Saturday, May 21, 2016

How I think ghostbusters will do

Not stellar. That's not the film they made. It's a by the numbers scooby doo movie we're getting, not a solid entry in the ghostbusters series.

But it won't flop. It won't outright bomb. A lot of parents will flock to this movie bring their kids for birthday parties or some such thing.

To sit and say it'll go out like a puff of smoke in the wind, is truly blind. It's not some big depressing emo movie that's full of violence, it's a light hearted silly kids film and you have to look at that and say, when it's for kids, it will most likely make a buck no matter what the fuck it is. Parents need to take their kids to movies and they can't take them to half the shit out there, so I predict ghostbusters will fall right into that nice little spot where parents feel safe and comfortable bringing their kid to a movie.

I personally hope it flops. That's the only way to send a hard cold message to studios that you SHOULD leave a classic movie alone and not bastardize it and whore it out for a buck.

Will it? Sadly no. Angryvideogame dude is correct. We are getting another Michael Bay Transformers movie at this very moment in time.

I had nothing but high hopes for transformers in 2007. What a bunch of time I've wasted caring about this series of films. They've been NOTHING but horrible. Nothing saves those movies, NOTHING. They're everything Idiocracy was warning about. Makes me want to go back to school and get educated or some shit, cuz if society is indeed heading towards movies like "ass" we're in serious trouble...

Ghostbusters is ASS the movie we're getting. Why did it come to this? Just constatnly getting ASS the movie from studios these days.... so sad...

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