Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Glad I stayed home today

Was thinking about going down into the bowels of manhattan to do some caviar and postmates back to back and make the big bucks. Today's a hot day for both, they're offering more money since I guess people are throwing parties today and don't want to get off the butts and go shop for food. Want it delivered. Sadly bunch of cyclists down in manhattan have been mowed down by a truck. They're dead. I have to comment on this tragic event since I have been witnessing cyclists merely days ago hogging lanes of traffic. Did these particular ones ask for what happened to them, maybe maybe not. But I was driving a lot around manhattan and had to deal with cyclists taking over lanes and just being jerks to cars and showing no respect, riding slow forcing me to have to slow down... I thought about it, it won't be me, but one of these days you're gonna piss the wrong guy off and regret it...  They're calling it an accident, but no, you got to really be on drugs to hit a bunch of bikers unintentionally... I'm leaning more towards them cutting the trucker off and pissing him off and he said, Ok, I'll give show you who's boss around here.

My message to bikers in manhattan, use the sidewalk. It's right there... why are you in the road? Not to make light of this tragedy, but it's like probably a big empty sidewalk they could have used right next to them... But they refuse to just jump over and stay out of traffic half the time... I hope this changes something about their behavior.

Edit: Naw just an asshole being an asshole. Judging by new yorker's attitudes you'd easily draw that conclusion.

Watch what's going to happen now. Clump will try to divert attention to this attack so he can look like a saint despite impeachment looking very possible now. Will it work? People are dumb enough to make it work so perhaps. Like I've been saying, not at all easy to turn people against a clean cut white guy, even if it's Dump.

Second, watch this attack make New Yorkers put on the patriotism costume we all wore after 9/11. Then turned right around and went back to treating each other like rotten shit. I mean I don't. I'm nice to everybody. But, no, Manhattan's full of assholes of all kinds, watch you bleed in the street and walk away kinda assholes... Let's see how long this NY Love fest lasts this time.

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