

What I do know is that there are people who will argue for the sake of arguing not because they believe what they're saying to be true. Like the whole college thing... I mean, I still am baffled by people's devotion to something that they had no hand in creating, but ok, whatever floats your butt. 

And yeah, nobody gets to feel morally superior about sex. Just look at the internet. Look at the goddamn mountains of porn. That's what generations of kids are being witness to as the world we live in. You don't get to stand on a moral high horse after acting like that for the world to see, that ship has long sailed to me. 

Enough ranting, will be hopefully surviving today's bout of caviar orders in manhattan. make like 15 bucks per order on that app job. Pure win...

Thursday, November 16, 2017

no, still getting a refund

I don't think I had an impact on it,  but maybe I did. EA has decided to take out the pay system and make the game solely based on skill to progress and upgrade your stuff...

It is a fantastic thing to do and for the kids that will be playing it'll be a boon for them and that makes me happy about it. I'd hate to be a stupid kid sign in to the game then get destroyed by some jackass who just payed to upgrade himself to the top. That's just awful. So yeah this is a good sign.

I'll be jumping in when the game gets cheaper though. I've been stressed way too much by this and I don't want to go further and play again another unbalanced, shitty, EA star wars battlefront. People have been saying the problems with the game go beyond the pay system. It's bugged, poor balancing, unfair prices for upgrades, infinite grinding, and just not that good a game, period.

I'll opt for the EA access option, sign up, then play it for a trial period.

I've been down this road already with them, gave them damn near a 100 dollars buying all the dlc and stuff for the now barren wasteland that is BF1. Why would I spend more for a buggy shitty poorly produced sequel?

Screw you, make better games, or piss off.

I'm not buying.

Not getting this battlefront

Going to get a refund, and yeah it hurts me. It pulls at my heart to deny myself this game. But I'm not going to support star wars even when it sucks, definitely going to get it when the price drops as per usual. I've NEVER bought a star wars game full price besides battlefront and honestly looking back, I should have waited and gotten it for pennies and played it later on. It was just that I hadn't played a battlefront in eons, so I had to jump on it first thing. Honestly since I have battlefront and sometimes you can get a decent game going, I'll just play that and occasionally the old 2005 version which to this day remains the best battlefront game which makes no f'n sense at all...

And yunno what's ridiculous about it, I'm not the hardest star wars fan to please. I've struggled through tons of awful star wars games and just enjoyed that it was star wars, I didn't care. Teraskasi was really tough to figure out but eventually I adapted and it was a bit more fun. Jedi power battles for GBA, hell any system, was downright awful but I managed to figure out how to get through it. On and on. Super star wars for snes, don't get me started on that test of will.

Point is, I can hang with a bad star wars game, always have. It's just that I agree with the reviewers. EA is playing us. They want us to get mowed down constantly by people who pay to upgrade themselves and get the best weapons and force players to either quit or pay up to be able to stand a chance. And on top of that, I was there when they released updates that broke battlefront 1 and all the nonsense unbalanced heros and weapons from that game they went with. AWFUL game design, yet they just counted their money and didn't care. Well I've had enough, sorry. Truly sorry to turn my back on battlefront, but I've been shown their true colors. If they want to just screw us, then forget it... you've lost a customer.

I certainly hope we can get a better proper battlefront down the line. I'm tired of this die and respawn fest that it ended up being.

Al Franken grabs em by the titty

New bullshit of the day I guess:

This woman, pictured above has come forth to accuse Al Franken of sexual assault.

She claims he kissed her with tongue during rehearsal for a comedy bit, then took a lude photo of groping her titties after wards without consent:

Fox News will be going insane with this story in merely hours and will keep it going for probably a good long while to fuel their base. 

Sadly that's how media works, whatever side you stand on you biasedly push it to fuel your own agenda. 

What do I think personally? She's a model and porn star. She kinda invited this kind of treatment to some extent, not like she was just an actress. Some speculate this is actually a hit job they're trying to pull on franken. 

Will he resign? Hard to say. If what we have as president is any indication, he could brush past this and continue his career undetered and freaking pedophile still has a serious chance of winning a senate seat at this very moment. 

I can't possibly be more confused by the political world and how it treats a pedo vs a dumb moment from a comedian turned politician. 

Sucks, I like franken. He's going to get it BAD now. Lots of hyperbole going to come flying at him from this mistake he made years ago, nothing more nothing less. 

If you've ever worked with a gorgeous female in any capacity, you can't possibly argue that you've never ever made sexual jokes with her not once, not ever. Just no. I did. It was unavoidable. That much hotness in a place that it shouldn't exist was just too much awkward not to be met with sexual humor. So now we live in the paranoid over sensitive age where jokes about hot girls being hot is blown way out of proportion, when I remember there being a time when you could have a sexual sense of humor with a girl without it resulting in law suits and serious stuff. I can imagine people would indeed cry about the warner brothers jizzing themselves over the nurse in animaniacs... 

Like I said long ago in this blog, some girls are like cool with you acknowledging that they're attractive and others are completely cold on it and offended. I can bet at the time this was done, she was one of those cool girls making it clear she's not over sensitive and is ok with guys enjoying her looks. Oh, but today, now it's so horrible to be attractive and gorgeous, woe is me...

I mean it's just tough. I was at work at TSA one day and yeah one of the chicks there was mad cool as hell, huge boobs, and joked about  them all the time, it's what girls do. If indeed I did similar stuff and made joking photos with her and years later she came back and tried to claim I groped her, yeah, that's the bullshit isn't it....

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

had a tough shooting day

I guess I underestimated how hard shooting this movie in the public eye would be. I've been shooting so much of it in the forest that I forgot how ass it would be to have actual people annoying you during it. I don't really want to recount what happened. It was too stupid to be noted, suffice it to say it was a task to get my shots because of some overly paranoid guy who was just I don't know, I just don't know. We live in a tough town, the bronx. I don't feel safe here, no one should. I don't blame him, but he's still a damn annoying twerp who pissed me off during what I hoped would be a fly by thing. It wasn't. I got so much attention. I got so much BS for trying to shoot.

I even have a continuity error now that I won't dare go back and fix with a reshoot since I don't want to go through the drama again. I'll just have to leave it in there and it'll be an eye sore for all eternity thanks to the situation...

What can you do? Nuttin... well am satisfied enough with it. I often tell myself that well, not like the original footage I shot for this is any good anyway. When I started this shit, the cam I used was a samsung cell phone. Wasn't until losing the cell that I decided to go 60p with it and attempt a more modern level fan film.

What's left to do? Finish polishing and fnish all the batman stuff. I damn well will finish that shit tomorrow. I THINK I can possibly shoot the joker scenes tomorrow too. Very tough shoot, but I literally have the tools to do it so hell yeah. Batman and Joker will appear in this film and I'll do what I can. I should be the guy to take over joker for Hamill since I do a damn good joker, you'll see. I have no doubt you'll all like what I do with him. Baker who?? Can a blackish guy play joker? yunno, that's an interesting question. I don't look at joker as a white guy, he's got too much style and flare to him, he's so not white, that's why he's such a clowny personality. It'd actually work if a black guy played Joker, it really would.

Trying to figure out what's left to do before I go shoot the topless scene in like 40 below weather out in the jungle...

Want to get shots of static in freakin manhattan where the visuals would be amazing shit, but it's tough to get a chance due to lack of parking and just so many onlookers. I don't want bs and that's what you'll get as a black guy in a funny costume in the middle of manhattan, big whopping crap load of bs. Just kills me to drive around see steam blowing out of the sewer lids and pipes and thinking how badass would a shot of static right there be. Now if I do that, get costumed up and go walk out there and get the shot, I'll have so much bs, so yeah kinda am going to avoid that but I drive with the costume in the car ready to go just in case I can do it, but yeah, there's no place more paranoid than manhattan. They're preparing for big time terror season, the holidays, so no dice, bro.

Got to shoot as far as out door stuff is concerned. I have one scene for indoors that I want to get, Static talking to his sister frieda, easy scene, I can get that done easy. I'm concentrating on the hard parts right now....

Shoot Bank Robbery scene. Static's first heroic fight. I have to get this shot using whatever bank I can find over in mount vernon, set up the camera, shoot it. put in the alarm sounds later. Done.

After that, shoot localy static chasing the bank robber. Then the encounter with batman who catches him and tells static he'd make a good partner one day or something...

After that, I'm not gonna stress it. I've done some aspects of it already where he fights random thugs. One villain is specific to what I want to accomplish, red cape. I'll get him going as soon as possible. Problem is continuity is screwed because the scene I want happening after static fights red cape is kinda not having the same costume elements to it. I guess I'll have to just insert a bit where static puts his goku hoodie on for it to work.

Other than that gonna need to get crackin on flight scenes of course, fx work will be tough as balls....

Dunno really got to revist this... make sense of where I'm going and how much can be accomplished as time permits.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Getting this thing done

Took the bitter pill and decided to run instacrap down in manhattan yesterday for like just a few bucks whatever. It turned out to net me at least 70 bucks. Good haul. Just doing maybe 5 hours of work on the super busy days will make you a decent buck. So it was a smart move. I don't mind it but I do mind it, it's not hard but a bore and they will screw you with long distance bull crap. Drove MILES to deliver a few bars of chocolate. Does that make any sense? Who the hell orders chocolate bars from a super market miles away instead of maybe ebay or just getting off your lazy ass and going to get it. I can't say any of that kind of delivery like that makes sense. You get deliveries to people who are like taking care of their kids and CAN'T just leave to go grocery shopping because as parents know it's a horror show going out and juggling kids anywhere. So those deliveries make perfect sense. But the stupid ones, god are they meaningless.

Going to go down and do it again today; again, not going to enjoy it, but at least I'll get closer to affording my car insurance.

Wonderful I must say to come home from the Spawn anniversary and just chill and watch dragonball super. Took me back to the toonami days. I do wonder if the voice actors are feeling stretched too thin with dragonball still going as they get older, hell as the original voice of goku is now 80+, it's getting ridiculous... What a joke. Dragonball is still pumping out new episodes, still getting viewers young and old, still being popular and people still talking about it, yet the movies have completely been ruined and the sad fact is that no one involved with the films wanted it to just be a flop and fail. So much honest passion for db was put into aspects of the movie and yeah chatwin was to me the perfect Goku and physically would have put in the work to get there and achieve the live action goku we all were dreaming of. He himself looks upon the film as a mistake he made nothing more, to this day, him and all involved with it, an oops, didn't mean to make that thing, moving on. But doesn't change that we COULD under different circumstances be standing here today with maybe 3 movies made chronicling goku's journey from boy to man. It was possible. It was so possible.

M. Night making Glass, new behind the scenes video released showing a fight between beast and Dunn.

I can't wait for that obviously. It's going to be epic, and probably break the box office like no film ever has. I mean what M. Night is going to do is actually make a solid film under this guise of an epic super hero movie... it's not going to be epic or flashy, it's going to be intimate, small, like he said he wanted it to be. It's not going to try to be bombastic, we'll see. I wouldn't mind at all if he did epic big stuff. It's the final unbreakable movie and truth is, it's late. I won't let him get away with taking so long to make it. Should have been done years ago. Years damnit.

As far as static shock? Well I'm like still flabby so I can't put the final nail in it yet. Got stuff shot for the scene where Boom blows  up stuff in the neighborhood and then static shows up, need to hopefully finish shooting that bit today and get it out of my head. I want to focus on the bank robbery scene and joker scene. Going to go down in the subway and shoot a fight elements for when static encounters red cape guy. Then tons of green screen work etc. I mean It's about just like taking the subway at the right time of day. You have free reign over the subway at certain hours vs others. If I can get some privacy in a car, I can get tons of stuff shot, but you need to get on at like maybe 2am to have a shot at shooting without someone seeing it...

I'll get that going on tuesday. In fact this week I will shoot prettymuch everythng I have left to shoot.

I don't know, I mean I'm thinking about it, actually showing it at like the urban action expo thing.... But unfortunately it'd be more embarrassing than worth it due to the nature of HOW I'm adding people to it instead of having legit actors to work with. It's a silly fan film thing I've been doing since I was a star wars nerd years ago and we all made stuff like this, it's what the star wars scene was like back in the day, tons of fan projects came and went, were never held up and put on big screens or none of that shit...

Just, this project will be special, will indeed be something to behold. There's things I came up with that are really amazing, even to me, it's like actual good film making kinda stuff...

I've also recently become aware that there are rumblings of a live action static shock film in the works. Long overdue.... but yeah recently, a fan film for black lightning that was shown at the expo had static in it, live action style, and that's what it's all about, making the right people want to make it happen. It's going to be released online on nov 14, I'll have to check out the competition to see what this static was like vs mine... He's kinda alright, but not very interesting a performance. That's the hardest part about playing static, making him interesting. You have to do it phil lamar style. He made static have a sense of humor and just awkward nerdy quirks to him, that's how he punched static up, brought him more character than he initially had perhaps. Don't really know, but yeah. I don't think the comic version was that vibrant or complex. To play him straight as this kinda bland person with powers, just doesn't work as well. I basically do phil's version plus add a sense of drama and weight to him since he's masking his inner pain all the time, that sort of stuff... And I freaking look like him. The guy in the film doesn't look like static, like an obviously older guy cosplaying static. So I win.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

What to say about today

Best part was the people you meet there, they're genuinely enthusiastic about being amongst like minded people, the celebs who attend are truly, at least this time, good spirited about what they've been allowed to be apart of... It was a bit hectic and jumbled because of Jai White himself appearing. He's a down to earth millionare celeb meaning you can find him just walking the street without a big deal going on. So when he showed up to the event, there was no announcement, NOTHING he just walked in humble as a mouse, then you get a taste of who he is, a BIG shot hollywood personality, and yeah he's a bit of a contradiction, walks the streets like an ordinary man, anything but ordinary in reality... master martial artist and huge hollywood personality with super star status. I was unfortunately fooled into thinking I could be cordial with him. He'll stomp on you and move on if you get in his way and his agenda in life... He doesn't mess around. He's LEGIT Celebrity, first I've ever encountered..... someone who's actually a goddamn huge star and has probably a mansion somewhere... I was just shocked when I kinda saw how he mowed past me like I was an insect... no eye contact, nothing, I didn't register in his freakin brain.

I just wanted to hopefully tell him I was the guy he responded to on facebook that one time, had no chance of getting that across. His reply was done apparently in a joking spare moment he had between being wealthy and ignoring the common folk. I don't know the truth about him, but others there have commented to me about his personality not being easy to manage. No duh...

Sounds like I hate the guy. Far from it. Just got caught off guard with how he'd behave in the actual event and stuff. He's nice to you to a point, then beyond that, forget it. That's how people describe him prettymuch and that's how he came across to me. Interesting.

Do I think celebs should be fake and act nice when they don't really want to be? No, be yourself and that's what you'll get from Jai White for better or worse, he's himself. If he's annoyed and doesn't like you he'll make that clear. I mean, better than the plastic personalities we always get from people in the public eye even if it's not easy to handle.

Glad I did what I did... I have the autograph, a photo, have a ton of video of the actual celebration of spawn's 20th anniversary. I mean, usually I read about t his stuff after the fact. But no, I was there, I saw all the crazyiness that went on. It was great fun, wish I wasn't so exausted and sick from the weather, but other than that, my inner child was going nuts.

Rumor has it Wesley Snipes will be appearing at next years event. OMG. I doubt jai white will be back. This was actually sort of a thing he personally felt obligated to do having contributed to the showcase in the past and to some extent this was about celebrating spawn and no one else would really best celebrate it than the event he helped start, and it made sense, spawn truly was like the first time a major studio took interest in making a black centric super hero film. Jai white was one of the first celebs at the showcase when it began. Only fitting he use the event to promote his company (there's the truth about his appearance) and to celebrate the film that shot him into super stardom. (He doesn't like the film, but can't deny it's what put his name on the map.)

A lot to take in and absorb and make sense of. I think over time I'll look back on this day I went through, warts and all, and be proud of myself for having gone out and showed respect to my heroes. Too bad they sometimes don't seem to care squat that you're a huge fan.... that's hopefully going to be something some celebs work on... kinda need fans don't ya think?

Met spawn

Kinda. Was gracious and nice enough to sign my blue ray and take a picture which I'll take to my grave loving then... understandably ignored my existence at every point afterwards... it was odd as he'll but then I realized he's a millionare... yeah mr girlfriendless fanboy doesn't matter to him. Got money to go swim in... I wish he understood that I grew up worshipping him but who knows. I don't know how he's going to be when he does the panel after the movie is shown.

Remarkably I was thinking of just watching a movie while waiting for whenever spawn was finally shown. Well I just up and left the theater for no reason... go walking around and freaking spawn shows up to hang out for maybe an hour good signing autographs and doing photos. I honestly would have missed it and wasted my money. I got lucky as hell... Well got to wait. White bounced for whatever reason. I have no idea if it when he'll be doing more autographs... Would have sucked I guess if I decided to show up at 3 like I planned and missed the boat... glad I came. White is amazingly fit for his age. There's no Photoshop to him. He's really that big and muscular. But yeah he was in then out and will ignore you without mercy. It was like meeting a true Hollywood star I guess. Well see how the rest of the event goes.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Disney making a star wars series

I mean, I'd play Lando for them if they wanted me to, but all things considered glover comes from TV and is still a tv actor, he'd just be the one they ask and of course he'd do it and it'd keep continuity with the new movie... God I hope it bombs to shit.

Well, I'm around if you need me Lucasfilm/Disney. I won't say no.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

planning the final days of static shooting

Weather is getting abysmal... Freaking cold and less sun shine, so cloudy meaning my shots look like they're being done in obviously autumn season.

I will do what I can but if stuff is overwhelmingly out of step I may have to postpone release, may. I know I want to hit the release date of the last jedi, make it a simultaneous release, but it's going to be tight... might put out a rough cut by then, finished version later.

I'm just broken to bits. My wrist was sprained, knees inflamed from the heavy jumps, muscles aching from all the instafart bags and struggle to get shots. When you shoot stuff, yeah it looks so cool how the actors just knock out lines. You don't realize how many times they did those scenes how many stressful horrible times they did that action scene to get it right.... never appreciated it, but yeah, they must have been broken every day by that if what I'm going through is any sign.

I'm just wanting to quit instafart and just put every ounce of effort into finishing my project. Then it will be done, I can move on from it. It's a curse is what it is. I know and see the path ahead of me as this horrible thing I have to endure if I want to finish this little fan film.

Its a test of will power. I know what I have to do but dread the time and frankly difficulty involved with it.

One wonders from this vantage point, will it be worth it?

Monday, November 6, 2017


New mass shooting. Just weird. Can't people just chill. I don't know... I don't honestly think about it much, but yeah, people need to relax. Why would you mess around and start crap in life. I don't understand it.

Who are those people that just live to cause disruption and chaos. I've never understood those people, they're just a big wtf to me... wtf people.

Good luck to you all, don't get taken out by some guy or gal with a lack of self esteem or whatever is going on.

I'm not going to dwell on it. That's what these guys want to get attention and unfortunately since it sells newspapers, that's what the media gives them. I'm not anti-media, but in my life time I've witnessed the serious lack of sensitivity to these mass shootings where they prop up and make these cowards famous and remembered vs the people who's lives have been completely destroyed. It's truly backwards.

No one should give a fuck about the shooter or terrorist, what's the difference. The poor kid who got shot with 5 bullets, for fuck's sake. This is just wow, what could lead to this?

Apparently now the guy got the gun without having legal right to own it, what's going on???

Sure guys can get guns if they pay enough, that's the real truth about it. Money talks. If you want a gun badly enough and have the money you can buy one somewhere, somehow. If you think these guys are going to have a tough time getting guns because of legal restrictions you're living on mars.

Hell, shit might go down where they very SIMPLY just get a job at the airport, wait for gun shipments to come in and then just steal the damn thing. I've moved TONS of guns as a ramp agent, it's not impossible to just run off with it instead of delivering it to the belts.

Something does indeed need to be done. I mean, it's just we're on this big hoopla now about ending diversity lottery, when right under that umbrella of thought, proof in the goddamn pudding happens showing us that yeah you can stop immigration from certain countries, won't make anyone safer at all... just blows the mind.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Gonna go see Michael Jai White

This will be my second time attending the urban action expo. Last year, went to go see Taimak, had no idea Michael Jai white would be attending this one. Sure as hell am going to go and get to meet him. Huge part of my life, and he doesn't know it. Saw Spawn back in the good ol days of VHS. Yep, that was my introduction to him. Obsessed with that movie for a long time afterwards. It's a good film, with heart, great story. Don't understand the backlash to it beyond it being a watered down version of the much more gory comics and HBO series.

What to say to him... First of all, thank you for making my childhood awesome. What's he expect to see happen in Spawn reboot, can it work? What's his thoughts on returning for a cameo, a deserved one at that...

So many questions I have for him as a sorta martial artist myself and as a guy trying to get into film making....

Where else do I know him from? I was there when that assfest Universal Soldier the Return came out. I was so hyped for that back then. I was like OMG awesome, then I watched the thing...

I guess I can ask him about his thoughts on that film, what he wanted it to be vs what it was...

But mainly spawn questions. Will we see Spawn fight Blade? Would he take over Blade for Wesley? Who'd win in a fight?

I'm just, it's on man. I'll probably be the biggest Spawn nerd at the expo on the 11th... I will be attending, it's just yeah I'm nervous about it. All these celebs are kinda a giant scary creature when they're not really that way in person, just people, but still sends chills up the backbone wondering about being face to face with someone you've merely watched in epic amazing films....

I mean let me set the stage. I watched spawn a thousand times back to back just to bask in the film again and again when I was a little bastard. It was just mind blowing film making... mind freaking blowing to see that much cool shit. I was floored. I don't care what people say about it, it was just a joy that film.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

almost crashed today

I mean this one was like for real. I've always had moments here and there where I get sketchy on if I can make it in time etc, but no, this time I was like, OH SHIT, I'm gonna have a bad day. Luckily the cab driver idiot slammed his brakes before we collided and we both moved on with our lives, but jesus christ. Welcome to Manhattan traffic. Who'd want to work down there, live down there, who are those people with some kind of death wish? Literally can't even ride a bike down there. I see little kids at night running around after school, tons of people filling the side walks, all it would take is one psycho to turn all that into a tragedy.

It's just, I mean it barely works, manhattan. I see a lot of honest ways that it could be improved, but as long as there's no mass casualties, the people running manhattan don't care about improving the city.

Mandate small smart cars for people who don't have passengers regularly for starters. It's just a madhouse how many huge cars are parked and driving around down there and probably are not for families, just some douche who wants to be a big shot and show off his big ass car.

Give us a goddamn sign or something before we hit the goddamn turn only lanes that just pop up out of no where, jesus.

It barely works.... A lady told me as I tried to deliver her crap, you need to learn how manhattan works. Say What? There is no learning how manhattan works idiot. It's never going to work. It doesn't work. It's a big hacky mess of whatever the hell and is held together by scotch tape. It's not about learning how it works to survive it. You just got to be lucky, that's all.

Delivered to some good looking chick today so it was worth it. I kinda like that part about doing this. Baddass looking girls walking around down in the city and just riding bikes with their booty out. Nice nice nice... Thanks for the view.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Brett Ratner under fire

But it's like calling michael bay out on his mysognistic views. It's like, DUH. I don't understand the uproar. Ratner ALWAYS has been a sexist pig and never tried to hide it. This is as non-story as it gets. I don't particulalry support his behavior but he's NEVER hid it. Always put it out there. Nobody looked at him as more than who he was, a sophomoric big douche bag who oddly is a competent director at times...

I think he'll be fine. I hope he responds to the allegations in a humorous light since it's like, yeah, he's made it clear as day who he is. If you think you can hang out with him at a club and not get sexually uncomfortable that's on you....

This is not to me a case where some jerk hollywood asshole deceived innocent actresses into sleeping with him or making sleazy advances.

Brett Freakin Ratner has always been a sleazy hollywood asshole and has never hid it at all... what are they talking about?