Tuesday, January 20, 2015

thinking about future of gaming

I guess its destiny. Been a gamer all my fucking life, I used to play atari in the living room if that tells you anything. I know quite a substantial amount about videogames since I've been playing them forever. I mean I'm not even impressed by the current gen of videogames because honestly the shit I grew up on kicked my ass so hard, I feel like I'm playing shitty watered down crap these days. My games were so hard core difficult, I mean, you have to respect a game that makes you play it a 100 times over to beat one fucking level, and then when you beat it you feel like a GOD among men after that point. I swear to god. No kid can say that about today's games, where there's NO fault for failing.

Sorry but my gen of games, you sucked, you failed. No soup for you. Today's gen of games? Eh it's ok to suck, don't improve your skills or nothing, it's all good...

Sorry but I come from an age where you had to fight and claw your way through hell to win, and that's the point, not this shit they're serving.

Sadly games have evolved to the point where they're making the graphics the whole fucking selling point of the game.

I mean I come from a time where graphics were not going to save a game, the game maker had to create a really deep meaningful gaming experience in order to actually capture the players interest in beating the game.

I mean as much as I love the new GTA games, the best GTA will always be GTA III. Sorry, no amount of awesome planes to fly, and swimming, and bike riding, etc, will top that games perfect balance of gameplay and impressive visuals. I just remember those being the best times, sitting there in my room marveling at the gaming brilliance that was the GTA 3 game. Finally Gaming had jumped to the next level, finally gaming had become a real living world to inhabit. I mean as I played super mario as a kid, I wished I could just sit in the level and just explore the world and not have to try to beat anything. But there was never going to be a mario like that, wouldn't make sense. They always make it so you have to beat the game to progress...

So I'm playing GTA V now that I finally got my ps3 back up and running. It's just a truly maserful game, really desreves all the accolades and high ratings it gets. It's certainly not a game to ignore or look down upon. It's getting better too with heists on the horizon. But something irks me about it still, the game is great as far sa visuals go. That's where all the money went. They wanted to craft a fucking gorgeous fucking GTA game that would contend with even the best graphics on any system for years to come. Makes me wonder what's the big upgrade going to be from what I'm seeing on my ps3 to the next gen. I look at the comparison photos and shit and yeah the ps4 version does look slightly better but the ps3 version's nobody's bitch, they really crafted a goddamn great genius shit in this game. Why do I have to spend google billions to have more hairs visible on the dog or some shit like that? It'll never be photo real, why should the lack of extra detail be so much of a concern?

I'm good where I'm at, just going to continue rocking GTA on ps3 thanks...

Will we ever return to days of classic gaming is the question. I'm sure many old school gamers ask that question, not just me.

Will we ever see a game that balances game play with today's damn near photo realistic graphics? I'm sure hideo Kojima's going to be the only one to figure out that mystery.

And it is a mystery. We're there today. We're all sitting here in a world where gaming companies have abandoned the old school style of videogames in favor of bigger better more impressive graphics. And to me as a admirier of old games that made the most out of nothing but 2d graphics and just very clever smart game play, to suddenly play a game where the objective basically boils down to pick this up and put it over there all day, is truly dissappointing as ass.

I mean that's all I'm doing in GTA onine. Basically 90 percent of the missions are go here, pick up this shit, put it over here.

Lord knows figuring out the missions and game play aspects of GTA V was where R dropped the ball. It's just insultingly simplisitic. Some missions are challenging as fuck though, like the one where you have to open a safe while guys are trying to kill you. More missions like that would really be sweet. I mean anything's possible now. They can put in any kind of game play that they want. I mean we've yet to see a mission that demands you go from battling on the ground to actually going in the air and dog fighting for a little while, but we'll see. the future will be intersting as R figures out how to balance the whole mission creator thing with their own updates and heist missions. We'll see....

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