Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump is president

Wow, never thought I'd see the day. A simpsons parody becomes reality.

That's it for the USA, this shit's going down hill fast as fuck.

I mean, will it truly be gloom and doom. People say if we can survive Bush's incompetence, Trump shouldn't be that big a deal. And well, America's a giant corporation when you get down to it, trump knows how to run those backwards and forwards. Maybe he'll be good on the financial side of things, able to spend money wisely, who knows.

What he's not good for, the minority populations Whites want trump because obviously he's a top ranking KKK member and their interests will be thoroughly taken care of in the end.

It is what it is, the KKK running things all day. Nothing new to see here.

I'll be in canada in the coming months, not going to be having anything to do with USA anyway. Always wanted to live in Canada. Nothing happens up there, might as well.

No, I don't think shit's going to hit the fan for USA. Bush was a complete retard and yet, well, only massive war and death took place during his term...

Yep, what the fuck am I saying. Get out while you can people...

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