Saturday, December 14, 2019

crazy huh

I really should ignore twitter, I tell myself a lot of things. We as a society today are far too innundated with information. I shouldn't even talk about it, I left that world behind and I try my best not to concern myself with whatever the blue farts is happening in today's kid-world but it's kinda interesting to look at it and think about it. I got put through fight club that was the school system growing up. I absolutely think it's a rancid waste of time and only helps turn normal people crazy and think school has got to be demolished and forgotten as the ancient obsolete useless thing that it truly is. It will, times have changed drastically, we can do school digitally if necessary, whatever. Just don't stuff young rowdy people in a box for hours and hope that works, it's as they say, prison-lite... I don't condone that, and I've had my problems with it, but living life making money, being around big boobed females at work who I could enjoy looking at instead of a bunch of dumbass dipshits, it's been a smarter way to live.

So what's got my interest today, some white boy on a bus getting into fights with some girls. I'll tell you this from my perspective as a kid going to school on the daily florida bus. Yes, it's happened to me. White kids down there are going to playfully push the black kid's buttons every chance they get and do the whole subtle racism crap. I mean, it's the reality. I knew kids of all colors going to school in florida, some white kids were indifferent to the racism they witnessed, didn't give a fuck about it and I glanced over to one kid who basically gave me a "sorry about them" look when two girls were picking on me on the bus.

You think it's a vid about some innocent boy being jumped by the gangster girl club or some shit (that's another point to make, how hard can a f'n girl even hit...) but the interweb storm that's being blown up over this does get to me.

Stuff like this happeneds on the daily in those buses at those schools. Back in my ancient ass times, we just didn't film it, and you know what? Yes I experienced stupidity from some white kids at school in florida. Guess what? I'm here, I'm going about my life. It didn't own my existence. Shit like this happens then people realize life is bigger than that one day at school...

I'm sad we've devolved into this media tribal society bullshit, sad... lost a lot of that 'tough it out' persona we used to believe in or at least I did.

I hope it doesn't go over the deep end and we do not become too tribal and lacking the ability to have common sense or maybe we're already there, I don't honestly know. Look at the blow up over the stuff it makes me think a lot of things. Ok this looks bad, the kkk just got their new recruitment video...

That too is something that bothers me, because it impacts me. Every time these damn things happen blacks behaving badly or whatever, it's going to get magnified and looked at as reflective of all blacks. No two black people are the same. get that shit through your skulls. There is no "black people" we're individuals and crap just like you.

Anyway I felt sorry for the kid who got whooped by some girls then I saw the other video the one they were'nt showing where apparently he's up to no good and harassing the girls months prior so I'm like, oh there it is. It's about something deeper. I mean when I got into fights, it's me fighting back against some idiot who's got his brain on backwards, I can't say what the truth is but if you just started recording with me going nuts on some jackass you'd think I was the bad guy, all I'm gonna say. I don't care that much anyway they'll all forget that dumbass school that dumbass bus and that dumbass day years from now... moving on...

As for what the hell I'm up to, got some plans for things I want to do, still trying to study more martial arts and improve. I'm not even doing it because of the action expo believe it or not, easy to think that but I've been into it since forever, just didn't have the knowledge about what to do which thankfully they have quite a lot of info on online.

It's tough. There will be pain. I'm wondering to myself how much I can take, but I'd like to be able to f'n do a really sweet sequel to static shock or a last dragon thing with actual great looking fighting so I'm training towards that.

That's the goal, get into beast mode type of shape, that's the end goal.

Piano is coming along thanks to my discovery that memorizing things comes through retrieval not repetition.

Look it up, it's true. Your mind simply put prioritizes what it "needs" so you have to trick your bain into thinking you need to remember something.

That's it, lastly will I be checking out rise of skywalker? I don't think I will. Unless it's chalked up to be the second coming, I know what JJ is capable of and I'm not into what he can do, no.

I don't care about the new cast, don't really want to continue supporting this limp meh series. Mandalorian is great tho. Should release that in theaters, call it a day.

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