Friday, December 31, 2010

Revenge of the sith: Final thoughts

Some focus has gone back to star wars due to that plinkett fellow's review of revenge of the sith. It's a fitting final nail in the coffin for the franchise. Hopefully the prequels will be nothing more than a misstep in an otherwise golden period in film history that was the original star wars films.

first a little history to set the stage. i am here today because of star wars, as in, I'm on the web etc. Most of these movie sites that are hugely popular and have indeed become full careers for a lot of nerds is a result of the prequels and special editions. I witnessed them grow, way back in the days of dialup as I scavenged daily for any little nuggets of info on tpm. I got through high school because of star wars. literally, it was all I had. On one side was the daily bullshit of highschool, and the other, the beauty and unlimited imagination of star wars.

In that sense I still have a fondness for the prequels, not for the films they are, which is shit, but for the cultural phenomenon they re-ignited. Star wars was nothing to me as a kid but some fantasy looking thing on a cereal box. then when I asked my half sister wtf this star wars shit was, she told me it was great, that luke loses a hand, and stuff that just blew my kid brain. I had to see this so I... well, I got the se for christmas and the rest is history, my life was star wars after that. Funny thing is that I remember seeing empire strikes back on cable some time waaay the fuck back before hearing about star war's legendary status and I thought it was some tv show or something, didn't register that it was a star wars movie, had no idea... but I remember thinking it was really epic and cool, way moreso than it actually is...

And that's how it is kind of again, I'm getting back to not giving a damn about star wars the way I used to as a kid, but I'm too emotionally invested in the franchise to just let it go... just means too much...

well I'm driven to say my piece on revenge too tonight. Lucas just threw up his hands and quit, you can just tell, he didn't care anymore about creating enduring works of art, and just said "fuck it" It happens to artists, as they sell out, lose the passion etc. Or in this case, the force.

The film pretends to be deeper and darker than it ever had a chance of being following the shitty nonsense before it. And sinks to the level of shoving violent and gruesome images down our throats as a 'quick and easy' way of making itself seem dark and adult. There's shocking images, and then there's an image of a character you've gotten to know for so long losing a hand and learning his father's pure evil, something lucas should have known about and most likely did, but just didn't care anymore. It's called subtlety, less is more. Mystery, drama, emotional attachment. This stuff is absent from the new movies because they're too cluttered with bullshit, like a jack of all trades master of none.

Yes you have a shit load of cgi flying around, but I don't care.
I know you have a guy with fifty lightsabers, but I don't care.
Oh indeed, some jackass wants to save his wife from dying, but I don't care, he's an asshole.

And on and on and on...

Maybe I'm too old, I think, maybe if I was 10 I'd love the prequels, yeah... not really. I never liked the feel of tpm compared to the originals. The best parts were the parts that didn't include jar jar in the least, or involve the stupid frog guys. Just maul, the jedi, the war stuff, heaven. Then I watch the originals, and that's prettymuch all they are, jedi, war, and darth vader, so wtfffffffffffffffffff was all the other stuff for?

And it just keeps getting piled on film after film, now we got yoda unnecessarily weilding a blade like he's some rookie who just learned to swing one, then there's the crap with jedi ghosts not really being explained, nor palpatines appearance, or the force itself really. The orignal film didn't just say there was such a thing as magic fairy powers and not tell you what it was, but that's precisely what the prequels want you to do, just roll with whatever the fuck the characters seem to be talking about... I dare say, I'd have been a bit confused by these movies as a kid.

At least star wars was not dumb, in fact it's the reason I liked it in the first place, they were smart movies, almost like watching a complex novel on screen, shit that happened in the first movie paid off in the last movie, things were paralleled, there was SUBTLETY, characters grew and changed, there was order and thought put into them, not like a lot of other movies. The prequels throw all this away and bring star wars down to the level I always believed it was above.

And the joke is, when the fx become outdated on them, there's nothing left to keep you interested. EVERY videogame out these days is just as action packed and shit as the prequels action scenes, and they suffer the same problem though they can get away with it, of not having anything to become emotionally attatched to on screen.

Granted, I'm speaking from the perspective of a grown negro, who KNOWS now more than as a child how movies are made, but still I DARE you to convince me that the craftsmanship of the prequel story even comes anywhere near making as much sense as the one for the original. It simply doesn't. And that's why it fails. Not because of the fx or style before substance, but because the story is stupid.

Just sitting here I can remember the essence of the original characters as they are apart from the actors portraying them, their souls. The only one I recall at all in the preqs is Obi-wan and he wasn't given shit to do really but chill in the first movie, then bitch in the second, and GOD knows what in the third film.

I LOVED waiting for the movies, I HATED the films, And I wish I could get that time I wasted back, but I'll look on the bright side and say I enjoyed dreaming of star wars' beginnings all those years. Too bad really, that they failed.

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