Wednesday, December 4, 2019

shenmue getting ripped all day

Kinda sad about it, I mean anyone who's somewhat knowledgeable about pc games knows hackers will rip prettymuch any game some point or emulate it, only a matter of time and persistence. So of course shenmue is on all the piracy sites leaving no one a true reason to purchase it. I will out of loyalty but that sucks, its sales are doing poor numbers since no one needs to buy it, and I do blame the way pirates do things, sure but also blame the company for not making an online fighter component built into shenmue that would force you to need a real copy for you to get to enjoy it, or just allow people to rent the game for a few days. I rented shenmue 1 from blockbuster played it beat it, gave it back afterwards, do the same with this one. I hope it is rentable or part of a rent service, let me take a look...

Only on ps4 which can't be ripped anyway, so there you have it, stepped on their own toes by not trying to prevent piracy hard enough. Oh that's crazy stuff. Shenmue 3 might be the last one we get forever since who's going to want to support non profit game making...

It shouldn't come down to backyard crowd funded indie game level nonsense for shenmue, that's just nonsense. It's the game that gave birth to a whole generation of open world games, we'd simply not have them all if shenmue didn't attempt the giant leap to the next level.

Just sayin, it's messed up stuff... I think down the line it'll turn a profit for sure, right now considering what has been said about it and it's non-advancement of the plot, then yeah maybe begging 60 bucks for it is outrageous. You can find better for that money. It's a dif world now, yanno. Used to be some collectors value to owning the actual physical copy of the game etc. Nice box art, inserts, sometimes a full poster or map. So the full 50 dollar price had some kind of meaning to it, but to pay that much for a download, absolute nonsense.

Biggest mistake I've personally made paying full price for both star wars games I got. I mean wow, had no clue BF2 would be a giant mess of a game with constant updates and tweaks and essentially they released a beta kept developing the game month after month trying to fix the messy garbage they put out. Disgraceful and that's without hyperbole, they've been nothing but complete clowns in charge of a massive star wars game, and I dread playing it, just waiting for the next glitch or unbalanced unfair thing.

So it's understandable why people would pirate it first, there's no demo out to get to try it. We have games that are relased full premium deluxe price that are only half finished, no one wants to waste their money on these failures anymore. Apparently shenmue is not fully cooked either with many finding it to be less than fun to slug through than typical... wow, goddamn, don't know how I'm going to wait until the price drops but that's when I'll buy it, I'm not pulling down the big bucks so forget it, no full price for me and it's just hilarious to watch the prices for these games drop to like nothing dollars after initially selling for some inflated amount...

So the trial and the stuff going on and the impeachment and the thousandth thing that will finally get rid of this dumbass in charge of nukes.... how's this all coming along? As usual I find myself feeling like there's a real chance to get rid of this big fart but then those who have the option slip and miss the target as I actually kinda thought would happen, it did. Won't go into details but they're tripping over themselves rather than just being careful enough not to give the bad guys a foot to stand on in this stuff. Oh well, press on, eh. I don't have much knowledge about things, but yeah I do think people with power need to be checked and balanced, if they step out of line, do something... simple.

Haven't we had enough of this by now, the incompetence, the lies, the fake pictures of themself on top of rocky? When's this simpsons episode going to be over... It's not funny. The douche bag's never had someone smack him in the face in his life and tell him to fucking behave. So it's time to do it now.

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