Thursday, December 19, 2019

The hell

Well nobody's lying. I will say that much. Those that hate it outright are right, those that find it good are also right.

It's a square down the middle unashamed fan film with a huge budget.

As a fanboy who's watched fan films about star wars for many years growing up, star wars kid vid, the dorkman vs ryan fight, thumb wars, f'n all that crazy crap we used to do, especially a lost hope film, best example of the fun star wars was in the old days...yes, I'm an oldbie now as we used to call old forum users. I've been around for decades on star wars messageboards, I've seen it all.

I say sure give it a look as a fanboy. I was thinking yanno it'd be too much like TFA with Abrams trying to force feed his lame characters on us but he didn't or was aware we didn't like them and just kept them as respectable if cardboard cut out characters who had to conclude their story somehow.

As an actual movie it's a mess and the best description is muddled. I liken it to John Carter of Mars or whatever else big dumb blockbusters come and go all the time from disney or, yeah most apt comparison is pirates of the caribbean. It's like watching one of those, lots of mediocrity mixed with bits of genius.

The worst thing about it is palpatine, but yanno I get it. JJ said fuck it and the movie's gleefully well aware it's just playing the same note EVERY fan fiction has played and almost winks at us in its lack of originality just to give Ian full reign of palps one last time. I wish it didn't. I wish Ian told JJ no, I respect palpatine too much to turn him into a farce, that kinda thing...

He didn't. He came back, he went and got killed again. The end?

Will I be paying to see this? No. I'm not wrong for wanting to skip off this one. It's a catch it on tv one day and say oh this is nice movie...

It's not worth it to go pay and all that, not to me. It doesn't finish the story and we still have  a billion questions about it all in the end, it had ONE JOB, finish the story and I can't say it did.

It's good though if you are a fan and those fan moments are good, very good, otherwise it's like a big clunky semi deranged slog through everything return of the jedi did already.

I'm indifferent to it as a lot of people are. It's neither the best star wars or complete failure, it just is and that's what we've gotten used to with the prequels. I'd have hoped for more than aiming for what the prequels accomplished, that's all the ST as it's called now ended up doing, matching the awkward misfire of the prequel trilogy without anywhere near the creativity and balls Lucas had.

I'm tired too. Just kinda tired of these Indy 4 kinda films where they just do it out of a last chance attitude. Got to not do that, that's all. Leave that shit to fan fiction and comics or whatever.

Oh, I'm just tired now... RotS burned me out never thought I'd end up back on that same old friggin point ever again yet here I am.

As for where this leads or goes now with the franchise. This might have done it no matter how decent a movie it was in spots, this might have caused the pot to boil over and we will see mass rejection of further disney star wars except for their tv and streaming stuff since that's actually quality... All I'm thinking is that they'll need to kinda ignore the ST in the future, ironic too since they've been content ignoring the PT for a while now, there's nothing from the ST I personally care about or need anymore and it will be remembered as about as much as we all remember star trek's sequels and misfires. I'd have hoped star wars was above that. It wasn't.

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