Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Brett Ratner under fire

But it's like calling michael bay out on his mysognistic views. It's like, DUH. I don't understand the uproar. Ratner ALWAYS has been a sexist pig and never tried to hide it. This is as non-story as it gets. I don't particulalry support his behavior but he's NEVER hid it. Always put it out there. Nobody looked at him as more than who he was, a sophomoric big douche bag who oddly is a competent director at times...

I think he'll be fine. I hope he responds to the allegations in a humorous light since it's like, yeah, he's made it clear as day who he is. If you think you can hang out with him at a club and not get sexually uncomfortable that's on you....

This is not to me a case where some jerk hollywood asshole deceived innocent actresses into sleeping with him or making sleazy advances.

Brett Freakin Ratner has always been a sleazy hollywood asshole and has never hid it at all... what are they talking about?

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