Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Big masses of gravititty

I'm just a ramp agent and all, don't know nuttin bout no science, but been watching some documentaries on astronomy and it hit me, really, why does all this shit exist? We got theories about a big bang, like some kind of bomb went off and we're the remains of gazillions of years of some explosion. Bang, like sex, explosion, like a fucking orgasm, right... oh you sneaky science nerds.

Then i think about the word hot. Used often colloquially to denote a female's level of attractiveness. And of course superficially it doesn't make sense, what's a girl's temp have to do with anything sexual. In my mind it's related to life itself. We are dependent on a very HOT ball of gas called the sun, which besides water, is the catalyst for all life on this planet and possibly life anywhere else in the universe. granted they have a source of heat. In that respect, girls too are a source of life for our species. Therefore girls who are sexually attractive are considered hot or in my mind full of energy, aka life itself.

But what other words do we use to describe a female in her peak breeding period. We call them babes, obviously derived from the word babies. Which needs no explanation. Something I've thought of, what's up with calling girls chics. Why are they like birds? Bitches I can understand, because they're a lot like pets. I guess it's the way they look, kind of like birds big rumps and all. And the high pitched voices sound like chirping at times. though I think cows would be more appropriate a comparison.

I propose a more nutritional word be used to describe girls because they're supposed to be a source of food when they start lactating from their nipples. I have this idea of calling them tasty, delicious, yummy, candy, things like that.

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